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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. It seems the problem is the kills. Some frame can do better others less. Abilities created to use them when needs or when you want to kill.

    Solution - remove the warframe abilities then you rely on weapons only. Oh crap those are Op too nerf every weapon to deal 1 dmg. Scale enemy hp to 10 hp and remove armors and shields. Remove it from frames as well because it is op.

    Okey we are done now no one can complain because everything is balanced. Oh crap I forgot companions remove them as well because they are op too. Artax you piece of... You so strong Nerf it....



    I hope you guys enjoy the pve experience.


    Ok joke aside forgot the balance guys the balance is non existent and it is a never ending job and cycle for the devs because everything easily can be op or utterly bad. Everything is balanced here for role play. These stuffs cannot be the same because it is boring and you will cry everything is the same and generic. Just try to play your game and have fun.

  2. The main problem in this game the direction or the no idea what it supposed to be. Simple coop with demigods killing everything or a skill based hardcores only game. I am on the halfway and my aim the game turn into be both of types of games mixes. Currently your gear and powers determinates how good you are and it is not bad at all if there is some parkour using and dodging ability from part of the players.

    Your suggestions aren't bad but you forget the fact the balance is In reality is non existent and it is an always changing thing which makes the devs constant work on their game.

    There could be more closely balanced the game but it is a sacrificing the fun part. Also no devs in the world can make a game which is perfect for everyone and always will be complaints how bad and good something. Feedback them and wait for changes and have fun while you can.

  3. My opinion Limbo is now a very good frame but his ultimate is scaling too good against anything but the everyday use Limbo is a good go to go frame now. There shouldn't be nerf him under the ground and no need to removing his ult damage side because before the rework also dealt damage on lower level enemies but it wasn't that effective as now.

    My suggestion is tweak other frames too and let the abilities scale for example till level 100 after that reduce 5% by 10 levels so in a level 500 your frame won't be as effective as before and on lvl 1000 it is pretty much weak. 

    The fix damage dealing is broken in this enemy scaling system or the abilities fixed to deal a certain amount of damage or the enemy level should be stop at level 100 and those supposed to be the highest level enemies.

    On early to mid and pre high levels mostly all ability works well after that just pretty few useful. I am on the balancing side and equal needs nerfs and buffs but recently they just nerfed things now there is the time to buff aswell.


    Which is not buff nerf queston is the eenmy scaling, enemy spawn, player ability scaling, player survivability.

    These systems needs a massive overhaul in order to make the game fun and a bit more balanced but the fact a game like this won't be balanced because different frames use different abilities. 

    Currently I like the Limbo and I don't want him a massive nerf.

  4. 26 minutes ago, Kotsender_Quasimir said:

    y'know, but an IQ of 300 doesn't help when you're hanging helplessly in the air for the whole match (bastille... and lots of similar skills actually)...

    rathuum did show potential in that regard but yeah... in the end it's always cheese or be cheesed.

    Because they're not using grenades to deactivate abilities like bastille. On higher levels the mobs could use better AI and help their fallen or stucked mates wih tools what we use it. There are some nice tries yes but they could do it creatively and add tools to them which can sometimes jam our wepons, decapacitate us, disarm us etc. Need more environmental hazards and some new kind of enemies which could be more agile. Also as for us we need the ability for a real melee fight without weapons. Using our hands and legs to kick them or disarm enemies without weapons should be a thing here.

  5. 1 hour ago, Ksaero said:

    I'm not saying any mods should be removed, I'm saying the increase they give should be toned down so they are no longer mandatory. Ofc that means reworking enemy scaling system as well.

    Back in tim the pressure point just given 21% plus damage but they buffed those mods after dmg 2.0 or If iI am right before in the mid of dmg 1.0 because it was too little benefit and peoples cried a lot to boost it. Now those mods are in a good spot especially the mandatory damage mods because their flaws the high mod capacity needs. Toned down them makes them pretty useless and not make the other bad mods more used. 

    They should work on the bad mods and give them some uses.

    Silence mods useful but those need a weapon exilus slot to use them. Hacking mods could be useful if the hacking actually been more challenging. Resistance mods could work as an in built resistance mods which could be spend on points differently each frame. Those could be useful but now they are pretty useless. Some old mods needs to be useful and needs their exilus slots.


  6. 2 hours ago, KingOfHearts said:

    I am really tired and bored out of my mind trying to think what bad or useless gun to use next to not one shot enemy's or which less suiteble frame for the task at hand to use so it would be fun. I want the game itself to challenge, well us. Yes there is a fun aspect in challenging you'r self in one way or the other but it has no randomness no suprise factor to it, you know exactly what your doing and what you'r going for and for what reasen. And if you dont hey wiki time. As you probobly dont understand im talking about the GAME BEEING CHALLENGING, DE MAKEING IT CHALLENGEING FOR ME. Not me makeing it challengeing for me.


    How many mission have anyone failed lately? Outside of it beeing someone elses foult? or some sortie spy where u couldnt get it right etc. some nische moments that happen 1 time per day where you need some really random things to happen, How many times you even died in a mission, and if you cant fail and you cant die what is the next challenge? Or even if you do die someone who has 8 forma loki/ash w/e frame can still finish the mission without even noteceing that you died

    I died hmm dunno last time 4 months ago accidentaly by a one shot given from stalker otherwise not often die and really not lose so much. I am very careful with my stats and trying to achieve a perfect stat. I am agreeing with you the game itself need to be challanging enough maybe they could separate the lobby someway like in killing floor 2 where there are normal, hard and extreme hard levels and whom wanted to be challanged could choose the hardest instances and levels instead the current level system of we have.

