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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. 14 hours ago, MagPrime said:

    Ah, right, yeah.


    1. Platinum
    2. Credits
    3. Ducats
    4. Nightwave Credits
    5. Resources for Syndicate standing (Gems, Ore, Cores, Fish)
    6. Endo
    7. Debt Bonds
    8. Syndicate Medallions 

    EDIT: Wouldn't that make Mods a currency as well?  And any blueprints we sell for credits?

    You partly right but you missed one.

    9. Time

  2. Just now, Nubescu said:

    This bug is annoying. It happens roughly after 5-7 min play randomly and not sure what is wrong. A week ago I cleaned my pc outside and inside, checked my rams and the rest but had no problem. This screen freezing thing may not a new thing but for me it started about a day ago when the latest update hit. I am also using win10 and geforce card but all the options seems normal and I play with medium preferences. Can a dev say a word or two about this? Then I could maybe run a diagnostic then send the needed files to check if the issue is in my pc or it is in the game only.

    This is much likely a common bug and back in a time it happend with me too more often but now it seems they managed to revive somehow this screen freeze issue. It seems to me something is wrong with this game because in other games this issue not happend so I doubt this is a pc issue if the game just ran fine before this update.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Syndrella said:

    I have the exact same problem, when I am on any mission the screen freeze randomly at a time but in the background the game continue. The screen freeze only happens to me in this game and I play the game long ago and this screen freeze happening to me after the latest 3 major update never before. I checked my cache and tried to diagnose what the problem could have be but cannot figure out what the exact problem. I know my monitor/projector is cannot capable to move beyond 60 fps and only in this game makes strange backgorund noises and piping.

    I have a radeon card and have enough memory aswell so not sure what causes the problem because the other games does nothing the screen freeze. I found old forum topics about this problem but it seems it is a never fixed or checked one because the devs does not answered or noted it is an issue. Until solved/fixed by me or by the devs I guess I will just pass the game because I cannot play with the mind the game could just freeze any given moment. 

    Actually I have the same issue with one difference the game is freezing if I play endless missions. I have also a Radeon card with 16g ram. I also not found any issues beyond with warframe because the rest of my games not generate this issue. I plays nowadays less so not really bothered with it but sad to hear the game is unplayable with certain builds. They need to check this issue and fix it.

  4. Still there is the option to polarize the slot if you cannot get the aura forma. This is a good addition and basically the multi aura idea where you can use all aura with their benefits, without restriction. The price for it is low and non comparable to the legendary cores which costs a lot.

    • Like 4
  5. Welcome back tenno. Good to know that you came back long time ago I saw you in work on the forums and in chat aswell but I personally not know you. What is enough to know you are a founder, old time member like me and you skipped a large part of tediousness a while. Now time to get back to the grind. Tenno.

    • Like 6
  6. 2 hours ago, Teshin_Dax said:

    Activision secretly takes over.. i dont think the Blizzard we loved exists anymore - but that is another topic

    That blizzard sadly long ago gone and it's last bastilles also left without protect the remaining souls.

    No king rule forever my son.

    • Like 3
  7. I see what the op says and his effort to point out what is wrong. This is a feedback all in all and it needs to be handed as a feedback. The game is always changing and not every part is likely for us but we still play. I still play the game but I am that kind who not bothers what I do not like and just focusing on what the game can offer as fun. You can vote with your wallet or giving feedback in hope someday it will change in the good direction. Basically this is an impossible quest because there is many directions and ways to the game can develop and not every step will be likely ( like the removal of quick melee ) but the game is evolving. This game was beta for one year but it is constantly changing, evolving so it will be forever beta in terms. They already re re re reworked the game in many part to fit the actual standards but they still keep the hard grind because it is their business policy. Also Leyou wants back some money for owning them so we cannot expect less but more grind coming along.

    Always sad to see playmates leaving the game and despite we never played together I can respect the loyality and how long the OP stayed despite the game is can be boredeom in tthe first 1 hour. Those who feel this they just leave instant but whom hooked up for so long is sees the game differently.

    We talk about a lot of the game potential but many times this potential losing or decreasing hence the devs try to make the game fun but profitable. I know developing a game is hard and I just started with the simpliest forms of it but I can confirm it is impossible to bug free and make a game balanced because the balance is temporal. The other fact is you cannot make a game what everyone likes it is impossible. In a game lifetime it can be totally unchanged and follow a way or changing many times to get and lose players. 

    I wish the OP good luck in the next step and hope he will come back someday when the game changed in a better way.


    • Like 12
  8. Few things.

    1. DE has an ability to choose the most annoying voices in history. 

    2. They does not record at least 500-1000 lines with some varied sentences which could make these transmissions more interesting and give a feel these persons alive.

