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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. I am mostly using equilibrium on my frames for hp and energy gain so in many situation I can keep myself alive easily just need some minor damage or toxic and I am fine but the op suggested idea is not bad also all frames would be better if they can regain some eenrgy. As a passive stuff is always handful and not cost so much implement it and still not game breaking.

    Also energy siphon needs a buff because out to date and the zenurik is much better option for it.

  2. 19 hours ago, Phyrak said:

    Looking forward to your thoughts on the rework and thoughts on additions written on page 1 :)

    It seems the testing will be delayed because the newest patch seems killed my game with the (downloaded content is corrupted or something like that) and reinstalled the game but the game installation process stuck and cannot download the latest version of the game. 

  3. I have no problems with slow peoples because I am a looter type and for me a mission mean farm as much and loot as much as you can so not mind if others not rush a mission that is less enjoying. I like to help also to new players and personally myself have some new alt accounts but for reason I don't tell you who I am not about the fear of bans just it is not a reasonable context to tell. I am using my alts for re doing things and making different choices and playstyles and see / experience the game in a different perspective. I am only grind when boosters up on me otherwise I just run few rounds daily or two daily and play for fun.

  4. I have no problem with waiting that makes a bit more realistic the process of making a new item how about the game just built for free to play so every other free to play game have this same or similar features but here still no need to pay to move plus 1 block forward like in some webbrowser ftp game where your advancement is your money. In this game which really sad and could not be cost at all the slots because those are not farmable but their price is basically low if you calul 75 plat is 5 dollar 20 plat is 1.37 ish dollar around which is not a big deal but some small amount counts still. Otherwise the patience is a good trait and this is not a bad deal. I can play other games for a while or just run some mission and that's all.

  5. 4 hours ago, Phyrak said:

    Thank you for the feedback :)

    I'll adress it point by point because I don't have the tech skill as you do to separate it as I do all my writing on mobile XD

    1. That was the plan

    2. The aura would be a mobile hallowed ground just - nothing changed bar that of moving it and longer duration

    3. Thank you :D

    4. Marking foes sounds rad too

    For example the halloweed ground could work similar like the chroma elemental wards. Other example banshee's sonar ability.

  6. Fan concepts added into the game but not in that form how their creator imagined it like mesa was originally male, zephyr was originally male, nova design council frame, nidus partly inspired by typhus, titania probably a designed frame but maybe fan concept, Almost all newest frame is partly community idea but I myself would like a full 1:1 implementation but for it need some compromise from both side what need for an ability and how stats should be balanced. There are some concept what really likely and almost ready to go just need the confirmation by Devs. Weapons are easier to do because those not really needs so great animations only few and mostly effects while the frames need a complete moveset, special ability moves and relations with the weapons and the surround.


  7. 13 hours ago, Vlada91 said:

    For now we have Nidus and we do not need a similar frame,what we need is some cool and normal looking alt helmet for some 1 who dont like fist helmet for new frame.

    True but I meant different. This frame is cool and I want a different helmet for the Bishop but this frame is good enough to be implemented in later. Btw I want all concepts almost in the game if that reach a level of creativity and good looking design/ability wise. That is mean nothing for me if we have a similar or not because any theme can be used for multiple frames. 

  8. I like it when peoples want to think more in a game what the game itself can provide. This game is designed differently there are challenges but these above are just totally kill the pace of the game. 

    1. This is massively against the current parkour and if they wanted to add this then it would have been added in closed beta so NO this is not need.

    2. This one actually interesting but it slows down the game speed and many peoples hate looters whom just looting the maps while others rush and try to finish it fast so it kills the pace and also make the gap high between looters and rushers.

    3. What game do you played? Seriously? It kills the game speed and totally useless. This is not a farming simulator 2017. (in different way yes)

    4. Ok buy that colossal game which deletes your account when you died in a game then buy again the game. Ggg

    5. Friendly fire is the worst option in a fast paced game where in coop you and 4 of your mates and even your specters can shot down you or shot your back. I hate the EYE divine cibermancy because of this because the idiot specters shot my back million of times and no way to avoid it when the enemy spawn rapidly behind you or any side.

    6. This is again a useless idea and this makes things worser.

    Instead ask - Better and more tactical AI, better enemy / player scaling, more type of enemies.

  9. Yeah this is a nice drawing (both the original and the quick) and I would like to see this in game and there is nothing wrong with a mecha frame. There are some older concepts sadly which not landed in game because the devs find them too different and unfit to the warframe universe but then they just created "different" designs. Hopefully with Geoff they will be more open to accept designs and let us make more concept and warframe which just almost ready to be in game. I want this guy!

  10. I can understand the seller but he was foolish in this chat. If he doesn't want sell all of it at least he should say he wish to sell them to different peoples or just say 1 unit he has and that's all. You did nothing wrong because you offered a lot of money for it so you were correct to buy and pay for all of them.

  11. We won't stop until we reach the 100 frame or more. I hope DE won't stop implementing new frames with interestic mechanics (not grindwalls) and interesting theme. Also there is a chance to see similar themed frames with different power because in fan section there are some similar but different great concepts.

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