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Everything posted by CephalonCarnage

  1. and don't forget Alad V is an Orokin! IIRC there's a lore piece where some character explains "warframes are real?" like they thoughtr they were a myth. Nope. The operator doesn't teleport themselves into the warframes, but has a "void ghost" (for want of better words) that can be projected. The operator cannot be physically present - you can manifest operator in space (eg eris extract) or in heavily infested missions, and then your operator would be dead. So it must be a magic projection rather than physical. Its a shame they forgot to prevent operators from picking stuff up or it'd be clearer. Now that doesn't mean it isn't so obvious to NPCs who see this kid appear and think its a solid person. Maybe this is also why you need to appear as operator to access certain areas like the Quills - you don't physically appear and the "door" is really a solid wall you walk through.
  2. Armour is a reference to any hardened unit. Tanks are called "armour" in military terms.
  3. Also, switch to Firefox. Even if its for the simple reason that Youtube = Google = Chrome. Don't reward them for kicking you in the balls. Youtube only made $6.7bn in ads last year, shame they had to destroy any goodwill in order to make even more.
  4. I read a few sites have moved away from fandom to alternatives - and the one that seems to be most popular is wiki.gg that explicitly says they can lift old content and import it without any involvement from you. The question is whether DE or the guys who curate the existing wiki would like to be involved. If they were, then I think the process would go very smoothly. If not, then it might be a much more rocky road to acceptance. The guys who curate the existing wiki do a great job and I woulnd't like to migrate behind their back.
  5. Its the mission I thought as well, until I decided I needed to farm nidus. Then as I played it, I realised it was a lot more fun than I remember. Go into it with an open mind and you might be surprised. Lots of running around shooting things, bring an AoE gun for added enjoyment.
  6. kitgun go brrrrrrr. hurhur. I know how it feels. My only other kitgun I use is a sporelacer secondary. I use it almost exclusively for archon hunts, specifically the 2nd stage against the mobs as its too OP. Another riven for it, haymaker and splat - its not quite a shotgun secondary as it has arcing shots, but it has AoE and eyewatering damage. Its the kind of gun you just spam around for graphic-card-kiling particles and enemies exploding around you. Your biggest problem with it is accuracy but once you get a feel for the distance arc it kills everything. Unfortunately you may have to guess where the enemies are due to the particles and I strongly suggest giving it a low-intensity colour (though I gave it a blue, so now its a killer watre pistol) but that makes viewing the shot trajectory harder so YMMV as what works well. Admittedly I have a good riven for it - +49% elec, +121% damage, +78% cd, -50% slash
  7. The other good mode to collect bile is infested salvage, its also a much more fun mission than people give it credit for.
  8. My riven settled at +54% heat, +54% elec, +96% cc. So yours will be fine. better possibly as you'll have that extra crit damage multiplier.
  9. Overframe build. 15.4 fr, 130% cc, 4.8 cd only 787 damage per bullet. Its a fun weapon more than anything TBH. Rattleguts rivens are ten-a-penny. But it did need the forma.
  10. Gibber is the magic. The fast, fast fire means you get a bullethose. The ammo economy is negated with arcane pistoleer that gives you +103% ammo efficiency on headshot (which is super easy if youy fire what feels like a thousand bullets per second). Infinite ammo with the pax charge arcane. And then Arcane precision gives you +300% damage and merciless obviously helps a ton. What you get in effect (though it costs a lot of forma) is a gun that fires like a beam weapon its so fast, with decent damage that ramps up when you hit heads so you just need to fire roughtly in the right area and you'll get many headshots. But it does need that ramp-up time, and will fall off eventually. (otherwise, my other go-to secondary is kuva twin stubbas. I had a nice riven and they do hit hard. Works best with the anti-recoil exilus mod)
  11. then your kitgun is the one. Add the arcane that gives it battery-ammo and it never, ever runs out. I use one, a rattleguts and gibber secondary that just fires a hose of bullets. Add the primary merciless and run your frame with arcane pistoleer and arcane precision and you can fire infinitely long at hordes of enemies as long as you shoot somewhere near their heads. It does need the secondary merciless arcane to be effective but the damage ramps up quickly.
  12. A rainbow? Yes I know its commonly thought of as 7 colours, but really... It is customary to list indigo as a color lying between blue and violet, but it has never seemed to me that indigo is worth the dignity of being considered a separate color. – Isaac Asimov. DE should change the name of the 6th one to Violet.
  13. They cannot leave the old behind - DE cannot. Imagine if you try to build an old component that uses, say toroids, only to be told that old Vallis with the Corpus toroid drops no longer exists and has been replaced with Narmer factories - all the mask components you like though. whilst old content exists and is available to players, the old content must remain in place. The only thing DE can do is add more stuff to it. This is perhaps the big reason DE doesn't revist old stuff - its done, its there, go farm it and DE won;t try to edit it that might result in something breaking. Another reason is shared squads. What happens if you team up with someone who has not done TNW yet? You get the old Vallis tilesets. Thank goodness its only cosmetic, imagine if there was something in the new maps (eg a Narmer outpost) that you had to assault in a bounty, and it wasn't there because you were playing with your kid brother who hasn't got to the quest at all? DE's best response to this is either: skip the entire game ot go straight to Duviri (lol), or pay to skip the entire quests to skip to WF1999 (will be equally lol).
