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Posts posted by PollexMessier

  1. 2 hours ago, Cortanis said:

    The opening scene to missions one bugs me the most, but the issue behind that one is that it's really there to hide the initial loading of terrain for the player. I have issues with that largely because it's decided by the user's machine. It's irritating to the max that when if finally decides to properly load that my squad is already miles away, but it's a matter of upgrading the machine hardware.

    For all the other ones, I have to fully agree. In the case of bosses, they're really only there to let everyone know that a player entered the arena room and little else. Ether you'e there or you're not. The other ones are only nice the first dozen or so times you see them, but after landing in a relay for the 100th time it's just irritating to the max.

    If it's just that my hardware is slow I'd prefer to stay in the loading screen a bit longer and get dropped on top of the host than to be placed in an unskippable cut-scene that leaves me leagues behind my team. The cut-scene itself probably adds to the loading time and once the game decides you can't skip it you have to wait the whole thing out every time. I doubt the game loads the terrain so consistently to the exact length of that cut-scene every time it prevents you from skipping it, and when you can't skip the boss cut-scene that's definitely not a loading buffer so I have to assume it's more frequently a bug with the ability to skip scenes than it is a loading issue.

    That bug's been in the game since the option to skip scenes existed so if DE hasn't fixed it yet they ether can't or just won't. But even if the skip worked perfectly every time, the option to disable the cut-scenes entirely would still be a massive time saver and prolong the life of some of our buttons just from the shear amount of times the game shows them.

  2. Particularly the cut-scenes that play whenever you enter a mission, relay, open world town, ext. and minor boss cut-scenes.

    Yes I know "you can spam a button to skip them" except a lot of the time you actually can't. Quite frequently the game bugs out and prevents you from doing this, and it's just one more button spam that'll wear out the lifespan of whatever you're using. It's aggravating to sit there spamming the "skip cut-scene" button to no avail while your entire party blows through half the mission, or beats the boss before you can even move because they're way longer than they need to be. The amount of times you see these pointless cut-scenes is just a massive time waste and slows down the game.

    I'v seen a few really old posts asking for this change but none of them really addressed the issue with the frequent bug of the skip cutscene option simply not working at all, and that existing was pretty much all of the arguments on why this option shouldn't be added. When it happens it gives other players a massive headstart, leaving you nothing to do and making the mission boring for you, and is one more reason to play solo whenever possible.

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  3. On 2020-01-31 at 9:46 PM, (NSW)Cougarduke said:

    I've been playing Solo RJ for a couple days now.  For the most part, I love it! Victories feel hard-fought and rewarding. But all of my most frustrating failures have been for the same reason. Not bugs or difficulty, but Cy's refusal to tell me about catastrophic ruptures in the hull. He seems much more intent on complaining about the campfires than the SHIP DESTROYING HOLE. Sometimes I only happen to notice the timer with 20 seconds left by pure chance when I see how I'm doing on the objective. I should be panicking from flashing red lights all around me, not saying "Oh, I guess I should fix that... eventually". Cy should be yelling about it 2-3 times, even if I'm not on the ship. This is my biggest complaint with all of Empyrean. 

    this is a big problem I have too. CY seems to priorities screaming at you to repair minor issues, and doesn't put nearly as much importance on catastrophic failures and boarding parties. cy shouldn't even need to inform you about minor damage after the first time, they're marked on the map, you can see them plain as day, maybe consolidate all his warnings into one "please repair the ship" message so he doesnt go through 3 different sets of diloge before telling your ship's about to explose 10 seconds before it happens. You know what you cant tell at a glance to you map? if there are enemies present. the railjack should have ship wide enemy sense, and cy should have repeat warning messages about them. He needs to shut up about the minor damages that are barely even worth the revolite to repair 90% of the time.

  4. This really is stupid if you even take a moment to think about the numbers at all

    there are 5 guns, 3 houses, and 2 gun slots. If you want a buffer for large mets shifts due to nerfs, buffs' or any other change, you'll want to keeyou your highest rolls for one of each gun of each school for each slot. which works out to exactly 30 wreckage. for just the guns. Already maxed out the capacity on a pretty logical and basic thing to do

    component blueprints are way more complicated as they have multiple random stats independent of each other, and with different passives. Just 3 schools and 3 components, but every single one of them is already over the wreckage capacity of the guns, plus you might wanna keep some of the side grades.

