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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. Games like warframe have some minor advertisements ofc not as much as much can be with a AAA budget but they can do some effort. First time in 2012 heard about warframe in a hungarian pc-gaming magazine where they announced the game some different like game and told some minor infos about the game but nothing specific due the lack of information and the game was not released yet only there were some option to join to the closed beta test and I remember I created 3 account in the first place to get into the closed beta and I was excited about that small infos about the game. I waited then and watched if I could join to the beta when finally I joined to the open beta early days (not with this account). The timing was however bad because I came after they removed the vandal weapons from the market so did not got a chance to get these items. And we write 2017 now and I am still playing the game without major / huge breaks. I "donated" a lot of money into this game becuse it has a great potential and still have potential to become more what we have now. I see it's flaws I see the business part flaws and what the devs could do but hopefully they will realize these things with a little pressure of the community. Everyone here mostly bash the game because like the game and want the best for all. They could be more successful if they change their business policy a bit and the newcomers won't feel the game is paytowinish. The tutorials and introducing new content is helpful and the wiki site is helpful aswell but we need more conten to help newcomers and needs replayable random contents with the right level of gamplay to keep here veterans and other peoples whom reached higher levels.

  2. 1 minute ago, Miser_able said:

    I'm not just talking about official punishments. Sure DE would be able to know who you were. But you the players? Let's say I start acting like a total A-hole in every chat, but not actually something that would be me banned or anything. So rather than deal with me they just tell people they know "don't bother with Miser_able, he is such a pain", seeing this I change my name (because in this scenario it's free) and no one knows who I am. Now the cycle starts anew and whenever things get tough I change my name again. 

    Your name is pretty miserable (but lovely) and I got what you want to say with that but if just they let you maybe change your name once / half year or 2 times (no need to live with this option) but that is more useful. Or just do the same and ask the devs to change the name if you feel you offended enough by the community. The support any way do this with your mail adress if you lost old one or just you moved on another. 

  3. 20 minutes ago, Bellesk said:

    I did mine with ivara. Since you can use abilities, mod her for range, and spam dashwire across the fkn map. Thats what i did. Got me through most of it

    Bring something like the latron/sybaris. High accuracy/firerate/mag size



    meanwhile im suffering with this MR19 rank up test

    Also loki decoy and switch teleport. But I simply just finished in my first run. Not a big deal this if you know how to bulletjump.

  4. Just now, Miser_able said:

    Most likely it's to prevent people from changing their name to avoid some form of punishment. 

    There are already systems which count and remember what was the user before. Steam also remember your lasts used names so with this power they could use the same. Don't justify this with the security issues.

  5. 17 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

    But as the others have said, you don't need to pay 20$. Just wait for a 75% discount and pay 5$/E and have some left over plat on top, or trade for it. Sell prime trash, syndicate weapons and mods, prime sets, rivens. You`ll make 200 In a day or in a few days, it's not like someone is chasing you and threatening[at least I hope so] you change it. 

    True but the discount is why validate a cash grab "service" when these shouldn't cost money at all? That is a very nice service I can rename myself. Welp if anyone think this is right then I really live in a pararell universe and all of the earthlings are cashgrabby ferengis.

    And as in other thread again the same DUMA. Noone threat you to do oh well of course noone threat you to do but if some person feel they need to change their name because that was bad and feel that is not unique then why they need to spend money on a lutry?


  6. There are better options to prevent the name trolling this thing is another cash grab.

    Bad to see so many peoples with that mentality to pay for everything. It's fine for me then I will sell you my game and I will let you pay for everything with real money. 

    Of course with by my all respect and honoring my work what I will do for you.

  7. 1 hour ago, LordMazulia said:

    Seems to me that you don't like don't like the thought of being able to buy anything for plat, but what exactly is wrong with that? If you don't want to spend money and get things the normal way, you can. If you want to skip the grind, waiting, or RNG, then the option to buy them is a good thing. Just because you can get almost everything in this game with plat doesn't mean anyone's being greedy, as you are never forced to buy any of it. Things people need a lot of, like slots, need plat, but you can get that without paying. Would you rather not being able to get premuim currency(plat) at all without paying? Because that's how it is most F2P games. As for Potatoes and Forma, it's good that you can buy them for plat if you need to. Would you rather not be able to buy them at all? Because that's how it would be in most F2P games. You keep calling it a cash grab just because they are selling "basic things", but you don't "need" to buy them. 

