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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. For the mr 30 they just need to change the gaining of XP and let us get XP after maxed the arsenal like say 10% of the total of your maxed gear so you can farm XP with your maxed frame too. This number won't encourage people who maxed their frames to stick with one but add a chance to get XP after maxed. It is sounds more viable than they release 150 frame when they can max release 5-8 per year if they have idea and time to work on it.

  2. I am happy there are players in both genders. I don't know who's that idiot who directly hating each genders and yelling with them. The best option to ignore them but there are plenty ways to solve these things.

  3. 1 hour ago, Tesseract7777 said:

    Yeah this. While I am somewhat alarmed and bothered that Steve is only just now really delving in as a player, let's not pretend he doesn't know full well how most of the game works. 

    He is "roleplaying" as a new player in order to better get an understanding as a developer of how a new player would look at and understand the game. It is very important that he roleplay in that manner if he is going to do this right and really learn what the player experience feels like. 

    While I do wish him and some of the others did this long before, I think we should commend him for finally doing so. And I think the OP needs to remember that just because Steve and many of the devs may not actually know what it is like to be a player, they still have a pretty encyclopedic knowledge of how the game works and what they need to do, and how to do it. What they lack is simply the experience doing it from a player standpoint. 

    And now Steve is rectifying that. 

    Pretty much this.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

    Yup but with the current amount of plat in game and nothing to do with it else than buying slots...

    I managed to get 5k just by trading stuff, why would I pay ? :D

    You don't need but thanks for others whom paid for plat to keep up this game a l i v e.

  5. I didn't knew these frames hated but each have it's own flaws.

    Titania could be a nice frame if she have gotten 150 power at beginning because as a caster frame her energy base is low the other stats are okay. Her ultimate could be nice but the drain is high relatively the damage scale is okay but could be better but my most argued thing on her ulti the clunkyness because that should be more mobile and easiy to use. Not so fun to stuck into objects and the movement feels clunky really.


    Atlas is a nice frame but he needs more hp the armor is okay for him. The first ability is good and spammable and can deal an acceptable damage. His second ability could be better if there would be some augment which increase the durability or even make it longer. Making walls to stop enemies in certain missions fun but it could be the same as the frost globe and spam at least 4 of it. His third ability is totally not fit to him and I can imagine that for a real medusa frame as an ultimate which in a great angle stoning all attacker.

    The golems is fun to use but they need to be stronger and maybe 3 golem instad of 2. Otherwise no see any problems with them.


    In general all frames need to be up to date and be better than they currently are.

  6. The reward tables need to be changed yep I am agree with this because newbies and veterans get the same trash mods. The only problem there is no real better rewards than these maybe rare mods -extra special mods- item parts or new items as reward. It would be more sense if they make new items as rewards for mission finishes.

    The more you stay the better you should given and need a trigger which detect you how many wave-time you stay in a mission (endless) and the rewards based on the time and if you playing around the round 30-40 then you shouldn't be getting trick mag, ammo drum and the same category of mods.

  7. My opinion is need to nerf the lecta but buff overall the credit drops and make the lockers and pockets viable. There is need also better dark sector rewards for credit collecting and mission credit rewards buffed a bit. Make a weapon to do better something than others in this case give extra credits could ruin the overall weapon choices and this foce peoples to use this in groups.

  8. I have the same experiences with javlok in aesthetic a real jaffa kree weapon but the primary fire has no aoe and there is a really little chance to hit the enemy. I have the same feeling about the corpus version and that won't be any better. The damage wise is okay for them I guess but if you need to aim perfectly in the middle to hit something then it is not fun. 

    About the others I wrote my opinion just those threads lost in time.

    Also agreeing with Krion112.



  9. As much polarity can you imagine as much school can have. Depend on the devs if they wish to implement new schools but I feel the same with syndicates. My biggest sadness there is no option to create syndicates. I would like tenno created syndicates with different rewards and aims.

  10. I can also say champions online I know that is old but good for trolling or make fun with it. It has the most useful yet out to date character creation or I can say the star trek online too that also hooked me up many times.

    You can also try the EVE now it's free to play so you can play without spending a cent on it and if you farmed enough you can buy plex then turn your account nto omega acc which means the paying account. It developed a lot since it's start or you can try also runescape too. These are may answers for boring days.

  11. 7 hours ago, Xarteros said:

    The frames aren't suits you know. There's nothing 'inside' them. 

    [Spoilers] I guess,

    but Warframes are grown from a non-mutated form of the Technocyte virus (which is why we are immune to the infestation). They are basically non-mutated infested humanoids, but with some mechanical components integrated in for their shield systems and the like. They aren't suits that our Operators wear, they are fully functioning individual bodies; a hybrid of grown flesh and constructed machinery. Our Operators merely 'puppet' the Warframes around with their psychic void energy (Transference). Each Warframe is built to receive the void energy and direct it into a different form. Ember's construction directs the pure void energy into heat, for instance. 

    The Warframes have no requirement in any case to be perfectly humanoid in proportion, and when you look closely at most of the joints and body proportions, you realise that basically none of them could comfortably 'fit' a person inside, even if they were just suits.

