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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Anything above 100% is kind of a waste, above 200% is a total waste. 1, 3 and 4 dont upkeep Heat procs? Do you even understand how Heat Status works? From wiki: Repeated application of Heat procs do not stack tick damage in the same way other damage over time (DoT) status effects like Toxin, Electricity, or Slash do. Instead, a Heat proc both adds a stack and refreshes the duration of all currently active heat stacks on the target. This allows for ramping up Heat tick damage indefinitely (scaling up linearly) as long as heat status is kept refreshed within the 6 second effect duration (modified by Status Duration). Additionally, all Heat status stacks are automatically consolidated into one tick of damage per second, with new heat procs refreshing and further adding to this tick damage. You can increase the duration of status by 90-110% if you use the Status Duration mod on your Heat Inherit Primer. You contradict yourself very well. There is a point in having certain breakpoints in order to armor strip with 3 efficiently. Also even with tiny damage increases it all adds up in the end. 4 does pretty big damage actually for a non-exalted ultimate. Especially to stripped enemies. She is. For everyone, who knows how to play her. Learn to play her then. You can spread up to 100 heat stacks. I already gave you all the tools.
  2. I think the double dipping on DoTs is unintended mechanic and it most likely will be fixed should these mods be introduced.
  3. They will not double dip the same way Faction mods do, makig them obsolete.
  4. Do you use Heat inherit/Fireball Frenzy and Contagious Bond? I have also seen Gas Ember, but I have no idea how to build it. Guess it does something with Sickening Pulse. PS: Running high STR on Ember is pointless due to her passive, unless you have no idea how to use her passive. She has similar problem to Gyre - needs good enemy density to shine.
  5. Two. Every normal person runs Archon Vitality on her (can be unranked). I have seen two just today.
  6. Who does that? I mean use Maim for the Slash passive. It is maybe capable of doing something to lvl 10 enemies.
  7. I edited above because I realized you seem to be mixing status and damage type. Yes, both toxin damage and effect bypasses shields.
  8. There must be a reason, else it wouldn't be made this way. You may not know it or not understand it, but it is there.
  9. Make sure you do not mix this. Slash is the damage type, while Bleed is the status usually applied by Slash damage. Slash never bypassed anythinng. Bleed used to bypass shields, but it is not the cases any more (Toxin - both damage and Status does it now) It just doesnt get reduced by armor damage reduction because it counts as True Damage type. Viral status application, not Viral damage. At 1st stack +100% and then +25% for stacks 2-10 (10 is max) for total damage bonuss of 325% (it is different damage bonus than 400% from Condition overload, so it is not added, but multiplied). About 12x times more.
  10. You can clearly see if you click on it.
  11. It was made even more powerful with the addition of Tennokai. You can even run it as pure IPS because it is 70% slash. Slap tones of aspeed and you are golden. Something like this https://overframe.gg/build/479240/paracesis/paracesis-38k-dps-millions-red-critical-slash-dmg-steel-path/ Circuit and other random weapon rotation were meant to be an incentive to get more weapons in usable state, yet certain people (including youtubers) thought it is great idea to cheat the system and delete everything besides the cream of the crop. And what is worse also promote this idea for their viewers. I am glad it doesnt work and people find out. We had plenty of topics about it already and I cherish every single one of them.
  12. The primer increases the damage via Condition Overload (+80% dmg per status type) and by applying Viral. That is what Bleed does. But it works faster if enemy is affected by Viral (+100% dmg at once stack) and any other statuses (CO kicks in). Some enemies die from the damage + a small Bleed tick alone, but some other (Eximus, Thrax) may be beefier and require the priming.
  13. On open worlds to unlock rivens or shoot stuff from 100m away yes. But this would be with sniper rifles and you wouldn't use a beam wep. You assume he is gonna attack one thing at the end of the beam, while completly neglecting the possibility of modding the weapon with punch through, which instead makes it into a lightsaber. 29 meters seems high enough, but who wouldnt want even longer lightsaber?
  14. It just costs you 4x more relics and 4x more traces. Not that bad at all. EDIT: As for below. Keep trying, you will not pull me into an offtopic discussion.
  15. Cool story bro. 1. Not sure if you are bragging or blaming. 2. If you expect to something to happen, you should contact support and really provide more information than that: time when it happened, how it happened etc. https://support.warframe.com/hc/pl/requests/new If you were to report a bug in the future please provide more information (what happened to you is not an in game bug by definition and reporting it here will not do anything - especially if you provide as little information as you did).
  16. It is hard to understand what you mean. You can make post different from the topic title. Elaborate. Do you mean knockback occurs when you have stagger protection present? What is Aliu? Which double gun?
  17. Wow, does it mean I can be blue?
  18. It would, if you did not rely on applying statues (eg. your status chance was very low or you were fighting immune to statuses enemies). Corrosive would do +75% vs ferrite armor (not all grineer have that but most do), while also ignoring 75% of the armor (depending on how high the armor is it can be as low as 5% increase). One Viral status stack already ups the damage by 100%. On top of the high status chance Dex Pixia has massive attack speed (from external sources like Razorwing aug) and high Slash ratio, therefore portion of its damage can Ignore Armor completely due to the fact Bleed (Slash status proc) is True damage and doesnt care about armor. Viral status still increases the damage of Bleed (and all other damage). Picking Corrosive on top of Nourish seem like a no brainer (as it is very versatile damage type), but what it does is diluring your damage and lowering the chance of Bleed Status. But then again it adds another status type for Galvanized Aptitude scaling. Seems like you may not be using Galvanized Aptitude, it is most important mod in status oriented buid. I would experiment in going pure IPS with Nourish vs high armor. In general you can have up to 3 basic Dex Pixia setups. In my experience crit based and corrosive builds are good for enemies that die fast (below 1 magazine), while bleed build is better on beefier eniemies (high SP), where you give time for the Bleed procs to do their job.
  19. Get more stuff and rank it up. For starters every mastery fodder weapon available for credits. Some are sold after, some can be used to craft more mastery fodder. Do quests (quests will require certain planets opened, clear the starmap). Get base warframes (or at least complete BPs for warframes) from Assasination missions. Doesnt require any speedrunning at all.
  20. First of all Viral unless you run Nourish. Both crit and non crit builds are fine. The issue with non crit build is that its damage kinda relies on statuses being applied, so if you happen to fight with something that is perma or temporarily immune to those, your damage tanks. Corrosive is only used for Plague Star/Lephantis.
  21. You plan to spoil their experience or just yours?
  22. 3 key strokes every 2 minutes? Impossibru! How about just paste from the clipboard and edit in game?
  23. The slowing effect on the Artax beam has 3% base chance of occuring. EDIT: See correction below. Compare that to Verglas or Cryotra, which have over 11 that amount. Verglas is Arthax on steroids. It has basically same base stats as Glaxion. If you cant get it, Cryotra is still tones better than Artax.
  24. Technically you can filter the main chat with keywords that would only allow the people looking for those relics to show up. This creates your custom chat in some way. But yeah, you cant magically create demand for a relic opening.
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