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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Not worth it. You most likely do not own any of the special mods for Grakata that make it unique. Both are essentially single target auto-rifles that are very out of meta and require some kind of punch through (modding) to be viable on SP due to amount of enemies to mow down. May I suggest something completely different? https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Ignis_Wraith
  2. You can Ivara invis arrow your own Sentinel via intricate parkour manouvers and have perma invis on any nuking frame. Sadly still not fixed.
  3. Isn't accumutation enough of a reason? Or you could just stop if that bothers you. This is not a novelty idea. And every 3 months or so. The threads die pretty fast though and nothing happens. Maybe yours is different?
  4. Except ther is no problem to fix. Seller has the obligation to check the MR requirement of the item he is selling and whether the buying player meets it.
  5. Imagine similar situation. There is a minor and you are trying to sell them alcohol or smokes. Sure, they are legally not supposed to use it, but the same law kinda forbids you to sell to them. Also coding. It is way simpler to just prevent trade than lock things in foundry. It is more universal. Also. It is a good way to prevent lowbies from buying stuff they may never use for lots of plat
  6. Zakkhar


    You mean for the quest? https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/The_New_War#The_Wild_Hunt
  7. This is great and all but it assumes that the player will get 35 slivers also next week and next week and the week after and will spend them all. Honestly I do not know what fraction of players do that, but surely not a big number. Maybe a pat on the back for 10.000?
  8. void armageddon Alchemy has this feature.
  9. Then slow nova basic kit is superior in every case.
  10. Daily Login Tribute Discounts are specifically for plat purchase afaik, not any cash purchase.
  11. None of the mentioned frames are good because they will spec into range highly. I do not see how slowing the enemies in big range is such a great idea. It is literally only useful in 1,5 mission modes (Interception and to some degree Mobile Defence). All other modes you really do not want enemies stuck on the edges of your screen. You want to come close and maybe get cced in your direct vicinity (or objective - like stationery/operator Defense or Exctractor). So I would rather stick to low range frames that can use Gloom's Leech as a survivability tool, rather than look for a slow application. CC-meta is dead long time ago, nowdays best cc is killing the enemy.
  12. TL;DR: Index works differently than you think. There is UI bug that shows double the amount of credits you won on the end mission screen.
  13. You still did not specify which stream you mean and what the prize was. Was it Prime Time 384? The rules are known ahead of time: Claim Time: 45 Minutes (Drop 1), 90 Minutes (Drop 2) and 120 Minutes (Drop 3)
  14. Exactly! It is not a corporate job, not everyone needs to participate. It is optional. You are seeing it as a punishement for people who were late. I see it as a reward for people who were punctual.
  15. I think you are. I already wrote I think it was intentional to reward everyone who tuned in at the right time and "watched" the whole thing. If you are late for something that is entirely on you, especially considering the time needed for the reward was listed ahead (but not the stream duration). Yes, the system may need a bit refining, but in this case it was not at fault. Some streams require less time to watch for rewards, some more. It is the organiser right to set the times as they see fit. Do not like it? Do not participate. PS: What was the prize anyway?
  16. Are calendar apps not available in your country? Or just normal paper calendars? Always relying on others to remind you about stuff is a bit selfish, don't you think? Whatever we did before we had phones. I know. We used paper callendars either handing in the visible spot or small notebooks called organizers.
  17. Why though? This is why they give the loot anyway? To boost the numbers. I feel your pain, but it seems it was intentional. If you cant watch for some reason, you can have the stream in the background or open in different browser/tab with quality reduced and sound muffled to lets say 10% (if you mute it it may stop counting). That is the whole point. You really cannot rely on Twitch only. Official Stream Schedule is known ahead: https://forums.warframe.com/forum/113-livestreams/
  18. You want Diriga with Arc Coil, Manifold Bond (do not use Calculated Shot) PS: I am sorry that the upper dude did not bother reading more than title.
  19. I think I see your problem. You played it too much. You got everything and you "finished the duviri". That's entirely on you. But why? You supposedly have enough stuff for next incarnon release.
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