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  1. Title pretty much. These two are the slowest bounties - and really passive ones . Giving an incentive to kill mechs there in order to reduce the mission timer would be great.
  2. Expecting a player to have 10-15 frames and 30-50 ready to go weapons is okay. Expecting everything to be ready to go and invest into some random thing that popped out for 1 specific mode? Just nope. It's a bad design. Make players to prepare a "deck" for the randomizer, people would still need some variety and won't be able to one trick pony. If they don't have enough gear->then autofill the rest, if they have it- either don't do anything or place some random things in the last slot , not multiple . But getting full rng without an ability to reroll like duviri and also getting multiple unowned weapons in each slot? Don't let me get started on this.
  3. Tbh just make direct shots work on everything but giving less charge compared to headshots.
  4. No, not happy at all. We either need 100 recipe or the archwing charges treatment. RN air sup has a cooldown and takes a consumable- they need to choose 1.
  5. Just played pub alchemy fissure- and it was a mess. There are few big problems: It requires way too many element canister throws, what creates more problems: 1 -Since it takes too many- people are refusing to participate in the mission objective and wait for someone to surrender and do it for them. Usually it's 1-2 people in a squad actually doing the objective. 2 -Since it's only few players doing it- puts a lot of strain on hands, way more than other modes. And quite a chore at that. 3-You need a lot of specific canisters, but other colors still spawn and your minimap is a pure chaos. No visibility. Suggesting few solutions. 1-Lazy one and boring one- put a timer after the correct throw, making it so it takes the same time as solo. So even if multiple people throw a canister- it takes the same time. 2- Since the element canister is basically a lantern from the NW event/ deimos boss- Why not to take the mechanic from there? You pick up a canister/lamp/lantern and you have a choice- throw it right away or charge it with kills and then throw a super charged one. Less strain on hands , more engagement. Second variant of this is charge the super canister by running through the same element canisters (so pick up a canister- run by another ones of the same color without picking them up everytime)- helps with the strain as well and gives you a quest to go through the chaos and finding the correct ones.
  6. on the last def target the mech just used his bomb attack and oneshotted the def target through the pick up defense thing...
  7. Absolutely the opposite- i played 2.5 circuit cycles to be done with the system. And i'm playing everything with shards since their release - 3 months of kahl , because i couldn't stand it anymore. Nowhere near done, esp not after the mixed shards and tau change.
  8. FOV messes up with the los check.
  9. Don't forget nezha's aug pls and los check is still clunky .
  10. it's quite bad, in the elite version you at least can choose one slot , because 50 vosfor is not a big reward. but it's still rought against 450 disruption mechs with more modifiers.
  11. I'm ok with the overguard nerf, tragedy los change is actually tragic. A brick can nullify your damage competely. Closed maps in general. if you decided to keep it los, please make it more loose.
  12. helminth eclipse wasn't that broken at 150% for years since the system release. it wasn't the best option for every situation; where people used it- it was consistent, full buff (while i can understand toggled consistency is gonna nerf it a bit, but not 5 times, literally as now). in the patchnotes there was a section about roar vs eclipse and why it's gonna be 30. but how many builds will use 2 buffs, rotating through them? if toggle is such a high price- why not make it similar to rest and rage -where you have to choose before the mission starts? Since it's still gonna be more consistent- i'll take 75-100% for helminth version. nerfing it as now 5 times- it's quite absurd ngl.
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