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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. As a casual hardcore player I can say I have the tools to bypass this problem just log in every months 1 if you want to keep your account safe. As many of you posted before me that would be a mistake by part of DE to delete inactive accounts just for example there are 5 years inactive players in wow but their account still restored and only th last resort when they delete an account. They have the right to delete an account if that broke rules but there are exceptions. They don't delete multi accounts for example if each account have paid a certain amount because that user is "happy" with the terms of use.

    They don't delete founders and peoples whom paid a tons of money into the game because that can deteroid their reputation they only delete special peoples or for special reason when a player caught on exploit, cheating, robbing.

    Basically there is not so much rulebreaking things because the only not tolerable the platinum hacking which is obviously against the DE business policy so they perma ban for that which is nice because they work on a game and want to get something back for it.

    Only they could delete inactive players if those are not log in within 5 year or more. Those are seriously bored out of the game and those are not wish to come back. For example not know what happend with lady Lewitt and with Llyssa. Those players were active back in 2013-14-15 even 2016 but they are dissapeared. Same happend with some of my friends but I guess they asked their account termination because I cannot find them in game and on the forum name list. But funny because there are a player called toiletworm and his account created in 2012 but left after the closed beta and his last activity was around 2013.
    4 year and still you can add him as friend and can see his profile.

    Sry for the naming part but that is interesting because a lot of players not was active years ago and still their account is visible.

  2. First of all the mag was nerfed multiple times to become a starter frame. She needs a little bit more speed, some tweaks on her abilities and her ultimate shuld be changed some other ways because that is slow, not killing on high levels (all damage dealer have the same fate) and you are not saved by your ult and they can still shot down you.

    There are builds which could make her better but she stated in her first trailer a teamplayer so she mostly an asset for her team and her pull can cc enough enemies to drag and pull them to the ground which let others and her to kill them with a fast melee. Magnetize is a good ability but the old ability was also okay but they not turned it into a dual use ability like some other frames could use. Her old ability bullet attractor could have been used as a deflector similar how turbulence work on zephyr when you cast on your ally. Also the polarize is still an okay ability but could be better, and the ulti should be changed.

    Another suggested extras for her to add more speed from 1.00 to 1.10 and increase her base energy pool to 150.

    Her armor could be 100 which not makes so much bonus but still better in damage reduction than the classical 65 or 50 or 15. DE somehow afraid to change the lower armored frames because they want maybe encourage us to be mobile and attack always but in a idiot hordeshot where enemy can spawn behind you and dozens can attack you simultaneous then there need more armor and option to evasion.

    Otherwise she is not a bad frame just the devs decided to weakening the starter frames otherwise nobody wish to change them if they are godlike. They want to sell frames aswell so they make tiers and don't care about to make the frames really balanced like how they did with Saryn when they lowered her hp and armor. The balance is a different thing in their head so not except so much for her balance what I suggested could make her better but until they not fix the scaling and damage issues then there is no real reason to make balance changes because they balance the frame in a broken system which later again will be changed then again coming a rework.

    I like the clean and good work and not bandaiding until peoples will bored out of the game. 

  3. Also the hp regeneration could be integrated into the warframes since they are warpuppets with super abilities. Less hp regen than the mod can do and less what nidus can do but a simple 1-2 hp / sec won't harsh anything still you need to avoid the battle with low hp.

    Also the shield regenerates faster and it regenerates but the hp not only in special terms. (mod)

  4. For beastmaster I coud imagine a different frame for a druid summoning a pack of wolves or treants maybe. As the paladin side his fourth could be sometihing with purge and purification but he needs tweaks before deciding to add some new role. I don't like the specialist frames because those can do only one job mostly which is not a favorable moment. Jack of all trade frames should not be much stronger than those whom specialist but at least they could effectively do everything without a fear what if my trick not success.

  5. I would like to keep the old bo style because that weapon was simple but elegant. I don't mind that they update their game assets and add something new and interesting to the game but they need to handle everything in the game as a base stuff. They does changes always and the game should do change always but which worked fine that could not be changed or if they change in this case the aesthetics of a weapon then there needs an option to keep the old skin like how they said about the helminth charger. Also who started the game at the very beginning those could remember how much placeholder stuffs were in this game and how much was a base stuff. They removed the ammo packs, shield refresher, healt pack and the energy packs because those were selfish but they reintroduced them as a team item which is nice but often it is a waste because 4 different player play different ways and use the ammo different tempo. Still there is some old hp restore in the reward table so with this power they could reintroduce the personal ammo pack, shield pack, hp and energy packs because if noone need in a team for example energy, then it is a nice thing you can fill your energy without wasting it for a team whom not needs it.

