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  1. Was almost excited to try the cold changes, only for the last point to completely undo it I get not being able to freeze them solid, but losing the other benefits too? This completely removes any and all incentive to use cold over heat. Nobody needs something that's only any help against rank and file enemies. Way to nip it in the bud before it could even attempt to find a niche.
  2. Getting DE's attention for issues with deluxe skins that aren't brand new and at the height of their sales is like herding cats. Wukong's deluxe got its stone material/texture degraded a while after release and it remains in this state to this day.
  3. And ever since she said that there have been countless comments saying 'yes, please do that', to no avail. It's a better solution on all accounts; you can get a better feel for range than you can for LoS checks, you can mod against range limitations and you can't against LoS, it's 100% consistent and all that range is effectively wasted with LoS in place anyway unless you go out to the open world maps. They'd have to absolutely butcher the range like they had done with Nezha initially to make people more dissatisfied than they are with LoS... which I have some slim hope they wouldn't do, given that they literally just went over it with Nezha.
  4. On top of all that, Noctua also competes with Wordwarden for the mod config. Because Wordwarden doesn't benefit from firerate, multishot or any of the tome mods, having a proper build for Noctua means about 1/3 to 1/2 of the mods in use do nothing for Wordwarden, whereas if you choose to replace Noctua you're free to fully optimize Wordwarden.
  5. People don't mind LoS being on Dark Verse, they only mind it on Tragedy because it's a long cast time, high cost ability that only really does proper damage against enemies that you set up for it with status. If LoS randomly fails on Dark Verse, then it carries over to Tragedy even if Tragedy's LoS catches them. If enemies move in between you casting Dark Verse and Tragedy, Tragedy can miss them. Even if they don't move, Tragedy can randomly miss them even though Dark Verse didn't. And it's all even worse if you're also moving yourself. Dante's current condition doubles down on all of LoS inconsistencies, which no other LoS ability in the game does.
  6. I'm having a good enough time with Dante. The secret behind it is I just don't use Tragedy anymore, unless the rare golden opportunity presents itself and there's a dense group of enemies before me in an open space. Most other times the ability just feels like a waste of time to even try. So while I still think the LoS check should be removed even if it comes at a cost of range nerf, the birds and overguard are good enough reasons for me to use him.
  7. Getting energy out of Dante's first ability is super easy. You just replace it with Nourish. Jokes aside, you can try Archon Stretch and an electric mod on Noctua, combined with Energy Nexus you should be getting more energy than you spend shooting it, bypassing the problem you have with Xata. I do think Noctua is an ability Dante 'grows out of', decent for less geared players, easy pick for replacement once you have better weapons (although it remains convenient in random loadout content like Circuit or Archimedea). But considering the rest of Dante's kit is quite strong, I don't really see DE turning it into a powerhouse without sacrificing a mod slot for an augment at the very least. Personally, I'd like to see Noctua interact with the pages that Dante has loaded in, giving more depth to his ability rotation. It could be some buffs for Noctua depending on the page combination, or something entirely groundbreaking... imagine if we had the ability to swap Noctua's mod configs in the middle of a mission via page combinations. Want to refresh your buffs? Input Light+Light to swap Noctua to a tome mod config and altfire at a group of enemies to trigger all invocations before you start casting. Want to use Wordwarden? Light+Dark swaps Noctua to another config with mods that work best with Wordwarden, and Wordwarden snapshots them when you cast it. Want to do some killing with the book? Another combination to swap it to a full offensive config. I think that'd be pretty cool.
  8. You could still benefit from other DoTs, so long as you tag the enemies with Dark Verse at any point. The only thing that's kinda a downside is that it would incentivize casting Dark Verse quite a bit more while Wordwarden doesn't support ability attacks, only weapon ones.
  9. This is a fictional problem pretty much as chances of it actually happening are close to 0. Unless it was a premade squad strategy, in which cases all parties are on board. In a solo/public setting there would be absolutely no reason to mod Dante for that much range, because even without LoS Tragedy can't get much done without status to detonate and Dante has no means of applying status on such a broad scale that it'd be possible to capitalize on over 200% range. Not to even mention that a player separating from the team by entire 80 meters doesn't really deserve any sympathy because they're the one being disruptive by splitting enemy spawns.
  10. If there was any reason to use Excal in this day and age, I would definitely find turning that clunky passive off highly desirable. But taking a mod slot to do it? In this economy? The exilus slot isn't even an option because Primed Sure Footed exists and is far more crucial. Umbra comes with 3 umbra polarities that would feel like a waste to replace even if his stats don't make Umbral Fiber a particularly worthwhile choice, and he also has a non-negotiable augment. So that leaves just 4 slots that aren't accounted for, and under such circumstances 15% strength doesn't quite cut is as an incentive to fix a problem that shouldn't be the player's responsibility to fix with their build.
  11. You're literally looking at what makes LoS on Tragedy particularly annoying and somehow drawing the opposite conclusion. Yes, Dark Verse has always had LoS. Yes, this means Tragedy's real damage output always has been only possible on enemies that can be directly interacted with. But that doesn't mean putting another check on Tragedy makes no difference. LoS checks aren't perfect, they miss things they shouldn't, and because there's at least a couple seconds between ability casts, the two checks may come up with different results. Dante is now in a unique situation of double dipping on this inconsistency, no other frame I can think of has to deal with that even if they do have LoS-based abilities.
  12. That'd be fine, honestly. One of the reasons why LoS on Dante made people so bitter is that there are very strong frames who don't have it. If everyone did, then it sucks but at least it's fair... and with more people being exposed to how inconsistent LoS is maybe the criticism would get enough criticism rolling to get the point across to DE that LoS isn't the cure-all perfect solution they seem to think it is.
  13. Yeah, it working differently for things in front of you and things behind you definitely adds to the perceived inconsistency. On top of that it gives people with ultra-wide screens an additional advantage because they can render more of their surroundings at any given moment. With how Warframe's maps are designed, LoS just doesn't make much sense for an instant large scale ability that is launched from your frame's position. All the inconsistency is easier to work around if it's something like Whipclaw that is sent out and performs a LoS check from a remote position, or Pillage that is a lingering effect that can truncate some misfires (though that is not to say they don't feel annoying at times). For Tragedy it doubly doesn't make sense because Tragedy is a combo finisher, not a standalone nuke.
  14. Well, Wish can be healing spell if you want it to be. Wizards do have a fair number of protective spells though, and giving people Overguard is more like giving them a warding buff or temporary hit points than it is healing. (Yes, I know Dante's abilities also heal but honestly it's rather negligible with all the Overguard)
  15. It already is. Always. You just don't have enough experience to see it. There's plenty of frames that can make it very difficult for the entire squad to die, they just do it in subtler ways than a big overguard number. A lot of frames with a decent armor value have higher EHP than the overguard granted by Dante when running Adaptation, it's just less noticeable. And even solo you can be nigh unkillable with any frame if you set your mind to it, some easier than others, but nonetheless all of them. Even if something goes wrong, Unairu's last gasp lets endgame players self-revive very easily. The kind of content that overguard is too strong for by the virtue of being a big number is content I could clear by letting my sentinel kill stuff.
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