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Posts posted by ValhaHazred

  1. It might, although I prefer to keep their Mythological serpent naming scheme (Grakata excepted). I had the idea that the Corpus weapons would be named based on the weapons primary feature in a plain and robotic style.

  2. I liked the idea of individual colours being a rare drop from normal enemies, common from elites and a certainty from bosses.


    It gives free-to-players some variety but if you must have some specific colour you have to hope and pray or shell out the plat. They need to make money somehow.

  3. And a very odd one. You'd expect a thermobaric grenade launcher so far into the future.

    Considering just how far in the future it is I would expect automatic homing microfusion grenade launchers. But that maaaaay be just a liitle OP :P


    At least we could claim that gyrojet is just a rifle with little knockback and damage, rising with distance. (and an explosive crit, it would be delicious).

    I love the explosive crit idea! I'm gonna update my weapon thread with that if you don't mind.


    She means...

    Fixed it for you :)

  4. Anti-armor explosive vs. hull = spaaaaaaaaace


    It's a moot point anyway. The Devs have repeatedly said explosives won't find their way into Tenno hands. They tried it early on but it took away from the impact of Powers.

  5. Because Gyrojets have low initial velocity, making them worthless in the majority of combat the Tenno engage in, close range ship board combat. 


    A rail gun doesn't have the same power as a gyrojet, it has signifficantly more power than a gryo jet, yes it would have recoil, but the main reason the gyro jet was developed wasn't because it had little recoil, it's because it had faster velocities at long range when compared to regular bullets, thus making it more lethal over distance. Railgun\coil gun trumps that, hands down. Assuming that the level of technological development for both weapons had been the same the rail gun would still be the more powerful weapon. 

    Like I said, it would be a long range niche weapon. There is room for both types of weapon.

    It's all a question of energy density. If it's the same for both the Gyrojet's theoretical propulsion and the Railgun's capacitor the Gyrojet will have the same power at max range with less recoil.

    For the record I don't think the Gyrojet should do the same damage as a Railgun. In my Moar Dakka thread I said the Railgun should be the most damage per shot in the game, with the Gyrojets being long range moderate DPS automatics.


    https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/33938-moar-dakka/ (shameless self promotion)


    If I remember the physics of railguns correctly they have less recoil than a conventional firearm with the same muzzle energy because much of the force pushes outwards against the rails, and the recoil is more evenly spread out. 

    Some erroneous work has suggested that the recoil force in railguns can be redirected or eliminated; careful theoretical and experimental analysis reveals that the recoil force acts on the breach closure just as in a chemical firearm. The rails also repel themselves via a sideways force caused by the rails being pushed by the magnetic field, just as the projectile is. The rails need to survive this without bending and must be very securely mounted. Ultimately the recoil is going to be the same as a chemical weapon with the same muzzle velocity. (Quoted from Wikipedia, I checked the references though)


    A gyrojet on the other hand, has only slightly more recoil than a paintball gun.


    P.S. how do you change font colour?

  6. but tenno are humans, they couldn't use a bolter, it would be way too heavy :p

    They are ridiculously super human.


    Gyrojet weapons in the warframe universe would be pointless, considering the level of technology available, they could easily achieve much better results with a coil gun or rail gun. 

    That cuts both ways. The Gyrojet could have Electrothermal-chemical propulsion or something beyond our current theories for propellants. The Gyrojet design also neatly sidesteps the recoil problem. A Railgun with the same power as a Gyrojet will have massively more recoil. Equal and opposite reaction, right?

  7. I like that they would be low damage in close quarters. It makes you really think about taking it with you in a mission. It's a very niche sort of weapon and would be best suited for planetary outposts and Defence missions.

  8. Gender swapping frames would reduce the personality of each frame.


    Since when do the frames have personality? They have no unique animation, no fluff, no sounds. All they have is appearance (with colour the player chooses) and powers.


    Please let us choose gender for ourselves. It doesn't even take much work, especially since the animation skeleton is the same for all frames.

  9. I like the thigh tumor and bone "cuff" on the shoulders even if it is ummm... vulvic, but I agree she could use some work.


    My theory for her inorganic leg armor and high heels is that she was something else before alien space cancer grew a Warframe from her flesh, and has since fused with her old armor.

  10. Grabbing is cool but it be nice if you could throw them at other enemies especially when surrounded by many as i find my self in many occasions. We can use it to knock them off balance just like the sword stomp move.


    That's what I thought :P

    grab: throw the enemy, can be charged up to deal more damage to thrown enemy and anything struck by them.

    jump: some kind of pile driver, body slam or similar move. AOE shockwave.

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