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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Get near one and press interact button (X on PC).
  2. Just check the Overview console (without interacting with Nav) - every main altert/event is always listed there. There were 3 so far: Heavy Caliber, Depleted Reload, Tainted Shell Nothing to be sad about, since 2 and 3 are completely useless, while Heavy caliber is almost useless. Next weekend there will be Magnum Force which is even more niche than Heavy Caliber. PS: Have you unlocked whole Starchart?
  3. Almost everything that can 1shot you can be prevented by simply moving around and/or suplementation of operator. Adaptation is reliable if you are getting chip dmg, but not very reliable if you tend to get hit with big hits. Armor is fine, but it doesnt say much without HP (EHP is the term). How do you react to taking much damage in short timespan? Rolling guard? Transference? Simply parkour away from enemies? Hide behind corner/cover? What Companions do you run? Do they offer any kind of cc or draw aggro? Do you utilise weapons that require you to ADS while standing still? Can you reliably measure the risk level of a group before you get into one?
  4. Not really, no. It is not only about frames choice but about players skill and ability to customise the frame. There is way too many factors that go beyond frame concept that pushing the blame on developers is frankly unfair. Also if we want diversity of choice and playstyles there will always be stronger and weaker choices, especially considering many frames are very old and havent been revisited or revamped recently, while all the new frames are super poweful (often just to be nerfed 3 month after release). Count all frames that were designed before SP was even in the thing that werent changed since then. There is new gear, mods, shards, pets, helminth subsumes etc. that allows the customisation of viablility in low SP, but they wont be able to sustain max lvl.
  5. False premise. It is not. It is quite impossible task to do. Wrong. You just misunderstand the premise. Tanking is not about being immortal. Tanking is about mitigating and/or quickly healing the damage thrown at you by using your own gear, abilities, movement, positioning (along with possibly also drawing aggro from more squishy squadmembers). Dying and quick Last Gasp can also be viable tactic. Players just got spoiled with immortal Inaroses in normal Starchart, where you could just stand idle in everything, while being healed passively and cannot seem to adapt. Are you shield tanking with Chroma? How did you stack his %dmg Vex Armor bonus between DE removing self damage and Vex Armor revamp?
  6. I do not think it is, only positive thing it achieves is status immunity while overcomplicating other mechanics. Status immumity like Spellbind would be cool though.
  7. I always combine Penance with Covenanat invul, it is way too risky to cast otherwise even with Natural talent/casting speed shards. Thurible duration is plenty already (35s base).
  8. Isnt it only an animation bug? Dont they still take the damage from both Mallet and Resonator? I had no troubles clearing SP infested missions solo with Octavia. Allbeit it was long time ago. Did you test it in Simul or in a mission? Maybe it is about music choice?
  9. A trailer must be cinematic, so there are certain exagerations to what Warframes can do and will not always depict the gameplay mechanics 1to1. Just look at the SW:TOR Cinematics or TES:O. Especially considering none of those actually play in game - they are outside media.
  10. Just wait for the Radiation sortie, get Radiated, kill everyone, Vazarin rez, repeat.
  11. Not hating and not on the author. There is nothing to talk, I see what he wrote, I can see the stats resulted from that. I can judge for myself checking some popular weapons and the listed stats prio for them, considering I happen to know the meta builds. Also It (at least i did not notice) doesnt list most iomportant thing, of how good/popular is the weapon, what is the current dispo, which strongly affect the riven price. You can get a god roll for niche weapon/with low dispo and it will still be harder and cheaper to sell than any roll for meta weapon/high dispo.
  12. Not really. People in general have no idea about rivens and just pretend to know or take someone else word for it. The aim of the auctions is not to sell best rivens, but to make most plat on them. That is why shiny stats like crit and %dmg are so popular.
  13. Nobodyy is hating on the person. All am saying is that it doesnt reflect actual useful stats and most people who could use it, wont.
