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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. On 07/01/2017 at 3:58 AM, Dreaper23 said:

    Really wish it would be fixed soon.. Happens on 95% of the missions now :/

    What's your location?

    I'm in South Australia and while I get frequent  network messages, and often the rewards screen does not update on mission end, I've always still gotten my reward.

  2. A noobie in our clan said he's having trouble completing 'The Archwing' mission we were going to take him to get the gift of the lotus, which thrillingly is also an archwing mission (yay -.-).

    So we came along to help him out, the entire mission runs fine but when reaching extraction nothing happens, you get the 3/4, then the text disappears as well as the extraction point marker, we are all left with no objective and no mission completion. we've tried this 3 times now with the same result. We have to abort while at the extraction point as after 15 minutes of waiting nothing had progressed.

    He's said it's been happening to him while solo also.

  3. Since before Xmas there have been many different network issues, it's now getting tiresome...

    Network not responding is the most common and normally applies to all of the below issues when they happen.

    However, here are some others I've been suffering from:

    1. Being kicked from squad at the end of a game, Then if trying to add ppl to squad being told 'the objective has been completed, can't add players to squad' while I'm in my Liset.
    2. Being kicked from squad, at the end of a game then not being shown the rewards screen, Instead the screen is clear just with the cancel/replay buttons shown in bottom right. On closing that, rewards are completely missing, no level up, no XP, nothing, as if the mission was not even done.
    3. Being moved to another instance, frequently a squad in mid mission will be presented with a host migration, and a single member of the squad will be kicked to their own individual instance. Imagine helping a noobie out by going 30 waves only for you to be split up into different instances where they are now alone as a noob facing waves of enemies way out of they ability to deal with, they loose everything.
    4. Regularly being kicked from a mission mid way and not being presented with a way to re-enter the mission.
    5. Having to send multiple squad invites as people are unable to join the squad, even though we're all in out Lisets waiting to play
    6. Fissure rewards not being selected, we had 3 members in squad, were presented with 2 scrap items and a Vauban P. Blueprint, we all chose the Vauban Blueprint, but on compleation of the mission we were rewarded with the default items we acquired from our own relics.
    7. And of course the ever present vacuum pick-ups being transported to the other side of the map or just outside the map.
    8. We also had a very strange issue that's only happened 1 time, where a players position on the map and what they see from their character were different areas of them map. He was running around, unable to trigger doors, not being shot at, not getting pick ups, from his perspective, but his and our maps indicated that was in another part of the level, his shadows would spawn where he should be, but he was not there... it was very strange.
    • Changed Sari Syandana and Spitfire Syandana to be closed by default, but will open when Bullet Jumping or Aim Gliding. Appendages will now close after 5 seconds, during weapon fire, or when opening the menu. 

    Should the Sari Syandana be always open when in fairy mode? Seems sad that it closes soon after you enter her Ulti...

    Flying around with wings open please DE!

  4. 18 hours ago, (PS4)poonugget99 said:

    Seriously why? I'm not a PvP player, but it's enjoyable, I mean c'mon you're throwing snowballs at each other it's cute! 

    Yes I get that it's in a way "forcing" you to do PvP but it's not really PvP and if you don't like it, don't do it!!! 

    Last night I spent 2 games in a 1v1 because no 1 else joined. It amounted to 20 minutes running around look for the other person... in the end I just set a movement macro and watched youtube because it was so boring.

  5. 1 hour ago, KevinTran said:

    Can you not link directly to their channel? This is giving those S#&$heads attention

    I didn't.

    The 1st one is an image.

    the second is an interview by someone else on a channel not affiliated with them.

    1 hour ago, ArionLightning said:

    Poor hackers men with no social life.

    Server down?? Ok it's no problem for me.  I will go out with friends or just call to any of my special friends and spend the whole afternoon having sex with him :clem:

    Okay... Usually, if you need to point that out, it's a euphemism for sitting alone in a corner arm-wrestling with your one-eyed vessel... or in your case buttering the whisker biscuit... apparently... 

  6. Not sure if it's better for DE to remain silent and let the speculation run out of control...

    Or for them to give some incite into what happened, and get a community blasting... (because we all know that's what will happen)...

    I guess they will stick to the former...


    3 hours ago, Lord-Voltain said:

    My Riven Mod has the challenge "Kill 40 enemies with finishers without dying or becoming downed"

    I tried this four times solo

    Once with Ash Prime, using his finisher on teleport augment.

    Once with Excalibur, using his blind augment.

    Once with Ash Prime, using his blade storm which does count as a finisher iirc.

    Once by simply knocking things down with a Scindo Prime with a channel-heavy build and finishering them while they're knocked down.




    I had the same challenge, In every case you have used a 'trick' way to get the finishers.

    I did it in a Loki the old fashion way of going invisible and doing a stealth kill on them, my mod opened up fine.

  8. Yeah, the difference now is that only 3 attacks will be possible, instead of the ever-lasting BS on ancients... So I don't see an issue with the new system, it's a very minimal invulnerability.


    No, it is 2-3 seconds. It can feel like an eternity. please read what i said. Seriously?


    You said 2-3 second can feel like an eternity, (an infinite amount of time) and that you're not exaggerating... Really? Because saying 2-3 seconds is even close in any way to an infinite amount of time is basically the definition of an exaggeration...

  9. 12 hours ago, (PS4)PS_robertgk2017 said:

    why does everybody always say contact support? albeit yea normally thats what you do, but everybody knows they take weeks to reply to stuff,  Odds are much better that someone relevant will see your post here on the forums than on support.


    both times I've contacted support it's been resolved in 2 days, one was less than 6 hours for a 1st reply... So... your statement is patently false, and on top of that, what exactly do you expect forum users to do? Laugh? there is no reason to even post this kind of support only issue on the forums... other than if you don't know to contact support...

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