    The old ignis in looks was a copy paste of grakata, but at least was funny. The old ignis with the low damage was a teribble weapon as  in look the old ogris too. There are nice weapons and ugly weapons too but I am sure they never will fix that ugly meditation legg glitch which still exist when you meditate with your warframe. That for example should go because that is ugly and not really pleasure for the eye.

  6. I have no problem with the new looks but honestly I liked the corpus look on braton and the lato not changed so much. The bo with it's simplicy was an elegant weapon and at least it could be nice to see back as an alternative look. Also nice they touched the look but the damage needs a little touch too in every older weapon. This could be a good opportunity to make some weapon viable or more interesting. Small steps but could be worth in later.

  7. I hope the old and new ways can both now appear but funny no one mention redskittez, inuzuka, and other good artist out there. At least they could be hired for extra members for the team as apprentince and they could work on nice concepts and warframes aswell. Many of them have good skills and could learn easily the teamwork and how things work out if you teach them.

    Also Mynki if you not decided yet what to do you can teach me a little to understand the art part. I need skillzzzzz. Pleased.

  8. Overall it was a nice overview my problems with the eximus unit weakpoints the next. It is a hordeshoot game where the aiming for weakpoints the last thing what you wish to do when there are a hordes of enemies around you and I still not talk about the fact the enemies can spawn from everywhere but often behind you when you not look back at a sec. Now imagine the ancient healer eximuses with the hooking mechanics what they have and just say spawn 5-10 of them and also spawn charger parasitic eximuses whom constantly take your energy so your abilities turn into shet in seconds and you cannot kill also the plebs because of the healers. They are strong enough in higher levels and only one shot for only some weapons on high tier and for those whom have corrupted mods but the avarage player or a beginner will had a hard time to solve these things because of gear and priority issues.

    Corpus nullifier eximus?? I imagine it well already suck to fight against the corpus but with this addition I just completely will avoid the long corpus runs and any other faction long runs. Well sad thing the better rewards will coming in later game and the newer players whom needs those items and mods which could drop in later game those won't keep the tempo and die a lot.

    The current idea of it needs tweaks and larger weakpoints or at least keep it limit their numbers on endless missions because this can work on an exterminate mission which is non endless with limited enemy count but in endless missions. It will needs tweaks if they really want increase the difficulity.




    The bard frame abilities not really sure what it want to be but this frame will be a dancer instead of a bard because first look her abilities are far from what a bard does so this seems currently a big meh.




    New enemy types are welcomed depend on it is a nulli like annoyance or a possible beatable opponent.




    The stealth gameplay is already in a bad position with this they could kill completely the stealth playstyle from the game because they already spawn behind you always there an enemy whom detect you from 4 rooms later and they can aware their mates corpses which is not bad itself but it is just a kick on ballz those whom want their weapons stealth level up. 


    My thoughts and opinions.

  9. They created all they could balance all if they take their time instead adding stuffs to the game which later makes harder to balance the game.

    That is a very narrowminded says there is almost impossible. If the basics are good and balanced well then those aren't problem anymore and they can balance around the good ones. Nerfing the oply created stuffs just cause more trouble for peoples whom spent money on items because their items suddenly become less effective.

    Personally I prefer the balance things which can means buffs and nerfs equal instead of riven mods which not solve any problem.

    Also there are a tons of core mechanic issues since the open beta begins and not fixed. When they wish to fix it? When the game is nearly dead or when too buggy to bearable?

  10. I have a question, what happend with my activity on forums? I cannot reach my content what I worked on or topics what I read or commented. The activity list is zero, it is a bug on forum or I got banned or something? Just because I wanted to add some additional idea to my warframe concept (Xenis) and cannot reach it. Where I need to report this or ask?

  11. 2 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

    seulement si tu change de warframe. Comme je l'ai dit, ton nidus est maintenant IMMUNISÉ au kyste

    More than double posting I guess you love to post where it's unneeded :D

    Not really because not like to use my typos twice or three times but this was atleast interesting. 

    also : check my frame concept if you have a spare time - Xenis

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