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Posts posted by ValhaHazred

  1. I've said a few times that multi-frame super moves would promote teamwork much better than laser doors and similar measures. I've never made a thread about it though, so you've got me there :)


    Saryn moult + Ember anything = the psuedoflesh of the molt catches on fire and a runaway chemical reaction occurs, making a cluster bomb effect.

  2. How about a magnetic containment strip cycling nano-edged razors, or a huge fusion drill, or a gauntlet mounted circular saw? Their are lots of setting appropriate ways to get some good chainsaw style action.


    It's not like everyone wants to stealthy anyway.


    Edit: Remember most of the weapons aren't even manufactured by the Tenno. Chainblades seem right up the Grineer's alley.

  3. I would love to have a rapier style weapon, it's no less ninja than axes and warhammers. If we where stuck using only historically accurate ninja weapons we would have nothing but converted farm implements since it's arguable they ever even used swords.


    I see it as a high rate of fire, single target, armor piercing weapon with good reach. Proper combat rapiers have an edge for slashing but they would definitely need a new animation set with lots of thrusts and charges. Maybe on a charge attack they could make a short dash, like a watered down, one target version of Excal's basic power.

  4. Copied from Gameplay Thread.


     I think the mechanics you propose would work very well. There could be a whole new class of weapons; chainsaw, huge drill, fusion lance, jackhammer gauntlet, etc.


    Edit: I think their niche would be heavy damage to single targets, although single blades might be obsolete at that point (more so than they already are anyway)

  5. Holy ****!


    I clicked expecting Warhammer 40K and got something even more ridiculous! I didn't know that was possible!


    With that out of the way, I think the mechanics you propose would work very well. There could be a whole new class of weapons; chainsaw, huge drill, fusion lance, jackhammer gauntlet, etc.

  6. If we do get a bolt-action weapon - please please please, let the max fire-rate value be high enough that it can be used as a battle rifle. I'm so sick of seeing bolt actions in games that can't be modded for rapid-bolt-dexterity. 



    Agreed. Pump action shotguns suffer from that too. I don't think I've ever seen a video game character fire a shotgun as fast as ordinary people can in real life.

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