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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. 7 minutes ago, FlusteredFerret said:

    Good job OP. Shows that if you're calm and reasonable about it (let yourself vent first) then your problems can be resolved fairly painlessly.

    I think there is a lot of hate because players send tickets while they're still angry, use a lot of salty language and leave out a lot of pertinent details...which doesn't give the helpdesk any incentive to act quickly, if at all.


    ^ That is what I was thinking about those people.

    They do not share all needed info, demand fixes asap and spit their hatred to support. I know things can be frustrating but anger and impatience solve nothing. They have to vent off first and contact support after that.

    All of my issues got fixed / solved in 3-5 days ( sometimes in hours ) when I provided everything they asked with respectful manner.

  2. 22 minutes ago, Endrian said:

    Yeah, that'd be my suggestion. You have 4 preset energy colors, one for Heat, one for Cold, &c., and you can just set them to whatever color you want, and that's the energy color you'd have for that elemental alignment.

    Dude, I kinda hate you. Your ideas excited me like crazy and I can't stop hyping myself for Chroma rework now :d

  3. On 2018-09-28 at 8:46 PM, NightmareT12 said:

    Regarding the last point: Anything that strecthes in this game looks awful in general, no matter the resolution.

    Problem is textures look like that without any stretching. Its more like the designer stretched texture to fit there.

  4. Wow , this is the Chroma I'd love to play with. He is currently " keep-buffs-active-all-the-time-frame " and seriously needs improvements like these.

    In addition to these ideas , what if... Chroma's abilities had 2 energy colors ? The Ruinous Lord of Rainbow !

    1. Arsenal Energy Color = dictates most of energy color ( doesn't affect element since its Elemental Ward's job ).
    2. Element Color =  from Elemental Ward which gives gradient effect. ( Orange-Fire , White-Ice , Green-Toxin , Purple-Electricity ).

    Similar to Zenistar's old 2 tone energy bug ( that got fixed ).


    • Like 2
  5. Chroma Prime has lots of pixelated / low quality textures all over him ( mostly on neck / back of pelt and metallic tints ) and jagged & uncolorable lines. Can you fix them ? Its so hard to unsee it since we always stare at frames from behind in our gameplay.









    ^Is it possible to get rid of greyed out metallic ?


    ^ Shoulder looks awful with low stretched out textures.

    111ruow.jpg <----- here is how textures should look. ( helmet is better detailed )

    mvhzr7.jpg <---- this is how neck textures currently look like. ( pixelated textures )

  6. Maybe DE won't do any drastic changes to Revenant's kit but I will share my ideas anyways.

    I tried making his thralling process easier , giving him a more thematic passive and making him respective to his lore.


    I also love Infamous 1 / 2 / Second Son and noticed that Cole & Delvin's abilities have similarities with Revenant & Eidolons' ( Dashes , draining enemies , homing projectiles , lasers , explosions etc ). So I used some ability GIFs to visually explain abilities.

    He might be OP but numbers etc can be tweaked and balanced.



    " Hardened Shields "

    • Revenant's shields take 50% less damage , including his overshields.

    " Warden's Burden "

    • Revenant acts like an Eidolon Lure, can link to 2 destroyed Eidolon synovias in affinity range to prevent them from teleporting away.



    Cast Energy = 25

    • Revenant releases his Sentient energy onto an enemy target within a range of 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 meters, converting it into a Thrall that is forced to fight for the Tenno cause for 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 seconds ( can be used for single-handedly getting rid of special enemies ).

    Hold Energy = 50

    • Revenant summons a bloom on targeted location ( similar to Hydrolyst's Vomvalyst Blooms ) for 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 seconds and has 9 / 10 / 12 / 15 meters radius. Bloom turns closest 6 / 7 / 8 / 10 enemies into Thralls for 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 seconds . If a thrall dies, another enemy in bloom's radius will take its place.

    Thralls take 90% less damage from teammates.

    Thralls leave damaging pillars that deal 250 / 500 / 750 / 1000 Puncture b Puncture + 3% of their max health damage per sec on death. Pillars last for 10 sec and have 2 / 3 / 3 / 4 meters radius.