    AND THEN de has gone and said that wreckage will eventually be treated like the new litch weapon system. Being able to fuse similar components over time to increase stats working towards the best possible version. Meaning you're now also incentivized to hold onto the rarer drops.

    It should be AT LEAST 100

  5. The grind for shedu and the anomaly shards in these things Is already ridiculous If you'd assume they were always available. People hated the 1 hour wait on the eidolans, even you guys have been shown to get frustrated when that doesn't align with your schedules. Some people don't have 2 hours to wait. You guys should remove the 2 hour (and 15 minute ish) inactivity period on anomalies all together, and just have it shift location every 30 minutes. It's just a pain and we all know the only reason you put it there is to prolong the grind unnecessarily.

    • Like 1
  6. They basically already do the bounty thing of giving you multiple chances at rewards, each mission clear gives you 3 rewards from the pool. They've already fixed a large amount and they've said they're gonna make it a lot better by allowing you to merge wreckage together in the same way litch weapons are gonna work in the next update.

    Crewships also drop wreckage

    They could just lower the drop rate of relics to improve the drops of the mission reward wreckage instead of removing them entirely. They've already done this once, but everyone knows when they put relics as drops in mission nodes like this the soul reason is as an excuse to dilute the loot pool more. Same as having endo as a common drop from mission rewards when they could just remove it entirely and increase the amount enemies drops to compensate. But they still, always, add endo (or dirac in railjack's case) into the loot pool of every single new mission type they release just to make it that extra bit more grindy. They do it on purpose to push the drop rates of the things player actually want as low as bearably possible. DE keeps pushing the envelope of how grindy the game is because they want to squeeze as much playtime out of players as they can with as little effort as possible so their numbers look good to investors. They only reduce the grind when their numbers start to drop because players get fed up with their bs, or when the devs themselves get pissed at how grindy their own game is on the rare occasion they actually play it, (case: when they were incapable of completing a stealth nightwave challenge on stream after they changed the failure condition to alerting any enemy instead of triggering the alarm and then reverted it the next day). Which has happened and they're already working to backpedal the railjack grind way more than I even expected them to, to try and gain back some pittance of reputation with the huge amount of players they pissed off.

    TLDR: Asking DE to lessen the grind by removing redundant rewards that they put there deliberately to make things grinder is an exercise in futility. But they are already reluctantly working to make it better.

    • Like 1
  7. Played a mission through with the anomaly present and by the time me and my squad got into it there we no enemies. Mission had to be aborted as it couldn't be complete, 30 minutes wasted, anomaly gone for another 2 hours.

    If you're going to put a ridiculous 2 hour wait on something this important, which was a massive $&*^ move btw the 1 hour wait on eidolans was already unbearable, make sure it doesn't have an unavoidable bug that renders it Incompleteable and forces you to wait another two hours to try again. consider removing the wait entirely and just have it move to a new node ever 30 minutes cus this is bs.

  8. If you're not going to give us back trials anytime soon I feel like we could really use ether some new 3d emblems, or a way to earn the ones that were locked away along with trials. Pretty much all the emblems in the game aside from the ones earned through the trial missions are ugly as sin. The Ki'teer one's nice but it certainly doesn't fit everything and after it's been literally the only emblem you've used for 2 years it starts looking ugly too, and I preferred the old version of it before it looked like glass.

    Also PLEASE make them earnable in a non-rng based way. if I see one more 1% drop on something like this I'm quitting the game.

    I joined the game about a month before trials were removed and they got pulled just as I was feeling prepared enough to try them. I have some serious salt about these things.

  9. 17 hours ago, DrivaMain said:

    Currently Warframe is stagnanting (no loss no gain) likely maybe the amount of leaving players balances out the amount of new incoming players.

