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  1. In the mission to get Rell's Donda, the interaction button does not appear, we cant pick it up and continue the mission IF you come from this side: I had to jump around and find that the trigger for Rell to "humm" and Paladino to talk is up here: Maybe you should put the trigger in a radius around the Donda.
  2. Hm... well, what I can tell you is about what is on the tail end of the Questline. Some say Steel Path (You do all nodes in the game, up to the ones in Whipsers in the Walls, its a NG+ with enemies with more Health/Shields/Level and you get more resources drop as a bonus) is easy, but when you just enter it, it can be quiet daunting, the enemies there get 3x buff in Health and Shields. But it did got easier with the last changes to Armor, so your builds are not much in the "Use Viral to optimize otherwise you are screwed", but that is at the end of the Questline as well... In terms of using your best gear, I would say (Elite) Deep Archemedia or even Netracells, but, again, that is at the end of the current Questline and you need Rank 5 with the faction you unlock after Whispers in the Walls (the last major story quest we have). (Elite) Deep Archemedia requires more that you have a varieted Arsenal with good builds in them because that mode has no Revives and a lot of restrictions to abilities and gear (IF you choose to use them, you CAN use any Gear, but without using the restrictions, your rewards will be lesser). There are, as you likely noticed, 2 types of Archemedia, the normal one and the Elite, the Elite one adds more restrictions and increases the enemy levels from 250 to 400. Netracells are the easier Archmedia and are unlocked when you finish Whispers in the Walls, I find them easy, but I know that is just me. Elite Deep Arhcmedian kicked my, and my squads, collective asses when we tried the first few times. When you unlock Steel Path and finish Whispers in the Walls, a node there is a Boss Assassination, in Steel Path there's a secret: if you collect 60 Eyes (yes, Eyes) instead of 30, you get an Optional Super Boss that is far, FAR harder then the normal one with Steel Path Modifyers and you lose all your Revives so you MUST play well while fighting it AND the Eximus adds that spawn. Pick the right team, or go Solo (you crazy bastard), grab a gun with Infinite Ammo for backup and prepare to get constipated because you are going to CLENCH. And that boss IS optional, beause the reward is just a decoration.
  3. Canada saw the mess Entrati was doing and noped themselves out of existence.
  4. 1. Go to the dojo and put the better Hulls and Armaments on the Railjack. Not needed, but its a big hassle otherwise. 2. Pay attention to what is said, it makes things easier. 3. Do not facetank. DODGE. 4. Always remember to check your Amps. 5. Be patient, take your time in the stealth sections, its very basic. Enemies are always doing Move from A to B or Look to A then B. 6. Put your hand inside Ballas' crevice where his balls once were and RIP HIS HEART OUT FROM THERE! Actually just kill him, he has no heart to begin with. 7. VOULL NE XATA VOK, MARA LOHK? edit: fixed a thing
  5. I heard TFD was doing well, what gives?
  6. She was in Lua alongside the Tenno when it was put into the Void. She tells us in the Ropalolyst fight that she has seen the "Wall's other face too" and "I too have heard the voice". And she definetly saw Wally at the end of New War.
  7. Free laughs for you guys
  8. But thats the thing, there's nothing saying there's a backup throne aside from the one in Lua. To the point we only see Lotus physically after we remove Lua from the Void. But there could be or there couldnt be. She has a backup throne outside Lua, she doesnt have a backup throne outside of Lua. eTerNAliSm!!
  9. Opostasy Prologue, we get there and Ballas mind wammies-BS-Orokin-magic-thingy Lotus. Chimera, we head there, no physically, but revisit. At the end of New War, we return her to her room. But Lua was in the Void, Lotus' throne is on Lua, so the throne was in the Void when Lua was in the Void. And again, in the Ropalolololololololololyst's fight, she says this: "But in truth, we were both imprisoned in Lua's belly. My light remade by the Creators. I became a memory, a ghost. Reprogrammed to destroy my family, my people, my history." "Your great power, your great evil. The voice, the Void, within you. Our ancients still wither at its touch... but have you forgotten Lua? You were saved. But I... I was changed." Void is poison to the Sentients, but she was changed, but Erra acknowledges that the Void changed her. "But you have something our people have never had before, Natah. You're stained by their wickedness. Use it! Use their sin against them!"
  10. We get in her chairroom by going to Lua. Also Ropalololololyst fight: "Do you remember Lua? You were saved. But I? I was changed."
  11. Its more like a 3D rig of it, I will try to get an image, but 4 RJ Missions on the Anomaly and the tileset has not spawned yet.
  12. If you do any Murex mission, look at the black goo, its called "Manifold" and you see Bracholysts spawn from there. Also, you see Battalysts blueprints passing by you in the big, circular red rooms with a hole in the middle. Find the smaller holes and look for a bit. You also see Ropalolysts's BPs pass by the big hole.
  13. 5 days since the last post, with this story, vitory is mine! I'm trying to farm brine shrimp for my fish. making the cysts eclode is being a challenge. Just Nothing. I'm using only a little bit of the cysts with each test so I got a lot in reserve, but kinda infuriating, I'm following all steps too.
  14. And it works IRL too. Its called "It only happens to others, but I will be different". Humans are stupid.
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