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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. 9 minutes ago, RolandDischein said:

    I think that it is already clear for everyone - the new mod Adaptation is too imbalanced. Any frame can be almoust immortal under it's resist. And the worst thing is that, most likely, it is clear for DE. So rework (i mean nerf) is not far off. I'm here because I don't want this nerf to kill the useful mod.

    I think, that Adaptation need no nerf, but rework it's trigger. It will be more balanced if the adaptation will add a resist not for any damage received, but for a specific percentage of damage received. For example: R0 mod will give you 5% resist to status, if you have been damaged on 10% of your total HP and shields. Max rated mod will gevi 10% resist for 10% damage to your HP+shields. Bonuses are summarized. So you'll get 90% of the resist, losing 90% of the shields + health. This does not prevent you from regaining health, to continue to receive the resist. Treatment and restoration of the shields in the process of obtaining a resist also does not knock his counter. But to maintain 90% of the resist, it must be updated. That is mean, that you need to continue to lose 10% of your health, or the resist will drop and start to pile up again.

    I think that this will not only make the adaptation more balanced, but also allow the use of adrenaline and anger in builds. With the current adaptation, they simply do not work.

    Once again, I apologize for my English.:clem:

    Its totally bugged bug atm , it makes frames totally immortal to any kind of damage when bug gets triggered or it just doesn't make frames resist to any kind of damage at all.

  2. 23 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

    Reave is turning out to be quite loaded an ability with perks that contradict Revenant's non-damage taking playstyle. Nice buffs for it, also kinda funny that it can now be modded to 1HKO thralls of any enemy level.

    Holding onto hope that Enthrall will be addressed.

    Agreed. Reave hits really hard with changes ( I appreciate it ) but latest perk totally contradicts with his " blocking-all-damage " nature. Its just a redundant change.

    They could just give Thralls a short immunity period ( 2-3 sec ) , shorten his cast times a bit , remove detonating pillars synergy and change his passive to reflect his theme ( that won't contradict with his kit ).

    Edit Also make a better synergy between DM and Thralls , instead of Overshield Orbs.

    Edit 2 : They can let DM to damage nullie shields and make its energy cost increase overtime ( they have to reduce current cost first :d ).

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Madway7 said:

    Now the bad

    They made Dance Macabre the highest costing channeling ability in the game even while unboosted.

    - They could make it ramp up energy cost , similar to Ember & Valkyr's ults.

    I might be mistaken. But I could swear for 1 update they gave Reave omnidirectional movement, meaning instead of only going forward you could go up or down or diagonal. Might be wrong tho, was the update where it said that Reave would track your last redicle position, but something about that was changed the very next hotfix.

    - Yes , we were able to do that but somehow they fixed in same day. 

    Enthrall was barely changed, the mechanic of making thralls was never something I liked in the first place, but it could have worked if they streamlined making thralls so that it would be much easier and it had to be since Reave relies on using it on thralled enemies to be worthwhile.

    - They just increased number to 7 so our allies can kill more. /s

    In general the point of Reave is at odds with Mesmer Skin, his tanking aka his survivability is tied to Mesmer Skin, which means you should try to have as many charges as possible up at all times, but Reave is there to heal you... but if you properly use Mesmer Skin you wont need healing at all...

    - Reave's health / shield drain is huge but Revenant hardly takes any damage and can heal with many ways. If only drained enemies gave stacking buff or some sort instead of tons of health / shield.

    Its also at odds with his passive, kind of. I assume his passive was to act as cc to let you get your Mesmer Skin back up if it goes down. But the range is so short that its not likely to turn out that way especially since for it to trigger you need all your shields to go down.

    - Funny part is passive could be an addition to Mesmer Skin. Whenever Mesmer charges deplete , Revenant screeches and releases a shockwave that knocks down enemies in 15 meters radius.

    Suggestions were made for better passives and ways to make Reave actually meaningful, but none were taken into much consideration.

    - True. So true...

    Cast times were never addresed

    - I can't take Natural Talent off , because cast times disgust me so badly.

