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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. 15 hours ago, Whooohooo said:

    no... its an orbiter not liset

    orbiter is kind of... mothership

    liset is landing ship

    and third door contain spoiler in game story


    hmm.. is it the same door ? or the one on the right ? (same side with relic)

    While this is the "official" understanding, Evidence suggests that the Liset and Orbitor are the same things and appear to possess a Tardis effect... 

  2. 4 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

    The problem with that is that the artists will either have to make two skins or the skin will work on the Prime. I don't think DE will allow Prime models to work on vanilla for this to work. 

    Well it kinda works already, but many items just get the texture placed on top, like Ember Prime and her thigh armor, or Hydroids shoulder pads, if the option was at least there ppl might use it to make their skins better fit prime accessories... 

  3. They need to make the Prime and Deluxe skins available in the tennogen software so we can build stuff aimed to be complementary to such items.
    at the moment you need to screw around trying to make them the correct shades for the various texture types.

  4. 5 hours ago, zornyan said:

    Only one afaik and that’s eve online.

    Go look up "Game Economy Designer" not only is there multiple dev studios looking for them, it's beyond doubt that any serious game with a market of any sort has hired one in the past to crunch numbers and give expected numbers.

  5. 16 hours ago, Vespilan said:
      Reveal hidden contents


    Dear void-fissure excavation player,

    Your teammate.


    Dearest Vespilan,

    I fear that typically, the 'teammates' you so eloquently reference, show a level of fissure ineptitude which belies their similar inadequacy in efforts to rectify such ghastly misunderstandings to which you have portrayed, subsequently your innocuous yet bellicose letter is unlikely to ever fall within the hypothetical intersecting Venn segment of both forum and 'teammate' populations.

    My condolences to any expectations that may have persisted beyond your original asseveration.

    His Majesty, Edgelord and eater of faces,

  6. 21 minutes ago, EmberStar said:

    I don't play Warframe to experience "the hard game."  If I wanted to be punched in the face repeatedly by a game for even being stupid enough to play it, I'd own Dark Souls.  And I certainly don't expect the MID TIER bounty to be "the hard game."  THAT is what I feel is the problem.  The scaling is badly off, and the camp is literally flooding with highly armored enemies faster than I could possibly kill them.  The heavily armored Archwing enemies are to massive a threat to ignore, and multiple Nox and mortar commanders kill me more or less instantly if I *do* try to deal with the flyers.  I've never been able to complete a Secure the Camp segment, with any warframe or weapon combo.  If I don't eat enough damage to blow through all my revives in thirty seconds, the camp floods with enemies and I fail anyway because the Control level goes from Strong to F.U. in a matter of seconds.

    In any case, I no longer care.  I'm done with POE.  I might still go night fishing once in a while, because the Grineer will at least go away and stay away once you shoot them after dark.  But the between the bugs and broken scaling, trying to solo bounties is a complete and utter waste of time.  Oh, and the fun little detail that I'm even locked out of the Waybound Focus powers, because I'm never going to even pretend to waste my (or anyone elses) time getting crushed by an Eidolon over and over.

    So basically because you don't want to have to make an effort, the rest of us should have a pushover with no challenge or difficulty. Either there are the hard bits or there is not, giving you what you want means the rest of us who wipe our arse with the 'impossibility' you call 'mid-tier' have nothing but butter to cut through. There is always going to be harder parts either you adapt and overcome or succumb to your weakness and leave.

    The mid-tier is far from the hard game, if you think they are hard, you need to really evaluate what it is your doing wrong, because the mid-tier is nothing to a big portion of us.

  7. On 26/11/2017 at 9:07 PM, elpapitoluizito said:

    Seriously is people crazy?this mods are destroying the economy in game now everything is cheaper and eiven mods selling for 2000 pl


    WTF,how do you ask 2k pl for a mod?wtf?you can buy all the primes in the game with all that pl,what happens in the brain of the people?

    Literally when DE invented this godlike mods they destroyed the whole economy of the trading chat.

    This is stupid, You don;t NEED a Riven, and none are worth 2K plat, if you think you need to buy it, or worry about them being on the market, you have your priorities in the wrong place, They are not "godlike", they are not required to make a weapon good.

    If idiots want to spend 2K on a Riven, let them waste their money. Why do you "need" one? Why do you think this even warrants a forum post?

  8. On 27/11/2017 at 7:08 AM, EmberStar said:

    This is a forum for feedback, not ranting.  So here is my feedback:  The "secure the camp" objective, where you have to repel an unstoppable tide of Grineer troops, Nox, Archwing fighters, and that freaking near-indestructible bomber, is BROKEN.  It is NOT scaling for a single player.  I've tried it with Frost, Inaros, Ember, and even Limbo.  If I have a frame defensive enough to not die over and over every time the cheaty bomber flies past, I still can't do enough damage to kill the bomber *and* actually kill the Grineer faster than they spawn.  And they drop in *really* fast.

