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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. 9 hours ago, Lakais said:

    Gonna take this a bit seriously. 

    No punishment for them. It's a legitimate gameplay style, regardless of how annoying it is to the rest of us. In fact, them having to wait there at extract until the timer runs out or the last guy gets there is enough. Nothing worse for a cocaine bunny then having to sit still for a minute and *gasp* be patient. The horror. 

    Basically, get used to it. Mostly just stop caring. If there's a guy raging in squad chat about people being slow, ignore them. Usually they say "go fast or go solo" when in fact those going fast are more equipped to go solo and thus it should be "go slow or go solo" Practically I suggest you build yourself up so you can solo everything except the special edge cases like Sorties, ESO and Arbitration. That's what I do. I can solo basically everything but I choose to run endless missions as public because it gives the AI other things to shoot at and also lets me mooch off of shared affinity. 

    I am not, nor have I ever been, a fan of the rushing style. I get why it exists. But my mentality just doesn't match up with that style at all. I am in the game to fight, I LOVE to bash into a group of enemies and use melee combos, go Wick with my guns and so on. I want the rewards, but I enjoy the core gameplay just as much, if not more. 

    This is good. Then we are same in mentality.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, FlusteredFerret said:

    Exactly the same argument applies to people like you though.


    Seriously - do you read what you write? Your "time is money" attitude is what makes gaming communities toxic, with so many treating games like a job, where everything has to be done as fast as possible.

    Then you start getting salty with people who have the temerity to play games...FOR FUN...(gasp, shock, horror etc.) and who don't care about hitting targets, speed-grinding, or getting the latest frames / weapons / whatever ASAP (just so they can wave their e-peens and show off how awesome they are).


    I get that different people have different ideas about the concept of fun, but having people raging at you in chat because you're "holding them up & wasting their time" is not what I play games for.



    • Like 7
  3. Speedrunning is a symptom of game design which let players rush the mission. This game is grindy and all what you do is grind so most of the time some peoples tend to rush the game in order to get some fun from other missions but in my mind this is basically skipping the meaning of this game. I can understand this too because the game itself not gives other fun than killing mobs and if you wish to farm some stuff then you need to repeat it because it is the only way to get what you want without pay. 

    I personally a looter type of person so I tend to stay and loot everything from the map so for me that is not problem if need to stay more. The problem on public if you do this and not following the rest then you claimed afker or leecher despite the fact if you far away then impossible to leech money-xp because you are out of the range.

    The best option what you can do is searching for specific groups or ask persons in your game time maybe they share the same idea of playing.


    Sometimes it is better to loot because in alert missions or specific game modes you have better chance to loot and the loot quality become better. Missions whom not gives so much option to loot or earn xp you skip them or do it once then say goodbye. If I have the mood I personally going to replay these missions but nowadays I am just log in log off and play a little time. I have a lot to do outside of warframe now so my gaming time is reduced a bit so I can avoid to be bored.

    So the best is what I said and you search for players with the same mindset. 

    • Like 9
  4. I am a similar type of person because I don't go to societies and not socializing so much. Almost all of my attempt is happens in my job but other than that I just going to home, go play or work on my hobbies-jobs at home or just relaxing-self train myself.

    In games however I like to chat with persons whom want to do. If you ask me in this game mostly some clans and few individuals are capable to socializing the rest just rush and play silently. This happens in most of the gamer communities and your progress is mostly depend on your effort and on the rest whom you want to socialize with.

    So don't worry about that because I know that feeling and basically I am still that kind of guy.

    Also expressing yourself is not a bad thing and if someone replies maybe they are in the same boat so that's not a problem. Try to forget that stereotype if a male/female expressing the feelings is a weakness because it is not.




    @cubic clem - Welcome other lonewolf.

    • Like 9
  5. Dedicated servers would work if they rent 10-20 all over the world and these 10-15 server is able to host at least 10k-15k people at a time. This could be costly but it can highly improve the online at a time playerbase because that means 10-15 k each server and our current active one time playerbase is around 100-150k people if we count the pc+steam+console playerbase. The full active playerbase is probably 20-22 million from 35 million. The good connectivity could mean the game can get receive better critics and reputation because the online experience is much better.

    I do not have problem with the p2p systems but if these not given a good netcode and they build up a game upon these codes then the end result will be lackluster. The host migration and the losing items due this is not really acceptable and no matter if they are poor or rich developers but any company whom willing to make online game should guarantee the basic options for the online experience. They partly achieve this with the p2p model but there is always place for improvements. 

    I do not want to be trash with them and asks how much money they earn from the free to play system but certainly better for money generation than a one time buy or sub fee game which actually needs you to pay for server costs and maintances which inclued the salaries and other expenses.


