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Posts posted by PollexMessier

  1. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)BlightDragon89 said:

    There really isn't a work around. I have found that the conflict area around doors can vary depending on if the room console is in the area as well. I can't see from the pic, but if that door has the console, it will have a larger hit box on that side.

    Also, I have found that different ends of objects have different abilities for clipping. For instance, the wall tiles have an end where they can clip, and an end where they cannot clip. With some practice you will learn where that is for the pieces you are trying to place. It really all a matter of trial and error. Sooner or later you will be able to do some pretty amazing things.

    Hope that helps a bit.

    that door doesn't have a console. It's identical to 3 other doors in that room that don't have the same issues. there are two more doors in that room I'm not mentioning because they're positioned differently, one of those has the console. I can place objects much closer to the 3 other doors in the room, one being an exact copy, and the other 2 are mirrored. the waterfalls on the left are on ether side of one of mirrored doors in exactly the same position I'm trying to place the red one. I know what you're talking about with the points on some objects not being able to clip, it's the anchor point that the object rotates around that shows the XYZ arrows and rotation. I have no problem clipping that point into walls and other objects. I'm quite good at getting it into places it shouldn't be able to go, A good deal of decorations in the frame of that picture are already placed in such a way. But that doesn't cause this red issue. Only doors and intractable objects do, also sometimes walls but not always for some reason. and if you're trying to clip something into an intractable decoration, you can clip it in by moving the intractable decoration inside of it instead of the other way around. I'm not a novice at this

    The hitbox around that door is incredibly broken for some reason. It move's and changes shape, like it doesn't know where it's suppose to be. It shouldn't be acting like that. But I know DE's never going to do anything about it. I've seen posts about these inconsistant red zones going back 5 years. So I was hoping someone figured a way around it.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Elric14 said:

    why they didn't make a rebind control for the archwing only, the shawzin has his own rebind control, the railjack too but not the archwing also we cant do the dodge with the gamepad that's a problem too

    i have a question about this rework of the archwings, afterburner is still a thing or not? i cant do it with gamepad or with keyboard

    It seem's it's just been replaced with blink

  3. My 2 main big issues are: Decorations turning red, and not allowing you to place them in certain locations. When it comes to the doors I can kind of understand it, you don't want dojo decorators being able to gate keep certain rooms from other members. But they'd be able to do that anyways, they'd just need to build a larger box around the door, so that point is completely moot anyways, just remove the inability to place objects near doors and intractable objects entirely. On top of them being pointless, all of these existing hit boxes that cause this are broken, sized inconsistently with no logic, and are varyingly strict about how close you can place something to them depending on what it is. They make no sense and they should just be removed.

    The second thing is not being able to clip the anchor point of a decoration you're placing, into another decoration, or through walls. Clipping decorations together is really the best way to make complex and pretty decorations in your dojo. You can usually manage this with some finesse, sliding objects along tight slopes, carefully placing objects on a surface in just the right way that the anchor ends up inside of something, or messing with grid snapping to trick the anchor into clipping inside something. Even more annoyingly the stubbornness of these hit boxes seems to change depending on if the item is un-funded, funded, or complete. We shouldn't have to fight the system to place things where we want. The game allows us to select objects through walls, and we have a method of going out of bounds ourselves via a transporter (please do not remove this, in fact actually adding a noclip mode would be fantastically helpful) so it's not like being able to place stuff out of bounds is an issue.


    Here's an image of my current frustration. I want to copy what I did on the left, to the right empty wall. But the cancellation hit box of the door below it is astronomically bigger than the other doors for no reason, and not only that, seemingly changes in size and shape at random every time the dojo loads. and to prove my second point, A large quantity of things in the structure on the left have their anchor point clipping into other objects. It's one of my favorite things I've built in my dojo.

    One minor annoyance I have is that moving, copying, or sometimes just selecting decorations will, for no reason, rotate or shift them slightly out of grid alignment. You can work around this by limiting your interactions with objects, being careful to place them where you want them to be the first time, and placing new objects instead of copying existing ones. But this really shouldn't be an issue.

