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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. 6 minutes ago, Reefermun said:

    I like the sound of this, but how do we get friendly AIs to use it?

    I've not really considered AIs, I was mainly speaking of players, I guess they should act like an enemy in that case.

    6 minutes ago, bl4ckhunter said:

    woudln't be a bad idea but banish is aoe now thought, if i'm meleeing a group of somethings i wouldn't want to suddendly be the only thing that doesn't get banished, i think that a better solution would be for banish to put you directly in the rift first and THEN giving you the rift roll ability for a duration during which you can't banished again. 

    That might be better.

    The other option is for the AOE on allies be an area that Procs on them only and does not put anything in the rift unless they already have the proc., so you don't need a pinpoint accuracy on a tenno like you do now. Maybe downed state player would still go into the rift...

    This is getting complicated already lol

  2. I've posted in a few threads about this already but I think it really needs a thread to not get lost.

    So far little has need said on how Limbos abilities will work on allies, ATM, as many already know he is the master troll frame, I'm sure you at least know some1 who has been trolled by a limbo in the past, where they follow you around the map putting you in rift when ever they can, forcing you to roll out over and over.

    The limbo rework is a good opportunity to lessen that issue substantially or remove it completely.


    I personally think that his new Banish needs to apply a proc to allies when it's used on them, on a power duration timer that allows them to possess Limbos new Rift Walk ability, and just as with Volt they can back flip out of having it. On top of that I think the timer should be refreshed if it's cast again on the ally and it does not put them in the rift on cast, they need to actually use the Rift Walk to enter the rift.


    I can't see how this could be abused and allows Limbo to really make his team support aspect worthwhile and not just a troll power.


  3. I mostly agree with OP, however what I didn't see touched on was Banish on allies...

    Lately I've been seeing increasing numbers of trolling limbos, constantly throwing you into the rift while you're in mid melee attack or firing so suddenly as you're killing things, you stop killing things and need to roll out, having someone do this every 5-10 seconds is beyond irritating.

    Using Banish on allies IMO should be a PROC on allies that is off by default and allows the player to use Limbos rift walk in and out either in the same way Limbo does or via some other key combo like double click roll.

  4. I mostly agree with OP, however what I didn't see touched on was Banish on allies...

    Lately I've been seeing increasing numbers of trolling limbos, constantly throwing you into the rift while you're in mid melee attack or firing so suddenly as you're killing things, you stop killing things and need to roll out, having someone do this every 5-10 seconds is beyond irritating.

    Using Banish on allies IMO should be a PROC on allies that is off by default and allows the player to use Limbos rift walk in and out either in the same way Limbo does or via some other key combo like double click roll.

  5. On 03/02/2017 at 11:58 PM, Atsun said:

    Looking for a Rubico Riven mod with the next stats

    I know they are not your wanted stats, but I got these I want to get rid of, they are not levelled and have not been re-rolled. I don't want them so I'd take any reasonable offer.


  6. I feel like people that just grind and grind Kuva day after day till they have exactly the mod they want are doing it wrong...

    I take it as a long term thing to work on slowly as I do other stuff in the game, and every few days I notice I have enough Kuva to make a roll on something, choose the better mod and keep doing other things. 

  7. 57 minutes ago, Roachester said:

    The rewards are pretty inconsequential to gameplay, so I really don't get why people feel like they're being "forced" to play this event at all.

    While I as a paying player don't care enough to play a possible 12 rounds of that crap (even though both times I tried I was stuck in match up screen for 10 minutes before I gave up) I do know a few free-2-play clan members who are desperate for Reactors and if they want to max out a frame to an end game level really need to get that Reactor, which means being forced to play a clunky as hell side mode of conclave that frankly is not particularly fun at all IMHO.


    If they want me to give a crap about conclave, allow us to use its mods in PvE... 


  8. 3 hours ago, (PS4)bogsters23 said:

    Hi everyone!

    Just want to know if there are some tennos here that don't have the war yet and if you do what was your MR when you got it or did you just buy it from the market?

    MR 19 here still waiting for it to drop... I started around april of last year just around the time the prime access was saryn. i have all prime warframes minus excal please stalker i need war. hehe

    click link below for poll when you got your war




    I started around about the same time and got it from second dream...

    But I'm yet to get Dispair...

  9. 1 hour ago, Hatschi247 said:

    ahhh well...another sortie that didn't amount to anything...

    selling mine gives 1k credits

    dissolving 623 ordo

    this is the 5th riven i got and all of em are crap...

    i dunno why i even try...


    Oh no, why even try, life sucks all is lost, my parents hate me, I can't get a GF, my only friend is my dog and he craps on my bed... cry cry cry.

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