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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. 35 minutes ago, kgabor said:

    I vaguely remember Evolva being featured in of the hungarian Gamestar magazine's older issues's cd.

    Haven't played it though, i think it was either too old or just badly optimised for my pc even back then, but it sounds like a good concept.

    Yep it was featured with the Gamestar and on PC Guru earliest magazines. The needs to run that game back in time was not so high and if you had a voodoo card and a pentium 1-2 with 300+ mhz then probably you could run the game. Back in time the avarege hungarian gamers have had 486-pentium 1-2 or inter celeron which was not so great. I was lucky because I had back in time a pc that can run the game around 30-50 fps. Other than that I used my 486 for obvious reasons. That cannot run the said game but I played old games back in 1996-98. 

    The concept was truely good but like in many games that time this one also lost because other games were more popular.

    Legalább valaki ismeri azt a magazint is 🙂 

  2. 1 hour ago, Archimedes01 said:

    PSO2 is only a year older than Warframe. It can still be a viable competitor to Warframe. The fact that it has survived for this long and will be coming to the west in Spring 2020 with crossplay across all platforms just proves it. Heck, even Warframe doesn’t have crossplay yet.

    Both games are similar in age but different. I did not say they could not compete in a minor rate but comparing an mmo with warframe is difficult. Dragon Nest online is better comparation for this because the fighting and dogging system is similar. I played also phantasy star online 2 with an emulated version on pc here but the release just means they need new audience. The Japanese companies think different and they mostly prefer their own market due the high population and because they are a bit weird in taste. Beyond this they try to make an attempt to "conquer" the European and American market but if they wanted this they could just do in the time when the game shined. This game is a bit out to date and it won't be a great competition of warframe because it is an mmo and competing with other mmos. 


    Warframe cross play is depends on Sony which is Stubborn and they does not want to deal with the more work what needs to keep their platform cheat free. Otherwise all platform should be some way cross play.

  3. Phantasy star online 2 is old game and it's going to end it's life time soon so a third game would arise. At the moment I could not really say competition because every looter game which compete each other is a must be in their own category. For example Diablo is a famous game but Torchlight, Umbra, Path of Exile, Titan Quest, Van Helsing and so on is a competition to each others. There are a lot more these are just what come in my mind first but each game has their little extras which makes them legit. In the Moba genre there is the LoL and Dota2 than the rest. There is still a Strife, Prime World, Battle of Graxia, Heroes of Newerth, and so on which died out by the time because in this genre the first two title superior.

    Warframe is in the lucky situation as it is the first of it's kind and the idea existed long before Anthem and Destiny ever was in the planning quene.

    A honorable mention which can see as competitor or predecessor  which probably inspired the Digital Extremese is this game. 

    Evolva was a coop looter but more likely story based game what you could play with a constant changing team called geno hunters. This game has a unique level up system because there weren't any of it instead there were mutations and gene stealing system which could make your hunter adopted to the levels and on the environment. If you find a great gap what you cannot pass you can find animals which can jump longer and higher etc. This game had some unique system but it was a well designed game in it's time despite there are not classical gun fights and other things. Instead you can evolve flamethrower, hornet shooter electro cannon on your arm or evolve pincers of it.


    Sadly that game forgotten and a lot of you may not remember this game but the ideas there are great. I liked that game aswell and a bit out to date but there are more than 2 million combination of evolving your hunters.


    With a modern reimagination that game could be epic and could compete with warframe because that game also built on mobility, different level system and horde-esque combat.


    • Like 2
  4. Same thing what happened with the  Cernos prime. Missed opportunities and plain bad execution. Sometimes they do silly things as well. 

    They should play the game to know what works and what not. A bow should be silent otherwise no real use.  If they want  to add explosion and self damage on a weapon then put it to the secondary fire mode. 

    Another messed item. 

    • Like 4
  5. Some pretty faces there but those are mainly the new Loka. The people's of Cetus are ugly and range to mediocre. That is not a problem for me but they are like clones.  DE does not like the faces and what they can is give mask on everything. 

    I can prove it. 


    Warframes has no real face,  Corpus has normal faces but clones and all wear helmets. Grineer ugly but most use helmet,  same goes for the syndicates which also use helmets to hide themselves.  Infested just infested. 

    DE is not good in making faces so they are hiding them. 

    Blizzard still cannot make children faces and those ugly as hell too but that's another story.

    • Like 3
  6. They just needs to copy the Fallout4 weapon making system.  Basically just parts with different look and each part in own has multiple stats. The planet explorers also have an own weapon designing system which calculate the stats by the used amount of material what used on the weapons 


    In warframe they could just adopt the skin creating option but keep the part stats.  They can separate the look and the stats but this is not the priority at the moment. 

    I think it is doable but needs more time and effort.  Also need more parts which increase the variety.

  7. I would like to have more type of zaws and an option to  make our own design by ourselves. Another option would be to change the look if they add a texture altering option in zaw making.  


    Some game have a good in game weapon designer options what they could use as well.