    Synergy ;

    • Thralls killed by Danse Macabre grant 100 overshields to Revenant and his allies.
    • Essence Reaver 's leech / restore percentages increase to 15 / 20 / 25 / 30% against Thralls.



    " Abyssal Shroud "

    Cost = 50 energy

    • Revenant shrouds himself with protective sentient energy, blocking 3 / 4 / 5 / 6  attacks to his health and stunning the attackers for 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 seconds. When charges depleted , Revenant screeches and emits a radial energy wave that stuns enemies for 3 sec in 15 meters radius.



    Cast Energy = 50

    • Revenant transforms into a torrent of Sentient energy, dashing forward to aim reticule for 0.25 / 0.5 / 0.75 / 1 second while enveloped in an energy current with a width of 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 meters. Enemies passing through the current are drained 2% / 4% / 6% / 8% of their maximum shields and health, while Revenant restores 2% / 4% / 6% / 8% of his maximum shields and health from each enemy leeched.
    • Drained enemies are slowed down by 15 / 20 / 25 / 30% for 10 seconds.
    • Revenant is immune to damage during dash.

    ( Dash visual can be similar to GIF below , current one kinda looks ugly )


    Possible augment ;

    Essence Reaver - 

    • Revenant leeches 2% / 4% / 6% / 8% of his enemies' maximum shields and health while restoring his 2% / 4% / 6% / 8% of his maximum shields and health from each enemy leeched in 5 / 6  / 8 / 10 meters radius.
    • Drained enemies take 10 / 12 / 15 / 20% more damage from all allies for 8 seconds.
    • Revenant is immune to damage during 1 sec cast animation.
    • Casting ability again refreshes vulnerability debuff on affected enemies.

    ( Basically we exchange mobility & slow debuff for increased AoE & vulnerability debuff )

    ( Similar to GIF below )




    Cast Energy = 25

    Energy Drain = 10 energy per sec

    // Note - Revenant can cast other abilities while Danse Macabre is active.

    Revenant unleashes the might of the Eidolon essence emanating from his body, levitates himself and devastates his enemies with sentient powers.

    While active ;

    • Revenant is immune to all status effects.
    • All damage received by Revenant is stored into a total damage pool, then transferred to his homing projectiles and charged beam as additional damage. Stored damage decays overtime by 10% each second.

    ( Dance Macabre looks similar to GIF below while active )



    Holding fire button ( L-click ) makes Revenant shoot 8 homing projectiles every seconds that target enemies randomly in 10 / 12 / 15 / 18 meters radius. Each projectile inflicts 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 damage with a 25% status chance ( similar to Eidolons' Seeking Bullets ability ). Damaged stored in pool is divided among projectiles.

    • Holding fire button increased energy drain to 20 e/s.
    • Projectiles can damage Thralls  and execute them if they are under 25% health.
    • Enemies / Thralls close to Revenant are prioritized.
    • Can not be used simultaneously with charged beam.

    ( Similar to GIF below but with homing projectiles coming out of Revenant's body ).



    Holding the zoom button ( R-click ) makes Revenant to charge and fire a destructive beam with his eldritch arm that deals 5,500 / 6.000 / 6,500 / 7,000 damage with 50% status chance. Transfered damage doesn't increase ( by taking damage ) or decrease ( by decay ) when beam is charged up.

    • Charged beam deals 2x damage to Eidolons and their synovias. ( to make him useful against Eidolons and maybe Flyodolons as well ? )
    • Charged beam has 30 meters range and 5 meters punch through.
    • Charged beam has 2 sec charge time.
    • Can be hold indefinitely.
    • Costs 75 energy when fired.
    • Can not be used simultaneously with homing projectiles.
    • Casting other abilities does not cancel charged up beam.

    ( Similar to GIF below but imagine him shooting with an opticor-like beam from his arm )


    Danse Macabre's projectiles and charged beam autonomously adapt their damage type to the attributes of the enemies they hit: Corrosive b Corrosive against armored enemies, Magnetic b Magnetic against shielded enemies, Gas b Gas against enemies with infested flesh, Radiation b Radiation against Eidolons.

    • Like 3
  7. Another Enthrall idea came to my mind.