    Yeah true after they decided how the lore goes. I knew this but I like my headcanon. Inaros a good example and limbo how a frame are not comfortable. The first frames were more humanlike because they present a past where we didn't knew what the frames are. That is a reason why peoples went upset because everyone could imagine what they want and then they introduced the operators.

  12. I could say some ftp games or mmos but I am sure that won't help for you. When I am bored I have tons of games to choose from. I can suggest the spiral knights that can be fun but I am too old for it or I can say starbound. That is not free but cheap and that is also grindy but can be fun sometimes. There are a tons of craftable stuffs and mods which make even better. If you can stand the pixel graphic.

  13. Many of us feel the same and why even need to be forced to do something? If they would like to achieve teamwork and active clan members then they should care a lot more for the clans and peoples overall. Literally there is nothing in dojo's but it could be a real social place for fun and for minigames, talk with others and chill if we want. "we don't have any seats" fantastic so the kneeing and sitting animation is now atleast worth for something.

    The huge research costs makes the peoples more bored and tired and alienate peoples from each other. There are systems in game which halfbaked and waiting for years to be solved or at least given a direction to go.

    I don't want judge the devs but they should finish something before they plan the next system then go back after months and years and begin something with the out to date and unfinished systems. 

    Also need to be decided what game do oyu wish to present us a competitive one with small playerbase or a all square fun game for everyone? Skill involved or not rquired game?

    There are also options for monetary part and the microtransactions could be useful if the pricetag is realistic and at least close to the real. I know the rng in every game want to achieve the players money pockets but there are limits and sometimes you just ignored these limits.

    We need a fun game not a second job.

  14. 48 minutes ago, Irixa said:

    She teaches you to move because she forces you to, so you can avoid the horde (or Napalms, Bombards etc) from one-shotting you lol. Move close so the stun hits them, kill em off, bullet away and dodge if the duration isn't enough, then come back for another stun window. In my noobier days, I had to literally stand still so I can aim properly and shoot. Otherwise, I would just spray bullets in the air. Now I can say my dodging reflexes and aim are so much better; evidenced by how I usually have the highest damage dealt and the most kills in defense sorties lately (especially the "Bow Only" ones this week :P) unless there's a Mesa or Ember around lol. But yeah, wouldn't mind a bit more survivability! Quick Thinking is great but sometimes is isn't enough for those Sapping Ospreys.....

    Just a little bit more armor that not ruins her because you still need to move a lot that is what I am doing all the time with every frame. Rarery see me my mates stopping somewhere because I am mobile. The only thing what you can't avoid if the mobs spawn behind you and this happens with me all the time when rarely goes down or killed by a butcher or scorch. My worst die linked with my limbo run when a ballista killed me just after when I left the rift and seen nowhere her. That was an akward dies and I am trying to avoid these kind of situations.

  15. 14 hours ago, Irixa said:

    Ohhh boy a chance for me to fangirl about my favorite girl <3 This is gonna be lengthy xD


    She's not meta because she's not easy to play (you need to put your time and effort to play her well and not die a lot) and I think that she is the ultimate glass cannon in this game. On the upside, she's gonna teach you survivability and how to be on the constant move. She is my favorite warframe and I will immediately drop money on prime access when it comes out xD


    Soooo stuff to tell you about her? Hmm. She is both DPS and "support", support in the sense that the weakspots determined by her 2 obviously can be shot by your teammates. DPS because of her 2 and 4. My playstyle is focusing on 2 (for those sweet spots) and 3 (so you can say she's a walking stunner) with the augment for both. Again, you have to be on the constant move because you only have a three second window to kill everything in your face. To do that, your melee has to be something that can kill multiple stuff at once (my go-to is the Orthos Prime, Telos Boltace; the meta melee for her is the Atterax but I cannot stand the stupid noise it makes so I sold it lol). 


    My primaries are usually Rakta Cernos or Sancti Tigris because of their energy/health procs respectively. But when I wasn't comfortable with "you only have one shot", I was using Soma Prime. My secondary varies, it doesn't matter that much for me. Sonicor is a good "omg need to get everything out of the way" option if you don't feel like using the 1 as a panic button. I play between Zenurik and Naramon as focus schools, but invis is a very good thing to have. So if I go for Zenurik, I have my Prisma Shade or Huras Kubrow on. If Naramon, it's an Adarza  (sometimes Smeeta) for those crits. (Note: I love kubrows and kavats so the ones I've decided to take to endgame have been forma'd at least 4 times).


    Her 1 and 4 are sort of her "panic" buttons because of their reach? Building ariund her 4 is the meta now, but it's boring. Powerful and useful, but boring. I know there's a build around her armor-stripping 1 but I haven't tried or seen it yet, I jst saw someone mention it.


    When you can do high tier survival with her alone, that's when I can say you are pro xD I'm not there yet though.

    I would like to see more of this fan girl thingy. And yes banshee is good but not really teach you for moving when the horde can one shot you. She needs a little bit more survivability but otherwise she is fine.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

    It seems steve is now streaming & playing warframe, we should ask him to do stuff like daily sortie or 5k mutagen sample. Easy for him

    Well until then the game will be dead because of the devs' own mistakes.

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    You know you can quote more than one person in a post right ?


    Yep but not bothering with that. I am simple guy and use simple things.


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