    I very much understand that in order for plat to get into the game that there has to be people to spend money. Even though I said that you don't need to spend money and nobody is forced to, that doesn't mean nobody will, and I think I addressed that when I said "Most of the people who spend money here do so because they choose to, not because then need to". That's how good F2P games like Warframe make money and that's how premium currency like Plat gets into the game. What you may not realize is that while there are are a lot of people who don't spend money, or spend very little, there are also people who spend money all the time, just because they want to. I played this game for over a year before I decided to spend money on this game. I made plenty of plat from trading, but spent money anyway because Warframe had earned it. That's how a lot (not all of course) of people feel when they do spend money in this game, because they didn't feel like they were forced to do it. That's why a lot of people say Warframe's F2P model is one of, if not the best.

    Just because DE has almost everything available to buy with plat doesn't mean they are just asking for money, make them greedy, or make this game a cash grab. The option to buy whatever you might want or need with plat is never a bad thing, and even then you are still never forced to spend money to get plat. Plat is just a way to skip the grind with the one exception being warframe and weapon slots. Most people don't spend money because they are forced to, or else we would be hearing a LOT more about that from people. Instead you hear almost nothing about it, because it's fair. Also, people who only trade for plat aren't parasites. This is a F2P game, so not spending money isn't stealing. And if you've really spend around $1200, on a game, then the game isn't the problem. If you ever feel that you need to spend that much money on a game, then you might want to just play something else, instead of spending the money and complaining about it later.

    " Seems to me that you don't like don't like the thought of being able to buy anything for plat, but what exactly is wrong with that? If you don't want to spend money and get things the normal way, you can. If you want to skip the grind, waiting, or RNG, then the option to buy them is a good thing. Just because you can get almost everything in this game with plat doesn't mean anyone's being greedy, as you are never forced to buy any of it. Things people need a lot of, like slots, need plat, but you can get that without paying. Would you rather not being able to get premuim currency(plat) at all without paying? Because that's how it is most F2P games. As for Potatoes and Forma, it's good that you can buy them for plat if you need to. Would you rather not be able to buy them at all? Because that's how it would be in most F2P games. You keep calling it a cash grab just because they are selling "basic things", but you don't "need" to buy them. "


    The no need to buy them in this case mean these items shouldn't be for sale because it should have been in the game for free for all. Don't tell me you wish to play a game what you get by part by part and you need to pay for it? It seems you skipped the point in my quote because I said "necessary" items which mean you can sell them but that is cash grabby because that is a baseline part of the game. You cannot get it otherwise only if you buy items and do you wish to judge those peoples whom want should pay for a thing what should be in the game for free? It seems you are a new generation chicken who agreeing if you need to pay money for those stuffs what shouldn't be for money. AND NOBODY SAID I WANT EVERYTHING IN A FREE TO PLAY GAME FOR FREE because I said those items which necessary. Those items which unecessary like weapons and frames can be sold by plat if the player feel he / she need that badly and want to skip a tons of content before they can get it. 


    " I very much understand that in order for plat to get into the game that there has to be people to spend money. Even though I said that you don't need to spend money and nobody is forced to, that doesn't mean nobody will, and I think I addressed that when I said "Most of the people who spend money here do so because they choose to, not because then need to". That's how good F2P games like Warframe make money and that's how premium currency like Plat gets into the game. What you may not realize is that while there are are a lot of people who don't spend money, or spend very little, there are also people who spend money all the time, just because they want to. I played this game for over a year before I decided to spend money on this game. I made plenty of plat from trading, but spent money anyway because Warframe had earned it. That's how a lot (not all of course) of people feel when they do spend money in this game, because they didn't feel like they were forced to do it. That's why a lot of people say Warframe's F2P model is one of, if not the best. "

    Well nothing is really need to pay in a game but when the developers selling items in a game where already have content to sell then it is not really fair to make it plat only those items which in any other normal game not a sales stuff. Nobody forced me to buy plat but it is force all in all because other hand I could not get slots which is trashy thing because that limiting your progression. If you do that way that you selling all of your items in every max and buy new one still that is crappy because a game where there are collectible stuffs and most of the peoples collectors and wish to collect and try all of them for those this is a very bad option. Why I should sell my beloved items when I enjoy to using them? The answer probably because those not add more mastery so overall you just not progress in the game because you need to collect everything in the game to get a certain mastery to reach a "end game" where you probably can have more fun than in early levels. See I realize there are peoples whom spending money into the game as I did but those maybe you too not realize that you live on my budget because you trade your plat. And again easy to say but noone forced them to pay but then you personally will wish to spend money on the game? Probably no but if you need to begin from zero and need the progression then you probably will buying platinum because you need slots.

