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Posts posted by NinthAria

  1. 13 minutes ago, Valsako said:

    Welcome to the "I can't handle stories that don't go the way I want them to" topic.

    Solution: Write your own, they'll go exactly how you want.

    Honestly, this isn't a foolproof solution either. I've written tons of stories that didn't go the way I planned.

    So really, you're kinda screwed no matter what.

  2. You've said recently that inventory slots are here to stay, at least for the foreseeable future; are there any plans to at least make them less of a barrier for new players? Expanding the number of starting slots, awarding slots for mastery rank-ups, and/or providing some way to demo weapons/frames before building them (be it hands-on or just short video clips) so players can more easily learn what they want are a few ideas that have come up in recent discussions; any of them would go a long way towards making arsenal management feel less restrictive early on.

    Any chance that stances with only one or two extra combos will get some attention soon? Both polearm stances come to immediate mind, but a few others like Coiling Viper and Pointed Wind could use help as well.

    Also, can we get excavators to scale up their health by mission level like defense/mobile defense objectives do? It's really frustrating playing high-level excavations (especially alerts and sorties) if you're not running one of the handful of frames that can keep the drills from being destroyed in a few seconds.

  3. Just now, Heatnix. said:

    Gameplay wise I guess it really is of an acquired taste.

    Lore wise is a disgrace lol. The system is being infested and in endless war and Teshin wants to host a Tenno Superbowl.

    Is it really so incredible? This exact kind of thing happens in the real world too.

    Honestly, the trailer didn't give us a lot to work with. It's nice that there'll be an alternative way to get Conclave items though, so I'm optimistic.

  4. Is it really that much of a stop? Honest question. I have a Chesa kubrow and a Carrier Prime both, and I never really use either of them. With as fast as Warframe's gameplay moves, and as fluidly as it moves after parkour 2.0, it's never really struck me as much of a hassle to pick things up manually. We're talking a difference of a few seconds, tops, if something is across the room; most of the time it's even less than that. Might just be me, but I don't think it grinds gameplay to a halt like people are suggesting.

    Really, if there's any worthwhile idea in this whole discussion so far, it's that mods and resource pickups ought to be shared with the whole party like credit drops.

  5. You've said recently that inventory slots are here to stay, at least for the foreseeable future; are there any plans to at least make them less of a barrier for new players? Expanding the number of starting slots, awarding slots for mastery rank-ups, and/or providing some way to demo weapons/frames before building them (be it hands-on or just short video clips) so players can more easily learn what they want are a few ideas that have come up in recent discussions; any of them would go a long way towards making arsenal management feel less restrictive early on.

    Any chance that stances with only two combos will get some more soon? Both polearm stances come to immediate mind (especially with the recent release of the Lesion), but a few others like Coiling Viper and Pointed Wind could use some love too.

  6. 24 minutes ago, Repligon said:

    Ok. Revives exist, but it still doesn't mean that warframe just dies with operator when out of revives (or heavily damaged like mentioned excal).

    Zanuka hunter doesn't kill you - it kidnaps you.

    Grustrag Three only put bolt on you and throw out the airlock because they think that you are not a threat anymore.

    I wasn't trying to make a point about what happens when a warframe dies "for real," or what impact it has on the Operator when they do; just illustrating that revives are actually canon, as are mission failures. I mentioned the Zanuka Hunter and the Grustrag Three to illustrate the latter point, because it's clear from what they do (taking you to Alad V's facility and attaching a Grustrag Bolt and throwing you out, respectively) that the story is not simply reversed back to a pre-mission-failure "checkpoint" as a result of your defeat; you didn't die, but the mission also ended (forcibly in this case), which logically means that mission failures can be reasonably taken as a canon possibility, if not necessarily something that happens all the time.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Repligon said:

    Sometimes developers have to put questionable and kind of lore-breaking mechanics in games to make them less punishing. Like in fantasy games we have healing potions that only players are aware of. Or revive stations in Borderlands that for some reason don't work if character was killed during cutscene (that's because new-you stations are actually non-canon).

    Same goes for revives and returning to liset after mission fail in warframe. These things actually don't exist in warframe universe but we have them because starting from scratch after death is hardly fun.

    But those things do exist. Lotus mentions trying to revive Mirage in Hidden Messages, and things like the Zanuka Hunter (and the special mission if you're captured by it), Zanuka itself, the Grustrag Bolt, and many other things imply or downright necessitate the existence of Tenno who failed missions.

  8. 5 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

    I didn't say anything about it not being an infestation in progress or about it being outside his POV. Many things don't have a time stamp, but their implementation after a specific event doesn't always mean it happened that way story wise.

    Best not to confused development order with canon story. It's still arguably up for debate until proven otherwise.

    It may not be proven, but considering there's no evidence of Infested machinery prior to Alad V introducing the mutalist units, it's a pretty damn safe assumption.

  9. 1 hour ago, Maicael said:

    They're a source of income for a company that is providing you a game that's not only free to play, but also free to obtain any equipment you want to try out. I played for over 2 years only using the standard number of slots and only increasing through event weapons given with free slot/catalyst.

    If your friends actually enjoy the game enough to stick with it, then they can always support the game by buying Platinum and unlocking slots, even if they purchase it only when they get a 75% coupon.