    I know also that is hard to change now because it needs to redone the whole infrastructure and it expands the developement time to charge for dedicated servers. In the long term maybe it can be profitable or less expensive if they check the regions where there could be servers. Africa and Australia is mostly second or third time options because the African playerbase mostly poor the Australians are less in population than Canada. Despite this I would like to put 1-2 server into Australia, 3-5 in Africa, 5 In Asia includes Japan-Russia (european and asian part), 3 in Europe and the rest in America. This could be costly depend on which server provider do you rent but achievable. At least they can asks some kind of sub fee (optional) and keep the microtransactions and those whom wish to play freely they still can and then those whom pay for server costs will get some extras or just option to play with less lags.


    If I were rich I personally would just drop few million into a 10 year server rent then I can enjoy the game and others too with less or no lags at all. The 5g technology anyway around the corner which means probably these issues could be solved and can drastically reduce the server costs and can increase the stability and performance what we mostly need. 

    • Like 4
  6. When I started I choosed Loki because he was so cool looking and when I first heard about the game and shown in some pc magazine it was advertised with the Loki. He was a bit hard to use at first but I managed to use him well and later on moved to Oberon and I am still Oberon main but I have now a nice arsenal. On my another accs the choice is widely different because I separate all of my accs so I can play different roles. On an other acc I made Excal as first choice but in that time when the super jump was a thing. What a waste ability slot. Also I miss the stamina mods I liked to use marathon on my frames and rush a lot. Times changed and adopted and still have a lot to do.

    Also mag prime is on this topic so hail the mighty mag prime.

    • Like 7
  7. Just now, Muzure said:

    dont they need a buff? sure they do damage, but you will be able to take the dmg because your shields are buffed too
    and a buff shouldnt neccessary mean every mob gets it too, maybe only bosses or rare mobs

    Shields needs changes and buffs I just said they scrapped the shield gating idea because they does not found a way to implement it properly. Same like the weakspots because that meant to be harder to kill enemies but they also figured out from the test an avarege player could spend 5-10 min to kill one single unit. That is in a hordeshooter game is nonsense so they scrapped.


  8. 4 minutes ago, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

    Many options were proposed, like shield gating, which is one of the most popular, but we're still waiting for it to actually happen

    That one was scrapped because they figured out it won't work as intended and also it is a buff to the corpus because those use shields too.


    • Like 1
  9. After the recent changes and updates the cetus and the plains also seems buggy. Before for me not happend any problem but now with a messy rain the fps drop so high for me not sure if anyone else has the same issue. My pc is not bad and I play this game for years and since then I had no problem to run this game and I feel something just not optimized or messed up with some changes.

    Also the ai on coba seems weird and the mobs stuck into every object without trying to go for the defense target. Orb in other hands seems the same and not sure what they do as play test but it should not be too laggy/buggy.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:


    Source? last info I have is [DE]Scott saying they are considering it but don't have good ideas how to implement this to not eff up people

    The only source is what they said in the latest devstream where they talked about it. In the recent 1-2 stream they does not mentionned but I just reflected to the guy above me so he does not need yet ask buffing the stalker because we should see how perform a player stalker. Honestly the AI is the most problematic thing in bosses, sidekick and companions. They need to fix this somehow first and then they can implement this.

    Other hand as I stated on that topic I am not against player stalkers.


  11. 7 minutes ago, EnderCorePL said:

    So, Stalker has pretty much become a meme, which many call "Dread BP dispenser" which is completely opposite to what the Stalker should be. This guy should strike fear at any Tenno doing at least solo missions, it should be a hell of a fight instead of "OOH, FREE EXP OwO" ( Yes, this is how I react ). Here are some of my ideas how to make him a true Tenno hunter and a nightmare of any space ninja;

    - Stalker would be immune to abilities and his attacks would deactivate your abilities.

    - Stalker's level would be attacked player's MR x 5.

    - Stalker would be given some new abilities.

    - Since Stalker is warrior of the Sentient, 2 sentient units would spawn along him.


    I know, this sounds like a massive pain in the ass, but I honestly think this is what the Stalker should be.

    Player Stalker coming soon.

  12. I can understand the ops problems because the game is based on grind but there is a level when you say bye because the game wont become human enough to care the players and their achievements. On the other hand the game can only survive in this shady way because this game is grind based, basically you can drop the game after the introduction because the game cannot give you normal story or interesting characters yet despite the devs try to move on this way too. The whole game is a grindfest and you just grind for the next items and this cycle never ends so you cannot really expect other from this game. This is not a baldurs gate 1-2 where you make your own heroes own class and go on a nice way of story and side quests.