  8. I don't have this weapon yet but I think it should be just a simple arrow without the explosion. When you are using a bow you expect a silent weapon not a Rambo bow.  

    as alternate fire mode I haven't any problem with it but  the main fire mode should not be a launcher.   


    Just my humble opinion.

    • Like 5
  9. I never bought prime access but when I got discounts back in time I bought the largest packs possible. I have still platinum if I need but I spent a lot on slots mainly and few cosmetics.  The rest doable so not spent money on items what I can farm. 


    Platinum is something that you can spend easily no matter what you do.

  10. 10 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

    Well it's called Infested Ancient. I'd bet this model will replace the Infested Ancients we have so far.

    I hope not because the current ancients are also reworks from the very early ancients and these guys are looking cool.  The new one could be a new kind of infested. 

  11. 8 hours ago, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

    How is it unpredictable?

    Same thing happens every time you make the input.

    I mean the combos what you are doing. Some which fly through the enemies and the ones which miss a lot or blocks your movement.  In the quick melee you don't have to be worried because the attack animations were the same and you killed them more faster.  

    Now if I push the E constantly the combos activates randomly and always that combos which slows down the action.

  12. Since they removed the quick melee what I used in all scenarios I just skip the melee as a whole because this combo system is slow and unpredictable.  Few weapons seems okay but a lot weapon have now terrible attack animations. 

    The block part is not bothers me because I never used the manual block and this block works if you are in melee mode. 

    Hopefully they will play the game and realize this is krap as it is now.  If they enjoy this then the faith lost in them. 

  13. In my opinion the problem is not the maiming strike itself but the whole modding-scaling-melee system. I am not owning the maiming strike so I cannot say that from experience but the core problem is with the game and why the melee now one sided is the modding system not let you do varied builds because there are always a great mod which takes the place no matter what they are doind with it. There will be a new must have mod until they rethink the whole modding system. The melee system is currently bad because the majority of the combos are weird and not really behave how it supposed or if it is intented then they have no clue how it plays in reality. The range on melee weapons not equal and never will be because a knife cannot have the same purpose and range like a whip or a polearm. The main problem is they does not know what to do with the different weapons because these weapons using the same themes. A dagger in old time was fast, weak in damage wise but the speed helped a lot. The one thing what a dagger needs really is good finisher damage / surprise damage and a stagging ability. Each weapon needs their unique playstyle and how to work so I am not too optimistic on the melee 3.0 and I think it will be soon after a 4.0. 


    Some mods just bad while other mods are too good for their place and DE like to bandaid the things. If you plays the game almost from the beginning then you know the fury for example it gave you 60% speed which is a good addition in the old times but they decided to nerf it and then later released a primed fury. Basically for money sink but logically it was a questionable thing when you already had a much better and easier to max mod why they needed to nerf it. The whole melee weapon families like daggers, dual daggers, heavy weapons and swords-machetes were speed nerfed while other weapons got animation speed ups.


    The stance and combo system is also broken and they decided to remove the quick melee as option because they wanted to rid a playstyle and probably reducing the whip+polearm combo, also they wanted to see the fruits of their work on combo system and they wanted to save the unused blocking. Now we have a broken one system with good ideas but with bad ideas aswell. The maiming strike just skips these silly animation blocks and rendering the melee weapons into spin weapons. The mod itself is not bad I guess but the main problem for the use is the efficiency. They need first make the weapons efficient and each weapon category needs much much better stance-combos "if they wantr force on us" and better stats and roles each weapons. A dagger never will be a slice and mice weapon but it could stagger enemies and could hit fast. A whip could be slower a bit or in the same level as they are now, but with a moderate damage. Scythes basically hand axes by the size and these needs also fast attack animations and less animation blocks. Same goes to the swords and other weapons, I personally no wish to use slowdowns on my melee no matter I can now automatically block incoming projectiles. I want an efficient and fast melee without the remove of fluidity. The current melee system is not fluid and mods like condition overload, maiming strike, dual stat mods, life strike etc have option to exists because these mods have some extras what the base mods haven't.


    That is not a problem if these mods becoming a bit more exclusive or just needs more mod capacity, but the whole modding system is a garbage as it is and basically you will put the 7-8 mandatory mods on weapons unless you wish try other mods in exchange you handicap yourself. First they need to make the modding 2.0 if they wish to make a good melee system because some mods are garbage while others mediocre others godlike. Each mods needs more purpose than beign endo material which is a shame on the devs they cannot revisit the old content more often.


    The scaling is a different story which is broken on higher levels but they won't really touch that because the game on starchart is not broken. The mobs have a calculated stats on star chart and if you decide to go endless runs where there is the random scaling and unlimited scaling, then you did it for the better rewards with own your risk. I am not saying it is good as it is but it has a purpose. Almost noone wish pvp in the game and the challenge is comes from mainly from pvp modes but in warframe the challenge could be the better AI which is basically remains the same because this game is hordeshooter and not a dark souls. You cannot really touch the AI without sacrificing the whole game concept so they cannot really improve it or give proper pve challenges only they adding ability blockers or stunner enemies to force us to use different builds and weapons. Neither is challenging just an artifical gate what you need to manage somehow.


