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Posts posted by NinthAria

  1. Simple answer: Because if they didn't, then the question would instead be "Why do we have to wait until after TennoCon when the update was teased this week?"

    To be honest, it's probably better that they got it out sooner than later. Major updates are always full of bugs, and this gives them some time to collect bug reports and player feedback to act on after the weekend.

  2. I can't 100% remember where I saw this--I think it was a devstream--but I think the region names you're thinking of appear when you zoom out. When you're zoomed in (like they show in the teaser shots), planet names become the more important regional markers to use, and then mission nodes after that. They might still be there, and just didn't get shown in the teaser.

    As for lore...judging by how tight-lipped they were about junction nodes and what's inside them, plus the fact that they're making everyone (not just new players) go back and do them all, I'm betting there's something cool going on there that they didn't want to spoil. Otherwise...War Within will scratch that itch, no doubt about it.

  3. 5 hours ago, Venom-Snake said:

    I thought it was because he was presenting the Warframe he just made to the Council he is part of. After all, he says in Saryn's that from Margulis' "wittered ashes" (Her research) has sprung a "field of flowers" that he conceived (The Warframes).

    That's the lore reason. However, DE said during a devstream following the launch of U18 that they really liked the way Ballas turned out--his voice work in particular--and that, even if he can't be part of the current-day story of Warframe, they still wanted to do more with him. Hence his presence as the prime trailer narrator: a role where he doesn't really have a presence in the story as we're experiencing it, but we still get to learn more about him.

    Honestly, it was a really smart move, and I love the way it's turned out. Ballas has such a good narrator voice, and his delivery is exceptional.

  4. In many cases it's not about straight power so much as about functionality. Mirage's Prism blind going through walls wasn't an issue that could be solved by changing numbers--same thing with Excalibur's Radial Blind before it, and a host of other powers. A lot of that functionality, furthermore, wasn't necessary so much as it was just overkill, because it neutralized threats that, often times, the player wasn't even aware of. I'm not one of the "git gud" crowd, but I do think there are extremes (like those ones, and others) that are too easy for me to buy into the "but I need this!" argument.

    All that said, you're not wrong about nerf cries being abundant on the forums. That tends to happen with most any game where balance is an issue. However, it's equally important to recognize that some of those arguments do have real weight and reasoning behind them.

  5. Polarize still feels like it needs some tweaking. I'm not convinced it needs to be a percentage drain like it used to be, or at least certainly not as high of a percentage (i.e. capable of 100% drain in a single cast). All the same, it feels a little weak at higher levels, which is doubly painful now that the energy cost went up. Max rank base damage is 400, which is in between a cast of Pull and a tick of Crush--I think it could stand to go higher considering its exclusivity in affecting shields/armor, unlike Pull/Crush which will damage anything. Might not be the best solution; not sure how else to go about it though.

    Would also like to see the shards generated by Polarize be a little more intuitive. Right now they just kind of sit there, and often go to waste because there's no way to get them into a Magnetize bubble short of just casting Magnetize on somebody standing in that area. Would be nice if you could move them around with Pull, so you could gather them up into an existing Magnetize zone or something. Also would be cool if they interacted with Crush somehow--maybe picking up shrapnel in the area to boost the damage? Add an armor shred? I dunno.

    Feel like the rework has potential though. Just needs some polishing.

  6. 33 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

    Haha I knew this new system would lead to a lot of confusion. Knowing DE, they'll never implement a proper tutorial either. New players will just be mystified with why their weapons suddenly start with 2 or 3 mod slots, and why nothing changes the first few levels. 

    The new change is a good thing, but it could've been a lot better. The way it was done is very messy.



    The tip window in the mod/arsenal screen will actually tell you this in-game. There really ought to be someplace (maybe in the codex) that tells you what the hell mastery rank does though--and maybe how to get it--if they're going to continue tying things to it.

  7. Haven't seen a lot of mention of Nova, so I figured I'd chime in since I did some testing with hers. Her passive is not bad in theory: she's a low-survivability frame, making her highly vulnerable to knockdowns, so a passive that keeps enemies from taking advantage of her prone status (at close range at least) by knocking them down is an appropriate idea. Many enemies of many different factions have knockdown powers, so it's fairly widely usable.

    Here's the main problem I've noticed: most enemy knockdown abilities, especially the most common ones--Grineer heavies' radial slam, scorpion/ancient harpoons, etc.--lock them into their cast animation until it's finished. What this means is that most times, the enemy who actually knocked you down isn't affected by Nova's passive, because they're animation locked already. It can still be of use sometimes, since it knocks down other nearby enemies (provided they're not animation locked as well), but in many cases it triggers without doing anything because of how casting animations work in Warframe--which I understand is an issue that extends well beyond Nova and her passive. Nevertheless, this is probably the main obstacle to her passive being useful right now.

    Some other thoughts: I noticed after testing it for a while that it will only trigger off of successful knockdowns, so knockdowns that are blocked (either by melee weapons or mods like Sure Footed, Fortitude, or Power Drift) won't trigger the burst. This isn't really a deal breaker for me, but it might be worth extending the passive to blocked knockdown attempts as well, for the sake of promoting skillful melee play (and melee Nova play in general) and to open up more interesting build choices. Something to think about.

  8. The problem isn't the passive, it's Silence. It's an okay CC, but Banshee already has good CC with Sonic Boom and Sound Quake; as others have pointed out, the actual functionality of Silence is a little obtuse compared to just auto-hushing all your weapons. Comparing the passive to mods that do something similar is kind of silly, because a lot of them do that--the point is it frees up mod slots/points that you'd otherwise spend using that. Ivara doesn't need to bother with Enemy Sense because she has it already; it's a similar case here.

  9. You've said recently that inventory slots are here to stay, at least for the foreseeable future; are there any plans to at least make them less of a barrier for new players? Expanding the number of starting slots, awarding slots for mastery rank-ups (or alerts, like potatoes), and/or providing some way to demo weapons/frames before building them (be it hands-on or just short video clips) so players can more easily learn what they want are a few ideas that have come up in recent discussions; any of them would go a long way towards making arsenal management feel less restrictive early on.

    Any chance that stances with only one or two extra combos will get some attention soon? Both polearm stances come to immediate mind, but a few others like Coiling Viper and Pointed Wind could use help as well.

    Can we get excavators to scale up their health by mission level like defense/mobile defense objectives do? It's really frustrating playing high-level excavations (especially alerts and sorties) if you're not running one of the handful of frames that can keep the drills from being destroyed in a few seconds.

  10. 2 minutes ago, TheGuyverOne said:

    So you're looking forward to a mod, that at max rank gives 55%, where the old mod pre-nerf gave 60? You're looking forward to paying twice the cost of maxing a regular rank 10 mod for a mod that by all means shouldn't exist because DE wants to put another grindwall in peoples faces rather than just revert the changes to Fury?


    55% is still higher than 30%, so...yes? Also the Fury nerf came with melee 2.0, which honestly had more than enough good stuff to balance it out.

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