    TLDR: Please completely remove restrictions on where we can and can't place decorations, it serves no real purpose outside of stifling our creativity.

  4. Is there a way around this garbage?


    I'm strongly of the opinion that this shouldn't even be a feature at all. I don't really see any issue with being able to block a door or intractable object for pretty much any reason, waterfalls have no collision anyways, and we can select objects through walls already as a failsafe for placing them out of bounds. it's a pointless restriction. As you can see I'm trying to place a waterfall in roughly the same position as the ones on the opposite side of the room. its not that it's just too far into the wall, it stays red a good several feet away from it too. It seems like my issue is, the hitbox that determines how close you're allowed to place something to the door on that wall is dramatically larger for that door specifically. The other 3 doors on those walls allow me to place waterfalls the same closeness to them as shown on the left side of the image. and, unintuitively, I can place other objects much closer to it than I can waterfalls, tho still not as close as I can to the other ones. Yeah the doors are out of frame but if you know this room you have a decent idea of where they are. This one just seems to be broken. I tried removing the room out of that door to see if the room was the issue and the problem persisted. Even weirder this hitbox seems to arbitrarily change in size for no discernible reason. Objects I placed there successfully would later have some conflict when I tried to alter them in any way. and other times I can place objects much closer than I could the day before. other doors in the room don't have this inexplicable variance.

    So my question is, is there any workaround for this? Or am I just gonna have to live with it and come up with something else.

  5. 15 hours ago, Harutomata said:

    Speak for yourself tbh, I still have plenty of mods to upgrade and I'm nonstop short on endo, and railjack is the only content right now probably that straight up gives 0 endo. But I guess Nano Spores, Plastids etc. we get from RJ is far more important than endo and we definitely not have millions of them sitting around. Obviously. Just because you don't need it, others shouldn't get any? How thoughtful and considerate. 
    Plus DE doesn't necessarily have to put them on the strict reward pools where it'd dilute the pool in a way you'd get it over rewards you specifically want, which I never claimed it should be changed that way, but you instantly jumped to that conclusion. The RJ enemy targets could drop some endo too. That wouldn't hurt anyone now, would it? Or it could be an extra roll, therefore not diluting the loot table at all, still. 

    Yes it would be nice if they kept everything else dropping the same amount, and just added endo into a secondary drop table that doesn't effect the frequency of other drops. But that's not what they do. If they add endo into the drop pool, it WILL dilute the drop chance of other more usefull rewards. Not because DE can't do it any other way, but because they won't. Most drop tables endo is in, it's in there specifically to dilute drops. If they wanted endo to be more plentiful, it would be better for them to increase the drop frequency of mods instead, and not throw endo in there for you to get inplace of a mod you might need. Archwing mods are a pain in the butt to farm, and those should definitely be drops in RJ. That would be so much better than just throwing endo in there. Would also give them an excuse to make some new AW mods that make archwing in RJ a bit more bearable.

    Even if they did add endo drops in RJ, they wouldn't add enough for it to be worth it. A couple hundred endo isn't worth much of anything. if you're needing endo, run sorties, do the weekly atayan missions, and do arbitrations from time to time, there's plenty of worthwhile arbitration drops to farm for, I got maybe 7 sculptures just farming for vitus essence to get grendel. You'll be rolling in more endo than you know what to do with before you know it.

    If you need endo at all, there's likely a lot more parts of the game you can be playing besides railjack to progress in other ways. RJ is super broken, unbalanced, and straight up incomplete rn anyways. Would probably be better for you to be progressing in other parts of the game until this mess is properly patched up. It's not going anywhere.

  6. I just discovered wreckage has random stats.



    NO NO NO

    DE remove this right now

    The random stats on the litch weapons were worrying, and now this is confirming my fears. We cannot have random stats on equipment. ESPECIALLY when we're expected to put in tens of hours to farm the resources needed for a single one. This is a terrible slope, you will destroy your game.




