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Posts posted by ValhaHazred

  1. Yeah that made no sense.

    I've never played CoD, as military shooters hold no interest for me. I suggest dragging allies because I'm sick of getting shot in the back a thousand times trying to heal an ally and I don't play as Mag anymore. Sometimes it isn't worth saving someone, and that should really change.

  2. Saryn looks like she/they where something else before alien supercancer changed her/them into walking acid factories. I think the heels actually suit that idea. They became Warframes, and now they can't take off the old (uniform?) boots.

  3. I'm all for grab. In fact I was working on a proposal, but you beat me to it :P

    My preference would be a new button (sorry Stacey) largely because connecting it to melee would be aggravating. I've played games where that was the mechanic and it lead to constant grabbing when you meant to slash and slashing when you meant to grab.


    To sum up my thoughts

    grab: this works on enemies and downed allies. If you take to long (a couple of seconds, modified by frame strength) enemies can wiggle out.

    downed allies can be dragged around (so you can get them into cover)

    additional buttons modify the grapple on enemies

    grab: throw the enemy, can be charged up to deal more damage to thrown enemy and anything struck by them.

    jump: some kind of pile driver, body slam or similar move. AOE shockwave.

    melee: a powerful attack. If it kills them you get a special 'finisher' animation

    aim: use enemy as a shield, aim your pistol around them

    shoot (when aim isn't held): shoot them in the head with pistol


    This one is kinda out there but; power: sacrifices a heavily damaged enemy to amplify the effects (I have no idea how this would work)

  4. I think enemies should be killed when dropped into abyss areas instead of teleporting back up.


    Come to think of it, I wish something bad happened to players who fell in too. Maybe it activates an emergency short range teleporter that uses your shield capacitors for energy and because it's such a sudden, unstable translocation it causes damage (lose all shields and 10 health for example).


    That bothers me alot, and it would be nice feedback for a failed stunt. It would also make succeeding feel much better.

  5. It's just Saryn and Volt who wear heels isn't it? It does bother me, and "no high heels" would be above "no capes" and "no boob windows" in the list of stupid crap superheroes do but shouldn't, but at least it's equal opportunity stupid in this case.

  6. it may sound contradictory to the OP (though none is intended), but I find it kinda cool that the weapons are only drawn when needed. like... efficient and without waste or need to show off the blades. They leave the sheathes (or their resting position), do their job, and return to their resting places. Even if not carrying guns, I think it is kinda cool to run around and do acrobatics (climb/sommersault/use zipline etc) without melee weapons bared, then just unleash them enough to dispatch of the obstacles on the way and carry on.

    That is a very good point. Did real warriors carry their swords unsheathed when not locked in combat?


    "Although less fantastic, another theory is that there are not actually thousands of individual Tenno as represented by the number of players in the game, instead, each "class" of warframe actually represents an individual Tenno rather than a variety of armor, and in reality there are only twelve Tenno in existance (one for each Warframe)."




    I think this is the most reasonable theory yet.

    Then how come there can be 2-4 of the same Frame together?

  8. The gorgon a minigun? No no..I'm talking about those big rolling barrels with a huge ammo box on your back.

    It has spinning barrels, they're just protected by a shroud.

  9. I'd like to see weapons that shoot bio-mass stuff. I mean, technically, the Warframes are Technocyte's controlled buy the wearer. :n

    That's an unproven fan theory so far. That said I've been thinking of adding some ranged Technocyte weapons to my More Dakka thread.

  10. A healing/shield restore gun would be nice, but it might step on Trinity's toes a bit. Maybe something like the Linkgun from the Unreal series that can be chained between alies to amp up the power.

  11. What about Infested guns?

    I don't know about that, although I am all for more melee weapons from them. They just don't seem to be the type to use guns.

  12. There seem to be a lot of weapon suggestion threads, but I've been thinking about what I'd personally like to see and thought I'd share with all of you.


    I’m not good enough at game balance to propose actual stats,so feel free to suggest some. I might get around to drawing them sooner or later as well.


    Corpus – the Corpus prefer close range, high powered attacks.



    Pulse Rifle – the pew pew energy weapons the Corpus Crew use. High damage, balanced against poor accuracy and slow projectiles.


