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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Not going Melee Influence narrows your damage reach to your weapon range & follow through. MI hits everything within 20 meter radius, even through walls. You can full strip with Argonak stat stick(daggers) or Corrosive (req. 2 green shards). You do not need to have the Electric on the melee weapon as long as you can proc the buff (lasts 20 seconds). This guy explains it the best:
  2. Seems like Kengineer is mind reading the OP:
  3. You have right to be angry, but maybe calm yourself and think about what you are proposing. 1. It is impossible to do - ther is no way even god can control the prices of stuff in trade chat (sell listings, buy listings), warframe market (site not affiliated with DE) and DMs. 2. It is impossible to evaluate and control every trade that happens in game. It is in the logs so it can be traced if needs to be (plat purchase from stolen credit card). But that only is meant for flagged trades. 3. Even if it was possible, you really do not want this. It is worse than 1984. It is total control. I happen to be from a country which had been in its history ruled by totalitarian goverment, and believe me - it is not an utopia. Even in other MMOs which have much better trading systems (WoW Auction house) there are still gold sellers, bots, scammers, all the illegal grey stuff. So is IRL. And even more. See the scam? Just comment on it in public or ignore it completely (scammers are like hydra, you cut one head and there are two more). Being harassed? Ticket report the person with evidence and block them. Want to avoid being scammed? Educate yourself. Want others to not be scammed? Educate them. Free market is free. Anyone can TRY to sell or buy anything at ANY price. You got tools that tell you whether this price is close to market price or far. If it is too good to be true it is most likely a scam. You seem to be perfectly capable of aggravating yourself without any outside help.
  4. Sometimes (even it that doesnt say) you HAVE to be solo in solo mode.
  5. Sentinel parts drop out of relics already built and those are tradable like Blueprints.
  6. It is called Lone Story. Not in Lone Story. 1 player is enough to start the countdown.
  7. Have in mind it is not actually stealing, more like borrowing. Once it is killed/connverted he/she returns everything. Lich will not level if you do not do his missions/grab Murmur. Spawn no, but he will steal stuff everywhere. PS: It is always accidentally. I doubt huge Pop-up would help.
  8. Typical Pub. Faster no. Enough yes. 1. All players should attempt to stay within the same tileset. Enemies spawn near players: in the neighbouring tilesets, out of line of sight, close to objective (if applicable). Similar with Void Corruption, but no Line of Sight requirement. If players are spread out no Corruption may happen. 2. Players should refrain from using mapwide instant nuking abilities and preferably also nuking everything within their grasp on sight (dead enemies cannot be Corrupted). When Void Corruption hits it spawns up to 3 enemies of itself, but also corrupts any alive enemies present. Having alive enemies dring fissure hit multiplies amount of Corrupted enemies present. 3. Console host can make a difference mostly in Steel Path due to extremly limited enemy spawn - but that applies mostly to Life Support Modules droprate, not Reactant. In normal Survival amounnt of enemies is greatly reduced, even more if the players spread out and chase the red* 4. Using some kind of Loot multiplying effect can help (Khora Aug, Nekros, Hydroid Aug, Chesekrate, Atlas Aug). *) chasing the red is typical Survival player behaviour: Enemies spawn behind the corner, person sees that on their radar and rushes there to kill them, they ran out, but since the player is there they cannot spawn there any more, so they spawn in the next tileset behind another corner, player sees that and rushes there to kill them, again disabling the spawn and putting it even further away. It makes: less enemy spawn, enemies spawn further away from all players. Sadly it also occurs in "high level play" Netracells. People camping the corners near the edges of the Circle as they see on the radar enemies spawning there, while one should avoid being in direct line of sight of enemies spawn - you can shoot them in there, just do it from afar and behind corner.
  9. It does. If you hold the Heavy input it will keep swinging.
  10. Why do not simply rebind the Melee button to one of your Mouse keys? There is no need for macro. Warframe supports multiple button mouses.
  11. I dont do lvl cap but from my experience everything dies fairly fast. I ran whout Brief Respite till very latelty even. They are shoting my Pet and my other Pet most of the time. On higher level that split second is enough to trigger shield gate, once it is triggered I play safe with Operator. I rather use more energy by spamming whipclaw more, this also makes everything die faster so I do not need all that much shield regen. It may work on chip dmg, but in the higher levels only out of the box higher survivability is not getting hit and shield gate. It actually makes you do less damage, because for the cost of your whipclaw I can do 2+. All %dmg is additive with STR. You are getting only 99 more power STR, which is 13% increase. I dont know about satyisfying and bilions, but with Ceramic Dagger viral/heat/corrosive stat stick I do enough damage that all the eximus die and dont shoot me. For me function = satisfaction. How do you collect those Health Orbs if you run high shield though? I do not see any Combat Discipline, you are not Citrine or Nekros either. To do any convertion you need to be able to collect one and you can't collect one if you are not missing health (unless Citrine). Did something change? And like I said. I am not derailing. Your main argument is that you NEED all the shards available because, they define the builds you want to use. You named two builds that you can pack up to 5 shards each, but honestly I am not covinced about that part about build defining. Because you seem to be purposedly creating a problem within them in order justify patching it with shards.