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  7. 1 hour ago, Legat_Reo said:
    Please, I want to continue the battle with the spawned enemies when the task is completed.

    and some of us would like to be able to collect resources in peace without our ship being constantly on the verge of exploding and needing to waste our resources on repairs after the task is complete so please don't ask for this

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  8. 10 hours ago, Harutomata said:

    So.. what's the reason endo is completely missing from railjack reward tables?

    If they dilute the reward pools of one more thing with an insignificant amount of endo I'll quit the game. Please don't encourage them.

    there's enough ways through the rest of the game to get large quantities of endo. I get enough mod drops just playing regularly to fund pretty much anything by dissolving duplicates. and if I ever find myself needing more endo than I can get out of duplicates I have a massive stockpile of atayan sculptures I haven't touched from the various ways of obtaining those. sorties, arbitrations, always doing the weekly for them, or just finding them randomly. It doesn't need to drop from everything. it absolutely shouldn't be in any mission reward pool at all. endo feels like a big grind early in the game, and about in the middle when you're trying to fund the massive costs of prime mods. but it drops so plentifully from pretty much all sources that you'll quickly end up with more than you know what to do with just from farming for other things.

    RJ has it's own version of endo specifically just for RJ stuff. I'm happy with those missions only dropping that, and not endo on top of it.

  9. Everything is too expensive. 8000 of a material that takes 20 minutes to get 500 of if you're lucky enough for lots of it to drop and someone to not navigate out of the mission before you've collected and refined it all that would could manage to find, and skilled enough to not use it all fixing your ship. that's roughly 16 straight hours of this mess. for ONE piece of equipment for your ship out of 6 different equipment slots, not even going into ever individual different piece of equipment you might wanna get. yes I am talking about the "currently" best available equipment but its still a massive sink, every other thing except the starter stuff really isn't better by much. keeping in mind that this is only a fraction of what the plans for this gamemode is you REALLY need to tone these costs down, or bump of the drops a considerable amount. you're effectively locking people to the first few nodes of the game mode for days if not weeks for tiny amounts of progress if they wanna actually experience fun and not 20 straight minutes of pure stress and frustration. not that the first few nodes aren't that. Even for this game. this is honestly the worst grind you've ever released, and on the heals of the litch system which was ALSO the worst grind you guys have ever release before this, its not a good look for you. I, and I'm sure many other people, are extremely concered with the exponential curve the grind is taking with each new content release. you guys are hemorrhaging players because of this, you need to stop. most of your players aren't the no lifeing, gonna blow through every ounce of this new update in 24 hours no matter how grindy it is, type of players that you guys are putting this stuff out there for. this is the reason most of your players strive to complete missions in the fastest most efficient way possible, instead of focusing on having fun, It's because it's the only bearable way to play this game, and it just keeps getting worse.

    also might wanna make the several bugs that result in the RJ missions becoming completely incompleteable your absolute top priority to fix right now. nothing like getting a rare piece of wreckage or a blueprint for one of the new warframe weapons only for the game to just decide you don't get to have it, or anything else you spent your time in that mission for. If there's anything worse than unheard of levels of grind for microscopic gains in a painfully frustrating game, It's when you LOSE those gains and waste your time due to factors completely outside of your control.

    I don't see myself being able to put enough time in to be able to enjoy this game after I've gotten a job, and I definitely won't be wanting to if the game has no respect for that time. Alienating the people that can actually pay you money like this is not what you should be doing.

  10. 3 hours ago, 2ndPersonPlural said:

    The hardest part is figuring out what the mission objective is, especially because you can't always see all the waypoints.  I was inside one of the missile platforms and got a "door is locked, find an access panel" message.  There was no access panel -- turns out the door unlocked when you shot some targets on the outside, which you can't see at all from inside.  It wouldn't have been a problem if the rest of the squad outside was paying attention, but this is Warframe, so you can't rely on getting effective squads in a public mission.