  14. Crit chance is highly overbudget/overrated on most melees considering there is already Blood Rush, Sac Steel and Melee Animosity. Also Melee Influence builds completely ignore it. Base damage is also highy overbudget due to CO, gun CO and arcanes. TTo the pointt many Primary builds complete drop Serration. I think in order to appraise a Riven properly you need to 1. Know the most meta build(s) of the weapon 2. Know whether riven goes in flex slot or has to replace one of the mandatory slots.
  15. It doesnt and it wont. There are similar tools to this available online eg. Semlar, but that would require investing some time & energy and getting a little bit knowledge to understand what information is given and what it means. Making a thread and asking is much easier. This way someone will always do all the work for them.
  16. It can, just count the spins and cancel* the last one, that ends with a self stagger. Or use a different Combo from CW or Different stance. Especially considering the Forward Combo damage per second is pretty weak and it doesnt offer any forced procs. *) can be done with adding input to change the combo type (eg. add control to make a single slide attack instead), removing input to change (depressing W) and/or depressing E or using a two-handed ability. PSF does nothing because it is technically not a stagger status, but a combo animation.
  17. Nightwave is an optional objective that can be completed in the future (until NW is over). Additionally you do not have to complete every challenge in order to achieve max level, you do not even need to complete 30% of the challenges. Certain Nightwaves that lasted pretty long and I completed every weekly and almost every daily I got to lvl 170+ (individual prizes end at 30, after that it is just 15 credits per rank). Diluted Thermia can be aquired any time the event is up (every 2 weeks or so) and there is no max limit of it. I only ever farmed DT for the Optocor Vandal and stuff and even though i farmed Exploiter Orb for 2x Hildryn and Toroids back in the day I still have leftover Thermia to run a NW challenge. Mobile game crap was before Nightwave, where there were Special Alerts for stuff (Forma, Potatos, Helmets, Auras) with limited duration - cant remember precisely, but between several hours and 3 days. If you were online and managed to run and complete one, you got a thing. If you werent, tough luck.
  18. Adjust energy color (Arsenal) + adjust effects intensity (1-200) (Options/Accessibility) I feel like you guys run everything in super bright energy colors, all ultramaxed light options and intensity 200.
  19. It is a free to play game. There needs to be commodity in game everyone needs that is purchased with premium currency. Fashionframe is great, but not everyone cares about it and certainly not new players. 50 slots are rookie numbers. You gotta pump those numbers up. Player is unable to delete slots. Whatever you did was not that. I am not familiar with merging mechanics. if you feel you have been deceived or lost something in the process, best contact Game Support. Forums solve nothing.
  20. I am not worried, I just see you do not understand the function of it. It is there to give you Ability cast where there would be no ability cast. You got no Zenurik, low kils (or no kills) and you want to be able to cast an ability. Lets say you run Invisibility Loki, it lets you recast his Cloak every time it runs out without relying on Orb drops. In early missions enemies are scarce and orbs are even scarcer. Orb drop gives you 25 energy, what if your ability costs 26 or 28? You cant cast it, until you get another Orb drop and even then you can cast it only once and you need to wait for third Orb to cast it second time. Yes, people run Energy Nexus now, but you only reason they do is because they get it gifted/buy, while Siphon is an aura and doesnt interfere with any builds and cant be obtained really early in the game without relying on other players. But you can still run both or just one depending on your needs. Plus it unlike Energy Nexus it affects your teammates too.
  21. What if the slots arent there right off the bat, but earned during base Starchrat/early Quest gameplay more easily. If they leave after and never play those slots are empty and do not take any database space. Also those are not Riven slots, where every riven is one of a kind.
  22. Look at the OP and his river of topics. He does not do a pinch of research.
  23. Welll well well, isnt those consequences of your own actions. Want to have personal challanges? Have them, but accept all the pros and cons that go with them. Can do solo? Good for you. But why are you upset then?
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