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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. My opinion on this is pretty simple. Who make a design what I like It that Will be my liked no matter DE or another Artist does that Concept or design. In this case not the professional or not matter because all about creativity and Inner visuals. There are a lot of tennogen stuff what I like but DE has also designs what likely. The Nova asura skin not likely but there are designes both side which I dont like. No need to compare things simply If you like It rhen you like It what you dont like that wont you buy.

  2. There is no reason to keep the once only one unit per item only their platinum rush thingy. Otherwise this is a long ago asked feature. I would like to build all of my forma bp catalyst and the rest of reactors fully when I already have more than enough rescources.


  3. 3 hours ago, Bibliothekar said:

    Looking at the weapons you've listed, what we need way more than a buff to weak weapons is a tiered system. So you'd have beginner weapons, intermediate weapons and veteran weapons (just as example). Beginner weapons have no MR lock or MR2, intermediate weapons begin around MR6 and veteran weapons at MR12. Each tier is roughly balanced for its weapons, but stronger than the tier below.

    Because I'm pretty sure those weapons are more than good enough for starter content, they just fall short later on. And there is no reason for them to be more powerful, since they have better versions already. Seer is a side-grade to Lex, better version Lex Prime. Skana has Prisma Skana and Broken War. And so on.

    Sure, it's a bit more work at first, but I think in the long term the game would benefit if weapons were sorted that way.

    That would be not likely because many peoples wish to use older weapons. If they want to introduce a system like this then need a tons of mk1 or a variants weapons because for example a dual heat sword and ether can be used in sortie but of course less effective than meta.


    Edit : the original idea behind the mod system and on weapons the use by like or how to say use as many times you wish. If you like a weapon with a good mod combination you can make it viable but of course in endless missions that won't work because that is not scaled game mode but on normal levels every weapon could be viable at least on a decent level.

    For tiering and introducing the new players there are the mk1 series but I am agree with on that they need more of them and more variety to learn the game basics and their improvements. I don't think the individual weapons should be side grades, for lex and lex prime etc different versions that could be okay but the lex and seer are different and equally need to be used. Kraken is the grineer version viper is the tenno furis version but faster than furis etc.

    Karak is not a side grade of braton or a bo not a side grade of orthos or orthos prime.

    I think each weapon needs some minor tweaks to mediocre tweaks to be more useful and it won't take a lot of time.

    The tier system could only work if they once finish the mastery ranks and each weapon given mastery ranks likewise.

  4. Some older weapons just need stat boost which is pretty much a little change compare a full rework and a new mechanic added. For example the older swords could have be better in stats in damage and in status and crit but of course just small to medium additions and no drawbacks because those weapons currently have greater drawbacks than the op weapons.

    a skana can be a swifter and better blade with some speed a minor status plus and a little higher crit on damage wise maybe adding more damage to the 2 lesser type the impact and puncture for say 5 - 5 and then that blade a bit better.

    Glaive could given the same with slash and a bit more speed and there maybe needs some mechanic changes or higher crit/status to make it viable but that mean the prime counterpart needs also those tweaks and less damagewise buffs.

    A lato or aklato can be viable weapn if these could given some minor extra damage and for say +10% status and crit only.

    Seer is a good raw damage dealer weapon with decent status but does no have crits and that weapon needs atleast 10% crit chance with 1.5 or 2.0x crit damage.

    Mire is a good one handed sword because can deal toxin damage and relatively fast but the main stats aren't so high and maybe the slash needs +6-8 damage then that weapon can be much better.

    Pangolin sword also need some changes and tweaks but pretty much all weapon needs a little more buffs and tweaks while others in higher tiers some nerfs and buff in same time.

    A plasma sword (Yeah I know my fav example) need more attack speed to be at least useful but a higher crit and or status could make that weapon useful but with the current stats that weapon is mastery fodder because you cannot make enough damage on it and only deals elemental damage. 

    These are just examples but some of these old weapon really just need 1-2 stat changes to be useful, no one say they should be top tier weapons because the reason you play to get higher tier arsenal but each weapon should be at least useful or decent on high level missions around lvl 50-100.

    These changes not takes much more time because these are simple stat changes and not full mechanic reworks and how these weapons work. 

  5. There is far much in themes and their variation and combination are almost infinite. Simple elements like fire, air, cold-ice, water, toxin etc can have many different uses so pretty much not now this team will run out of Ideas. Some person above Me wrote a list which covers Just the 0.001% of all possibilities. Those whom not like the variety nor enough creative will say we have this or that theme already when there is much more in the table. Stop beign butthurt and think about the possibilities there is so much.

  6. What Icecoldhawk said is a possible thing but not really worth to do it I guess this is a bug or my other idea about this that said person has multi accs and changing them depend on goods he/she got and wish to sell. There are a lot of peoples whom have multi accs and they changing them if they doesn't found a buyer/seller then trying again.

  7. The funny part here is both side have right. Those who not want to be forced to get something and do things what they doesn't like and those were right whom say they will do the mission for the stuff. Te funny thing peoples arguing they are forced to do something but the quests and everything is forcing power to do things if you want progress. There are mission types what you not like then probably you will pass those events or will participate on them if you want something.

  8. They need feedbacks to improve conclave somehow and these events needs to test the player choices before they add something new. At least they give you guys some cookie. This is the exact same how scientists test their subjects.

  9. The problem is how the game made. Peoples are just use their favored stuffs no matter what weapon and frame that. The game in pve partly competitive because players play for stats and for fun.

    Every frame can be annoying and peoples made guides what to use and where to use. The frames have roles but with mods you can play on your way but less effective than the standard use of a frame.

    The problem mostly is everyone want to had fun and play the most efficient way It is possible. This force players to play rattly metholds and care less to others which is a huge problem in a coop game.

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