    As for the actual tactics and gameplay, it's fine.  A little bland.  Sometimes there will be six fighters on you barely scratching your shields, other times you'll get taken out immediately by something you can't see, which is weird.

    I don't know what people are talking about when they say revolite is too expensive.  As long as you keep destroying enemies you keep getting more materials.

    The issue with revolite is that you need it CONSTANTLY. and that's a big problem when you need thousands of pustrils to craft anything. Its not so much that the revolite is too expensive, its that everything else that needs the same materials to craft are.

    Also this makes drop boosters feel almost ptw. It's an issue when something that's just suppose to decrease grind actually gives you a gameplay advantage in a game mode with this sort of stupid difficulty.

  11. The pustril costs are a nightmare. it took me days to get enough to craft one new thing. they don't drop nearly frequently enough for the insane amount of repair juice you need alone. forget the 1500 of them you need for any single one of the first upgrades. iv already picked up things that are asking for double that. it's an unreasonable grind even for this game when progression is more or less locked behind having a ship that can actually kill enemies (because arc guns are next to impossible to use due to them being suddenly projectile based when they shouldn't be) and not getting a critical hull failure every 2 seconds. At least make the costs on some of the early gear low enough, or the drops of this particular material high enough that most people can get up to a point where they can do some of the lower level missions comfortably so they can, you know, actually get any of them at all.

    side note from the pustril costs. why does the zetki mk1 reactor (not sure about the others as i don't have any others) cost twice as much as the researchable mk1 reactor, but have 2 less capacity and no other benefits? the descriptions and actual stats of a lot of these wreckage parts seems like complete placeholder. it says focus on flux capacity (whatever that even means) but gives no additional bonus to that slot so its ether just a lie or its not even a finished item

  12. the scale is incredibly underwhelming. why isn't the railjack the same size compared to us as it is in the dry dock? and everything else scailed accordingly. i was really confused when i first exited the railjack in a mission and it was like 1-4th the size it should be. its nice cus it makes it much easier to defend but it kinda makes things feel lame compared to how i thought it would be seeing the scale of the ship in the dock. takes me out of things

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  13. 1 hour ago, CriticalFumble said:

    Some of these ships seem hit (archwings) like absolute trucks. 

    I think it was the crew ships - which I grant, the main cannon of a ship like that would leave a mark - completely splatter me through all of Amesha's 2, 3, and 4 at the same time. 

    Though I think the fire redirect feature of the 2 may be broken in RJ missions at least. 


    . . . Also, I'm kinda annoyed that you made all the AW guns projectile based, even though it makes sense.  Could you at least give them the lead indicators from the gunnery skill? 

    having literally all the guns being projectile based on top of enemy ships having WAY too much speed and agility is god awful

  14. The requirement of materials to repair your ship, that you need to upgrade your ship, is ridiculous. How am I suppose to get any upgrades if I'm spending literally all of these resource repairing the ship that is never without 5 issues that need to be repaired simultaneously.

    without leaching off other players and never repairing the ship myself that is.

    Pretty much all of the payload crafting requirements are terrible. I can't accumulate ANY resources i need for the physical upgrades because you NEED to spend them on these things.

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  15. online games just need to aknowledge that a huge chunk of their playerbase is loners. I don't know why this is such a hard concept for mmo's to grasp when they tend to be SO GRINDY that heavy introverts are going to end up being a disproportionately large % of the playerbase inherently

  16. it really does need another acquisition method AND a way to remove them from things you've put them in.

