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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. 2 hours ago, PowerofTwo said:

    Not sure if that's sarcasm but yeah, in a game that scales infinetly , kinda need warframes to do that as well... ember's terribad at killing anything past like lvl 40, Equinox on the other hand can kill lvl 400 and ask for more afterward... Tho i'm expecting him to get ner.... sry super awsome fun reworked! any day now since DE have been slowly nerfing all the scaling nukers / farm frames. Limbo, Nyx, Mag, Ash, Saryn... coz whats more fun in a game where enemies can take 10 clips to kill and kill you by looking in the general direction of the country you're in than having ultimates hit for wet tissue paper levels :P

    No need to nerf equinox but all frames needs at least one ability which scales with the enemies then those frames can participate on higher levels and then they can let the lower level players aka newbies play the game. Hard to balance different abilities but they can do a try because the current state is not fun neither for an ember user neither for ohers whom want a little fun at least.

    This is one of the major reasons why some new player leave the game less than a week because there is no level filtering and there are dead map parts. These two should be solved for the healthier gameplay.

  2. 3 hours ago, Andaius said:

    You get the same rewards as everyone at the end, you still kill stuff in the mission, and get the XP at the end too.  *shrugs*

    Ye but the reward not really important fact here. If you not enjoy the game because you feel weightless yourself or just others not let you do what you planned to do then of course you get bored or demotivated no matter how many times you use the "you get the same rewards and xp" cards. The fun is not defintely when I get something the fun most likely when you feel yourself in flow and enjoy the game flow. If other players in this case ember players ruin your fun with kill steal then the game is turning one sided and you feel less motivation to do something when others just nuking. I know everyone within the range get xp no matter if kill or not and I know that too there are frames which designed to do this but overall this design is just annoys peoples at a point where they planned what they want to achieve in the mission. 

    The git gud, leave the match are not solution and those are krap says because in this game the kills count. The whole game is a full of statistic and everything in game counted as something. I can enjoy the game with less kills but as a new player perspective that is annoying because the frames and weapons designed to kill it is not a pacifist game with no guns. There is no reason to play if you just walk through to the map unless you are looter like me but others certainly not want to play a walk simulator. 

    There are plenty solutions to solve these problems but the game still zero balanced and every new item/frame kick out the balance or any attempts. Like how they add new nightmare and primed mods which are band aid in the first place but with these they push higher that level of unbalance. 

    The game only fun what can provide if you can at least race with killing or explore something. This game prefer the kills so that need to be the point of we play. Atleast with PoE something could change but I am sure that not surpass the needs of revisit ember or any nuker frame. We need them but we need them to be much better than simple game killers.

  3. 20 minutes ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

    yeah, sentients are pretty barren in the variety of types, hopefully poe adds more




    yeah, grineer scatter, corpus group up, that cluster madness

    i understand that they unlock the need for teamwork potential, but dang are they obnoxious

    the most op enemy in all of warframe, is blue, with a tiny blue dot, that makes a big circle that instantly kills anyone

    Akre Akre Hu'uus krafe =p


    VOR NU!!!!! Rafrem Spotter

    stalker makes me wet myself in a corner when i see him in his new hunhow form, his disciples i kind of forgot

    but yes, tenno skoom, Eg gwuwhuzi zupizus

    Grakata grakata!

  4. 1 hour ago, Andaius said:

    "Kill stealing" doesn't really matter much as long as your in team XP sharing range you will get the XP as bonus XP at the end of the mission.

    It is no matter on xp really but still not fun. Let me ask a question.

    You are that football player who plays the game with less salary but for fun and for the enjoyment? Or you are that type of footballer who likes to sit on the bench with a good salary?

    Hope you get what I mean.

  5. On a Hungarian gaming magazine there were some infos about Warframe only small hints and a little tldr story about the game then I checked DE's site then I decided I will try the game when it will be released. It was around in 2012 and waited a bit and tried to regist myself into the closed beta but sadly not successed so I joined after a week of the open beta release. I came alone but later when experienced the game and find relatively easy to play I decided to ask some of my friends to play the game. Nowadays I have very less friends left in game but I play mostly as a lonewolf so I wish they enjoyed at least partly the game.


    And mostly the design and the visuals catched me and keeped me in this game. Still enjoying it and playing it but less frequently because I have 2 plus one extra job which kills my free time mostly.

  6. 4 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Riknav said:

    Hmmm I understood it well. And to be quite frank, I think she does need a look into. There needs to be "effort" like all the other reworks, even though she was reworked already.