    3. If they go on the way the game use in game transmissions and voices then they should add an option to disable becase the limited amount of lines are not enough to keep the things interesting and it annoys in time.

    4. DE mastered repetitiveness.

    5. Some peoples missed afro peoples from the game now you can enjoy, while it lasts.

    6. The transmissions should reflect the situation what your character is doing not the : my frame is strong - random lancer headshot you, seeker, nox, bombard etc. They can do it and they are capable to add more lines which reflect the situation what is situational the rest just need more variety. Maybe small stories? Ask me how I am today? even add more in game events which differently motivate these actors and their motivation changing during time. 

    7. If iI need to listen all the day these then --------------- Bullet to the brain.

    • Like 1
  9. I would like only to have stats buffed on the unused weapon categories and buff each weapon differently. The whole weapon switch is looks terrible to me and I don't think that was what we needed instead stat and range changes. The movevent system also not welcomed because I liked my calibration and the lslower move. Not really know why that needed to be changed.

    Daggers never was know about their range but these items light and should be faster to use them. Also finisher damage would be a better point to buff these items because they cannot stag their range is not enough and some stat wise are just mediocre. These needs mostly some balanced extra damage, speed which is their selling point and good finishers. Also the chanelling with stances are also not so great on many weapons and a lot just needs speed up animations. What I have seen from the devstreams are stuffs what I know I won't use 90% so totally just a waster direction to me. Because unavoidable I guess there is no chance just try it and use to it.


    I am honestly don't know who and why wanted to change this current melee system beyond they needed to buff some items nerf some mod and alter the current ips-elementals. If they just wanted to change something then they could just speed up the chanelling animations and make the chanelling use it's own energy source which works different and not use the base energy pool.

    • Like 8
  10. I just came here to wish good luck you and your partner and hopefully you can someday finalize that status. For in game ceremony I could suggest a large garden with some nice decorations like trees or a gate. The other what I can imagine is a nice " heaven " marriage which is simply some obstacles or dojo panel decorations what you build up to the top. 

    I don't know your timezone so I can't promise any partake in this event but if you ask for a priest then I can suggest some forum search because pretty sure there are few priests who plays the game. 

    @Padre_Akais is a perfect fit since the padre mean father. Despite I don't know him but his name at least cool.

    Cheers and good luck!

    • Like 5
  11. I tried the demo today but after a rough 15-20 min when I figure out I can do nothing in the game and there were no chat options (I don't have mic and does not use voice chat) I just sum that game is not for me. Seems buggy boring in some part and the move system is clunky. In the first days warframe was much easier to learn about how to play than this. The limitations on the demo is not really make me want to buy the game same like the wow free to play up to level 20.

    Also no matter what preferences used and followed the tutorial most of the functions just does not worked at all so this game probably will be skipped by me like the destiny 2.

    • Like 5
  12. 37 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

    Wow, you must be fun at work.  Is everyone wrong but you when something fails?

    Sure, I could give proof, if I had a magic crystal ball that told me someone would demand evidence of someone abusing a kick feature.  I have tons of experience of being kicked from bringing the wrong character type to a random group, or being kicked because I wouldn't bully another player, because I happened to be dropped into a group of people who wanted to make room for their friend, half way through a raid. 

    But since I deal with mostly reasonable people, I don't have any of that, because a large chunk of gamers are familiar with the trollish ways a kick system has and will be abused. 

    But but, you actually have a magic crystal ball!

    Also agreed with u.

  13. I have the same hate on operators as many hates the pvp here. I personally skipping that content because absolutely not interested in. The pvp currently lack but it gives a lot of replayability as how Legacy and Serafinia said. True there are bad examples in the gaming world which makes the pvp less interesting and makes a lot of peoples hate it but bad experiences should not manipulate players thinking.

    Also currently we do not know how they wish to implement the game mode or it will be implemented at all, but I am sure the pve content cannot keep the players interested enough and I hate to come to the forums to read content drough, not engaging, no challenge, veterans etc. It makes me mad when I need to cater the cry because a lot of persons cannot use their time to play the game to not burn out or not find enough engage in the game.

    The current game is unbalanced because the devs cannot decide what they want to make so it is a morbid halfway in between a horde shooter and a challenging game. I do not like to fight against the stupid AI and tolerate all day the bugs of silly pathfinding and game breaking bugs or host migrations when the game could be better if they fix the game before adding new content half baked. They do need to focus on the replayability as a value and focus on content which means no grind. They cannot achieve this because the business policy says otherwise and they trying to implement pvp as a source of challenge because it is cheaper and can give challenge.