    This game is for pure grind and for pure fun so if you feel the slice and mice enemies is not enough for you then you really must go and never come back. I personally survive this kind of games because I am not a hard grinder  so I can do a lot of stuff. I play multiple games and I like the sandbox nature of this game but it has flaws and this game is needs more new maps, variations, better character progression and some qol changes to become more enjoyable.


    I am here for a long time and still find a lot of stuffs to do or just redo and make experience.


    I personally suggest you to make some break but don't drop the game forever. This game gets new contents and some will easier than other so maybe you can get items if you just not directly try to get a specific item. Also this game is good for making friends and there are a lot of new players whom willing to play with experienced players.

    • Like 2
  13. 1 minute ago, Lanadra said:

    Out of date? It's practically the norm.

    Epic Game Store

    There's more launchers now then ever. We are further away from ''everything in one place'' then we ever were before. Half those launchers above are from publishers whose games used to be on Steam.

    And those just born and born. Yes we are further away from the ideal and most comfortable solution. I personally would like if I buy a game and there will be on my pc without using any of these platforms and before steam it was a normal stuff but in that time also it was hard to get games a little bit before the early 2000's.

    Now we have a lot of options but that is not really user friendly because you need to launch multiple launchers if you want to play a certain game but the easiest always was to run on one platform and play it.

    I have accs on these ones too. I rarely use them and I have no motivation for Uplay , Arc, Origin and sometimes use battlenet and epic and rarely arc but honestly I just want to know my wares in the same place.

  14. 1 minute ago, Lanadra said:

    If Fortnite players want to play Warframe that badly, they will make their way to it even without EGS.

    On the same way as many of us so just make new account on other platform and play it but that is a little bit out to date. I prefer to have all my game on one place and I think a lot of players wants that too. 

  15. 9 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

    At least for the current gamer community, i dont see advantage migrating anytime to Epic Game`s new platform. For younger audience which are starting their life as Gamers and dont have a large or expensive library to tie them to Steam, it might be best for them.

    Personally i dont plan on investing my time on it.

    This wont affect [DE] as Warframe is Free-To-Play.

    Me neither want but I already have multiple accounts on these other platforms too but I am using 99% of the time on the steam. Anyway thankies your idea.

  16. 7 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:

    I may be wrong but I've heard that you have to sign some sort of deal with Epic so you can't offer your game on other platforms...or something like that.  And that would be a major blow to Warframe in the end.
    Further it would cause problems with Tennogen which wouldn't be able to move over as per the contract with Steam.

    It honestly doesn't make sense for DE to move to the EGS, especially this early on.
    Maybe when EGS becomes more embedded and popular...but not for now.

    Not sure about their policy but I am just considered here the prices and this could maybe help to DE to save more money and it could have benefits to move on a cheaper platform but also I don't want to lose the steam version because it is the place where my majority of games lays. 

    Yep on this early time we should not push DE into a move because noone know if Epic can make a strong and more famous competitor to Valve so we will waiting for how the things goes. I personally would love if they can do both versions but thats mean 42% of their money goes into these platforms so in the end they need to decide which is the better for them. The only thing is what on the Valve part is the tennogen but the tennogen can be moved on also the Epic because it is sounds cheaper. 

    Depend on but I don't wish to make a verdict here I am just listening opinions and ideas what could be the best to them. 

  17. 8 minutes ago, trst said:

    Need to see how well it pans out first anyways. It might just stay as a catch-all for Epic's products and mostly indie developers or it might crash and burn.

    Either way it'd come down to whether or not DE believes they'd benefit from being available there as well. Though it could sour DE's relation with Steam as well, especially if Epic succeeds at becoming a proper competitor.

    True because they are now trying to be a great concurence of Valve and we should see how it will end. Maybe they won't be popular if they want exculisivty. 

    Just my idea but DE could also launch an own shop. Would be D'E'(pic).

  18. 12 minutes ago, DarkRuler2500 said:

    Why bother?
    WF is better directly downloaded. Also you will not have the TennoGen there because they are steam-exclusives anyway.

    Yep because warframe basically is a launcher game and I played way before the steam version so the tenno gens are a strong part but what if they can make a cheaper deal with epic? Same skill creation and they can earn more after every creation.

  19. 11 minutes ago, Blade_Wolf_16 said:

    Epic Games is Epic Games. Digital Extremes is Digital Extremes. Keep it that way.


    Besides, using Fortnite's "popularity" to give visibility to the game is just wrong (imho). DE doesn't need to lick EG's clickbait-inducing butt to get make their game popular. 

    Oh, and Warframe is (iirc) among the most popular Free-to-play games on Steam (I think third or something).

    That's true but for those players whom play fortnite some willing to play warframe and if the games are in a same shop then maybe players of fortnite would play warframe instead of keeping multiple accounts. 

    I don't know yet if they clickbaiting or just want to be nice in the first time then say a big F after you went there.

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