    The one reason why a lot of new players quit are.. THE OUTDATED TUTORIAL. DE should have exposed players to microtransactions after they know they can get their items through playing. The current tutorial makes new players assume that this game is pay to win and we all know most of us instantly turn down those type of games.



    changing the market to display both the credit prince (if there is one) and platinum price on the same screen, instead of hiding the credit price behind an unnoticeable button like it was before, and giveing a clear description of how to obtain any item that didn't have a credit price if it wasn't platinum only, was a BIG step in mitigating this particular issue.

    But I think the issue is mainly the exponentially increasing grind. Long time players are getting sick of it, and a lot of new players take one look at the massive grind wall and nope out. When I first started playing back when plains of eidolan released this game felt like it rewarded you well for your time, and the devs cared about it being a fun experience. Even then the grind added in that update was controversial at the time. Now it feels like DE is just doing everything they can to suck as much playtime out of players as they can with as little effort as possible, and it gets worse every update. Long time players can see this trend and are starting to get frustrated and bail out, and the more grindy the game looks to new players at the start the less likely they are to stick around. It won't take many more updates like old blood and emperian for that plateu to start turning into a steadily increasing downward trend.

    • Like 2
  10. 12 hours ago, Jiminez_Burial said:

    What server are you on?  The times where I've had to get an ESO group together it took me no more than 10 minutes, usually around 4 minutes.  And that was getting 3 people from recruitment chat.  It still comes down to one thing - if you head into public matches then don't have any expectations, and if you have expectations then find people who have the same expectations as you.  You either need to lose those expectations and just run multiple pugs, grit your teeth and recruit, or try another method of achieving what you're wanting to achieve.  If you can't find people in recruit who want to run 8 rounds and the people you meet in public matchmaking don't want to run 8 rounds, then what makes you think you won't be waiting 20+ minutes for a public group where it forces you to run 8 rounds?

    what makes me think so is exactly the same thing that makes the tridolan que effective.
    Recruitment takes time, time that people don't have, or want to spend staring at the in game chat opposed to actually playing the game. A lot of players who want to go to 8 ether run pub and keep going after everyone else has bailed, which is why you get that 1/10 chance of ending up with a player that actually goes that far with you if you're also doing that, or they just run solo, instead of wasting more of their time in recruitment than they would just running with randos. Recruiting is only slow because only a small percentage of people actually want to deal with the hassle. Just because no ones ever recruiting doesn't mean it'll be hard to find a group if the game provided an automatic solution. It's exactly the same function as the tridolan or exploiter ques. They don't need to exist, but they do because of just how much of a convenience they offer.

    most endless game modes don't need this, because ether the only reason worth doing them is to reach drop table C, all the drop tables have something you want (like relics), or there is no good drops in the reward table and you're doing it for some other reason.

    Sanctuary onslaught is different because it's both. Without any effective option to separate players by their priorities it causes dissonance between the players that want one thing or the other.

  11. 10 minutes ago, Horonelius said:

    Im sorry that you are so against effort on your own part that you instead want to force DE to make make a game system EXCLUSIVELY for a long run of something.

    Do explain to me how the 20+ times I'v spent over an hour trying to get a group for this and ended up giving up because I got no one was a valuable use of my time.

    Or how to get a group of friends that happen to always want to do this at the exact same time I do, when I can barely even get any of my friends to want to play this game more more than 2 hours total.

  12. Pretty much all of the kuva weapons beg you to polarize the exilus slot, because you need to put 5 forma on them and the exilus polarity is NEVER right. but I always ether, have to put the polarity elsewhere and just deal with the exilus being wrong forever, or buy an exilus adapter for 20 plat because #*!% farming for that S#&$ from relics and i Still need stuff from syndicates. as well as not wanting to waste a day of my affinity booster wailing for that BS crafting time. It would just be such a big QOL change to make the exilus slot polarizable weather or not it's actually unlocked.