    I can argue with warframe freemium model is the best because there are better and less cash grabby options all is depend on their expenses and projected profit. If they cannot mantain themself then they will sell the air too for money because they cannot make profit other ways. Also remember this game when started there weren't trade option so all peoples who played the game waited a lot for the trading feature which is boost the economy now that's why they can generate more money because this boost the platinum buying will and some discounts also helps this. Also I have other games and that is not an excuse from you to say playing something else. I spent money because needed the slots and with that contribution (1700-1800 dollar in these years) at least can be used for improve the game but again another games are more fair whom selling once a game using licence then you can use it as much as you want. Probably these games generate less money but witcher is a good example if you make a good game then peoples willbuying in a high amount. 


    "Just because DE has almost everything available to buy with plat doesn't mean they are just asking for money, make them greedy, or make this game a cash grab. The option to buy whatever you might want or need with plat is never a bad thing, and even then you are still never forced to spend money to get plat. Plat is just a way to skip the grind with the one exception being warframe and weapon slots. Most people don't spend money because they are forced to, or else we would be hearing a LOT more about that from people. Instead you hear almost nothing about it, because it's fair. Also, people who only trade for plat aren't parasites. This is a F2P game, so not spending money isn't stealing. And if you've really spend around $1200, on a game, then the game isn't the problem. If you ever feel that you need to spend that much money on a game, then you might want to just play something else, instead of spending the money and complaining about it later."


    That make them greedy when they selling things in game which in other methold cannot be obtain. If they not selling slots and let the peoples use the basic color scheme then that is fine and the others are truly options. The problem is there is no other way to get these because not farmable and there are no other option just paying money to get. You cannot say someone won't pay for it if you or another pay and we do a trade and I just buy that palette then exactly somebody spent money on it so basically without pay money noone can get that. The problem is AGAIN the items in game what you cannot get another ways.

    A lot of time I am hearing the same free to play arguments and the conclusion is always if a game selling items what not obtainable other way than just pay money then that game is turning into a pay to win. Warframe is partly pay to win not really matter if you want beat a stupid AI or play against humans because basically you pay to bypass that stress that you cannot get what you want.

    Saying again noone say a free to play model cannot be good or useful my problem is when a game not let you other option to get something what 1. should have be a baseline thing 2. cannot be farmed 3. need for your progression.


    If these things not cost real life money then the game is pretty much okay because then it sells only really cosmetic items and and items which can be farmed so not necessary to spend money on the game.

    The best scenario would be warframe turn into a once buy game then you don't need to pay for microtransactions and the devs can add expansions like how they doing and selling them for some buck. The major updates traditionally were money cost expansions and that wasn't really a problem but of course there will be peoples whom want everything free. Those probably will pirate every content luckily warframe have a different structure and cannot be easily pirated or used as "private server game" 

    So again my only problem is they selling necessary things for progression and they shouldn't otherwise I have no problem with the game because slowly developing. Also the mastery could reward peoples in certain masteries with extra slots this keep the players interested to continue. Most of newcommers have the same experiences what I have and I saw this when I beginned the game nothing was unknown. The newcommers leaving the game because they expect something what the game isn't and when they realize they need to pay for basic things they mostly leave the game. DE won't generate less money if they just remove the slot selling maybe they affraid the peoples only buying platinum because they cannot buy slots. This is a laughable business policy to keep players short because they cannot progress otherwise.

    Maybe the reason why they still selling slots is because nobody buying otherwise platinum then this means their product is not attractive enough to spend money. I would like to see the game stats in a month without selling slots and how much money in loses for DE.

  8. 3 hours ago, LordMazulia said:

    I know you need plat if you want more slots, but there are far too many things you can trade other players for it. Even for newer players there are things they could trade, especially if they get help from older players. And there are plenty of older player looking for newer players to help.

