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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. 8 minutes ago, Madway7 said:

    So it seems they've merged most revenant threads here. Prob to see what else they can do to him before the release.

    Right now without making drastic changes I just hope the numbers are there (for his 2 and 4). Possibly let him have more thralls back since its the main draw of the frame at this point.

    Make sure his passive has a good range. Or change his passive to DR to shields like I suggested a few times, cause if it barely has range like Nova's passive then it pretty much won't do anything.

    Final suggestion: Using his 3 while his 2 is active either resets the charges or restores charges based on amount of enemies hit. That way you can maintain his psuedo tanking ability.

    Nice ideas.

  2. Passive

    New passive ( 25% more damage to incapacitated enemies ) is really nice. No need for change.

    1# Minelayer 

    1. Tesla - Vauban releases electrically-charged grenades that adhere to any surface. The grenades will discharge and affect up to 4 enemies if they are within 7 / 8 / 10 / 12 meters. A single grenade holds a maximum of  4 / 5 charges, and each charge inflicts 120 / 150Electricity b Electricity damage ( with 100% status ) + true damage equal to 5% of Enemies' max Health. Charges are fired once every 3 seconds. Each grenade has a duration of 20 seconds. Only 3 Teslas can be active at same time. 
    2. Latcher ( Shred ) - Vauban releases 5 / 6 seeker grenades that latch onto enemies and explodes after 1 / 0.75 sec, dealing 150 / 250 Blast b Blast damage to all enemies in a 4 / 6 meter radius. Affected enemies are blown away in a ragdoll state and have their armor reduced by 30% / 40% for 4 seconds. Only 2 Latchers ( 12 seeker grenades )can be active at same time.
    3. ----- New ideas are coming.
    4. ----- New ideas are coming.

    2# Exalted Sentinel

    Summons a seperately moddable sentinel.

    While Sentinel alive, Vauban passively gains +100 / 150 / 200 / 250 Armor Bonus. When Sentinel is killed, it will respawn beside Vauban after 45 seconds or instantly by holding this ability using 50 energy.

    • Armor Bonus is affected by Ability Strength.
    • Revive energy cost is affected by Ability Efficiency.
      • Revive energy cost is reduced proportionately based on the remaining time until Sentinel respawns (e.g. 1 second remaining on timer = 1 energy used to revive Sentinel ).

    It has 3 abilities ;

    • Grenade Thrower - Randomly choses and throws a grenade at enemies from Vauban's Minelayer every 10 seconds. 
    • Warding Drones - Provides defensive 2 / 3 / 3 / 4 drones that block a number of instances of damage equal to the number of drones for 5 seconds ( 30 sec cooldown ).
    • Cryobeam - Attacks any enemy with a beam that inflicts 125 / 150 / 175 / 200 Cold b Cold damage. Cryobeam has a cooldown of 3 seconds.( Beam damage is affected by Strength ). Vauban can also mark and make Sentinel attack chosen enemy by tapping 1.

    3# Bastille

    Main function stays same. It also ;

    • Grants 25 / 35 / 50% Damage Reduction to ally Shields and increases Shield Regen by 2x while allies are in Bastille. Damage reduction and regen rate are not affected by Strength mods.

    4# Vortex

    Vauban releases a device that creates a powerful attractive force, lasting 4 / 5 / 6 / 8 seconds. Every enemy within 6 meters of the device will be violently drawn to it and dealt 50 Magnetic bMagnetic damage ( with 100% status ) + true damage equal to 0.5% of Enemies' remaining Health per tick ( 5 ticks per second ). Only 3 Vortexes can be active at same time.  Holding the ability makes all active Vortexes to explode , dealing 400 Blast b Blast damage in 10 meters radius.

  3. I wanted Arcata be a melee weapon for a long time and hyped af when DE showed it in a stream ( God knows which one ). Then they scrapped the idea.

    I'd love to see it being released alongside with Melee 3.0 tho.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

    Ivara, the moment you spawn spam energy pads and then go invisi. Then just roll to target and scan uninterrupted without the target running around.

    Ivara has a little risk , she can take damage from traps ( such as Grineer Zap Mine ) or Shock Eximus Aura. I know they are extremely rare cases but still risky.

  5. 1 minute ago, SortaRandom said:

    I feel like the Gilding system would make a lot more sense if un-gilded zaws could be broken back down into their components. Like, if you have a level 15 un-gilded zaw, you can break it back down into the Strike + Grip + Link for free (and use the parts to craft a new level 0 zaw); whereas leveling it to 30 and gilding would "lock" the parts in.

    I don't think breaking the zaw into its components should be super difficult to implement, so I'm still scratching my head at why it's not a thing.

    That'd be nice tho.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Kaotyke said:

    Arca Plasmor a group when they are coming you way.

    Just aim at head level.

    I thought Arca Plasmor can't headshot. DE fixed something with headshotting sometime ago if I'm not mistaken.

    From Wikia ;

    Headshots no longer deal bonus damage.

    • The Arca Plasmor was designed to hit multiple targets with a high-status chance, but with wide wave projectiles and inherent punch-through, a single shot could result in multiple headshots. With it being a shotgun, it was never intended to behave as a precision weapon, and the bonus pushed it too far out of that mold.
    • Headshots should still deal damage (without the multiplier).

    My mistake. :(

  7. I know there are ways to complete this challenge. Gas City's vents , Vauban's Bastille etc ( rip Limbo's Stasis ). But I have found a different way to complete it. Zephyr's 1st gives a really good aimglide time ( 8 - 10 secs ) to get headshots.

    Go into a mission with open air ( preferably Excavation or Plains of Eidolon ) > fully charge Zephyr's Tailwind and suspend yourself in air > hold aim then start shooting enemies' heads.