    The projectiles from the pillars act more to keep enemies away from them rather than bringing them towards them.

    - Eh , blame Impact procs. They keep staggering and pushing enemies away. :D

    People didn't like the DM and pillar synergy, and this hasn't been removed yet. 

    - Such an awful synergy. Worst part is other Revenants can also destroy them ( also a bug causes our shots and melee hits to destroy pillars ).

    Getting shields/overshields from DM on killing thralled enemies was never a good synergy and went against both his passive and Mesmer Skin (in a way). 

    - He never needs shields , all he needs is keeping Mesmer Skin. Wasted overshield orbs.

    Also yeah nerfing him vs nullifiers was a bad move. 

    - I understand their intention. Its a really good high range nuke but nerfing it while we have other abilities can erase nullie bubbles was a really , REALLY bad move.


    At this point I'm just gonna wait for a Revenant rework to adress these flaws. (I've considered trashing him despite putting 6 forma on him every update that had "Revenant changes" in it)

    I feel like rn they just don't want to take the time to make a cohesive frame, but more just a frame that works.

    Still, good on them for fixing some of his issues. And good if you enjoy him despite what I said, I just can't get behind some of the bad design decisions they have made with this frame.


    @Aeon94 @Maryph Revenant is not completely immune to status effects while Mesmer Skin is active, but yeah Mesmer Skin does make that change largely redundant. (Not completely, but for thr most oart yes)

    - Its still redundant as Revenant is immune to status effects but takes damage from toxin ( same with environmental hazard , you take damage but don't get affected by status ). Change was about applying the status effect on Revenant to Reave'd targets which will never work as long as Mesmer Skin is active.

    I'm not sure what the full context required is, but stuff like toxin clouds still go through it (forgot to test mustalist moa tar), but its quite interesting since he can ignore laser barrier knockdowns.

    (Also the UI for status effects might not work well for him, last time I played him I got toxin procced while in mesmer skin, but the toxin icon wasnt there eventho he was taking health dmg from it.)



    • Like 1
  4. Thralls needed to be given damage reduction to ally damage or an invulnerability period to have a chance to spread Enthrall.

    Pillars shouldn't be destroyed by Danse Macabre.

    Mesmer Skin needed to have better visuals to let us know when / if charges depleted.

    Reave needed faster casting ( its slow even with Natural Talent ).

    Revenant's passive needs a change , its one of useless passives on par with Rhino's.

    But NO !!!

    Lets nerf Danse Macabre more and make Reave apply status effects on Revenant to his enemies ?

    Seriously wth... As long as Mesmer Skin is active, Revenant is IMMUNE to status effects and whole point of Revenant's kit is not getting affected by status and damage ( meatshield thralls + Mesmer Skin + Reave's invul. ).

    Exalted Blade , Artemis Bow etc can damage nullies bubbles even tho they are powered by void energy but SENTIENT ESSENCE POWERED LASERS can't. Where is the consistency ? Ok , let's make other abilities to not damage nullie bubbles as well while we are at it.

    Guess Revenant will always be crippled by his allies and kit will always contradict itself.



    • Like 2
  5. Just now, Eranio2010 said:

    Why you not Answered ?
    What ist for you a full Star Chart
    i have 224from 227 and i have make all missions on planets the planet exp was full

    Check if you have any blue blinking icons on the map.

    Also build keys for Derelict , if i remember correcty , they blink on when you have crafted keys.

  6. 2 minutes ago, LazerSkink said:


    yeah this weapon has been the only thing on my mind since the Sacrifice dropped (as in, I'm finally able to complain about something different after 3 damn years) and I'm suffering rn

    Fortuna is one thing, this however is the thing

    *Hugs* These are hard times brother ; - ;

    I share your suffering.

  7. 4 hours ago, PsiWarp said:

    Several things irks me about Enthrall... that a fellow Revenant is able to erase my pillars with Danse Macabre, that sometimes for some reason my teammates and my own weapons can make pillars explode by hitting them (bug?), and that thralls rarely live long enough to make use of the synergies built into Revenant's other abilities.

