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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. Cool, just noticed while establishing what prime parts I have in my inventory and noting them down, that I'm missing an Ember Prime BP I picked up the other day... Terrific...


    I think I'm going to just stop playing for a while...

  2. So post hotfix 19.3.6 While I did not receive any network issues, (yay) the problem that came with the network issues seems to still remain, in this case my void fissure rewards vanishing into thin air.

    I just finished a 30 minute (6 round) Meso Fissure survival using random relics, as you can see by the pix below, out of the 6 relic rewards, I received nothing. I don't exactly remember what relics I used or the rewards I selected. I kind of hope this is a UI bug, I don't record my inventory or anything so I have no idea on if I still received the items or not.

    I'll be submitting a log after I post this, but this makes playing the game utterly pointless atm, feels like I'm literally going to need to record every game, leave after every mission to submit a log report and get my relics back.






  3. 3 hours ago, Volinus7 said:

    DE don't even have enough courage to answer your question OP and you aren't the first or the only one that asked.

    What's to answer?

    Space mom has said countless times on the steam that sometimes they need to think as a business as well as a games developer, what more do you need, a direct statement to bi-weekly 'why is the vault still a thing' thread? waste of time, the answer is out there.

  4. 3 hours ago, Neptlude said:

    they release deluxe skin by Male male then female female.

    So it gotta be Mag and Zephy but not sure who 1st...

    Frame and Prime release they do, not deluxe as far as I can tell.

    Excal (12.6)

    Nyx (16.4.3)

    Valkyr (17.5)

    Saryn (17.10)

    Rhino (17.12)

    Loki (18.1)

    Trinity (18.4)

    Oberon (18.7)

    Banshee (18.9)

    Nova (SotR2)

    Ash (19.2)

    Frost (19.6)

  5. 1 hour ago, Chipputer said:

    Enough reports will cause them to do something about it. But, y'know, just don't do anything at all. That's how things get done.

    They are not going to do something to the AFK'er for not being at their computer or being a S**ty player. They're not rude or aggressive, they are not braking any rules, I get that it's irritating to everyone else, but they are not technically doing anything wrong. So making complaints about this is a waste of DE supports time.

  6. It's a complete waste of energy contacting support for an AFK player, what are they going to do? tell him off?

    Sometimes you get player like this, and you need to deal with it and move on with your life, abort mission, leave him there...

  7. 20 hours ago, Sekinin said:

    So many hotfixes yet this is still happening

    Anyway those that are still suffering from this Network Error should just start hosting games instead of joining. It's a guaranteed way of bringing home everything. I just limit my connection to 100 so that I won't join any squads and just host instead

    Yeah, we (GF and I) have seen no change in this issue at all even with the patches, I think it's actually getting worse.

    Oh and the host is selected by the game BTW... even if you add everyone, the host who provides the best ping for all squad members is selected as host, it's typical P2P style. Also, we still get this bug playing solo... so host or not, seems irrelevant. 

  8. Yeah, this bug is pretty much ruining the game for some of us.

    Oh you wanna farm for some prime trash to sell and get that new Primed mod, no reward, no reward, constantly...

    now you need to make a support ticket, but you'll only get your relics back, repeat... keep track of your lost relics.. still not actually get any Ducats... it's ****ing infuriating, why even bother playing?

    It's been like this since the DDoS by StarPatrol... just before Xmas.

  9. I use a Reaper Prime on my Nekros, It's made very specifically to work as a channelling weapon that drains my energy so I get all those nice orbs.



    3 hours ago, tyranno66 said:

    Staticor and Reaper Prime

    I don't remember meeting anyone who has played with a scythe period.

    Hello Friend.


  10. I feel like OP missed the point of what was wrong with ash, and is instead disappointed that his version of a ninja was not implemented.

    I've played Ash more since his rework, as the 'press 4 to win' version was not something I enjoyed playing.

    I think his abilities go well together now, hit 4 to start ticking, hit 2 to cloak, then use 3 to take heavy mods out while you tick up, Rakta Proc triggers blade storm whats left. It's actually fun now.

    The motion sickness issue was a only felt by a handful of people it was never the main issue with ash. 4 players going in and ash getting 80% of the kills/damage in every game was the issue... they were not fun to play with.

  11. 4 hours ago, FashionFrame said:

    Honestly, why the hate forwards players with red and black themed frames? Most haters say the most generic things like "everyone does it" "it's edgy." and honestly, I sometimes say edge jokes, but I've seen cases in the past where it leads to pointless bullying and name calling just because of those color choices. Fact is, the reason Red and Black is so popular is because scientifically, it's the most appealing colour combination to the human eye. 

    Just had to vent there, because even I've had my fair share of verbal abuse because of the way I dress my frames, and there's literally no reason people should act this way. 

    Let people fashion how they want! Who knew simple color choices could make someone go out of their way to ruin somebody else's day. 

    I get picked on because I like the spiderman character 'Carnage' and he's edgy, so I like edgy colours on my WF's...

    But then I realise I'm not a little pussy, and I get the F*** over it.\

    I joke, no1 but my "hilarious" clan mates have said anything about my colour choice...


    I'm also confused on the "bullying"... how hard is it to tell some1 to 'suck a F***' and block them? seemingly impossible I'm led to believe. 

  12. On 11/01/2017 at 8:02 AM, (PS4)B0XMAN517 said:

    I'm curious because it hit me the other night that I can't remember the last time I failed a mission. I'll be the first to admit I'm no god at this game, but I honestly can't think of the last time I really felt challenged. This is not intended to be a rant post. Like I said, I'm just curious. When's the last time you failed a mission (not due to a bug)?

    Last night, we were doing an ODD for Mutigen Samples and on leaving at wave 30 the clan member with the key got his UI locked up somehow and even though he was clicking extract he was left in mission, as he had the key the other 3 members (including me) failed the mission on extraction.

    After cursing WF and it's current network and buggy performance we've been experiencing the last month, we attempted another 30 wave ODD, on wave 16 one of my shadows (I was Nek) refused to die, the thing was immortal, would not change position when 4 was recast, and just wondered around, wave 17 would not start... for 15 minutes we tried to bug it into working. We all flipped tables and aborted mission... fun game... between this S#&$ and loosing all our end game rewards 3 times a day, because "network connection issues" I'm having as blast.

  13. 2 hours ago, -Voltage- said:

    out of my 381 sorties, I got the first Legendary core today. Previously I have gained around 9-10 legendary cores worth of endo, so by the time i was hyped to get this reward, I have 40 mil credits, 2 pedestial primed, and 120k endo. I am still happy to get free platinum but the amount of endo in sorties makes up for never getting the rarest drop.


  14. 2 hours ago, Magicfingers said:

    they need to do something to increase the sample output. since they introduced that gun, i've managed to get a grand total of 4 mutagen samples.

    Then you're not trying, Nek and a Hydroid in ODD acquire 100-150 in 30 waves.

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