    For those of you about to give a "No, that's really easy" reply:  Good for you, it must be awesome to be so l33t.  I've seen videos of someone like Tactical Potato simply vaporizing the bombers, so obviously there's *some* nearly broken build that can kill them.  However, I don't have access to it, and it *shouldn't be necessary* to have a five or six forma weapon with a god-tier riven just to solo the *mid tier* bounty.  I'm not even discussing the T4 and T5 bounties.  For me, it's a complete waste of time and energy cookies to even attempt those.

    I've done it with Rhino, Frost and Saryn many many times... If you want to play the hard game, you need to have the good builds, There are many options out there.

  9. I don't get all this 3 prime talk, the 2 prime packs are plenty, 2x2 unvaultings a year, 4 Primes going into the Vault a year... Seems balanced to me, 18-24 months after a Frame is Vaulted it comes out of the Vault for a month... Does that not seem reasonable?
    If they keep adding to the vaulting every year in 2 years we'll have 5 Primes coming out every 6 months... which is a bit of an overload.

  10. 6 hours ago, (PS4)LovesLost13 said:

    So I am curious what truly counts for God roll. I know crit chance and crit damage I believe are high contenders but there is also drawbacks. So what true stats put together would be considered a God Roll?

    One thing I have not seen anyone mentions is Stat Grade.

    I use 2 things to define a "Godly Riven"
    1) Stat Set (the 2-4 stat types that are relevant to the weapon the riven is for)
    2) Stat Grade (this is the range each stat type can be, Godly obviously being on the high end for Positive or Low of Negative)

    The Stat Set is a little relative, depends on the weapon and the typical loadout for the weapon, so it's a little subjective.
    The Stat Grade is not relative however, it is the number within a given possible range.

    Here are two of my Graded mods, both are good and the Amprex one is close to Godly, but I do not consider either Goldy, and I am yet to see a Godly Riven, People on the chat are full of BS when they say their Riven is godly, I run it through the WF Black Market and check the Grades, you can also use a Riven Grade Calculator.


    The Multishot and Damage is Good in the Stat Set Catagory, The Multishot alone is Godly for this weapon with an A+ (max 71.7%), But for this Riven to be truly Godly, it would need ~119.4% Critical Chance and ~95.5% Critical Damage in place of the Ammo and Damage.

    This Riven is very subjective for Stat Set, and average for Stat Grade. I already had a channeling build for my Reaper Prime on my Necros, so for that specific build the Stat Set is very good, but it could have up to 289.2% Melee Damage and 263.9% Channeling Damage.

    As I said, I'm yet to see a Godly Riven, if you Grade run any of the "Godly" Rivens being sold around, you'll never see any real ones, they are as rare as divine intervention...

    So yeah, to get a truly Godly Riven it needs the correct Stat Set, and for each of those Stats in the Stat Set to be of High (A+) Stat Grade.

  11. Just now, (PS4)rolandassassin said:

    Hello, i have 150 hours in and iam Mastery 10. I finished all missions and quests, have almost every nonvaulted Prime and now what? 

    How do these 300+ hours players still enjoy the game? 

    Lately after “finishing” the game all i do are relics, sorties, upgrading, getting better gear, leveling syndicates, trading, well.. grinding.

    I enjoy the gameplay but i feel at this point that iam just brainwashing myself and becoming “mmo player”

    Fun is decreasing very quickly for me now. 

    I look at all these missions, alerts, invasions, sorties but feel like there is nothing else do, its just fill. 

    Any tips how to further enjoy this? Or this endgame is just not my cup of tea?


    I build each Prime (or new frame) out to a custom build, of my own creation, that includes an individual set of weapons and particular look, I also work on mastery, trying new weapons, also collecting end game items like Rivens, at some point your going to exhaust all quests, so you need to find your own things to work towards.

  12. On 13/11/2017 at 8:23 AM, Seracen said:

    Hey DE, when will you fix the Breath of the Eidolon drop rate?  I have more Eidolon lens bps than I do Breath (which I need to build the lenses, go figure!)  Pretty clear the unavailability of BoE  is broken and creating an unintentional choke point for most of the higher end content on the Plains.  Any word on when a fix is coming?

    well lucky you, I have 0 Eidolon Lenses, and 73 BotE atm...

  13. 17 hours ago, Ezekeel666 said:

    4. Forge has no queue

    "And what did you do last night?" - "I played Warframe for an hour." - "Cool, what did you do? Kill Grineer, slaughter Corpus, roast Infested?" - "Nah. I build 60 Ciphers."

    I mean seriously, how is this not in the game yet? Wake up people.

    I set up a macro recently to L Click, Enter, wait 1 minute, L Click... repeat... just so I could make 30 minutes worth of Energy Pizzas in the Foundry while I made Dinner and had a shower...

    Forma, Pizzas and some other stuff needs a Queue for 10-20 lots of the item.

  14. On 13/10/2017 at 12:49 PM, (Xbox One)AntiCaesar said:

    Sadly Mesa to bring in the cold hard Christmas cash

    That seems like a statement of fact...
    You don't know this, and given the change to Mirage about to happen, it seems a lot more likely to be Mirage.

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