    His kit is so unreliable and we mostly have no benefits from his synergies ( with exception of fast traversal with Danse Macabre + Reave )

    You cast #1 to turn enemies into thralls but guess what happens ! They die before turning into thralls and whole casting is wasted. Not to mention spread part.

    Reave gives Mesmer Skin charges from Thralls but guess what happens ! They die before getting hit by Reave. Should I mention how slow the cast is without Danse Macabre ?

    Ok , your dead thralls give you cool Pillars that shoot projectiles but guess what happens ! They get destroyed by Danse Macabre ( and bug you mentioned ) for some damage. Whole zoning with pillars is wasted as well.

    Thralls killed by Danse Macabre drops overshield orbs which have no use for Revenant since Mesmer Skin protects him from all damage taken. Keep Mesmer Skin active and you won't need any overshields. Eh , its good for allies but they have to pick them up one by one and amount of overshields is too low.

    His passive is activated on shield depletion but guess what happens ! He rarely loses shields with Mesmer Skin + Reave's shield leech + Overshield orbs + Sentinels' shield recharge mods.

    I have never seen a frame contradicts itself this much. Waiting for the " changes " that Reb mentioned in one of prime times.

  8. 1 hour ago, Kyoresh said:

    never claimed 


    But giving ununformed answers to a subject is hurting the Development of a game. Im not saying he is 100% right, but that he made valid claims(even DE commented on the video) 

    It seems like threads are merged. I was talking to that thread's OP , Qwirkz.

    6 minutes ago, Jestonhomme said:

    Which genius decided to merge two completely unrelated forum topics together?

    Wonder the same thing.

  9. Wonder why everyone who watches LifeofRio ( or any other BS content creators ) feels like they have to make drama posts everyday ?

    Edit Not saying there is not any problems with development cycle and there is no content drought but please stop flooding forums with overdramatizing and overreacting threads / posts.

    Edit 2 : Toxic players won't affect warframe unlike fear-mongering content creators who yell " Warframe is dying ".

  10. 4 minutes ago, Endrian said:

    Still thinking about tweaks and changes, but I'm pretty close to being satisfied with this rework concept. Likelihood of devs actually seeing it? No idea. But I've made an attempt!

    In the meantime, I want to bump up the thread for visibility, but I want to at least contribute something in exchange for the bump, so, have some Operator suit concepts.


    Post the whole thread in --> Feedback Section <--

    So more people can see and upvote your concept.

    Also there is a chance for DE to see it in Feedback.

    Edit : Stop impressing me with your drawing skillz.

  11. 44 minutes ago, Lewtenant said:

    1 - I heard about the Design Council and wanted to get in on the discussion for development heavy stuff. I've made a few posts, but my observation is that compartmentalized threads are neglected.

    2 - As an older player how do you recommend posting about mission bugs/improvements, in game controls, or warframe reworks if the specialized threads for them are neglected?

    1- You do not have Founder status to access Design Council both in forums and in-game chat , don't think you will be able to get in on a discussion for development heavy stuff.

    2- Bugs go into Bugs Section in their respective subforum. If you have anything to share about " improvements, in game controls, or warframe reworks ", then post them in Feedback Section.

    " But Aeon , those specialized threads are neglected ! "

    Well posting them in General Discussion won't make any difference as DE do not read threads in GD. Devs do read Feedback Section and take feedback , especially Megathreads but that doesn't mean they have to do everything we have posted tho.  Or maybe it will take time to do the things we have asked.

    An example ;

    Infinite Archwing charges coming with mainline update in next week , do you know how many times we have asked for it and how long it took to implement ? Thousand times and A WHOLE YEAR , since Plains of Eidolons's release.

    We ask for improvements / reworks but do we really aware of the workload on DE ? They have their work schelude to follow and their priority is bring us Fortuna and Melee 3.0 atm.

    Post your suggestions to improve the game and hope for the best. Our suggestions can make their way into the game eventually but things take time. 


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