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Posts posted by NinthAria

  1. Will the Liset/Orbiter ever get a display room, shelves, or other places to put our decorations? I love my noggles, and doubly love my Ayatan sculptures, but it's getting hard to find room for them without just dumping them on the floor.

  2. In all honesty, rare core drops always disappointed me more than excited me. Nothing brings me down like seeing that flash of gold on a mod drop, only to find out that it's not the stance, power mod, etc. I was looking for, but just another R5 core.

    Endo's also a much more clear-cut system in general. Much easier to work with.

  3. 28 minutes ago, Camelslayer said:

    It's a game about space ninjas doing absolutely ridiculous things, and you're looking for logic?

    There's a difference between real-world logic and the internal logic of a fictional setting.

    All the same, though, the Void is a place where many of the laws of the universe as we know it go out the window. Having a Void fissure inside the Void seems like exactly the sort of paradoxical occurrence I'd expect to see there.

  4. Personally, as much as I like Alad V as a character, I could use a break from his presence in the story. He's easily one of the most prolific NPCs in the game's story so far, surpassed only by Lotus. I'd much rather see some of the other bosses get some screen time.

  5. 17 minutes ago, (XB1)Listed mia 510 said:

    I dont see the difference in playing the same fissure over and over at a faster pace! 

    So now play a Capture/Extractor like mission over and over and over....

    Sounds... Monotonous to me.

    I can play a fissure, come back a few hours later, and do the exact same tier of fissure in a different mission. Pre-patch, T4 interception remained T4 interception no matter how long I waited. I'll grant that it's not a perfect solution, and there's certainly more they could do with it (and it sounds like they will), but some variance in tileset/mission type/enemy faction/etc. is still greater than no variance at all.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Cenat said:

    True but trust me. So many bugs that didn't even exist before this update hit when it came. I never saw 8 hotfixes in previous updates. There weren't much bugs to clean up back then. In fact, if this keeps up, U19 will have 24 hotfixes in total. 

    U18 had at least 8 hotfixes in its opening week. U17 had to have its quest cut out and then re-added the next day just so they could ship it on time--and was rife with bugs (for parkour 2.0, new Tyl Regor, underwater Archwing, take your pick) even besides.

    This is pretty much par for course.

  7. 55 minutes ago, Teloch said:

    Yeah, why should anyone use their own head and develop critical thinking when there are those comfortable "good guys" and "bad guys" stickers, right?

    It's less about good and bad and more about trust. DE said she's the "straight man" of Warframe, meaning you can usually count on what she says being true. Which, so far, holds up pretty well: There's a lot Lotus doesn't tell us, granted, but what she does tell us is, with hardly any exceptions, both accurate and truthful to the best of her ability.

    Whether or not some of that stuff is moral is a whole other issue entirely. But, so far, her word is pretty good.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Kyronz said:

    explain what there is to do then for someone who has all primes

    That's my point. Not everybody has all primes. Your experience is not everyone else's experience. I'm sorry you feel like you have nothing to do, but for some of us, there's a lot left to shoot for.

    At the risk of going off topic, though, I'd try hunting down the new cephalon fragments. It's fairly easy to do while you're going about your regular star chart business, and there's a lot of cool artwork and lore stuff to go with it.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Kyronz said:

    I am not the one who claimed that there was anything left to game other then farming void traces.

    You can ignore the laundry list of other things there are to strive towards in the game, but that doesn't mean they're not there. Also, if you've gained all there is to be gained (or at least all you want) from relics, then why are you concerned with farming void traces in the first place? All they do is increase the chance of getting the things you want, which is pointless if you already have everything you want.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Kyronz said:

    Lord I could buy and own the baron with parts you actually think ducats have value.


    I have been playing since closed beta, if i need 10k ducats i will just turn in for 10k ducats

    Your experience is not universal.


    2 minutes ago, Kyronz said:

    Your joking right?

    Only as much as you are.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Kyronz said:

    As the system is set up, void traces are the only thing you can actually farm with a return...the fact they cap it is punch in the nethers.