    the way its set up now nerfs are an absolute devastating disaster (moreso than they already are) if you've put an umbral forma on said nerfed thing. I would straight up quit the game if that happened to me (and i put one on equinox so its only a matter of time unless they fix this situation before then). It's really and unacceptable possibility with only being able to get one every 4 months, assuming you even have the time to put in the tedious as hell work for it, and not being able to get them back after you've used them. I think an acceptable place to put them would be as another purple reward in sorties, provided they remove the endo reward because that garbage really shouldn't be there in the first place and rebalance the drop chances so it doesn't hinder anything else. and/or a low drop chance from lua disruption, arbitrations, and/or elite sanctuary onslaught. sanctuary onslaught would be good because that would dramatically increase the overall playerbase's desire to reach round 8 so its not impossible to have a whole pub team go that far anymore. Hopefully also make the rewards in SO scale like disruption and arbitration so there's more of a reason to go past zone 8 which is how it should've been to begin with. also remove endo here too to rebalance the drop % so it doesn't lower drop chances for anything else, and remove the synthetic eidolan shard because why tf does that thing even exist except to dilute the loot pool.

    as long as its a low enough drop chance it really won't be a problem. but please ftlog not below 1%. never go below 1%

  17. 9 hours ago, DrakeWurrum said:

    Based on Devstream 134, the Railjack ship itself will be the fastest method. Rebecca had to tell Sheldon to stop moving the ship so she could get back to it.

    wow that sounds like a really horrible decision. Public matchmaking would be a nightmare if the pilot can just ditch anyone in archwing. And if there is no public match making for it, which I wouldn't be surprised about based on some of the things they've said about it, its ether gonna be solo only for me or I'm just gonna quit the game.

    Honestly I'm over my initial outrage over the blink cooldown. I realized its actually faster for me as I use to spend half the distance waiting for energy to be able to blink before anyways cus I hate spamming energy pads ~~tho the little stagger if you try to use it again too soon now is annoying as hell and needs to be removed~~. But the raijack moving too fast for archwings to catch up with? that sounds like a true disaster. No one will ever want to leave the ship in fear of the captain being a $&*^. and their WILL be an inordinately large amount of $&*^ captains. Just look at the problems with elevators. Railjacks outpacing archwings would be that but much worse, only if there's public matchmaking of course but I imagine the outrage will be 1000x worse if there Isn't.

  18. anyone who's played the game since POE and earlier can clearly see DE's been slowly spiraling into caring more about money and "unique daily player" statistics rather than the players themselves. People thought POE was an unacceptable grind, and thought the quills progression was too dependent on osteron progression. Then fortuna came out and you physically couldn't rank up with vox solaris past a cirtain point until you hit MAX reputation with solaris united and grinded the absolute #*!% out of what were suppose to be story missions but you had to repeat 50+ times to get what you needed out of them. Plus the kdrives which were just a nightmare. Every emblem they've released since they removed the raids had been a flat 2d image which, untill the last 2 (and the animal preservation ones), were all just flat white, when some small simple 3d ones to replace the now unobtainable raid cosmetics wouldn't really be that difficult to produce, and they continue to dump pointless uninteresting sigils as "rewards" that no one will use because previous ones had unique animations that were actually interesting. you can track how much more DE is trying to push more money thought the twitch deals with each new one they do. sanctuary onslaught is a grindy nightmare. iv probably sunk 100+ hours into elite and STILL don't have ether of the vandal weapons from it, going to zone 8 every single time even when my entire team bails out after zone 2-3.

    Then there's nightwave...........


    Undeniably broke a good chunk of the playerbase, and its not hard to see why. Half the active member of my clan outright quit because of it.

    The announcement that they're not going to make any fun and unique quests for new warframes anymore. pretty much my favorite parts of the game were those. and instead replace it with this weird low effort lore dump museum with a box that eats your credits for no reason. really #*!%in bummed me out.

    Now the update with the kuva litch stuff. Completely shifted the mele meta to the point where all status meles are effectively worthless now, and their repperations to the playerbase were 3 free forma and one catalyst when many players likely put 4-5 forma and a catalyst on several weapons that relied on status and are now useless. On top of the 13 new weapons locked behind a trippel layer of rng, with an extra layer of rng to how much damage any individual weapon does, each of which need 5 forma individually to pull all the available mastery out of them (one of which is an archgun yay). with a password you have to brute force and cherry on top every time you fail you get one shot killed just because. its clear this system was meant to pull as much playtime out of players as they could possibly manage. and lets not forget they want this system for corpus and infested too, and have them involved in railjack to who knows what extent. speaking of raijack, while i personally didn't mind the overall material grind of the ship itself. but the size of the dry dock forcing you to wait out several the arbitrary and annoying af crafting and uncrafting timers in dojos to build withought making any effort to streamline the dojo building process, is a damn nightmare, on top of more forma yay. and no news on when the next plaguestar will be to catch up on this sudden dump of content that needs hoards of the little offbrand jiggies.