  14. Though all the talk of "after trhe war everything is different" forgets that afer the war evertything is *exactly the same*. Want to kill profit taker - no problem, the missions are still there. Want to kill Exploiter, no problem, she's still banging on about Anyo (not narmer). This is the dubiousness of the whole post-war decision making. Only the visuals changed but everything else is still pre-war. I get the concept of gameplay requiring you to appear in Fortuna to run the missions as if every time is your first time, that's OK. But what is not OK is the idea you turn up after Narmer has replaced the whole old order and there it is, as if nothing had ever happened. That sucks. There was nothing stopping DE from putting a new "post war" starchart in, like steel path option that you could revert to the old one. But they messed it up massively, and still won't do what's required to fix it. Instead we have 1999 and Duviri - anything but fix their mess. Add a post-war lotus petal, give us a post-war starchart with the rump of narmer and sentient troops in it, make it a positive force for the future of the game. (hell, rework the new war quest so it makes sense and then give us a post-war starchart with narmer and sentient trops for us to fight as a war)
  15. RJ as a co-op game was the best thing DE ever added. We have solo play everywhere else, you may be in a squad fo 4 but really you're just 4 solo players. RJ changed that, gave you a different gameplay experience. That co-op nature made it a wonder. (yes you complain of leeching players, but that's wrong. Chances are they just didn't know what to do and you didn't have the maturity to explain to them). In the old days, the RJ was bigger,there was an extra corridor section between the open area and the engineering deck. That made getting around a bit harder, but it also let DE put the hull breeches in a lot more locations, so when things started to go wrong, you couldn't just seal the hole by the door, it could be anywhere. Thius made the engineer role a lot more involved. Also the revolite repair goop was a single resource, you had to make more to use it, and that made it more interesting as it was a limited resource. So you had 6 different roles being filled by 4 players, and when battle was getting going, it really made a RJ mission an Experience. You're piloting, boarding bases, gunning down fighters, fixing holes, repelling boarders, restocking the energy and revolite, all at the same time. It was very hectic at times. and everyone I know who played RJ loved it so much. Now sure there were lots of players who didn't know how to play it and this is THE SINGLE BIGGEST PROBLEM DE HAS. When I first started someone took me to the back and explained it all, and suddenly RJ made sense. So I did the same to every player I met on random RJ missions. They went from "WTF is this crap" to "OMG best game ever, again!". DE needs someone putting on tutorial duty every update. The limitations of the game were clear - you can have only so many enemies, and if there are lots of fighters, there are few base enemies (and vice versa), which is the biggest limit of the mode. They solved it by making them all hit hard, that too helped make it extremely fun. And then they nerfed it, the RJ is a toy in comparison, it barely gets hurt by high-level enemies and the corpus appear to not hurt it at all. Its hurts how good it used to be compared to now. And all because players couldn;t accept that a co-op mode existed as they want everything to be solo friendly, ie meaninglessly bland. If anything, I want a petition to bring back hard, co-op RJ. I think the future of WF really lies in this path, there's plenty for solo play, there shoulnd't be an issue with having a section geared towards co-op.
  16. I did it with Nezha and an Orthos Prime. If you're not so tanky, you can add a health-restore mod (eg Life Strike) to any weapon to help with survival.
  17. That Duviri icon is only obvious, if you already know its there and what it stands for. Most people would think its just decoration.
  18. I fight them because they will be annoying. But the resources.... DE will never create content that requires those resources again. They will create new content that uses new resources. How else will they get you to pay to skip the grind.
  19. Yup, the greatest miussed opportunity of The New War was that it didn;t introduce the "red" startchart full of higher level, and better mechaniced, enemies that would have taken the eold players to new gameplay dimensions. They could have given us more co-op style gamemodes, or just missions that can be failed for that added extra old players have forgotten. Such a wasted opportunity. Such a shame.
  20. Every contributor knows the licence their contribution to fandom wiki is made under (CC-BY-SA) - ie you do for free., And they know that their work will be used by a for-profit company (fandom) to make profit (all those ads, so many ads). Fandom is the only problem here - in that their terms will probably be along the lkines of "only we are allowed to profit off these volunteers", but they can only complain about access, not data scraping (as we all data scrape every time we view a page). The Ordis voice actor would no doubt be asked ot sell his voice print for Ordis, and if his agent had any sense, would ensure that was used solely for the AI responses and not any special ones DE wanted ot give to Ordis for the quest, mission and side lines. the only issue is that the volunteers writing the wiki need to still be attributed when their work is used - assuming you signed in when editing.
  21. Tempest Barrage only adds corrosive status, so I'm not sure if it is stripping that much armour from the Hemocyte. Its also temporary (unless you use plunder) so that might be the reason you're taking so long. Still, you seem to get some effect from it. Remember, damage is capped so it doesn;t matter how much damage each hit does. A little peashooter that fires a firehose of pinpricks hurts the hemocyte way more than a cannon. Mod her pistols for fire rate.
  22. My personal preference is Ember's helminthable Fire Blast, but I think Unairu's Caustic strike is probably easier to get and apply. I've not used it but Styanax's Tharros Strike also strips armour with good other benefits, but you'll need high strength to strip 100%. Or cast it twice!
  23. you can also build a kitgun - rattleguts with gibber for fast-firing, splat for crits. You will need to forma it to get the good mods, and add arcanes like pistoleer and precision but then it will bring down the heads in a couple of seconds. Armour strip is the primary feature you should be looking at though, goes much, much faster without armour on the thing.
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