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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. Just now, Skaleek said:

    Yeah. My Attica does 240k burst dps with its riven. They did a pretty good job on that last round of buffs minus the Hind. The Hind is still terrrrrible.

    When I tested the Hind I asked myself why they did not just made to similar like the stradavar? That is annoying to push the X (the secondary mode for me) to use the weapon as a single shot weapon. The burst not problematic and the damage and magazine capacity not bad but the secondary fire is pretty much unfinished. They can fix that but overall not find that too bad.

  2. 1 minute ago, kyori said:

    I always believe some or most stuffs have to be fodders, in this case MR fodders because can't be everything also good, then everything will be same.

    Partly true but not necessarily need to be a weapon stronger than other just different. For example you cannot compare a bow with an assault rifle or with a launcher weapon. Each category has it's own items but these items can be differ in mechanic and in stat wise but not drastically and then there are a full collection of weapons which at least can be used in any situation "almost any" and no need to touch always cheesy and meta items to win the game. As the time goes the enemies going to be stronger and the new weapons are always designed for the new challenges in this case the devs need to tweak the older content to be viable in the new game. Like how they doing with warframes because some were out to date and mechanically needed many changes to be useful in the new game. Some like Loki not needed so much changes because his abilities and mechanics are viable in any content. 

    As for weapons there are some which pretty much useful with a high dedication and investment but those weapons can be better in basic. A Braton can be better weapon if just some stat changes and while not make it op with that slight buffs that weapon can be more useful because the overall output increased.

  3. I wish the old weapons individually buffed to a level where they can compete with meta weapons and the DE shown some sign they could do this with the recent weapon buffs and tweaks. Like the lato, attica , opticor, etc.

  4. 3 hours ago, --RV--D4VE- said:

    the translations to other than english languages are made by apponinted, volunteer translators from community, the thing is, for example my language is Polish, but I just can't stand the game in it, not that I hate my language lol, but the translators did all they could (i guess) most of the time translating directly word after word, which for me in just unbearable lol so i play the game in english rather than my native language.

    This is the same with all game which based on English language. I have no problem with translations and with the original but as option it would be nice to have if you feel you like it. I am Hungarian and I think each language good for express ideas and share thoughts. English is common language and far from the best but the majority of this planet using it because literally a simple language.

    What I want to see more a forum section for my nation and for others too. There are few major groups but often forget the others. I would like a multinational and more national forum threads because sometimes easier to use your own language to express your ideas.

  5. Megathreads happen when they releasing a new content and they need a feedback section for it but megathreads can be happen when the playerbase is angry and bashing or critizing threads merged into one big. Most of these survive only 1-2 page before locking but usualy the first and what the peoples above said.

  6. If we restrictly designing frames for the elements now then I could say - Dark / Shadow / Dust / Sand / Mud can be used for a theme as frame. Also Sun / Light / can be used for new frames. 


    Also if we look further than this then I could say we can use already used themes and make new frames around it because a simple element can be used many way. Fire can be used more ways what we already use now with ember and nezha.

    If we see another ways what can be used as team but these are not element then. 

    Monk / Staff master / Fighter / Duelist / Beast frame / Beast master - tamer / Drone pilot / Mechanist / Engineer (I know booben but there can be more) / Spy frame / Hacker / Camouflage / Explorer / Scout / Wanderer / Witch / Witchcraft / Witchhunter / Cossack / Saboteur / Sanguist / Heretic / Dusk / Elementarist (invoker here) / Legionare / Lizard / Trapper / Hunter / Bow master - Archer (affinity on using bows) / Wizard / Voidwalker / Spirit / Ghost / Plant / Tree - Treant / Dryad / Centaur / Mermaid / Medusa / Snake / Soldier / Sniper / Pathfinder / Patriot / Pirate / Nymph / Angel - Demon (there are tons of options) / Naga / Harpy / Falconer / Mecha /  Zealot / Priest / Bishop / Gardener / Collector / Necromancer / Venomancer / Reaver / Shard / Obsidian / Crystal / Magma / Vampyr / Xenomorph (my concept). 

    etc. Just few on my mind at moment.

  7. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)purpleskullgamin said:

    Yes, i believe him using the regular over the prime is him going on "strike" more or less.

    Comparation the burston series deal more damage just becaus they are burst type weapons. As automatic weapon should deal a lot more damage the braton because in the same range burston deal more damage. Same mag capacity slower speed which can be boosted and better damage stats. Hopefully DE will make these tweaks what they did with some stuff recently.

  8. 12 minutes ago, (PS4)purpleskullgamin said:

    Don't worry, just wait out your 600 day login reward and swap shred out for the primed version while you're waiting how about getting a "god tier" riven to replace that heavy cal with also as I've seen a few people say fetch yourself a braton prime, but meh this seems kinda like you are being a little rebel with this to shove it in DE's face it needs to be buffed.

    Yep. Braton series needs a little buff. Mk1 could deal 25 damage regular 30 and the prime 40-45. It needs more impact and the vandal needs puncture.

  9. Any dark sector mission is good for farming I suggest survival missions and defense for farm because the mobs could drop endo and drop mods which mean you can get by that a lot of endo. Ayatan sculptures are nice for a one time huge boost of endo but they are rng based. Also you can run missions to find the ayatan stars those are 50-100 plus endo each so not a bad deal and you can sell them to maroo too.