    She need some more survivability and need to reduce her 4.th ability damage slightly and make it scalable with the level. This can maybe helps to her to be a late game frame and it won't harass the lower level content where the new players get their first experiences. Nerf to the ground not solution and nor the changing too much on her ability. Her ult not that bad but by nature it is a steal kill from others and have a long-wide range and it costs little energy and also not consume so much. While other frames have ultimate which less effective and eat much energy. This could be a proposal to revisit those frames too because their ultimates eats a ton of energy and ember have a good energy pool and with an ability that not eats so much.

    It would be much better if her abilities slightly scale with the content because then she have more uses on higher levels and those embers will play higher levels instead of lower levels because their frame will be more viable. Still will be embers who will going to play lower levels too but this could help some to motivate them to go and try their frame on higher levels.

  7. The sad part if they changing the ember to be less kill steal frame on lower levels then she will be replaced by other frames with a similar nuke ability. I am annoyed too when going to play some lower level to level up or improve the stats and there are an ember, equinox, saryn and all nuke out the whole match and left me behind in shame with low kills. That is annoying when you try to kill a simple enemy but directly move to your direction a wild ember and steal your prey. This game meant equal fun to all but clearly there are no balance in this and need a solution.

    Also that was also a ever green when I encountered 3 mesa in a mission so you can all imagin what happend with those infesteds on saturn dark sector. 

  8. I am just not interested in kuva farming nor I have rivens but I am agree with those who use rivens and want better option to farm a bandaid material which introduced for the riven system. It can be boring to do and not efficient at all so they just need to add more places or option to farm it in different way. Also this is more likely feedback so belong to the feedback section.

  9. These problems still exist. 

    The forum show you are logged in but logged out.

    The forum theme not saved and always going to be the default.

    The forum pop up the old topics when you try to click on the general discussion you'll logged off.

    The forum not work properly on firefox, on opera, on edge and maybe on explorer but the last one not tested yet.

    The forum header seems bugged (atleast for me) and mess all the line of texts there into a messy one.

    The vote function not work on mobile (tested on windows phone) and it cause freezes.

    The texts in dark theme on phone not always visible and sometimes show only blank topics.

    The forum log in on phone is almost impossible because the log in scene is seems bugged (tested on windows phone)

    The pictures of forumers sometimes are messed up or just show some blank spaces.

    The site overall still a mess and we thrown up a good old design for silly emojis.


    Pro - maybe aesthetical for some peoples.

    Con - total mess.


  10. 5 minutes ago, Lancars said:

    So i was in the sim testing some things and i noticed that runners also have a ranged attack the little corpus ones. I thought chargers where the only ones to get a ranged attack?

    I think the infested have enough ranged attacks that seems to be homogenizing the fights now. There strength was swarming and weakness range. Now they have an array of ranged abilities. Mutalist MOA. Chargers. Ancients with harpoons.

    Nope all of the common trash infested mobs got this treatement just because they were "easy" to farm so they can hit you with their turd which deals modest damage. Not sure when they added but not soon after they added this ability to the infesteds. 

  11. This spam is relatively new because in gam I saw them in the first time because DE have a good filter for these but it seems some hacker found a weak spot on the shield and now these appear more frequently.

    The best way to partially slow down this to close the trade chat for under mr2 acc but not close the market so if that person want a good start still can buy items but can not use the trade chat until reach the mr2. Then maybe the bot makers will hardly find solution to bypass this but there need some code for that to ensure these hackers won't find out easy.

    Also I want to report the platinumwarframe.com because sells plat for shady ways aka hack plat.

  12. More type of kunai, more pick axes, more real scythes, real spear weapons with swing and thrust, more assault rifles or the same crafting for secondaries and primaries what we will get for melees in the PoE.

    more pistol. A hand crossbow with a single and dual hand variation. Real martial arts without any melee involved.

    As for warframe I want to see my concept being implemented and Flora the plant frame by MrPigman.


  13. 1 minute ago, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:

    maybe they are siblings? 

    frames were made for specific operators originally right? 

    Maybe they are but just like how we have nyx "female" excall so it is not an alien thing from DE to reuse used parts. Zanuka 2.0

  14. Just now, (Xbox One)EternalDrk Mako said:

    they do weird styles on all frames, and glass frame was done by rhinos artist im told ? 

    I thought the same because when I checked the drawing then something reminds me they used the rhinos underpart. It was a bingo because that model clearly similar so I could call miss rhino? Btw that is not a silly idea because rhino is tanky and strong while the glass frame is "weak" and fragile.

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