    Or ideally just remove exilus adapters entirely and have the exilus slot always unlocked because, with the exception of the kuva weapons which you have to forma 5 times on top of having 20 extra mod capacity, you need to forma pretty much any other weapon 2-3 extra times to fit the nearly useless weapon exilus mods on there anyways

  13. I cannot stress this enough. Every time I need to run sanctuary onslaught for any reason I get infuriated by the fact that maybe one out of every 10 runs I get any teamates that progress past zone 4 with me. Sure its easy enough to get to zone 8 solo for the rewards themselves, but soloing ABSOLUTELY TANKS your affinity gain (on top of making it a lot easier for you to die, and thus lose affinity that way). I'd say the issue is with the way affinity is distributed, and make a post about that instead because it is a problem, but it's been that way for so long I don't see DE ever doing anything about it, and really its not nearly as big of a problem in any other game mode as it is in this one.

    Don't even suggest to me going to recruitment chat or getting friends together, anyone who's ever tried to do that knows that it does not work. It takes hours getting a full team for ESO through recruitment chat, assuming nobody leaves after you've recruited them, then ether one or all of them leave after one run and you have to do it again, and that's just not viable. Or assuming you even have 3 friends that play this game, chances that they'll all get enough benefit from eso to agree and they're are all available to do it at the same time is next to nothing.

    Ether I'm wasting time by not going to zone 8 because I STILL need drops from it despite doing this S#&$ hundreds of times already, or I'm wasting time by going to zone 8 because no one else ever goes that far and so I'm missing out on like 80% of the affinity for focus or if I'm also trying to level something. This game mode is enough of a horrendous chore without this one BIG glaring problem.

    The only solution I can see to this problem, is having a separate queue exclusively for players that want to reach zone 8 and get to that rotation C reward pool. This queue would need to count as a mission failure to any players that leave before zone 8 to severely discourage that behavior in this queue, and encourage you to actually have a viable setup, so people at least don't always end up with an entire team of complete lechers

    Alternatively, you could make it so every zone is a loot rotation, and make it so every subsequent zone past zone 4 also rewards you from reward pool C. I'd find the same AABBC-  pattern arbitrations has perfectly acceptable. This would easily eliminate both problems entirely. But it's been so long since it's release I know that's not gonna happen ether.

  14. On 2019-12-21 at 5:27 AM, DrakeWurrum said:

    Simple. From what I've seen of the randomized stats on Kuva weapons and Railjack components, I don't feel any real incentive to care about farming them out for the perfect drop. Hell, I have an Impact-bonus Kuva Kohm... which is friggin' weird for a bonus on a Slash weapon, but I made the dumb choice to try a Rhino-generated lich for the hell of it. Maybe one day I'll get a better one with Heat... do I care enough to grind for that? Nope.

    By the same logic, that's how I'm gearing out my Railjack. Am I gonna shoot for MK3 stuff? Yup. Am I gonna pick out the one that seems best? Sure. Am I gonna keep grinding for any specific stat roll? Nope.

    I'll get what I get while playing. If I don't feel like playing the content, I won't. It's the only healthy way to approach content that has randomized loot.

    there is one particular stat that triggered me into making this post.

    Avionics capacity

    The power and amount of mods avionics you can apply to your railjack, after you obtain the MKIII sigma reactor from research, is directly influenced by the random stat roll of a reactor you get as a 2% drop from the mission reward of some veil missions, not even an enemy drop, mission reward exclusively.

    You're right that most of the other random stats don't influence the overall power of any given thing all that much. I got a low roll on my kuva kohm and that thing is a BEAST, and the random stats on the other railjack weapons and components are relatively negligible. But this stat in particular is a rather big deal. Most avionics have a pretty big bump each upgrade. 5 points could be the difference of Half of an avionic's effectiveness, and the variance of the best reactor is between 30 and 100 avionics capacity. From what I've heard they can have single points of difference. which makes it about 1.5% chance that, if you get one, it'll have that stat maxed. This is a 2% drop, so roughly a 0.03% chance at the best one, or a 0.15% chance to be within 5 points of the best, from a 20-30 minute high difficulty mission. roughly 10x rarer than the blazing step ephemera, and that's a cosmetic in a game mode that's not really that hard to solo, at least not compared to railjack, and its time locked to a roughly 20 minute mission time which in this instance makes every attempt for it actually faster than the average mission time for a chance at this RJ reactor. (and that's not taking into consideration that there's also a random effect tacked onto MKIII components, one of which for the reactors doubles the railjack's invulnerability period after a critical failure repair which is BIG)

    This by a wide margin is the single most absurdly unfair thing DE has ever done. and its there because they thought random stats were an acceptable thing to do. It sets a VERY bad precedent for the rest of the game moving forward. If DE continues to think these kinds of numbers are okay, future updates of this game could easily become unplayable for the majority of players, and it will die completely.