    Blaster – a short range semi-automatic pulse rifle. It has poor accuracy and nasty recoil but deals more damage per shot than any other rifle.


    Laser Carbine – shoots a beam of highly focused photons at a target. No recoil, hitscan and perfect accuracy are balanced against low dps.



    Pulse Sniper – more powerful than the Snipertron, balanced with a slow projectile and smaller magazine*.


    Railgun – a very powerful single shot sniper rifle that fires foot long tungsten spikes at 8 times the speed of sound. It comes with innate AP, penetration and knockback. Locked until Mastery level 4 or 5.


    Particle Cannon – an upgrade to the Laser carbine, this proton accelerator deals far better damage but eats sniper ammo like candy.


    * in my ideal world the Snipertron would have a 10 round magazine.



    Flak – a very powerful single shot pulse shotgun. Although it has absolutely terrible spread, the Flak has a trick up its proverbial sleeve. When the trigger is held down the powercore is launched out of the barrel, detonating into the usual cone of pulse bolts upon release. The pulse core moves very slowly and touching anything prior to detonation destabilizes the core, wasting the shot.


    Torus – this energy shotgun fires a burst of five plasma ring vortexes. These rings expand outward into a narrow cone with a maximum range of a dozen meters. When one of the rings touches anything it pops, dealing moderate damage.


    Drunk – when fired, this five barreled energy weapon spits out drunken energy blobs that careen around unpredictably. Although it can be difficult to use at long ranges, if all five projectiles hit its damage is only outclassed by the Hek and Flak.



    Pulse pistol – worse than the pulse rifle in every way except ROF


    AkPP – for those who love pew pew and hate ammo


    Charge pistol – a powerful hand cannon that can be charged up for even more damage. Credit goes to Vaskadar

    Base Damage: 30
    Charge Damage: 80 (compensate for additional ammo use and charge time)
    Charge Time: 0.7s
    Charge Usage: 2 power units
    Fire Rate: 4.1
    Magazine Size: 12
    Special: You can tap the trigger for a normal shot for 30 damage, but it's slower than a Lato Vandal. Charged shot would have a different crit rate than the normal shot. The charged shot makes ammo consumption worthwhile, for that 20 extra damage squeezed out.



    Grineer – the Grineer love Dakka. Their guns have relatively high ROF and DPS but waste ammo.



    Naga Gyrojet – this rifle fires self propelled and stabilized rocket bullets. It takes a second for the bullet to gain lethal velocity, so it deals far less damage at close range but it ramps up with distance. It also has far less recoil than other rifles, making it ideal for long range firefights. If possible the in-game bullet should actually start out slow and speed up, making leading the target take some skill and familiarity with the weapon.

    Special: Explosive critical. On a critical hit the fuel within the bullet detonates, dealing high damage (no matter the distance) and knocking the target over.


    Hydra – a multistack multibarreled machine gun. Basically the viper on steroids, it spews out bullets like no other weapon. Credit goes to MJ12

    Damage: 2.0 (not a typo) x 9

    Rate: 30.0

    Magazine: 180

    Reload Time: 6.0 seconds default

    Accuracy: Mid-Low (depending on burst length)

    Recoil: Mid-High

    Special: It has a spin-down time. It will not fire for less than 0.3 seconds (9 rounds) no matter what you do. If you hold it down for a prolonged period this spin-down time increases, to a maximum of 2 seconds. After firing a burst it needs a short period of time to cool, so firing in bursts to maximize accuracy and minimize overkill will reduce its DPS significantly.


    Erinyes – a light machinegun based on the Gorgon. Although it has nowhere near the full rate of fire of its big brother, the Erinyes has no windup making it better for small groups and solitary mooks.



    Kadru Gyrojet – a sniper version of the Naga. It has a large magazine and good rate of fire, but has very low damage at close-medium range.

    Special: explosive crit


    Jormungandr - a sniper rifle for use by the Ballistas. Semi-auto, but fairly weak.



    Apophis – a jack of all trades shotgun.

    Damage: 80 

    Firing Rate: 2.5 

    Accuracy: 6 

    Base Clip Size: 8 

    Reload Speed: 2.5s 

    Critical Chance: 8%

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