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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. 8 hours ago, LordMazulia said:

    World of Tanks is a PvP game, while Warframe is PvE. That alone makes a HUGE difference. There's no real advantage/disadvantage in a PvE game because the things people decide to pay for to skip the grind not only doesn't hurt other players, but (far more often than not) helps them. And even though warframe does have PvP, the weapons/warframe abilities are so toned down that it doesn't really matter what is used. It's mostly a matter of what you're comfortable using then. It's very much not the same thing.

    And that's why no need to sell basic things for Plat. That is not a difference maker this is pve and don't justify their crash grab just because it is a pve game. They could be just fine if they not ask money for these stuffs. There are a tons of other content which additional and not basic like colors, slots. Also remember back in time the revive costs plat also which is normally should not be cost money at all. Also speeding process with platinum is also cash grabby but the patient peoples not pay money for these. These things reminds me a browser like game where you can boost everything with real money.

    Warframe should not be like this and if they changing a little bit their business policy they could earn money too but less annoyable ways like now and they can find more players to play the game.

    And again the pve title not justify things only means you spend your money against a silly ai to compete with.

  2. 5 warframe and 10-20 weapon slots at beginning are fine and with certain mastery ranks you could earn others. This would be fine at kickstart and those whom wish to buy slots and keep the new items will buying slots also. The current state is restricting and not really involve players to play because need to choose between weapons and sell stuff for slots. That is not a great promotion to keep items in your inventory it is promote the rotation but why peoples should sell their liked items and craft them later just because restrict with slots?

    It would be much better if slots cost no plat at all there are already many ways for DE to make money. 

    Those who will come up with "oh well but you can trade" I am sending yes but others bought platinum to feed your platinum base effectively. So please forget the traded plats because for those other peoples should buy platinum and supposedly their hard earn money spent on in game fun "like mine".

    There are a lot of stuff what should't cost platinum at all this is so beggish from the devs side to ask money for every single simple stuff. Let free the slots anyone who wish to buy waframes will and potatoes also can be found in game or farm if you patient but their cost is literally nothing. Slots also non acquirable only just by buying them. Also those who call WoT pay to win for that and for golden ammo then why those no say it is pay to winish? It is the same just the devs glorified here there nope.

  3. It was suggested some times ago and if they currently have enough npc-s it would not be bad to fill the silent dojos with some npc traders, active npcs and some vendor npc.

    Sad part they doesn't checked those suggestions.

  4. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)purpleskullgamin said:

    I think the sentinel weapons are actually decent if you feel like putting time into them the bigger problem is they have no aim they always fire at the same spot. For instance heavy gunners it always aims right about the crotch for laser rifle. no taking into account, whether there was some kind of knockdown like a blast proc or they've been rag-dolled nor does it take into account lift ups like zenurik or vauban's ability also when the precept says first target it means first target no if, and, or but's about it i've it switch target then have to reset itself because of it mid-fire pattern lack of piroity also jumping instantly throws off firing bringing it to a deadhalt. They lack a smart AI and i feel that coupled with not wanting doubes of there mods for it throws people away from them

    True but the variety in weapons is still bad. I can mod them all to be useful but that is just not fun to use one weapon on them and I can only decide not equip it. I agree with the same spot because they and all companions have bad AI so they cannot follow the commands well actually we have no commands at all. Also if you check this there is no sentinel still which have benefit from the steel fiber (sentinel variant) and there are only 50 armored sentinels except maybe 1-2 but the rest is no have benefit from it.

    They needs also new mods for use and needs new weapons as warframes have new arsenal in every new update. Simply we need more variation and more skin option too if they not add so often new sentinels to the game. I have also few sentinel ideas what can be made but DE not focusing on them currently and their working pattern is already a mess.

  5. If they make it faster and give an armor strip ability around 20-50% it will be fine with that damage what does. Maybe they can scale the damage since they seems changing frames to scale well with end game. (Crush)

    Titania's lantern also lackluster because it is not a locked fixed position and if that fly away then you wasted a lot of energy into it. Only one benefit is the PoE update because you can see that nice lantern in the night time on Cetus. (romantic).

    Limbo's third seem useful but I could say it is also lackluster.

    Rhino Ironskin is nice but need some touch up or itself rhino needs more armor up to 300 at least.

    Chroma's first ability could be useful but if some mobs facetank you or attack from range then you just fked up your mobility and not really hit targets. Also not scaling with the enemies level.

    Hydroid undertow and Wukong's cloud walk, these abilities are could be useful for hiding if there are more friends in the match because they can take the mobs attention and you can safely came back but other wise these needs tweaks or changes.



  6. 1 minute ago, (PS4)purpleskullgamin said:

    Thinks, maybe the site has a messaging system for them? uhhh i'll check, if not there insta? or facebook? ooorrrr Twitter?

    Maybe they have some other sources I know only some of them have twitter but they also following some media sources. You can ask a moderator here or ask some of the admins here what they think about the idea. I am also would like sentinel tennogen skins but I am waiting much longer for their weaponry. These little guys not given so much love and they need a bit more weapon and more effective arsenal.

  7. The pixel line is the above the quote button. That small line (in my dark theme) is greyish and distinguish if you see closer or far from your projector.

    Also the design now seems okayish for me on pc and on chrome but still the colors are seems messed up and some part not really readable. At least overall the whole site now looks fresh and a bit new style.

  8. 9 minutes ago, trunks013 said:

    its on the default one on the dark one you dont have that problem buts seems like it was just fixed now ;) 

    For me the sentences what you wrote looks almost the same color what is my theme background so I see now a huge blank post. Only with the copy can see what you wrote. Also somehow for me the whole ui looks a mess right now (now on mobile).

  9. 4 minutes ago, trunks013 said:

    Some stuff not working properly in css. The top part is too much transparent in my opinion ^.^ i can't barely read it.


    Unless 0.04 was intended of course ^.^ 

    Which theme do you using? I am using the dark one.

  10. 6 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    Looks like they've changed the forum backend (or updated it) to a different one from before. 

    Has had an effect on the font type and sizes and some elements of the layouts. 

    Not sure I like the current look either because it isn't quite as easy to read etc

    Also we have a like button and an improved upvote. Fancy as hell.

  11. That seemed a big update aswell because they teased with the king pin system a new ship docking system and a greater ship control with large ships and a better orbiter. In that update they teased aswell some new stuff for the dojos and clans overall but that seems now pushed back or delayed because the PoE coming soon. Maybe this can be implemented with the PoE but I guess they will use that idea later and release it when they finished PoE. I doubt they scrapped that idea but it is not an absurd idea thinking by the DE's head because the focus system refresh and tweaks also pushed back and the rails and dark sector wars also dormant by a year or two now and a lot of other stuff not finished yet. 

    The equinox helmet is corrupted, also the ember, mag, etc deluxe skins (zeghyr) also waiting like the tenno shotgun. There are also pbr update missing and volt stil not got it's own cloth physics updates and still waiting for a deluxe skin. In this game never except anything to be done they usualy make one part that one part this one part those etc and in the far future they finish it if they ever finish it.

  12. 1 minute ago, Lanieu said:

    But for credits, not plat.

    True. But as I know DE I won't be surprised about that. Well we already have credit price only on the Dna degradation on Kubrows so maybe they won't give us this feature for real money.

  13. Honestly there are a better option to use this for breeding and no need to infect all of us and all of our frames.

    Simply they can put it to the market as a helminth serum and also an antidote and whom wish this they can infect themself or simply just use that serum on the said egg then whoila.

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