  15. On 2019-12-21 at 5:13 AM, Volrind said:


    It's true, you don't. But you know what will happen if RJ will keep evolving in missions and mission difficulty?


    "Hey, does your RJ have a XXX gun with Speedy engines I can manouver while your generator supports Zetki Bulkhead, Hyperstrike, and a few more essential mods so we can clear this quick?"


    "We're taking mine then, you can throw your own into trash bin."

    This is a problem the game mode ALREADY has. I never want to use my own ship. because I know if I just run a public mission I have a pretty good chance of ending up on a decent ship, because it's going to mostly be people who are ether confident in their ship, or their ability to make up for it if their ship is trash.

    but I wanna use my ship because what's even the point of building the damn thing if I'm never going to use it.

  16. On 2019-12-21 at 2:39 AM, DrakeWurrum said:

    I do. And so do the folks at games like Path of Exile, Diablo, Borderlands, etc etc.

    The difference is, of course, that those games do it right and make it actually exciting.

    I believe I mentioned destiny, and while I did say emulating destiny was not a good thing, I think destiny does this pretty well too.
    the way to making random stats work is pretty simply, make the gear drops really frequent and easy to obtain, and the stats themselves rare. This is how most games with random stat gear works. As much as I hate random stat systems entirely I can aknowledge that they can be dine in a way that at least makes the games they're in playable. But this is not what DE is doing, And they're not even balancing it in the opposite direction, rare drops with commonly good stats, no, its rare drops with rarely good stats, and that's a big issue.

    But I feel like in general random stats just don't suit warframe very well, DE's not good with balancing rewards with time and effort, and DE has a tendency of making everything worse whenever they try to "fix" anything that's a truly major problem. The only time I can think of when they didn't #*!% up fixing a situation this bad is when they made nightwave better. But nightwave is never going to not be the worst thing DE has ever added to the game no matter how fixed it gets. So instead of them trying to fix the way random stats work, its better if they just stop doing them all together.

  17. 21 minutes ago, Test-995 said:

    NO please stop with build requirement and time gate for every one of parts instead.

    random stat is fine.

    I'd prefer a big grind that's the same for everybody, and that you're always guaranteed progress towards whenever you play the game mode, instead of layers of rng that result in some people getting the best S#&$ first try, while others could spend months playing without ever getting what they're after. You'll likely end up having all the materials you need by the time you actually manage to get a good drop.

    I do think some of the MKII gear and lower definitely need a cost reduction tho so people can actually progress their ship's power as they go instead of needing to stop and grind materials for 10 hours before their ship has a chance in hell to survive the next stage.

  18. 30 minutes ago, Alpha_Tango said:

    During the dev stream, Steve, in passing, brought up Star Citizen while discussing about RJ. That is essentially a game about acquiring different types ships. 

    Having a lot of "other things" in the game means nothing. And it should have its unique grind with Intrinsics too to boot. It is WF in space.

    You play what you like, let others have their fun. It is simple. Treat your RJ as transport if you want, but do not spoil others preferences because you do not have the patience or do not like the mode. Progression is there, but it will be a boring one if we end up having the same, uniform, one size fits all Railjack.

    I never once complained about intrinsics, intrinsics are fine the way they are. and I don't want a "one size fits all" railjack. That's stupid and boring obviously. But having these already difficult to obtain things come with a random set of stats is not a good way to accomplish variability, and "replayability". They could for instance have some sort of consumable items that allow you to upgrade and tweak an individual component's base stats how you want, instead of needing to luck into your desired stats. Giving you a reason to keep playing the game mode to get those items to tweak and upgrade your stuff, and get multiples of anything to build different setups, without running into the problem of running 400 missions and making 0 progress because the 8 drops you got of the thing you wanted had worthless stats.