    Hope this helps.

    - Aeon

  8. 2 hours ago, peterc3 said:

    Do you think there is a separate team for Primary weapons, Secondary weapons and Melee weapons? I would wager there isn't. Therefore there are the same people working to balance any weapons, in this case Melee, and to work on new weapons.

    Fortuna certainly factors in, but you have provided nothing to show my reasoning is bad.

    Ofcourse I don't think there are seperate teams for them.

    As for where your reasoning is bad ( to me ) ;

    On 2018-08-12 at 2:46 AM, peterc3 said:

    How do they do that and also rebalance existing weapons?

    I mean they are actually working on them atm - Fortuna's kitguns , weapons that shown ( but not released yet :( ) in Tennocon and Melee 3.0.  I'd be fine and agreed with you if you have pointed out Fortuna's workload AND Melee 3.0 but JUST telling " How do they release new weapons and also rebalance existing weapons " is not a good reasoning. Like telling DE is incapable of doing both at same time.

  9. They mentioned Titania will get rework.

    One of tweaks ;

    On 2018-08-04 at 12:20 AM, [DE]Taylor said:

    Titania’s Razorwing will no longer take collision damage.

    A good start , right ? :D

    15 hours ago, Cocoescap said:
    1. Let Aviator work in Razorwing. It certainly wouldn't alleviate all of her squishiness, but combo'd with her 50% evasion, she may actually have a bit of survivability since 65 armor can really tank nothing and she's constantly in enemies' faces when using her Diwata.
    2. Lantern and Spellbind should have increased ranges. Narrow Minded is almost a must have since your range has no effect on Razorwing and duration will let you stay in Razorwing longer. Since her other abilities are mostly sub par, this is a pretty good trade off, but if she was to have better use with them, their ranges could be increased to encourage players to also use them since they have potential to be useful. Also, a high duration helps Razorwing and hurts Lantern so if it could have a cap of time until explosion, that would help.
    3. Her Razorflies die off too quickly a lot of the time. Titania needs a way to refresh her Razorflies that doesn't involve her exiting and reengaging Razorwing. It could be that when her Lantern explodes and kills enemies her Razorflies are refreshed. This would add synergy between her abilities which she sadly lacks.
    4. Her Spellbind has virtually no usefulness, it is a small bit of CC and gives allies immunity to status effects. Her CC doesn't pair well with the rest of her kit since it's better to just kill the enemies by shooting your Dex Pixia for a couple seconds rather than spend that couple seconds fumbling around with your first ability. It's fun to watch enemies float away helplessly, but it just doesn't hold any practical use. I have no idea what to do to this ability to make it better, but I'm sure someone else has some insight.
    5. Her passive holds no value in Razorwing. It would probably benefit her to have a secondary passive that's active while she's in her Razorwing. However, her passive isn't particularly useful other than having a faster bullet-jump so scrapping the entire passive isn't a bad idea.

    1 - It should be a thing since her release.

    2/4 - Not just stop with increasing ranges but also ;

    • Make Lantern float above ground ( similar to Trinity's Well of Life ).
    • Make Spellbind like Domino ability in Dishonored 2.  Damage dealt to any enemy that is affected by Spellbind will be shared among all affected enemies. ( like sharing fates )

    3 - I'd love to see Lantern to spawn Razorflies on explosion. Razorwing can also spawn new Razorflies with intervals.

    5 - As for passive ; 

    •  After each ability cast , Titania grants 25% Evasion to all allies in affinity range for 10 sec ( including herself ). 

    Couldn't come up with another passive idea. :)

  10. On 2018-08-12 at 2:46 AM, peterc3 said:

    How do they do that and also rebalance existing weapons? Presumably the same people would be working on the same things. Numbers people on numbers, mechanics people on mechanics, art people on art.

    DE makes new weapons but ignores older weapons and people complain.

    DE revisists older weapons and newer weapons are farther between and people complain.

    Why should DE care at this point what the community thinks about the situation?

    Let me make this clear ;

    DE revisited primary / secondary weapons and they already got their balance pass ( melees are next ) , there is no reason for DE to not to release new primaries and secondaries ( new melees will be released after Melee 3.0 , obviously ).

    If you have pointed out workload of Fortuna etc , I'd be fine but coming up with balance reason ?

  11. 12 minutes ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

    Rage- mode?

    DE said Melee Channelling will be a Rage-Mode.

    On 2018-08-04 at 12:20 AM, [DE]Taylor said:

    “NEW CHANNELLING” (still very WIP)
    We’re toying with the idea of building up your channelling energy for an ultimate melee mode. All we have is animations, we’re looking to play with this system more before we can offer more details:

    Equip animations:

      Reveal hidden contents


    Un-equip animations:

      Reveal hidden contents



  12. 25 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    at this point, all we can do is wait and see. when it drops though, we need to make sure we leave feedback and say what needs fixing, aside from obvious bugs. I think that with railjack being on a larger scale than Archwing (your ship vs a Capital Ship/Galleon, rather than your Archwing vs some piddly drones), it will automatically be a bit more enticing for most people; these will be larger space battles, and thus more appealing.

    people reckon that Archwing will ruin Railjack, but I see the opposite: I see an opportunity for Railjack to improve upon Archwing.



  13. I wanted Chakram to be an Exalted Glaive for a long time. It can be a Pseudo-Exalted ability like Khora's Whiplash , Atlas's Landslide etc too. Currently does nothing but teleport us around, damage is terribad , even with augment.

    Also his cast animations take ages , literally. Natural Talent shouldnt be a mandatory mod. *Stares at Nekros and Harrow*

    Like the ideas +1

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