    The best would be if they rework first the modding, after melee, then working on the scaling and reducing the ability blockers. I would like to use my old nice weapons again but their efficiency is low and the current melee without the quick melee is basically dead for me. I want to be efficient, fast, and enjoy the slice mice without a silly combo block.


  14. Basically when DE makes a new one. Infested weapons almost all of them have a non infested counterpair, and these infested weapons have different effects. Infesteds by themselves does not use infested weapons because they use gas, toxin, their bare hands etc to try to kill you. Lorewise these items are items which made from collected infested body parts and some item like the mire is an old timer material and long ago used by the tenno. Tysis and phage also relatively old weapons and these has no counterpairs nor the scoliac and ichors. Elite versions could be a nice addition also pure sentient weapons too or different biological weapon which has nothing to do with the infestation. 

    The prefix can be mutalist, plague, helmint.

    I am sure in later time when the rotation turns on the infesteds again we will get new infested weapons or variation of non infested weapons.

    Also if they really adding that new faction into the play then we will get a tons new different designed and varied weapons too. 

  15. I dont have wisp but still have screen freezes despite my rig is still fine for the game. Only this game causes me the screen freezes and it is pretty annoying when you cannot do long runs and even sometimes in the login screen freeze the game. Any good idea how can I fix this?

    I checked the other topic about the resolution what 

     DEGlen added. I am using the native 1920x1080 and full screen but this never was problematic until the u25. I still not wish to upgrade my rig because it is still fine for most games despite it is in avarege 5 years old.

    PS: A friend of mine who use wisp with the base helmet still experience this issue.

  16. My major problem with the new melee system is the removal of quick melee because the basic quick melee attack animations was faster than what the current system have. There are few useful changes but the attacking animations on certain weapons locks you in a state were you are better to choose gun instead. Some weapon category like polearms, staves, axes, daggers, heavy blades but almost all "except swords overall" have worse attack animations. Not everybody liked the combo system but the game forces you to do no matter if you have stance or not on the said weapon. The quick melee was much efficient at killing enemies because not locked the movement and not used terrible animations for combo. The combo system is only good once they revisit the animations and kick it out those ones which locks you in a place or in a state. For example I hate that animation when I use a dagger but after few swing it rush to the enemy and "fly" meters because that is not controllable. The staves now dead for me because no matter how you speed up there is that teribble animation when you not equip any stance and that directly slows you down while in the quick melee that animation was much efficient and faster regardless of the speed.

    Still there are weapon categories like fist weapons which does not really have a place in the game except in few situations. Same for scythes and few weapon categories. I do not tested the gun blades after the update nor tried the throwing weapons, but I suppose the attack animation and switching between modes is still bad. Also the aim glide with melee is removed "many liked for me neutral" and the automatic block is a sign the devs wanted to slow down the game so my hopes low on they will fix those animations because currently the melee fluidity is a piece of....

    The blocking never was a strong part of the game, because the tactic was always attack then run not attack block attack. The best way always was the movement system and the maneuvering but some weapons hit scan so you cannot avoid the majority of weapons. The blocking is now automatic "in the melee mode" but the angle what you can defend is small relatively. Those mods reworked but still noone use them because not a choice if you have meta mods.

    Nerfing mandatory mods on guns and on melees unlikely because the latest amalgan mods and nightmare "corrupted ones" supposed to be alternatives for playing. The rest is again in the toilet no matter what they doing with it.


    The slam attacks are okay but sometimes hard to control, the charge attacks say hi but I say thanks no. Those was not also so popular only in the dark age of the game when you had chance to kill with those weapons but the game evolved, more enemies spawn and overall the game is faster than in the early days. So it is also an useless option in my eye while we "most who like the fluidity" needs the quick melee or just fix the animations so the gameplay would not look like that clunky as it is now.

    • Like 4
  17. 14 hours ago, MagPrime said:

    Ah, right, yeah.


    1. Platinum
    2. Credits
    3. Ducats
    4. Nightwave Credits
    5. Resources for Syndicate standing (Gems, Ore, Cores, Fish)
    6. Endo
    7. Debt Bonds
    8. Syndicate Medallions 

    EDIT: Wouldn't that make Mods a currency as well?  And any blueprints we sell for credits?

    You partly right but you missed one.

    9. Time

  18. Just now, Nubescu said:

    This bug is annoying. It happens roughly after 5-7 min play randomly and not sure what is wrong. A week ago I cleaned my pc outside and inside, checked my rams and the rest but had no problem. This screen freezing thing may not a new thing but for me it started about a day ago when the latest update hit. I am also using win10 and geforce card but all the options seems normal and I play with medium preferences. Can a dev say a word or two about this? Then I could maybe run a diagnostic then send the needed files to check if the issue is in my pc or it is in the game only.

    This is much likely a common bug and back in a time it happend with me too more often but now it seems they managed to revive somehow this screen freeze issue. It seems to me something is wrong with this game because in other games this issue not happend so I doubt this is a pc issue if the game just ran fine before this update.

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