  12. A bit overcomplicated. Blind Rage is a waste. There is no need for power STR on Khora build - you get additive %dmg on Whipclaw from melee mods (137-165), accumulating (35-350) and arcane 180). Unless Lycan Hunt needs it for some reason. But then you are just sacrificing Efficiency (guaranteed energy economy) for it (chance for energy economy). Primed Redirection/Aegis is plain wierd. I think it is Blind Rage inclusion. It destroys your energy economy and then you have to get a subsume, My whipclaw (power str equivalent of 735) with 130% efficiency costs 17,5 per cast. Yours (power str equivalent of 834) costs 38,75. Then you have to use 1 Subsume (lycan) and 1 mod (equilibrium) to make up for it. I run very standart subsumeless 40% str Khora build, only poped 1 yellow for convenience to have energy on mission start for 1 ensnare+1dome+couple of whipclaws to have it going. The amount of Dome kills is enough to provide the Energy orbs. I am not an expert on Garuda, but to me if majority of your damage comes from Bleed (True damage) Armor strip is completely unnecesary.
  13. It benefits from amounnt of combo. Bigger combo, bigger disc.
  14. Nobody uses names of the polarities, we simply say V, D, Dash..
  15. Could you be so kind ad name those plethora of builds that are defined by the shards? And which shards are needed?
  16. Not sure if you noticed, but there are other weapons obtainable on the map, outiside the Sniper/Archgun. Last time I had Ignis and Grinlok. That is my point. You really do not HAVE to do anything. If you want to get additional 15 stock for that failed challenge at the expense of your time and mental energy it is entirely up to you. And it is not like you do not know what you are getting yourself into. Shards are not a resource. They are a bonus. Cherry on top. Most of the frames/builds do not need any to fuction on high level and adding some will add fraction of % to performance. You can already get additional stock from the containers on the map. You get a radar that shows you those stocks (and other things). Kahl's movement is faster. There are more weapons available than just Grakata. You and those new people got plenty of improvements. I farmed those without any of that. I did not like it, so I stopped.
  17. You really do not need to do those every week. If it is as tedious to you as to me, just do not do it. Game is supposed to be fun, not a chore. Do it when you are in a relaxed mindset. It was made really much easier with the radar and speed increase. If you have done it 40 times I am fairly sure you already know all the typical spots you need to check. And if you do not. We'll it is not exactly game's fault. Moroever if you have done them on max for 40 weeks, that amounts to 40 shards, just from this. What do you need that many shards for? Do you get high on them or something? That is another unhealthy behaviour other than treating the game as a chore. You do not really need to replay the mission for that additional 15 stock from a challenge you missed. It is not worth your time and energy.
  18. Have in mind the the Identified may also come in the form of Endo or Credits and it will just add up to the obtained credits and Endo and not show the Identified part. SO it may seem to you like you are missing some items, when in fact you got bamboozled with DE and their diluted droplists.
  19. It would steal the jobs of the enginers. Do not quite understand what you mean here. Elaborate please. By on foot, do you mean skirmish? What would it change? There are no Starchart resources in PoE, Orb Valis, Cambion Drift, Zariman, Duviri and Albrecht Laboratories either. They all have their own resources and containers drop those.
  20. Do not use fashionframe that blocks your view. Do not like that. Rather see the hide the right shoulder/syndana mechanics used with wings.
  21. Possible Qorvex passive was interfering: All primary, secondary, selective melee weapons (Glaives and Gunblades), and Crucible Blast wielded by Qorvex gain Core Exposure, granting them a +3 Punch Through bonus.
  22. It can be an Ok Primer (not as good as Epitaph or Kuva Nukor).
  23. Except you probably arent MR5 with 10hours in game.
  24. That is great for everyone who did not get the items properly by progressing Nightwave before (although I bet they will still whine, because they actually need to login in a week the mods are in the shop or do you want easy easy mode whole shop with everything all at once?). All those who actually did get just more credits. It is not a great incentive for systematic playing, wouldnt you agree?
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