    Other option if you not against the trading you can get them via trade. For example an orta sculpture is around 2700 endo "yeah" that type is gives enough. On the market 1000 endo costs 100 plat and you can buy these sculptures for 10-15 plat each. Much worth than buying endo from the market and buying 5-10 of these sculptures gives you a lot of endo. I always keep one or two unit for aesthetical reasons and savnig some for the bad times. Also not regret to buy ayatan sculptures if needs but currently I need to stack some platinum before buying stuffs.

  10. Everything in game needs a proper tutorial or infos provided how to do a game type. Some who know how to do are followed by those whom not know what they are doing and the smarter peoples learn fast but it is always a handful thing if you have tutorials for different game modes. This game still needs to improve in this part because not always user friendly and newcomers are suffer from this long ago. Not everyone can finish a task at the first try and the game have no further help than the beginner tutorial. The game growing and become more complex also the tutorials should follow these.

  11. 2 hours ago, Leqesai said:

    One of the core problems with the current login system is that it requires you to actually log in.

    It shouldn't be a matter of logging in, it should be a matter of account creation. If you have an old account you should receive perks. This also incentivizes players who tried it long ago to come back down the road without feeling totally screwed over.


    Especially since the rewards are not able to be traded. There's no reason to force people to log in every day (except trying to get concurrent active player numbers up each day. But this is a shady way to go about that).


    The current system works like this:

    Player A logs in religiously because they don't want to miss out on special gear. This person doesn't have a problem doing this. They are happy/satisfied. (The most hardcore gamer is this type)

    Person B tries to do like Person A but misses days here and there and thus feels a progressively larger disconnect with people like Person A and feels less inclined to continue logging in frequently. They are not satisfied with this system. (Anyone from casual to moderately hardcore can occupy this type)

    Person C is new and wants to get into the game. There are already so many systems in place that they see the ever growing separation from their low login count with the max currently available and can literally never catch up to the hardcore gamers when it comes to exclusive rewards. (Casuals and new players occupy this type)


    The bottom line is this:

    Every 100 days there is a very special item given to players. This item is a nice little perk to being a 'loyal' player. But in reality what this does is cater exclusively to the hardcore crowd and slowly disconnect all of those that new/moderately hardcore from feeling as invested in the game as the people with huge login counts.



    System should either go away completely or be changed to tie into account activation dates so that those who feel ostracized have an incentive to come back to the game a year from now.

    Pretty much this.

  12. The regular braton needs some tweaks when the lato already got some tweaks. In damage wise it needs 10-10-10 on each and a bit more status or crit. Others is fine and atleast the regular braton and prime could be a bit closer. I still have my braton but I put it 4 forma only that was enough me to max the potential. 

    I would like to see some similar weapon because we are lack of braton like weapons.

  13. I partly agree with both sides with on these rewards are additional but once the players know what they could get they will be just bored or frustrated either minor part have more patience and stronger will so they probably will see as a challenge. I personally don't care just log in and play when have a mood to play that is too bad if you just log in for the daily log in rewards. Another problematic thing this is a not needed loyality thing from the devs because with this they probably wish to keep players log in every day while I agree the idea of hooring peoples with log in rewards but the other side is that is can be frustrating when peoples cannot progress because this is not a progressive thing just a fixed process if you log in enough then you get that X-Y-Z.

    They once reworked the reward system already because the past version was not enough honoring and the rewards were terrible. If they rework someday this again maybe they have some better ideas how to do it for honoring peoples and not frustrate them. They have a feedback section so they can get enough options what and how they should do in order to make the costumers happy.

    I personally not sure where I am because now I am typing from my work place but I am also around 350-400 day and also playing the game from the beginning. That rifle looks cool when I reach that day I will test it. Also they could add more items and more bp as reward. 

  14. 15 minutes ago, GIMO said:

    I never wanted to switch, but I don't have a PC to play on anymore nor can I afford one as stated in the original post.

    Where are you from If I may ask? Just because with a 500 dollar worth pc you can run this game just fine and it is a long term investment. If you have a job then you can earn money and save some for a simple pc. If you have still no job you can ask some money from your parents.

    If I were you I would like to keep the pc acc and make a new ps4 acc too.


    Anyway welcome back tenno! Wish good luck to your progress.

  15. 4 minutes ago, progamesit said:

    So I bought Nydus on release and got him infested, I crafted the infested pet but it died sadly, i took a long break from warframe and it died, rip ..... anyway I saw that they updated the model and now it looks nice and all but how do you get i infested these days? the door will open only for nydus but no X button to sit on the chair, and ive been playing for a while and no one has that mark anymore to get infested

    If you have other frames they can be also open the door if they infected with the helminth virus. Simply use other frames which not infected yet and go play on public mission there is a big chance your frame will be infected, wait then a week and you have a full grown cyst on your neck then you can make a new infested pet.

  16. Lorewise if they change ideas they can prime items. Also after the Valkyr prime release everyone saw how easily the lore / rule can change in order to sell something. Also warframes partly metal partly infested materials so it is not a hard decision to them to make a nidus prime. First of all nidus is a good sales item and a lot of peoples bought and buy him because basically he is a good frame and not that expensive. Secondly DE claimed they will prime "everything" but there are weapons without primes and these items with us long ago (strun). There are also a lot of items which not primed yet but it will be primed after some time. Currently there are frames which still waiting for a prime and came before nidus so nidus need to wait for it's prime unless DE will do the same what they did with Banshee. Nova, Saryn and Valkyr jumped forward despite Banshee came before Nova and Valkyr.

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