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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. I have 6 Hydraulic Crosshairs mods, I've never used it before, so I equip one on my new Aklex while in Arsenal, I clicked the bottom right 'Mod' button and it showed me my Installed Mods.

    I clicked on the single Hydraulic Crosshairs mod there, I upgraded it with endo, then quit back to Arsenal only to see my mod was not upgraded.

    I again entered 'Mods' via the bottom right button from Arsenal, to notice the mod was not upgraded in my installed mods list also, so I again clicked on the installed mod and upgraded with endo.

    I quit back to the mods menu and the installed mod was still not upgraded, I upgraded it a 3rd time to see if my endo/creds were being used (they were).

    On leaving the mod menu back to Arsenal I was about to make a report for it not upgrading, but I noticed that I now have 3 fully upgraded Hydraulic Crosshairs mods available in my mod list.

    So it's upgrading non-installed mods even though I'm selecting the installed one.

  2. So I went to do sortie second mission yesterday with Valkyr, only to discover that after about 10 second, I was unable to use powers, unable to use weapons, and could not interact with anything such as downed team-mates for the entire mission (or until we aborted anyway) this happened to both Valkyrs both times we took her into the mission, other frames were not affected.

    I believe this a bug to do with the auto-unequip of weapons as the second mission was a bow only sabotage.

  3. Yeah, I'm confused by the devs saying they don't want a market because they want ppl to engage with the game and be online, but making us sit in a small space for hours on end just to maybe sell something is a really poor alternative.

    At absolute minimum we should be able to set up our 'shop' with the amount we want to sell the items for, and anyone can interact and buy said items even if we're AFK.

    The current system of, interact, some dude puts in a bunch of crap you don't want, won't talk to you then keeps trying to interact after you get sick of him and leave the interaction... if just downright sucking fhit.

  4. I've had this on ODD also, we got to wave 16 and the wave would not end, the only thing alive was a level 10 shadow that refused to go below about 75% health, after 15 minutes of trying to bug it back into working, we had to leave.


    I've also seen it on akkad, and it is 100% the shadows doing it, on every occasion it was always a level 10 charger.

  5. 5 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Fixed Host being able to Vacuum around items on Clients' screens and having items be stuck in the air where the Host last Vacuumed them to. Also fixes Clients momentarily pulling items that they couldn't use

    It took at minimum of as long as I've been playing (about a year) but we finally got there... I hope...

  6. I just started the silver grove and I'm on the Twilight Apothic, when Ordis brought up the story, the text was for the Twilight Apothic, but the voice over was from the Nightfall Apothic that I had heard previous.



    Turns out it's always the 1st part of the story that is the voice over. Just had it on the Sunrise Apothic as well :(

    After talking to some clan mates they have this as well, but it seems to happen if you don't do a different mission between the quest missions.

    I have all the grove scans as I've been scanning since the quest came out. So I'm just doing the missions one after another.

  7. I would love to see something a little different to how Valkyr was Handled.

    I don't know about if there is much Nidus Lore, but I assume he's a normal frame that has been under the infection of Helminth for a long time, I'd like to see a infection free frame and his abilities FX altered to be clean versions of the current ones.

    I don't expect abilities to functionally change so if they just changed to a non-Infected version eg:

    Virulence - Seismic Lance: Metallic Orokin Shards Rupture the ground, steals energy from each enemy it strikes gaining Orokin Stacks.

    Larva - Tendril Pod: Sends out an Orokin Device that fires out Tendrils to pull in enemies.

    Parasitic Link - Orokin link

    Ravenous - Orokin Garden: Summons a metallic garden inhabited by Orokin 'Mini droids'...


    Just my opinion, I kind of expect DE to take the path of least resistance and just make a Prime version that just acts exactly the same, and that will be a missed opportunity I think.

  8. I don't personally have an issue with it, but I can see how it could be annoying, and do agree that maybe it should have an effect like Mirages doppelgangers that go invisible when you aim over them, really this should be true of all warframes when they aim, I mean, we are playing as the warframe, but we can't see what they see, their line of sight is blocked by their own back?? it's a typical issue with every 3rd person shooter.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Penumbra147 said:
    I'm glad you understand my problem, but I put a tab on the transparency of the background to it was not at all. And in the preview emblem on warframe, it was not.

    Well, the image you uploaded that I asked you to post, does not have a transparent background as you can see when I remove the white area.



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