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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. Just now, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:

    dunno i honestly didnt notice it till people pointed it out, it dosnt eye catch  , nor does it seem off placed, maybe why? 

    It is a marginal part and visible but I have no problem with it just not really know why there is it. The purpose not clear why they use that on her.

  2. 1 hour ago, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:

    ah, i thought the way they said it in dev stream she made it, i know she has a bundle of weapons  including a shotgun , would have been interesting if she could make an ult weapon 


    zephyrs dosnt bug you? 



    lol xD 

    Not really as this one too but in the zephyr design it is much more fitted than the glass frame design. 

  3. I like the design but I have one part of her what is a bit surprising me. The codpiece on her. Not sure if that is intented or she is a transgender frame. lel just kidding, don't take it serious. Just thinking about it because looks weird a bit on her. 

  4. Multiple things make this game more attractive.

    First of all they have some marketing which catch some peoples and make some attention too.

    Secondly the PoE announcmenet meant the game turning into a semi open world game and open world games attract more peoples overall.

    Old and new players also come to check what changed.

    There are youtubers whom spread the news about warframe like the flu. Also there are a tons others whom angry because of policy and they make negative campaing against the game which basically attract some people and keep away others.

    Watch mojo and other popular youtube channels made some videos about this game and these helps to attaract also more peoples.

    Third thing is there are multiple platforms for the game and there is the standalone version on pc too which not really counted so the total playerbase could be much larger han the steam charts.

    The game contantly improving and add new tools to the players and expand the options and that is not a small thing the game is Free to play which means everyone can try it for free without pay money for the content.

    There are pretty much other options too but I think personally these the major things.


    I found this game 5-6 years ago when some site announced DE have some new game idea in developement after their Failed star trek game what they messed up sadly. Then another time 5 years ago a hungarian gaming site confirmed warframe will coming soon then I checked DE's site and waited for the option to become a closed beta member but somehow could not get into it (others were faster) then I just came when they turned into open beta and soon after I came. I used the launcher version but a year ago I changed to the steam version because the launcher bugged then I cannot fix it somehow. I recruited a lot of my online friends into the game but most of them playing rarely the game but as my best know noone left the game maybe made breaks. Then I recruited others into the game made some clanse then some left the game because of the grind. Many of those friends asking me if the game will change in gameplay because the most reasons was why they left the game is the game looked pay to winish with the slot and then "revive" costs money and overall the game structure looks like money grabish (partly true) and the other was the grind which hugely demotivate and frustrated these friends. Some consider to come back if the grind will be lesser and the game could offer more than what can offer now.

    The potential always had with warframe and with the side systems like : relays, dojo, lunaro, clan tournaments, some comfort addition and mini games could make the game more nteresting and relaxing. The fishing is coming so may be a housing system also will come just like in every other mmo-esque game where these are essentials to keep players interested.

    Also the game need an end game like content and options to continue the game. Currently this works but still after the PoE DE needs to focus on these systems to keep players interested because not enough to catch new flies with honey if they sour it with vinegar because then these flies die. Veteran and newcomers are not well fed and the first needs challenges and new mini games to keep them busy and interested (entertained) and the newcomers need better tutorials to be more familiar with the game and what the game could offer to them. For example they could get at start 100 plat 5 warframe and 10 item slots because that is a moderate number and they won't face in their first boss fights with "paywalls" because the trading itself not solve their problems. The ranking system needs an overhaul and the companions should be more helpful (A.I) and more tanky to survive. 

    Balance the contents to be more fair and link the wiki site into this game somehow as a codex. 

    First steps could be this and then we can see how it works but I am sure this could help a lot.

  5. This whole thing is a big joke.

    remember this, when they will ban for the big and for the joke.

    This is not bizarre but the standards went too far and stopping us to use world won't solve anything.

    Best if you say nothing on the internet you cannot offend peoples with your presence.

  6. 5 hours ago, (PS4)bddacres said:

    Originally, I thought it was a technical issue but, apparently Steve said they don't want to turn it into something like guild wars 2. You can still meet people in the Cetus area which, I guess isn't as good but, still immersive nevertheless. I still think it should be parties of 8 just like in raids 

    This is similar to dragon nest online. There are a great place in towns and other instances but when you going to engage then you go with a smaller group. Pretty much they used that formula when they designed their open world. Sadly it is not Warcraft so we cannot play along with hundreds.