    Wouldn't it be better for people to support the game by buying platinum to spend on cool stuff? Like...I don't know, syandanas, warframe skins, weapon skins, alt helmets, armor sets, weapon accessories, noggles, landing craft skins, kubrow armor, color palettes- you get the idea. I get that Warframe didn't have a lot of those things in its early days; it was a smaller game, with a smaller player base, and had to reach for whatever it could get monetarily. (And, for what it's worth, DE was pretty good compared to most in that regard.) But now it does have those things, and let's face it, nobody's excited to pay money--even a little--to (temporarily) remove pre-existing restrictions.

    So, yeah, it'd be nice if those went away. I'd love to be able to spend more platinum on actual items that do things for me, even if that thing is just look pretty.

    Addendum: It's telling that one of the most common arguments in favor of inventory slots seems to be "come on, it's not that bad."

  10. 2 minutes ago, Niliam said:

    Did you try no shield, energy drain nightmare mod fighting couple level 40+ bursas, Combas, Corpus Tech?


    Nope, don't think so.

    I'm confused, are you complaining about the enemies, nightmare mode, or high-level power creep? I was under the impression it was the former, because with the exception of sorties, the latter two you kind of have to consciously opt into, either by picking nightmare mode to begin with or staying in an endless run long enough to reach high levels. Which, you know, invalidates most of your complaints about how extra challenges should have to be opted into.

  11. I don't know if I'm convinced they actually are (or were) people, but it definitely seems clear to me based on certain things (gender identifiers, different idle stances/animations, etc.) that they were at least based on people. They have too much personality to be mindless husks, in any event.

  12. 17 minutes ago, Noamuth said:

    The second sentence disagrees with that assumption though.  They said that "No clan or research required"

    The blueprint is available in the market. It doesn't require research. It does still have a build time. I figured that went without saying.

    I hope that clarifies things.

  13. With paid revives gone and tons more cosmetics than there were when open beta started, are there any plans to visit other old paid mechanics like inventory slots? I'm not against spending platinum, but it feels better when the thing I'm buying is an actual reward (a new item, cosmetic or otherwise) rather than the (temporary) removal of an existing restriction. Things like inventory slots (and, once you get to endgame, catalysts/reactors) feel more like upkeep than anything fun or exciting.

    Any plans to add more combos to stances/weapons that currently have very few? In specific I'm thinking of both polearm stances, Pointed Wind, Iron Phoenix, Sinking Talon, and Coiling Viper, all of which only have one non-basic combo.

    Any ideas for new katanas besides the Nikana line? I'd love to see a Corpus-themed katana myself. Also wouldn't mind seeing a few more options for other weapon categories that currently have very few--sparring and whip weapons are what I'm thinking of in particular, as they only have 2-3 each.

  14. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)Romulus93 said:

    I think there was adequate information to assume that DE was, for a long time, holding the assumption that we were adults, the Tenno in the cryopods that we used to protect.

    There was adequate information to assume a lot of different things, which is natural when you only have bits and pieces of the story. That's how so many different theories came up about it before The Second Dream came out. Some people--probably a lot--also assumed the Tenno were derived from the Infestation. There were a lot of ways to look at it.

    Ultimately what it comes down to is Warframe is an incomplete game. Even if they wanted to scatter lore throughout the star chart for people to hunt down (which there's at least a little of, with things like the kuria and Synthesis targets), it still wouldn't provide the answers you're looking for, because a lot of the game still doesn't exist yet.

    3 minutes ago, (PS4)Romulus93 said:

    I'd call it a retcon but they never said we were the Tenno in those pods. They never say anything, which is the frustrating thing about this. As someone who's been playing for near three years, DE doesn't say anything concrete but replies slyly what it is. It was assumed, quite heavily, that the Tenno were in the cryopod's. Then of course they said we weren't and now it's apparent they're operatives. Do you see the infuriating thing about this? They leave themselves open hatches to escape by not giving any concrete answers so they can fit changes in without retconning because, technically, it's not retconning if none of the supported assumptions were concretely verified officially.

    I don't understand how you can want to hunt down the answers yourself and simultaneously get mad at DE for not giving you the answers straight up. Also, when you have a universe that's under continual, long-term construction like Warframe's is, that's pretty much exactly what you do by necessity: leave things open. As an aspiring writer myself, I know I wouldn't confirm (or deny) key elements of a story before the story (or, in Warframe's case, a particular section of the story) was complete, so as to avoid coloring someone's read and/or spoiling something.

  15. I like them alright. Some of their transmissions are...let's say strangely timed, but that's neither new nor unique to them. I can't be the only one who's gotten a "Keep going; nobody knows you're here." transmission from Lotus after blasting somebody in half with a shotgun and triggering the alarms.

    3 minutes ago, (PS4)Romulus93 said:

    The thing that irks me the most is how it could be good if they weren't so concerned with trying to live up to the lore hype everybody was waiting for. I think they're feeling pressure to make something that was surprising, hence the left field "We're children!" thing".

    It wasn't really out of left field. There were hints about it as early as three full updates (about 1.5-2 years) before The Second Dream hit.

  16. 2 hours ago, Barrett_Linwei8 said:

    Jokes aside who actually agrees with me, the slogan is not good and anything that says Ninja in the game makes me cringe and messes with my ocd.that I'd like to know....because i wasn't reading what anybody said

    The next time you have a complaint that you're not going to listen to differing opinions or viewpoints on, use this site instead: http://screamintothevoid.com/

    Please and thank you.

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