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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Do or do not, there is no try. I sure as hell am not trying anything. Doesn't matter if it is predatory on purpose or not. We got open market for a reason (and it is faster than trade post on forums). It is always a loss for a less informed. He may just as well be the one. A scalper wouldl just swoop in and buy it for 50% of the market price.
  2. In that tile, there's a plateau in the middle that features a jogging track with hurdles and debris. Thanks, that explains it. I do not think I have seen it. Only one with structure in the middle that comes to mind doesnt have a jogging track. I sure as hell do not remember anything like that in Zariman though and I have been doing that much more than Circuit/Uc.
  3. He skipped nothing. He uses good old Ciphers (default hotkey is Z I think). He doesnt use any Moas, you can clearly see he runs Carrier Prime. Whole point of spy is using shortcuts. Lua has plenty of alternate routes to take.
  4. Do you mean the Lunaro Court? It spawns in both Duviri (northern part of it) and Zariman. (the world is called Duviri. Undercroft is the name of one of the activities - you hop into portal and play a warframe mission): https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Undercroft
  5. I still do not understand how you get racectrack in undercroft or how you use Xaku in a race. Undercroft is mini-Circuit, you play with your chosen frame. Racetrack is one of possible tasks in Duviri, you play with drifter (yes, you can summon your frame for a short while, but it is useless in a race as I do not think it can ride the Kaithe).
  6. It is just a figure of speech. Play on words of english idiom (link to meaning above).
  7. Dante's Pageflight (Dark+Light) Final Verse spawns spectral owls.
  8. My comment is wierd? Have you read OP's? It may sound wierd to you, if you are not a native speaker, I guess: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/to-get-off-your-high-horse
  9. Please do not speak for other players if you do not know. You can bet however much you want and pressume unspecified player shares your point of view, but it is still me/I, until that player shows up and agrees with you. Unless you specify them by name, then you can say me and X. I do not care what you specified. If you start a thread and post your opinion, you should expect it to be adressed by others on whichever angle they may wish. You got 1,5k posts, you should know how forums work by now. I knew it! I knew it that when you write Shotguns you really mean this one specific weapon that is classified as shotgun, but in fact is an extremly unique plasma weapon - so unique there are only 3 others with same mechanic - Fulmin, Catchmoon and Stropha, and only one of those is classified as shotgun (Primary Catchmoon). TAP has completely zero to do with any actual shotguns beside the fact it is also close quarter due to fall-off. I think I suspect what the problem is. Weapons you specified (Snipers, Bows and Staff-guns) have one similar thing and one great difference to TAP. They require aiming. Quick aiming to be exact. There is no shame in admitting your flaws. You mentioned daggers, so I am adressing that. If you do not wish to discuss daggers, do not mention them. I did not add any parts. There is no debate. For debate to exist one have to hear opposite opinions and respect them. You do neither. But they are not. The loadouts are shared and visible before you pick what mission mode you like to play. Lone Story consists also from 2 mini-Circuits, Duviri possibly more if you open the optional portals. You need to be able to handle both those and the Orovyrm. It doesnt matter whather you start the Circuit or Duviri, the loadout choice will be the same. There is no need for moving from one thing to the other to validate that. This is how it works now. This is how it worked since begining. There is no MK-1 Paris Prime. Game always choses the best version of the weapon you got. If it rolls Paris and you only got MK-1 Paris, you will get MK-1 Paris. Whose fault is that? If you sold Mk-1 Paris you will get normal Paris with basic mods instead. Paris has incarnon now, it is pretty good even the mk-1 version if it was fully modded. Bad example. Yes, I am aware you get incarnons from the Circuit, but that is the exact point. You play the game to be better at the game. I think you need to get off your high horse, before it stumbles and you drop down and break your teeth.
  10. If the price is lower than market value you just say it is too low. If they price is higher than market value, you sell and make a profit on someone who doesnt know better. You can know better. Do not participate in trades, where people do not list the price - it is a predatory tactic. You can check market prices here. Hell, you can actually do all trades here. Warframe Market | Most recent Buy and Sell orders Inaros Prime Set - Trade Statistics | Warframe Market Ash Prime Set - Trade Statistics | Warframe Market
  11. This feature is brand new. I do not think there is an option to customise this menu. I am exclusively using ESC one anyway.