    Just about every single new thing they do hurts the game in some way. There are underlying good ideas in a lot of these. But then they push the grind of them to the absolute limit they can possibly get away with, and they're starting to not get away with it. Because players are getting sick of it and leaving in droves, and they're not getting replaced because new players take one look and want nothing to do with any of that.

    They need to stop balancing content in the game around the fastest players that go no life untill they're 100% on everything within a month of a new big update no matter how grindy it is, and start focusing more on the average player that maybe plays a couple hours a week because they have other stuff to do with their lives and likely other games they want to play. Or they're going to continue hemorrhaging players until the game dies.

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  19. Reload speed is pretty much the only mod that would be worth the rare exilus adapter, and the amount of forma required to fit an extra mod on your gun. projectile flight speed would be nice on a few weapons but not many, Mainly just guns that fire a projectile that dissipates after a set amount of time (fulmin, arca plasmore, catchmoon) which would increase their effective range. But its not like its much of a hassle to just get closer to your opponent. I personally don't have any problem with recoil in this game, I've put -recoil on the kuva twin stubbas mainly JUST because the game forces you to put enough forma on kuva weapons to fit an exilus mod anyways so I might as well.

    If mods placed in the weapon exilus slot were made to cost 0 capacity (with the right polarity so it's somewhat balanced) than I wouldn't be so mad that reload speed isn't an exilus mod. But as it stands, all existing exilus mods are simply not worth putting in several extra hours of grind to fit (and force specialization to the point where you can't fit any other builds on your weapons). Reload speed is the only QoL mod that would be worth it, which is why it should be one. Otherwise hardly anyone's even going to bother using the feature.

  20. I LOVE compound bows aesthetically. their complexity is beautiful, and they're functionally all around better than a standard bow. Their main drawback being fragility and maintenance due to their complexity. Something that I think is likely a non-Issue in the warframe universe as many weapons have a multitude of moving parts. Anku comes to mind as a folding mele weapon, something that's never been seen as viable in real life for said reasons. So why are there no compound bows? There's huge design potential, and you'd think those'd be the only type of bows future scifi ninjas would use.

    You could say it's because all the bows use energy strings. Every bow and crossbow in the game have glowing strings, and maybe there's something about that technology that is both better, and incompatible with the compound design. But there's nothing in the lore than I'm aware of that would really suggest this. It's just left up to player imagination.

    I'd REALLY love to see a compound bow be added eventually. even better, as a universal bow skin (weapon skin with Ivara deluxe maybe?). I kinda don't wanna see it show up as a tennogen skin cus I just can't justify to myself spending real money on cosmetics, and that might discourage DE from releasing one themselves as to no't detract from tennogen sales.

  21. Seriously what is this feature even for. I see people all the same saying stuff like "just transmute it". cool except there's actually really no way to even remotely manipulate your chances outside of polarity, with the unreasonably expensive transmutation cores, and "rarity" which really only barely works. people say that type matters. but from the 100s of times iv attempted this I'v rarely ever actually seen the mod that came out be the same type going in (rifle, mele, warframe, exct. not polarity), except once when I got one of the exact same mods out that I put into it which shouldn't be a thing that can even happen. its a total myth, but it shouldn't be. there are so many mods in this game the chances of you getting the one that you want it probably somewhere around 0.01%, whatever it is you're looking for, without using a core. in almost no instance could it possibly be easier than just going and farming the mod yourself.