    The AI improvements are requested many times by now and they doesn't working on instead making bandaid articifal difficulty stuffs like nullies, hard bosses and weakspots. Personally I would like a better AI which can use tactics against us and not idiot mobs which running in circles or run away from you without any idea what to do. They are partly intelligent to use the cover system but often they are just challenging us with bulletsponge levels.

    It's depend on DE what kind of game want to make and it seems they prefer the casuals more because they make the money and the less veteran whom still playing. I want a challange but not mindless levels I want skill play but which not depends on weapons and mods.

  7. The answer and the challange is there. The game can be challenging if the spawns are really bad or you just unlucky in your missions.

    My other challenge factor is what I suggest to everyone if want more challenge is try to go through to the solar system with a frame "without" mods and with skana lato and braton / mk1 braton without mods applied. Then the challenge is significantly raise because on harder levels and in the early levels aswell you won't kill enemies with one shot.

    If you do this without mods and kill the bossess one by one I will pay you 100 platinum. The rule is do not use any mods and use the basic weaponry. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, lethal-lemon said:

    i agree with the auto kick after 5 minutes. just keep it at that if ur inactive for more than 5 minutes u get kicked simple as that and then as u said enemy count gets lowered. but for simply being inactive for 3 minutes and being denied hard earned loot is just stupid. until these sorts of problems r fixed i probably wont b playing i'll use my time playing other things

    I said in period. You won't lose your hard earned loot only you not get loot and xp for that time what you spent on afk but after you begin move and collecting loot and xp you are counted as active. The loot part is not necessary because if you not move you cannot take mods unless the mates kill enemies on your position but the xp is totally legit.

  9. The afk system in this game and in every other doesn't work as intented because easily abusable and with bots and macros peoples can avoid to be detected as afkers. The xp disabling and loot disabling is not a good solution because that cannot be implemented in normal ways to detect which player went afk or not.

    The vote kick system also not a viable option because that is abusable too. Peoples can kick normal players also or just not want a person presence then kick them so it is not a solution and generates more salt.

    The current is the closest option against afkers but not perfect. It should not be any afk thing in this game because not works well. Also leaving a game just because players are afking is not a solution aswell and maybe an autokick after 5 min afk then fill the game with bots could be a solution or just let other peoples joining midway in the mission. 

    Also if you need to go pee or doing longer things it can be an exscuse for beign afk but then there need and option which shows your status but also can be abusable because then the afker players will change their status to - little thing to long things on toilet.


    My solution for this situation is let more peoples joining into a game but the game count the enemies spawn numbers as 4 player playing so effectively 5 player in a match but 1 afk so 4x spawn coming to the team and the afk turning invicible or invisible but not get xp and loot in that period of time. This could be a solution for avoiding the afk and nobody lose just both of them wins. Afk wont die but won't get loot and xp in that time while afk the players whom needs group won an active plus or more active plus person up to 8-10. The timer could be active after 5 min for example.

    The afk could count the steps what you did and bypass the click count so the afker should step more to be detected as active and an activation sign would be very handful to see which players went to afk and which active. This can be implemented but needs at least a 100-130 line of codes and a new ui for it but it is more viable than the others.


    Edit : If you have any idea or suggestion or addition to my idea feel free to add more.

  10. If they doesn't deleted those old animations then those can be used as an option for the parkour 2.0 Also I liked it and liked the old wire hanging instead of the wire move.

    Those can be added back as an option or as a variation and you can combine the movement sets. It will be some time for the Devs but I and many of us would like it.

    Also new emotes needs aswell. Oh and forgot they should finaly fix the meditation becaus looks so wonky when you try to meditate and your legs turning into an unnatural position if you look it closer.


  11. A passive energy and hp regen doesn't break the game because the 1/sec as hp and energy is still 25 sec until you can use your first of course depend on the frame but at least you can avoid the battle then go back when your energy is up.

    Same with the hp and that can be helpful if you play as a solo frame which no have self regen ability or the aura differ. Then no needs always waiting and soloing with support healers because you can avoid a battle. This won't make the game much less easier just a little bit and still there could be energy/hp orbs and support frames. The siphon could be buffed up to 1 energy and the rejuvination is fine it's way but the passive energy and hp regen is easily can be implement without any other passive removal.


  12. The easiest way to be energy efficient if the hp and energy regeneration abilities are passive. We have super armors in the future which doesn't regenerate at all. A small amount of regeneration could be a thing like 1 hp and energy / sec. Also what you suggested is partly viable because gameplay wise many people spamming their abilities in order to kill something. Currently I am using equilibrium on my frames and making energy just by hit and collecting orbs. On lower level the orbs are frequent but rarely when you go higher and there at least needs the energy pizzas.

    Personally I would like a passive built in regen on frames.


    Edit: 3 years ago used energy pizza back in time when the energy was only for self use. Not really felt the needs to use it.

  13. Umbra is just a myth and a nicely planned bait until no sign of umbras I handle this as a bait.

    Also I am content with this because I know DE promise so much and in the end they can done the half or less what they promised. Their excuse is only the game developing is not an easy task if they separate their workforce and all do some minor thing. They could hire more person to keep up with the updates and finaly could have be enough person to do balance changes and fix the old game bugs and unsolved stuffs in warframe.

    The hype is just a tool nobody forced to go for it. I am never was hyped in any updates in this or any other games maybe because I am a patient type person and enough content with the current tools to accept their tempo. This is just good for making unpatient peoples more unpatient because many of you guys are waiting only for updates and drastic changes in this game I have luckily other games to play with so I can wait every game updates and releases.

    The known stuffs looks cool and all but I would like to see one time a fullservice and fixing old things before releasing new content. I am sure there is enough content which keeps peoples interested to do it but for the future balances and for a stable game they should fix what's wrong from the old times.

    Go for it DE.

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