    Forget about the trade.

  9. 7 hours ago, LordMazulia said:

    It's not a cash grab to have some restrictions. If you're patient, you don't need to spend anything on this game and there are plenty of people who do so without any problems. I personally don't think there's a reason for a new player to feel like they "need" to spend money either. If anything, players could use a few more starting weapon/warframe slots, but that's about it. Nobody needs to buy/rush items to skip the grind. The only thing you absolutely "need" to spend plat on are weapon/warframe slots, and you don't need to spend money to get that. Who cares if someone else spends money to get that platinum into the game. Most of the people who spend money here do so because they choose to, not because they need to.

    Not liking a business model doesn't make it unfair or a cash grab. Rather, Warframe is one of if not the most fair F2P game when it comes to premium currency, just because of how easy it is for anyone to get without actually spending money. Just because spending plat to buy/rush items doesn't make too much of a difference doesn't mean DE should remove it, as it doesn't ruin the experience whatsoever. If you don't want to spend money, then don't. You'll be just fine.

    With this logic if nobody else spend money on this game 1. the game died around 2013 2. nobody could get platinum because nobody trade plat for items. Ofc nobody said to them spend money but they keep you and other free to playish players in game if you not get any plat from these peoples like me and others whom spent at least a cent to the game then you just should sell your gear everytime then when you mastered all you can decide what pair of items you keep. That is a very boring and unintuitive thing to sell everything just because you have no slots. 

    Free to play mean 4-5x times more pay than a once buy a game and you'll have all. This is in nature a cash grab because they made the game to spend in some part if this game really wish to say to itself free to play then there shouldn't be parts what plat only because that is already pay to win because you pay for slots and other necessary and basic things which helps the progression aka you can own more weapons and frames once.

    Only blinds not see how high cash grab this and often the majority speaks whom 1. founder and wasted a tons of money into this game 2. players whom no spending any money into the game (these trade masters) aka parasites 3. those peoples whom have a bad habit and spending more money onto the game than used to be.

    I spent around 1200 dollar with this my main acc just because the restrictions of the slots and made a huge space for myself. I am not trading plat if no need to do because I know the value of the money and how much work have with it. Easier to say these peoples whom spent money to the game did because they like the game and all but the majority did because the progression is restricted and the system cash grabby. They can choose to be parasites and leech peoples money (plat) via trading and no spending on the game so basically you steal or you can "help" the devs and pay some sum to skip the restrictions and actually play the game. I never bought items in this game only slots and potatoes and even forma everything else I farm also forma-potatoes adapters I farm when have events but the items in game is obtainable.

    The only big disadvantage of this game is they selling basic things. What you think if in a pve mmo game they begin to sell color palettes and character creation parts how long those game survive? They can generate money for a time but in long term much better to sell things like skins, true cosmetic items and thats all. They (DE) selling everything in game for money and their game works like a mad browser game where you spend money for a step forward or build a castle etc.

    I respect more those devs and games where you pay once and that's all because you honor their work. Those games where have servers and needs sub fee I respect them because I know they ask less money than the one pay games but they fee is higher in overall but they provide fun for that money.

    Here they provide fun but leech you in almost every part and you must trade with others to get money and there are peer to peer connection so basically the cheapest option and often the game is not fun because no have real servers.

    So again if you not understand it : Money generated by pay peoples, no pay = no plat = no trade = you have the starter slots and you should sell your items so you can use it for fun and probably you burn out. 

  10. I hate the exclusivity and prioritizing members of the game in any kind of ways. Every event passable if you not interested and you are away for the game by reasons. Games should not be contents which once playable then you never can play it and if you miss it then you are a secondary citizen. Games for all and everything in a game should available for all peoples at any time. Prime items also should not be exclusive items but the devs just made a mistake with it back in time.

    weapons like machete could be market item it is terrible any way.

  11. 2 hours ago, -Temp0- said:

    No it's not "pretty good", it's literally nothing. Unless you will be able to increase the range using sentinels (but while using pets it will stay the same).

    Alternatively, make it 5-7 for pets to start with and leave the range on sentinels as it is then we can talk about 'why people don't use them'.

    Not to mention this "idea' removes Sentinels from the game entirely unless you rework them. And if you drastically rework them they will turn into kavats 2.0 removing the need to run kavats and kubrows once again.