  19. 5 minutes ago, Alpha_Tango said:

    So when most of us are done with grinding for parts with, as you wanted, no random stats, what makes ones RJ different from another? 

    I do not see any problem to let those who like to grind for parts with best stats, like to min max and have a unique RJ apart from everyone else have their own fun.

    When most already have 10 Intrinsics across the board and gained "the same" parts, what else do we have to go for?

    Again, the umbra forma on its own is quite a substantial reason to play the game mode repeatedly, but you also have to remember that what's currently in the game is only a small part of what DE wants railjack as a whole to be. The game mode as it is currently feels like an entire gamemode's worth of grind. but really it's only a fraction of what it's going to end up being. We're only seeing the beginning of this part of the game. and there's already a lot of other things in this game most people could be doing. railjack isn't the whole game, imagine if every single other avenue of progression was intended to give players a reason to work towards them indefinitely.

  20. 1 hour ago, peterc3 said:

    There's a reason rants aren't seen as good feedback. They tend to make you lose focus and wind up word vomiting things that make little, if any, sense.

    Makes perfect sense to me. DE's design philosophy for the game has, very clearly, slowly gone from "making a good and fun game" to "Getting as much playtime out of our players, as cheaply as possible". Plains of eidolan was the last non story update where, to me, it felt like they were more concerned with providing players with a fun experience than sucking play hours out of them. or at least that their focus on those two things was more balanced.

    Most updates since then have felt like they're prioritizing statistics over actually making the game enjoyable.

  21. This game didn't have one single thing that had random stats on it, except rivens which we at least have the convenience of being able to re roll, and people even hated those, untill the litch update, and that was some BS. Handing us possibly the worst grind this game's ever had to get a weapon, only for that weapon to possibly have a trash damage value. That was one stat on a hand full of weapons, and that one decision made what was already a horrendous grind on par with some of the worst grinds in the game a good 20x worse.

    But now railjack has come out, and it is on a whole other rng level. 3 different randomized stats on equipment that can be as low as a 2% drop from missions that can EASILY take upwards of 30 minutes? you've made maxing out a railjack as grindy and time consuming as plains of eidolan, fortuna, the focus system, and the litches combined. Within the single longest to complete mission type ever introduced to the game, that on top of all of that requires, more than any other part of the game, that you be in at least a semi decent team to reasonably be able to complete. to say nothing of the current unbelievably massive costs to craft said equipment.

    Things with random stats that have an abysmally low chance of getting the max stats should be incredibly easy to obtain (tho I would really prefer that random stats just not be a thing at all. stop trying to be destiny, its not a good idea), And things that are this arduous to obtain should not have random stats on them.

    Having it so that some of the biggest PitA Items to obtain ALSO have random stats is having zero respect for your player's time and effort.

    Before nightwave happened, I was major in the camp of wanting to actually put money into this game because I really respected the way the game handles itself, but this garbage on top of the pushy, CLEARLY only added for that unique daily login statistic, and not for the fun or benefit of the players at all nightwave system, has made my stance on this game do a complete 180. You're not the player friendly company you use to be anymore, and you're killing your game because of it. We can all see you hemorrhaging players. You need to backpedal on your values to what they were when plains of eidolan released FAST before things spiral any further. You can't keep releasing updates that are bigger grinds than any before it, it's completely unsustainable, and its gonna make getting new players harder and harder, while more and more long time players leave because they're sick of it.

    • Like 1
  22. 11 hours ago, (PS4)BlightDragon89 said:

    Ah ok. I was not sure if you were new to dojo decorating or not. Unfortunately there is not a work around that I know of other then brute force, luck, or what I do in my dojo, just block the doors with walls all together. Due to the hit boxes it will make the room smaller, and is not ideal if you wanted to have access to the doors in any way, but its just another tool I have used to get a good base for the rest of what I wanted to do in a room. 

    I will share this post with my alliance mates, as quite a few of them are heavy decorators as well. Perhaps they will know another way, or at least can upvote this thread to try to get the issue some more attention.

    Thanks I appreciate that. I also made a feedback post about this and some other decorating issues here:


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