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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. No, considering they are a drop and not bought for platinium from the Market. Also what is the problem with trading? You want to more hush hush and without tax, amiright?
  2. Why does it have to round up to anything? There are 2 decimals in the arsenal.
  3. Animations: No. You can either circumvent that with doing only part of animation or heavy attack or slide attack or with proper amount of aspeed/range. Poopy stances that do not do anyhing useful (no forcecd slash), while lasting long and doing low damage per second: yes. Disable camera shake in options menu. You do not need any of that with auto-melee. Just press the button and relax.
  4. About as much as the effect of those. Normal Shred is fine. So is non-primed cryo. 60/60 is not required as there is already plenty of status chance due to Aptitude. Cryo rounds is meant to increase elemental damage, what transforms in total damage. These builds do not differ much, it really depends on the content you are doing and your playstyle (and skill). Entry SP everything works really.
  5. Important question. Do you own Primary Arcanes (Merciless/Deadhead)? Cause without them 1st build is better. I prefer Internal Bleeding unless you plan to ONLY use Auto mode.
  6. It unlocks itself when you finish the normal one. But have no fear, you can toggle it on and off at any time.
  7. You may want to check how well to concept works when the leaving player happens to be the host.
  8. You may want to consider changing strategy to instead do faster/easier missions that drop less keys. This way you flatten the curve and get less frustrated when undesired stuff drops. Would you consider the above? I do not understand what you guys see in Veil. I always pick Skirmish, whichever Proxima has it.
  9. How come a player or two must be forced to endure the mission they want to speedrun due to the fact you cannot be bothered to take your time through it solo? In general if it is Bounty, people usually want it for Bounty drops/rep/Mission Credit for NW. If you are after C rotation drop, you should play Normal Navigation Mission, preferably solo or in premade. That applies to Whispers in the Wall Bounties/Missions as well.
  10. Another. If I was getting a dollar whenever someone complains about this test I would be at least 100 dollars richer. Banshe Silence/Vauban Bastile do not seem very helpful here. I hate repeating myself so here you go: (i can only add that the canister timer starts when it appears, NOT when you pick it up, so it is entirely possible to "waste" a canister without even picking it up - I say "waste" because it is just postponing). As for eximus enemies, if they arent marked you can safely ignore them for the duration of the run.
  11. Change the title, because it clearly does not say a word about Void Fissure. People are not telepaths.
  12. It kinda does have to be as close to 100% as possible else as you say there are other arcanes you arent using in that slot.
  13. Aura forma polarity symbol looks like this: Did you expect it to show every polarity symbol or something?
  14. You seem to be highly overvaluating the arcane effect. It is great on status weapons that have low crit, but if you got a weapon that is crit scaling you are handicapping yourself to go below 101% crit to use the arcane instead of normal crit scaling.
  15. Die gezeigten Standardwerte sind für die normale Version der Waffe, du kannst sie ändern, indem du die Waffenversion in der unteren rechten Ecke änderst. Normale Versionen haben eine andere (höhere) Disposition, daher sind auch die Werte höher. Zum Beispiel Pyrana hat x0,95 disposition (die zugrunde liegenden Statistiken werden mit 0,95 multipliziert), und Pyrana Prime hat x0,6 dispo. In deinen Beispiel ist alles in Ordnung 182,7/0,95 ergibt etwa 195 als Basisstatistik, und 115,4/0,6 ergibt ebenfalls etwa 195.
  16. I do not have to see any buys. I can see the market statistics for 90 days which show both the supply and the price as pretty stagnant (28.11 had supply peak for Trickery, but that doesnt matter much). If people werent bying price would be falling down. Yes, there are some people listing WTS orders outside the range and that is also clearly visible on the chart. Where to you think those orders went? Those below were bought pretty fast I pressume. I do not see any reason to get rid of ALL of anything... other than obvious profit for you.
  17. Why not exactly? Have you ever played any third person PvP game? Like PuBG?
  18. Take your time, learn enemy path routes (they are fairly simple and constant), abuse third person view and soft cover, use anything you like as long as it has sufficient range and speed. Have in mind the stealth executes are completely unrequired, you can just quick melee, heavy melee, slam or slide. The enemies are lvl 15 Grineer they do not have more than 600 EHP. If you managed to do Mastery 9 without cheesing it, I do not see any issues here. It is completed exactly with Excalibur and Skana in on the Wiki instructional video (without any enemy radars)
  19. "useless" Meanwhile sell prices on https://warframe.market/ Arcane Trickery: 20p Acolyte Arcanes: 15p Arcane Arachne: 30-35p Feel free to not message him.
  20. You answered yourself. They are bosses. She cannot shot at them due to balance. She can still shoot at Liches, Sisters and Demolysts. That would be super imbalanced. Peacemaker cannot target Capture Targets, Revenant's Thralls, enemies inside a Nullifier Bubble, Kyta Raknoids, Condrix, nor the Teralyst, Gantulyst, or Hydrolyst. Peacemaker does not target invulnerable enemies.
  21. There are numerous other sources of achieving knockback/displacement immunity. Remember it is a status, so anything that prevents status is also PSF.
  22. No, it is not. It is illegal to trade between your own accounts. But two separate accounts on same IP are totally fine.
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