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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. Frames which need reworks and buffs too. Some of them could be easily better if given some qol boosts others like zephyr needs 1 new ability and merge 2 ability into one. Hydroid needs buffs and some tweaks on his abilities otherwise a fun to use frame. Oberon is my main and he needs rather buffs and tweaks on his abilities than a full rework. Banshee needs some tweaks on her armor otherwise good. Limbo just needed some tweaks and let other use their frames inside the rift so currently no comment on him. Atlas need a change in abilities and need to be more tanky.

    Other not mentioned frames are need general tweaks and qol changes like trinity. Saryn, Mag, Loki.

  2. This is the same as auction houses because in the current system peoples can ask as much as they feel their wares worth in auction houses if there will be limitations then that trading process would be much better.

    Most of fears about auction houses only the prices not the interaction part. If peoples want socialise then there are relays, dojo, the bazaar, and even in mission or in chat they can socialize and interact.

    The market application is not really useful because these prices are set in stone, but in reality nobody sell their price at that price as the market suggests because we all beaten all the time by rng and others can get easier a stuff again others not so lucky. The mods and luck not equal with the work which put into it and the effort to get something valuable is all based on luck.

    The fix prices works only if the mods and items have fix drop chances and not uttery random chances.

    An auction house currently cannot handle this because the loots are random chance loots and everyone will trying to get much more plat for their lucks.

    The auction house could work if there are price roofs in min and max what can cost an item in a narrow range.


    Also : In an auction house system if you puchase cheaper you can sell higher sometimes if you carefully watch the market but then the game turns into a market simulator game. I bought up cheap items and sold them 2 times higher atleast so there will be a lot of peoples whom wish to do this so if you put item for 1 plat probably 1 or 2 person or group will buy out all of them then sell their cheap wares much higher. This can make rich peoples but not really makes poor peoples but it boosts the platinum purchases so probably with an auction house the economy boosted and more platinum circulating in the system which is good for DE. As player side may be not if you see a primed chamber for 1000000 plat.


  3. I am massively against the rivens because I see them as an overhyped overpriced and overcreeped mods which not makes real differences just boost the already good weapons.

    Still think they should take consider to balancing the old content and update the out dated items and frames because the game is constant changing and not seems there is any end goal for the devs or aim to finish the game in some point.

    Rng is needs for them to keep us busy and possibly make us pay for stuffs if not bear with grinding so for them is a win win situation and those whom annoyed not really annoys them. Progression would be nice but that is not the main point for them.

  4. If you are wise you can buy 2 good game with tha money so my answer is a clear no to prime access. If you wish to support them then buy discounted platinum and use it well. Everything (almost) farmable if you can stand the grind if not like me just not waste your time on shinies.

  5. 13 hours ago, Phyrak said:

    Hey there,

    With limbo on the chopping block, there are others in line for a rework - one of those being Oberon.

    How have you found playing Oberon?

    Personally, I appreciate a generalist but he lacks the extra oomph that other generalists have - nidus can heal, cc and damage for instance

    Theme wise - there needs to be a narrowing.

    A green knight like that found in dnd seems the fit in my opinion but this must in turn give some reflection in abilities, perhaps opening up and changing them somewhat to reflect that of a knight of nature.

    Which abilities if any would you change and why?

    I would see renewal and hallowed ground fused into one ability, toggling as a circular aura surrounding Oberon and leaving open an ability slot for something new.

    What are your thoughts on his passive and what could be changed to make it better for scaling or general purpose?

    Stat wise, which should be buffed or tweaked to give him a boost in survival or just a qol?

    Thank you for reading,



    My opinion is Oberon is a Good all arounder frame but tweaks and some qol needs him because he is a bit outdated.


    stat wise - 200-250 armor , 120 shield, 150 base energy could help him.

    The First ability is not bad but could the rad proc 100% with each hits. Damagewise It is not bad.

    The second ability could be altered into an aura like boost which is similar mobile like the chroma wards. That needs to give flat armor boost at Max level 100 and keep the other debuffs.

    The third ability can be as someone here suggested that stop after all healed.

    The Ultimate is nice but could be better the blind like 5-10 sec that is fair when need attack and defend or just avoid the battle. The damage could scale with the levels.

    As passive I can Imagine the halloweed ground change what I wrote It or add a different ability and make a beastmaster frame who can use It.

  6. 12 hours ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:

    Well, since he's focused on nature and holiness and stuff, I might have an idea.

      Reveal hidden contents

    Passive - The Light

    Oberon is a holy Warframe, and draws power from the Light. 

    When in the Light's presence, Oberon fills a pool (like Nidus') where 1 level is gained every 10 seconds in the Light.


    When 10 levels are reached, Oberon can use the Light to resurrect himself without using one of his revives. (Once per mission)

    When 25 levels are reached, Oberon can summon 10 ethereal Kavats and Kubrows to deal Slash damage to surrounding enemies for 75 seconds. They do more damage to enemies previously affected by Oberon's abilities.

    When 50 levels are reached, Oberon can draw the Helios and Sol, his exalted Shield and Sword, respectively. 


    All these abilities scale with enemies, and can be triggered by holding the 4th ability button.

    Devoted to righteousness, Oberon is the only Warframe who can utilize the Light.


    Nice idea but there are in fan Concept section a lot of light based frame whom readily waiting their time to be implemented.

    His passive not bad but not really fit to him because that ability is more like a beastmaster frame ability.

    He need tweaks and a different passive for druid theme.

  7. I am against all content stuff which want to force me grinding more and more because I came here to have fun and not work all the day to get something nonthless.

    I know the free to play means exactly this when you have option to grind then you will grind a lot but there are limits.