  7. You can buy platinum if you get a 50-75% discounts on it which is pretty much a good deal otherwise if you need platinum then you can trade for prime items which simply needs just relics and relic farming then you can get from these some useful / less useful stuff. Worth to check which items vaulted or going to be vaulting and you can buy some item before vaulting with cheap plat then sell them later if you don't need too many copies. Also there are always some helpful people on trade chat or in regional chat so you can ask some which items are fine or which not really.

    That what you constantly given answer is right because you need to spend a lot of time to farm items and if you have full sets of items you can easier sell them if you have patience with the trading chat. 

    also a minor help. 


    The prices here not set in stone but could be useful when you are looking for specific items either you buy or sell items.

  8. 12 hours ago, MrPigman said:

    I have attempted to get it there in the past and others have tried. At this point i can only wish she will make her way into the game.

    Thanks. But yea its a little dead. I really didn't have any intentions of doing any more remodels for flora. that's like the 7-8th one. Not that i don't mind doing a million designs for her, just that if i want her to get any grounding she needs to remain the same. I had thought it might be cool to do a nice splash art of the new model, but i havent gotten around to it and wont for a bit.

    id love for it to be a nova deluxe skin, but that probably wont happen for a very long time. DE is working on eidolon and all that comes with it, plus Nova already has a deluxe skin and mag has one already planned; But thank you for the compliment!


    on an off note.

    I am not sure if flora will ever happen for a few reasons.

    1: seemingly every update oberon gets more and more plant theme especially with his hallowed ground making plants now. while i think that is really cool its pretty demoralizing in the way that it looks grim for the hopes of an ACTUAL plant frame.

    2: saryn is another contributor to the anti plant frame thing or the "we already have a plant frame."

    3: with the addition of the glass frame, it seems theyre looking for more and more bizarre and unique ideas for the frames.

    But with that ill give a glimmer of hope:

    With the addition of the plains of eidolon, we could potentially see a lot more plant like scenery in which we could easily see a plant frame originate from.


    Thanks for all the support guys!

    I am sure there are a lot of people who wish to play with a real plant based frame. Also there are a lot of variations so never understand those peoples whom saying we already have this that x y z etc. Nezha is a good example how fire can be played but strange there not cryed the peoples we have another fire based frame. Nezha just hated because from China and the China frame thingy was poorly handled by DE as a rule.

    Despite these things a real plant based frame have space in this space "lol". And you already put a lot of time and energy into this one. As council member and plant / flower lover I will try to use my power to help flora to be in the game. As much I can link it anywhere to suggest I will try it. Also forgotten is still playing? Because I saw his profile and long ago not was active on forums. His 3d model was nice and cool and really fit to the theme. Just need some rigging and animating and add the full movesets of warframes and it is go to go.


    1. Is pretty much not a problem because oberon always was nature based and his ability not change the fact that it is not a plant based but nature like.

    2. Saryn have a skin but that's all and that itself not validate she is a plant frame because she is not. She is toxic themed and toxical can be anything else.

    3. The glass theme itself not mean bizzare form because the glass can be strong and weak too. Still there is no for example crystal, shard, beast, beastmaster, vampyre, pirate etc based frames. And there is no variations there because these themes not mean they won't make another similar themed frame anymore. If I were the DE I would probably use the imaginations and use concepts from peoples and make them on the way as the creators imagined. I don't like the lending idea from here and there when the creators pretty much created a full frame.


    And no problem Pigman hope your frame will be in game! Wish good luck and patience!

  9. My questions is the next : 

    1. It is a minor thing but I guess many times pop up so there will be anytime soon an option to remove the banshee shoulder from her as optional and add both sides too? There is no problem with that but I would like an option to play without shoulders or add to both side when I wish. This is a minor quality thing and other warframes have some similar things too.

    2. As we seen with Hok's anvil there are some option to customize your gear. There will be more parts and option to make melees and customize them further? Also there wil be a similar system to make for example secondaries and primary weapons? I ask this because it could be problematic to make the current gears interesting and probably the player created weapons will dominate in gears. There could be limitations and uses for those player created items but also want an answer if it is possible to do or you guys / gals will to implement it later? Would be a nice feature what we waited long ago but also you need to know how to compete the player created weapons with your creations.

    3. Flora - There is a nice frame concept which waiting long ago to be implemented, there have a 3 model, some cool art and abilities and the whole frame with it's lore seems pretty much viable in the warframe universe. Also we lack of plant and nature based frames so I suggest to a visit for the next female frame which will be released after the pattern.