    So long as you discount parts, ducats (if you don't need the parts), and whatever else you might get from the mission normally, then yes, it's the only thing. I agree the cap is a little inflexible at the moment, but void traces are basically just a bonus anyway.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Kyronz said:

    prove it.

    If wiki data mining is wrong surely other then brown nosing you will prove you are right.

    A) The wiki is mostly based on player observation, not datamining. B) Datamining is not always accurate, especially in DE's case where they've been known to thrown in stuff specifically to mess with datamining attempts. C) Even if datamining was always accurate and the drop chances are lower, you're still overlooking a number of advantages the new system has, like tileset/enemy variety, better time-efficiency in parts hunting (especially in a group), and, in some cases, much less tedious/painful parts hunting experiences for solo players (for e.g. rotation C defense/interception drops).

    Even putting all that aside, Void traces aren't supposed to be something you grind for specifically. They're a byproduct of hunting other things, a consolation prize, bad luck compensation, whatever you want to call it--you can grind for them if you really want to play the min-max game with your relics, but doing so is kind of missing the point.

  13. 3 minutes ago, pagepro said:

    I expected these responses honestly. The Stockholm Syndrome is too strong for me to convince you all in a single post. 

    I want Warframe to be great. It has amazing potential. However the "content" that we have gotten thus far is leading us in the wrong direction.

    If you can't think outside of the box for even a moment to see this then I don't know what more to say.

    Those are the kinds of responses you get when you accuse people of being wrong before they even see the content of your argument.

  14. Speak for yourself. I was really growing to hate not being able to visit any tileset but the Void because of parts/ducat farming. I have my set of gripes about Void fissures, but at least I can see other locales now without putting the things I want to work towards on hold.

  15. After doing some void fissures over the course of the past few days, my main problem as a solo player is this: It's really easy on certain tilesets--mainly indoor ones with lots of cover, like ships--for enemies spawned by the fissure to either spawn out of sight, run out of sight, or otherwise make tracking them down (and thus getting reactant drops) a huge pain. This is compounded somewhat by the AI for corrupted lancers/crewman, who are programmed to seek cover and will routinely end up well out of the fissure area in some of the above tilesets. Combined with the relatively slow spawn rate for solo players and the fact that reactant only sometimes drops, this can lead to cases where I'm not making the timer not because I can't kill things, but because half of my kills require me to track down targets that have spawned or fled behind a corner two doors down.

    To condense all that into a central idea and potential fix, it would be much more fun if the corrupted spawned from fissures would keep to the area immediately around the fissure, so that the action is centralized like (I assume) it's supposed to be.

    Another, more minor thing: Corrupted spawned from fissures seem to be aligned with whatever faction the mission type is normally home to, meaning they're treated as allies instead of enemies by the Corpus/Grineer/Infested. This struck me as a little strange, and more than a little frustrating when certain enemy combinations come into play (e.g. corrupted ancients with bursa moas). Not sure if it's intended but I figured I'd mention it.

  16. 6 minutes ago, CommanderSpawn said:

    They do drop mods, I remember getting some from them.

    The drop chance of the codes is horrible. Last hotfix (SoTR 4) double the chance to get a code, but I feel no difference and getting 2 codes to nothing from 10 scanned kavats per run. I think it should be at least 80% drop chance.

    Maybe it was a codex bug then. I remember checking the other day and seeing blank mod tables on the hyekka codex entry.

    All the same, genetic codes feel really slow and really repetitive to get, even after the buff. Whatever form the fix takes (increasing kavat spawns, increasing drop rates, allowing genetic codes from hyekkas, etc.), I'm game.

  17. Don't have a lot to say that hasn't been said, but I did notice that hyekkas yield neither kavat mods nor genetic codes. Would be nice if they at least dropped kavat mods (like drahks do for kubrow mods), if not genetic codes as well, given how much of a pain it is to find (let alone scan) wild kavats.

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