    I don't like content which locked nehind quests and mission types because that is a force to play or oyu won't get that stuff. This game supposed to be in the early days a casual mob shooter which fun with solo and with friends equally.

    The current way they adding more layers to grind and rng is just a cashgrabbing system which let you no options than hard work or pay which is the same because who have life and job those are work mostly hard for that salary which could be bad-mediocre-good. Totally no need for me this and I Would buy this game is I could be for around 30-50 dollar but then thanks no need microtransactions.

    I am on making the clans more meaningful if that is not a kick in their face. The devs not really plays their game and not really know the in game circumstances they are just see the coding and other design stuff parts which is hard I know because I wish to do that someday but they need to see with their eyes how bad the rng is and how frustrating for new players and veterans equally. If they realists then they could the clans mostly consists inactive and a few active player because tons of them burn out of the grind or just tried the game then never came back again others have life thingies and not everyone from the same country and time zone so the activity is drastical lower than what they calcul.


    Also the new solar map unlocking is totally a kick for the new players because a lot of useful materials are locked on higher maps and now they need to do a big circle to craft a beginner weapon which is just good for the mars and phobos levels max. Also there are map parts which locked into arcwing again others locked into boss fights.

    The Earth is a good example, now there there is no relay still no option to rebuild it, and the new players only good option to get some credits is locked behind the oro and before the earth archwing map. The Earth supposed to be the new beginner map and the important things are locked behind. There should be some more meaningful levelling which means the harder maps can have the hardest bosses and enemies but on early level?

    The new players haven't experience, gears and help to solve these things. At least the taxing is working but they need helpful players whom stay with them for long time otherwise they cannot farm materials what needs to them.

    Also would be nice if some rescources could be put more logically and the early item materials could be obtainable in early levels. Just another example the once awake quest when I did it there wasn't any special rescources but now the new players can get control modules and argon. A beginner last needed item is the argon, which decays so totally useless for them because they cannot craft those items which needed. 

    There are a lot more things which needs answered and racialised otherwise a lot of players will leave because of frustration.

  8. The problem is not this is the First event which force you to do something you dont want because a lot of quests force you to get something shiny. Another stuff the starmap changes which in paper Nice but It Just made things worse. For example u need to Kill hek in oro in order to play the Earth dark sector missions. Before u need aw which is not newbie level so that One is fked up.


    The other hand the New players cannot find players on nodes because pretty dead the early levels. Another stuffs the quests.

  9. 1 minute ago, Neear said:

    I completely agree with this.

    I am agree with this but the mr lock is not really the way to help this.

    There should be a tutorial like video or lotus signal about the helminth and how to cure if you wish then go to the market and buy the cure for 5k credits / each frame and that is still more humane.

  10. True Hemmo67 but that is ugly thing and need to wait a full week to remove it and you need to do this with all of your frames too which is just annoying also before you tbeest wrote an another thing which is true because new players doesn't know what is this and what to do with it and this kills the mystery too.

    The normal way should have been an universal cure against the helminth cyst (virus) which could have been buy in the market for x amount of credits.

    That is not ruin the mystery and whom wish to do the quest and want to open the door those needs to get the nidus fo it. When they released this feature they doesn't thought over enough the consequences.

  11. 3 minutes ago, TotallyLagging said:

    The shotgun blast switches the status with the crit so it has 30% status and 2% crit.


    It's a weird weapon. I think I'll stick with a status/crit hybrid. Probably won't even require a Forma.

    1-2 forma needs max on it otherwise it seems a perfect item.

  12. I am not against but I have an idea how this would have be useful without making powercreep.

    First of all they need to add 12 slot for weapons 12 slot for frames plus one exilus slot on frame 1 aura and 1 special augment on frame.

    The ability augments could be built in the abilities but one time you can just boost 2 ability so 2 augment can be put there. The another augment which is not an ability augmentation but a warframe augmentation can have only one slot to use it so you need to be specific what to put into it.


    The 12 slots on weapons and frames could be separated by 3 category each have 4 slots : utility - damage - ability on frames also same or similar on weapons too.

    This could be useful because you cannot put damage mods into those plus 8 slot because you only have 4 slot to put damage and multishot mods which includes the elemental mods too. The another category could be the utility mod slots where you can put fire rate, critical and status mods too and some recoil etc like mods. The rest is another mods which change weapons mechanics or add something to stealth or assault gameplay but you can also use as template to further think the idea.

    On warframes you can use the 4 ability boost mod like continuity-intensify-stretch-streamline and corrupted counterparts and you cannot put anymore to make much stronger your frame but you can combine then your mods there and focusing more on one ability. Another 4 mod can be spent to utility which is for example the flow, rush, maglev etc mods which gives stats too but not damage boosters and the rest could be the resistance and vitality-redirection-steel fiber slots as health slots. 

    I know this is not a tested version and need tweaking the idea but if they follow something similar like this then we can have more variety and limitations aswell to not be so powerful but better overall. 

    The exilus mods need to be something more meaningful and 1 slot need for aura which gives a team boost and 1 augment slot which can change your warframe mechanics or add different stat boosts and abilities which helps you a lot.

    These augments whom mostly can be added to an ability those could be built (replace) an abiltiy with the extended version depending on you what augment and ability is more suitable for your play.

    There need to be tweaks / buffs-nerfs on the mod system to make them more suitable (not nerf under the ground) but make more sense we have to use mods like (warm coat / reisstance mods) or old time mods which partially unused or just useful for some small amount of endo/creds. Those mods should not be unused otherwise these are just take a slot from the drop tables so each mod should be more racial.

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