    The 5-7 meter is fine because you move anyway on the map and with the parkour 2.0 the mobility increased drastically. If they keep the 10-12 meter what the current vacuum can do then there is no reason to move because the loot goes to you. If they remove from the sentinels then the sentinels still have useful abilities which means they still be usable and don't forget there is no genetic degradation what have on the "living" pets. 

    Much better the vacuum as a warframe passive because then you can choose any of the pets also both needs rework and tweaks because the sentinels needs the same survivability what kubrows and kavats have "reviving" and these pets also needs a better AI. 

    Sentinels still have the benefit to not cost further investments and their abilities not that bad but need tweaks and pets also need their reworks so in my eye this change is a big equal.

    Also no matter what frame do you using you can get your rescources in a moderate range. 

    No need to remove any pet from the game and your vision is not correct. There are more reason to choose each above the others mostly those whom want pets will choose them others will choose the another and YES there are a minority whom not using any pet or sentinel and they say hello and thank you.

    The only way to make it fair to everyone the looting if the warframe given the vacuum as a passive without slot cost. 

    If you feel and know how to rework the pets and sentinels then make a thread about it, personally they doesn't need to be our servant minions whom collecting every peace of krap after you. They need to be durable and with a better weaponry plus AI they could be real companions. "like how not mention the specters because their AI is awful too".

    Verdict - passive vacuum is fair but companions as a whole system needs a rework and tweaks.



    Some additional idea. They can also rework the loot system to remove the containers and materials and also the mob drops instantly spawn on you so you don't need to stop and collect items at all because everyone in your group given what you found. Somehow this feels abusable but also a correct solution because you still need to go and kill the mobs in order to get materials and mods so that scenario won't happend if one person doing a mission then 3 other leeches because the afk system should be fixed to detect if a player not move at all and if only just do one step. There could be limited to for example 100 step or 1000 to detect you not afk and you have 5-10 min to move constantly and not stop. Those whom no move at all or just trying to move in five min one centimeter these will be autokicked or not given any loot. 



  12. 2 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:

    Because Kavats and Kubrows are godawful and inferior to Sentinels in every way with a very few exceptions, Smeeta being one of them. EVEN then, he's buffs are unreliable and it's better to use sentinel with vacuum if you're actually killing stuff with your weapon. The archaic system where you have to pick all items one by one by walking not even near them but precisely on them is why you will never see them normally.

    It's only worth using, basically, during solo framing while having a melee equiped so you don't actually miss that many pickups. DE's quite stupid choice of not letting pets using the vacuum is their downfall, especially after allowing for us to equp it on all sentinels and not only carrier. As long as they can't pick up items, even in 50% of range that Sentinels are capable of they never will be used as often.

    Or simply just readd the vacuum to the warframes with a 5-7,5 meter range and that's all. That simply just delete the differences in this point between the sentinels and other companions. Peoples maybe cry about the range but the 5 meter is pretty good enough because you are involved to move toward to the rescourcs and mods. Passive so it won't cost slots and that's a major thing. Peoples cried a lot when they tested this but I personally liked the idea. 

  13. These are nice and good but I mostly need a safeguard in the match making because yesterday plan to play a little to have som fun and in row 5 times the matchmaking drop me in matches where the whole team was dead and the objective was on the verge and lost. I never lost matches in game by my fault and this is annoying this count for me plus 5 losing just because the matchmaker think it is so fun to drop peoples in a bad instance.

    The afkers if afk all the time won't get xp at all and there need to be implement a counter which count it if the player not do atleast 100 step after 10 min the they autokicked by the kickbot. These peoples just taking the slots and makes difficult matches when no need at all. I am however against a vote kick option and report option because that is highly manipulatible and peoples will using for trolling. As the guy above me mentionned a black list would be much better but this is not a guarantee the peoples would not use it trolling. Many peoples just put peoples to ban list without reasons and some day they find themself alone in the game and it is highly against the game state because it is a coop game with option of solo. 

    Warn these peoples who afking a lot and autokick them from the instance and hopefully they won't do it again. If they collect enough warning the they could get banned for one day more no ncessary and not fair but at least the person know why he/she got the ban. 

    Anything which player involved shouldn't be implemented because abusable.

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