    Enthrall -

    Revenant summons a bloom on targeted location ( like Hydrolyst does ) for 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 seconds and has 8 / 10 / 12 / 15 meters radius.

    Bloom links and turns closest 6 / 7 / 8 / 10 enemies into thralls. Enemies will be enthralled for 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 seconds . If a thrall dies , another enemy in bloom's radius will take its place.

    Thralls also take 90% less damage from teammates.

    * This new ability can fix Enthrall's spread issue ( cuz of dumb AI ) and help Revenant by making Enthrall more of an automated process. So he can benefit more from his thralls while using Danse Macabre.


    • Like 2
  8. His cast times needs to be decreased.


    Revenant's shields take 50% less damage.


    Enthrall :

    Thralls gain 90% damage reduction ( to ally damage ), +100% movement & attack speed.

    Movement and Attack Speed buff are affected by Power Strength. 

    Pillar radius is also increased to 5 meters.


    Mesmer Skin :

    Mesmer Skin is applied to health. Works similar to Eidolon synovias , charges can be consumed when Revenant's shields are down. Damage to shields won't consume any charges.

    When charges depleted , Revenant screeches like Eidolons and emits a radial blast that stuns all enemies for 3 seconds in 15 meters radius. Stun duration is not affected by duration but stun radius is affected by range.


    Reave :

    If Reave hits 5 or more enemies / thralls , it grants 2 Mesmer Skin charges and refunds half of spent energy.


    Danse Macabre

    Energy drain is set to 30 energy per sec but also empowered state becomes Danse Macabre's default function and no longer requires holding left-click.

    Synergies ;

    Enthrall - Thralls deal 20% of their health as damage in 10 meters radius when they are killed with Danse Macabre and grant Revenant and his allies overshields ( no longer requires grabbing overshield pickups )

    Reave - If Reave hits 5 or more enemies / thralls while in Danse of Macabre , it refunds all energy spent on Reave.

    • Like 1
  9. I have played with Revenant exclusively since release , here are my suggestions to improve him.

    ( New Passive ) Hardened Shields - Revenant's shields take 25% less damage.

    #1 Swarm ( New ability ) - Revenant releases a swarm of seeking projectiles from his eldritch arm that deal damage to enemies and slows them by 30%.

    Can be used while Danse of Macabre is active. 

    #2 Mesmer Skin - 

    Base charges are increased to 10.

    Enthrall ( Old 1st ability ) , is part of Mesmer Skin. " Enemies will be automatically enthralled when they attack Revenant while Mesmer Skin active. "

    Thrall cap is increased to 10.

    Pillar radius is increased to 6 meters.

    *** Thralls need better visuals to distinguish from other enemies.

    Retaliation ( Old passive ), is part of Mesmer Skin. " When Mesmer charges deplete , Revenant emits a screech that stuns enemies in 15 meters radius. "

    *** Needs better indicator for charges ( similar to Nidus's stacks ). Currently switching to operator mode makes charge numbers to disappear. Ability icon looks greyed out and how many charges remained becomes a mystery.

    *** Also needs better visuals...Maybe more Eidolons tendrils on Revenant ?

    #3 Reave - 

    In addition to health and shield drain , Reave also has 25% chance to restore Mesmer charges when Revenant dashes through his Thralls.

    Cost is reduced to 50 from 75.

    *** Please love of God , get rid of that rectangular smoke visual. It's just ugly and makes ability look unfinished.

    *** Needs faster casting animation. Natural Talent shouldn't be mandatory.

    #4 Danse of Macabre -

    *** Elevation is a problem. Ult can't damage enemies that are on small ledges , stairs and crates etc even tho lasers visually touch them. Needs improvements for Z axis.

    *** " Channeling energy from sky ( when we hold L-click ) " vfx should be ult's default visual. Revenant looks weird while holding his hand in air without channeling visual.

    • Like 1
  10. Can't tell if you are serious or troll. Locking a frame behind 1000 days of login would be the worst idea I have ever seen / heard.

    4 minutes ago, Tora.Prime said:

    Login rewards never have something to do with endgame.
    All those items are just a little incentive to keep login and give numbers to DE.

    ^Also this.

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