    Pretty much the only reason a feature like this has to exist is if there's a mod you need that should be common, and everyone else has it, you have several mods of the same rarity or rarer dropped from the same enemy, but no matter what you do you just cannot seem to be able to get it because that's the mod you got the 1 in a million chance of not having drop after you did whatever task was needed to obtain the mod several hundred times more than the amount that should've statistically guaranteed you to get it. Then you'd go to this, put in the mods that match the type, polarity, and rarity, and have a fairly high chance of getting the one you're after out. But no, all it does is eat your mods, credits, and simaris standing, and give you nothing worth your time in return. If you put in nothing but shotgun mods, you should expect to get out a shotgun mod in return, but you don't. you get one roughly as often as the % of shotgun mods there are in relation to every other mod in the game.

    This system could be incredibly useful, and be great rng protection if there was actually a statistically significant way to manipulate what you get out of it. But there isn't, so it's worthless.
    As it stands, it's too expensive for new players to get any use out of it by bolstering their mod collection, and the rng is too bad to even consider using for anything specific, so it's no use to anyone else ether. In the state it's in it would honestly be better if it didn't exist at all, so people wouldn't waste their time on it.

    For it to be even remotely useful it'd need to have a significant chance of getting out the same mod type, polarity, and rarity, as you put into it. up in the 30%+ range. Even then you'd still be in >1% chance territory for many mods.

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  22. 8 hours ago, DrakeWurrum said:

    Naw. It should be 100% and also apply to Blink distance.

    If all you care about is loot, sure. Elytron as well will have its place for area control and heavy nukes. The third ability is great at keeping enemies from swarming an area, and it's augmented 2 is actually pretty nifty. I used to use it a lot for the AW Mobile Defense, and I'd just sit back "AFK" watching everything die on their own. It's 4th ability also was strictly overpowered on Pursuit.
    It's a glass cannon, though, so I migrated to Amesha for the survivability.

    Itzal was always fun, but constantly zooming around to use drones and crush as a sort of skirmish melee fighter doesn't work for me as well as Amesha does. I mostly used it for Interception maps, because Blink could get me from one capture point to the next almost immediately. The downside being that I often would die, because Itzal can't handle taking damage without Amesha protecting it.
    It wasn't really that useful to me on Rush, simply because a lot of tight corridors are too small for the old Blink to NOT crash me into walls.

    You people can stubbornly stick to playing Itzal if you want, but it's not "the best"

    if they add new drops to railjack missions, which they almost certainly will, as pretty much the only archwing that can pick up more than 10% of the drops without spending 80% of the mission skirting around drops trying to pick them up in a huge 3d space with a 2d map that's terrible at conveying depth and with loot detection that only works on the horizontal plane, itzal will be VERY relevant. They'll need to do something major about loot collection if they want the majority of players to use anything other than itzal. this is a loot game, loot is the entire point. if you're not picking up the loot you need you're wasting your time.

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  23. it would help greatly if they were at least consistent about it. plaguestar's taken anywhere between 5-9 months between appearances. If they'd just set it on a timer I'd be a lot happier. the uncertainty of when these events will return is the worst part. and it seems like they put if off if there's something big in the works that would be solved by just programming in a timer that sets the event to go off at regular intervals instead of whenever they feel like putting it out again. with railjack and new war in the pipeline I don't expect we'll be seeing them soon.
    which sucks hardcore with the recent introduction of 13 new weapons that need 5 forma each to get all the mastery out of, the recent addition of the dry dock practically forcing players to dump a ton of forma into their dojos to accommodate the thing, AND the recent mele changes forcing a lot of players to build up a new mele that works better with the new systems. DE's put out a ton of forma-sucking updates recently. we really need a plaguestar to drop soon. but I don't see it happening.

    i could care less about the acolites personally. their mods are feelign kindof underwhelming recently. the only one I ever use consistently is blood rush, which you can farm from lua spy, and body count to compliment it when I can, which is a common mod and fairly cheap to trade for. maiming strike is borderline useless now and I rarely ever use any other ones unless I have some extra space in a build that they could benefit.

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