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  1. So, question. Can you verify whether I should run the 5 I have now, /today/, or if I should hold off for tomorrow as I would have 10 charges? Also, in tandem, I have seen so many mixed responses. Can you only run arch once per week, or is it as the other person said: "2 charges to unlock, then spend 1 charge per full run"
  2. Yeah, man. for sure. I can tell you now for 99.9% of the incarnons I would not use them without their incarnon form. - Would not use any of the base ones without it. Wouldn't use strun without it, even if I like strun. Yes, burston is usable without it, but why would I? Lol. I have not seen a single person in my life use gorgon, so you are one of the people who likes weird weapons. It happens. Each weapon has a cult following. Rakta dark dagger is a great example of that.
  3. What are you on? It's not because of the incarnon form?? I can tell you now, I would not use burston if it wasn't for the incarnon form. Sure, the extra stats are nice; but the incarnon itself carries the weapon to being usable. (But lets go ahead and ignore all the incarnon that no one uses.. ) Your idea in general just kinda.. sucks, tbh. I think the better idea for rivens is just make it so you can select 1 stat at max roll after a certain amount of rolls. (1-200 per, not sure the exact amount). Which would also help kill the riven mafia in general / drive the prices down. Anyway, no. This idea just kinda sounds stinky to me. (they can't change rivens this way, regardless. Too many people who have spent thousands of plat would be upset losing their god roll riven, etc.)
  4. Hi, so, there is currently a bug where even if you invite someone to your squad / load into the dojo with them, they never appear and are just in their own instance. It's been happening for weeks now and it is just.. yeah.
  5. Some abilities / frames need augments to be playable lol.
  6. No it's not lmao. They gave it to (PC) prime access holders after founders.
  7. I do kinda want to see divuri weapons be brought into normal gameplay for your operator, but that's w.e
  8. By the way, I should probably stress this. I'm mostly playing Dagath at the moment, so if I'm using a weapon, Viral is definitely not the play since I am max stacking pretty quickly.
  9. I've actually been meaning to start pushing to level cap again. Though, I'm normally the octavia there.
  10. Hunters munition doesn't feel viable on this until you start to get into the 500+ , honestly. Atleast that was my experience with it.
  11. So, its bottom to top for riven. As I have already explained, I am getting viral from elsewhere- so there is really no need for me to run it on the boltor as well. The punchthrough. .I'm not entirely sure if that's needed. While boltor doesn't have innate Pthrough, it does have the knockback effect on death. I could still run it and see how it goes, but I do feel the extra firerate has been nice. But I will give it a try.
  12. The reason I am not running viral is I will be getting it from elsewhere, so it would be better to run corrosive for the 75% dmg against the armor, while getting the viral benefit from Vulpaya, etc.
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