     4. I guess noone suggested but will you guys make it a tenno tech like whip because we have 3 whips but all from the other factions and we haven't tenno whip yet. Also asks if you ever will make a stru prime because currently there are the mk1, normal, wraith versions. Boar got it's prime variant and I wish the same for Strun.

    Also asking you guys how about that tenno tech shotgun what you shown in some past devstream? There is a possibility to be released in this year or going to be released in the next year?

    5. What about the dojo's? Relays? Even maybe with the baazar? There will be new rooms and functions for these places because these deserves more attention. Also after PoE it seems you guys wish to make more open worldish like tile and map. Will that mean you will expand the size of the map later and make other large open maps too?

    Also for an example there could be on dojo's some botanical garden for making serums from plants and also for eye pleasure.

    6. More npc would be nice for example in dojo's it would be nice to use spawnable npcs to fill up the out dojo's with a little more life. The kingpin system what you teased to us would be a good addition with these npcs as defenders or vendors or even quest givers.

    7. Option to make body changes in the tennogen application to further expand the variety of the skin making. Also would be a nice addition to add own models and frames to an application which rig and animate these models too.

    8. There are still many old items in the game which needs some tweaks as you did with the lato series. This is just a reminder to you guys and hope you will look further to other weapons. 

    9. Sentinels and weaponry - as the title says new sentinels? Maybe can we get new weapons aswell for the sentinels? These guys are squishy and these needs some tweaks to be more viable against after lvl 50+ enemies.

    10. Passive vaacuum for warframes and slight reworks on the companions to be more viable by themself and not just use for as loot collectors. Consider this please to give back that tested warframe passive vaacuum with a 7.5-10 meter range. Still pretty good trade and then atleast the sentinels and kubrows / kavats and other vulnerable companions in the future can be used for further tasks than loot collecting because as you see the current usage it shows to you the sentinels far better than the other companions because they have vaacuum ability. The AI should be tweaked for the companions and for the sentinels you should do tweaks aswell to be more viable and replace the vaacuum with something else because currently the degradation and weak companion AI is not enough attractive for players to own these pets. So The passive vaacuum for frames is a good option with a reduced range with no mod slot needs because then you are not depend on a fast placed game to collect everything one by one. Also this helps you guys to rework the companions overall because these needs badly this.

    11. Some armor tweaks on 15 armor frames because no matte what you do these are so squishy. There need to be implement the resistance mods and change the armor rat or change the armor damage reducing / redirecting ability slightly. Also I wish to suggest to make the stats visible because that helps to plan which frame how much damage reduction have and that could help to mod the high armored frames. My suggestion is a 50 armor as bare minimum beause the game passed a way of progression where the enemy mobs getting stronger and these frames itself and with the doge itself not able to avoid these one shot kills or reduce a bare minimum damage incoming. This is not a git gud thing this is a needed change for those frames who have barely no armor.

    12. Status and status mods changes. Status mods long ago here but mostly the dual elemental mods with status stats are viable options and the raw status giving mods are left behind the corner without changes. There is a plan to take a little time and change these mods stats up to 100% or near 100%?

    With that change these mods at least could be consider to use and new players also can obtain these so it is a big help them if they can own these mods before they can touch dual stat elemental and other corrupted / nightmare mods.


    13. When you guys will refresh the walking animations and the whole move animations? Some stream you stated you will do it sometimes just my question is this possible will coming with the next addition or in the next year? Both are pretty fine because the move animations a bit old and not changed too much.


    14. What about vehichles in game more than archwing? Mean motorbikes, cars, futuristic boats etc because with the open world these seems now a pretty actual questions and also reviving an old topic which was the same.


    15. Wildlife. There will be more wildlife on Earth and on Cetus and even all rocky planet tiles?

  10. Instead of card game I can imagine warframe a a 2d platformer game like the frost minigame or the abuse. Those whom played that game know what I mean a 2d version of warframe with constant updates of warframes can be an interesting mini game. 

    In this part I liked the systemshock2 too beccause there were minigames in the game itself. 

    As card game I can imagine hearthstone too but most likely magic the gathering.



  11. Easier to catch flies with honey than vinegar. Both party agreed this because it means to them subscribers at least 5-10% of total playerbase is a fair number if they stay. That was obvious to them the majority will regist for one time to get items. These things are bad because they bait peoples and force them to join to the boat. This is what I hate on every company.

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