    The AI is by far lower level and if they increase it then the game needs to be redesigned to suits to the new standards so it will be less casual friendly and they can say good bye to a huge amount of money.

    • Like 6
  14. 6 hours ago, spirit_of_76 said:

    this either change it so it is CM not CC or make it CM blood rush or change it to be air attacks instead of slide attacks

    the proposed change to reach was to make it a flat +1m which is a buff to anything that is not a whip, polearm, and heavy blade.  

    the combos will now have gap closers and cancelable animations.  the speed attack speed is the same in QM and it is for combos in most stances the problem comes from being locked in an animation and the default QM for some stances having perfect momentum conservation while the combos have forced stops see the polearm stance bleeding willow (twirling spire is the opposite)


    this is range and attack speed they have the best of both making them very good (while most whips need meming a few do not) for heavy blades it is damage and range that makes them metta (the newer ones at least)

     the non-rifle crit mods are all bad (not counting the primed CC mod but sacrificial steel is still trash) blood rush is going to need change if they change how combo works



    Thanks for enlighting me. Now I know this better. Glad to see then this will be an improvement. Especially for shorter weapons and weapons which have a bad animation lock in the combo. 

  15. I don't think it would be that bad. The worst scenario for me would be the removal of quick melee because I most of the time using the quick melee. That is faster than the combos and most combos are slow as hell and in a game where the speed matters it is a bad sign if you can only kill enemies with lowered speed while they are shooting you from distance.

    Other than what I know about this the gameplay won't change drasticly and I am not bothered with any focus schools and ocmbos at all so these stuffs not really bothers me. The weapons which needs tweaks and nerf is in my mind and mostly they need to revitalize the unused or weak weapon families which really lacks of anything. Possibly they will nerf the range on some weapon but honestly they could just remove the reach if they wish to other than that I don't think it needs a nerf. In the reality also works the same and logically a polearm is longer than a dagger but the daggers less in weight so easier to use them and faster usualy but in video games the logic and reality not always goes together, " looking at you mount and blade warband ".


    Whips are already in the position where they does not strong enough only combination of mods can make these weapons so deadly and disgustingly efficient. Same goes to most weapons but nowadays polearms and whips dominate the melee segment while others are less dominant. Each weapon family needs their marks which distinguish them from other weapons and has the ability what needs to decide what I want, what is the goal and why I use that weapon. Options.


    Combo mods and crit-status mods maybe will get some changes but these needs in other weapon families not just melee. I think that this changes won't be that drastic changes what the community partly wanted and feared in the same time. Just like before release of khora everyone waited for weakspots-shield gating-damage changes and noone of these stuffs happend. They also not buffed the auras which needed to be buffed to be pair with the few commonly used ones.


    So I am not worried about it the game will survive these changes and if something goes wrong still there is the option for feedback or revert changes what devs actually doing sometimes and hopefully DE is a similar company.

    • Like 5
  16. 8 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    This argument gets rolled out a lot for Rivens remaining as is and a host of other issues people have with the game.

    What do you know of the number of players buying Plat for that purpose and people actually paying those high costs?

    I know nothing about how many money they make of this but in a lot other game I have seen the same practices from devs or publishers to make items exclusive, take them from the market but let the options for players to trade with these items. Now mostly I can think about the Cs skins and moba rare items and how peoples trade with them. Basically the same the difference with this one is this mod is pretty much useless on different weapons and only 1-2 weapon have benefit from it. Of course until they add new weapons which would have benefit from this mod if applied.

    Most of the time only those players willing to pay these extreme prices whom are hard collectionists or have a krapload of money. Not sure about how many peoples own this mod I can only use old stats for this and old topics which talk about this but roughly there are 150-200 people who have this mod in theory and now how many have it and in reality how much items used by a person is also questionable. I can imagine there are 10-15 unit in a single hand but I cannot confirm this nor I can say this is true I only use speculation here and other sources mainly experience.

    In Wow and in Champions online even in Project Entropy I simulated this and made profit from this practice but I am sure those whom selling in game valutes are happy there are "motivations" what people can see what they could reach. The most legit is the new players and how many discount they get while veterans and few person get nothing. Which shows they really focusing on the new players because they obviously has nothing and maybe they willing to buy some plat. Discounts motivates peoples to buy items and if they have examples what they could get then some of them whom not thinking logically or just easily can be lured by these practices may buy more platinum for the sake of getting a rare " in this case really rare " item.

    In this story the real valuable item for these peoples is the ego so they can have something what others have not.

    Also sorry if my english is sucks and needs some other explanation, the grammar is not my strongest part in english. I hope you understand it and waiting for your reply. Thankies.

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