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  1. No one reacted to this, so figured I would. The multicolor words and size changes both made me laugh and also made my brain twitch, take my like.
  2. I mean, that is actually not a bad idea. Not sure how that would fit in with the game balance they have going on, right now DE's version of adding difficulty is mainly just throwing high-level eximus enemies at you until you fold, but it is a fresh idea. I would actually love to see something like this added, maybe as a mission type or as a new star chart to go through.
  3. I agree with the post above me, in higher level content that OG is gone in a second. I would also like to ask, what would be your solution to this issue. Remove his ability to make overguard, make it only apply to him, just genuinely curious what you would suggest. Personally, I would be a fan of something like what they did with Limbo which would basically just give you some way to "opt out", but that's just me.
  4. Then the community needs to respond in kind. At this point, IDK what grudge they have against Dante, but it either needs to stop or someone else obviously needs to be calling the shots with regard to balance. But just sitting here and not offering some sort of solution does nothing, so I applaud any sort of solution that keeps the conversation alive and does something to maybe help resolve the issue. At the end of the day, we cannot let them just forget this, because then they will just do it again.
  5. Can't say I agree with 20m but on the whole I agree, and honestly I will take what I can get.
  6. At this point the only answer is them being afraid to totally admit they were wrong. All deflections and band-aids, and frankly I am getting sick and damned tired of it.
  7. I could not agree more, bump to the moon to make sure they see it. Agreed on all points.
  8. It is going to be just the same BS we initially got with Dante that prompted all of this. Honestly, I would not be surprised to see them basically say "We have resolved any issues with LOS, however to keep *insert frame here* in balance we have also nerfed *insert ability here*" and it will be the same crap all over again. I could be wrong, but given the past few week or so, at this point I doubt it.
  9. Just making a test to see if this post vanishes. The community is not going to be silent about this, and they should not be silent. Releasing a new frame, making packs that people spent good money on, and then nerfing said frame into the ground was bad enough, and IMO more then enough incentive for me to never buy anything new until months afterward to ensure I am not wasting my money. However, to continue to rub salt in the wound by making half-hearted attempts to "fix" the nerf is just ridiculous. Nuke frame are part of the game at this point, and regardless of how one feels on the matter, it does not appear they are going anywhere soon. I am not gonna sit here and way "other" frames should be changed as well in response, that horse is long dead and frankly it feels unfair to other people who have their fav builds. However, consistency is important, and to claim that he was THAT much more powerful then *insert frame here* that I am not gonna bring up is frankly absurd. DE, for the love of the void, please revert these changes and listen to the community for once. 100 pages of forum feedback plus all of the discord comments cannot possibly be wrong, and frankly it makes it almost impossible for the community at large to trust anything you said that you seem to be sweeping this matter under the rug. If this post disappears, then I have my answer, and I will find another game to play. I really do not want to throw away 11 years of playing this game, I love the story and the community that exists here, but if you are gonna treat your community like this, then I have no choice. I genuinely hope that something changes and you do the right thing, but I suppose we will see.......
  10. Just adding my voice to the absolute tsunami of feedback that you have been ignoring regarding Dante. I say ignoring because you obviously are not listening. The community is not going to keep doing this forever, the whole forgive and forget thing is a dead letter. You either need to revert the changes and admit that you were wrong, or give everyone who wants one a full and complete refund for all Dante related purchases . That is the only way this will be made right. Until that happens, I am sure that both myself, and others in this community are not going to just let this issue go. Retract or refund, there are no other acceptable solutions.
  11. I think at this point I would be willing to sign on to the chargeback/refund idea as well. If they will not listen to the absolute mountain of feedback, then maybe they will when it does affect their bottom line. Fixing a adjacent issue that has been an issue for a long time now is not a fix, and frankly it brings to question why LOS for other frames has been broken this long if it was this quick to resolve. DE, I have been playing this game since Alpha, I love it dearly, but you need to listen to the community on this one. Revert the changes, go back to the drawing board. It is about the only way you will save any face right now.
  12. Just adding my voice to others here. LOS and OG nerfs need to go for Dante himself. If you must keep the OG nerf for ally's then whatever I guess. As it currently is, no way in hell am I going to buy accessory packs or rush new frames if this stands. And just to end on this point, there are several frames that do mass group damage that are not LOS and frankly do Dante's job better, there is no justification for this.
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