  12. Cache locations are pretty limited, once you know every spot you just check for it, when you enter proper tileset. Here is a guide for this particular map. Steam Community :: Guide :: Hive Cache Locations Similar with tumors locations. They are even marked on the map and often killable with aoe damage. People have been speedrunning Warframe content forever. Profit taker, Lua Spy, Hive Sabo, Tridolon. It is a competitive sport.
  13. Something the developer/Q&A/Testing dept. did not test for. You know this joke about testers: Tester comes to a bar. Orders beer. Orders two beers. Orders 99999 beers. Orders -1 beers. Customer comes to a bar: Asks where the toilet is. Bar bursts in flames.
  14. Typical falling under the texture. Usualy /unstuck fixes it. Occasionally doesnt. When it doesnt, best thing you can do is Alt+F4. Sometimes it saves your progress. It happens to everyone really. You just happen to be in wrong place at wrong time, doing wrong thing.
  15. War doesnt have 40 mod points capacity. The additional 10 points you are noticing may be a result of installing a stance mod. Weapons that have 40 capacity usually get it by formaing it 5 times eg: Paracesis has 40 capacity, so do all Kuva and Tenet weapons. PS: You really do not need more than 70 capacity for a melee weapon* and 80 capacity with 5 formas installed is pretty extensive as well. PS2: Heavy Blades are a little outdated these days and War is not even close to the best Heavy Blade available. Sorry.
  16. It is a skill issue if you lack punch trough and grouping tools. Just because unmodded weapon shots one target at the time, doesnt mean it will shoot one target at the time when modded properly. Again, why do you say we, when you mean me? Do you have access to everyone else Warfarame and can tell when they are getting? Daggers have the highest follow through stat (0,9) and with right range modding are one of best aoe melees in game that do not rely on Melee Infuence. Bows have infinite body punch trough. If you line up your shots you can hit a lot of enemies with 1 arrow. Many of bows are actually AoE launchers. Shotguns? Why would you want shotguns? Classic pellet shotgun is a clunkly slow shooting single target close quarter weapon with lenghty reload. Not something you would want in Circuit. Also lets not forget about Warframes. Many do not require any weapons whatsoever. PS: Have in mind that the loadouts for Circuit are shared with loadouts for Duviri and need to be capable of dealing with Orovyrm.
  17. Contact support of the email or use password recovery. Longer. Your ticket is not the only one they got last night, and evening, and afternoon, and morning.
  18. That is exactly what Pillage does without aiming, clunky charge mechanic, weapon swithicng, augument and in AoE. I am not Hildryn main, I use her very rarely but i got preset for her. Does it matter to you, what I am finding relevant? Unairu is my least used school. I do not use Bramma either.
  19. Sound is fine and it is heard 30 meters away. You also get the yellow circle and the containers are marked on minimap. They can also be seen trough terrain and walls with a scanner. Only real problem is when some of the spawn underground, while rest are on the surface. It does, not just bonus objective. The control zone is much bigger than usual people vision range. Just because you cannot see enemies at the horizon, doesnt mean they arent there. They sometimes spawn in cave under you, sure. That is the best one, especially if you got loki/nova/wisp/volt to speed it up. PS: Some of the bonus objectives are counterintuitive and rather impossible to do. Like kill only the target you are hunting for. Why exactly? What do we gain by not killing other grineer on plains? (in order to do that you have to snipe him from away and leave you frame/pet/sentinel away and catch the guy with Operator while invisible). Why does this part need to be stealthy all of a sudden? Didn't we just kill enemies to make the boss even show?
  20. Yes. Consider I use it more often than Balefire. The forced Energy Orb is great utility to have, not only in low energy sorties. Guess you werent around on Orphix Venom, when we used to leave Hildryns in Aegis Storm between objective points to farm the orbs for Necramechs.
  21. Fun? If the gameplay is not fun to you, no amount of rewards will make up for time spent on the gameplay you do not like. Especially considering the rewards are also used in the actual gameplay. If game is a chore for you, maybe leave?
  22. Or just completely change this obviously failed mechanics. I guess charged shot use requires augument. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Balefire_Surge I dunno how other Hildryns, but I subsume on 1.
  23. Same thing with arcane shards for crit damage.
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