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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. Some auras need to be buffed and changed but I think that the CP not as mandatory as others think. I am using steel charge and rejuv mostly but I think auras like rejuv and siphon should be passive ability of the armor Just keep on this level. Siphon need 1 Energy per sec level because outdated. Physique should be more meaningful than It is currently and auras like speed boost and holster speed should be buffed and give the same amount of mod cap than the others because of fairness and dont let mods in the mud. Before all they need to do some balance and buff the older weapons slightly then nerf the enemy armor scaling and equally boost our armor and hp/shield slightly. Then we can Talk about the difficulity levels for newbies and vets.




  2. There is still nothing worthwile to give us as reward for this they should make more content and add into the sorties. The forma built would be rewarding if they give us 5 same with the nitain but 10 that is almost fair shot. The endo is always handy so I am not complain about that but the fact you just run a 30 min survival you can get enough junk mod which itself give you endo if you transform it. Or you just go and collecting ayatan stars and go to maroo and she give you enough too. If they add 5000 endo and max 10000 endo that would be more rewarding because of the level of sorties and the difficulty. They can give sigils, weapons, skins, maybe something between them and etc. 

  3. My opinion about the reworks general is some needs some not needs but which is sad many peoples can't see the game and saclings itself broken and if you touch up any of the frames it could be cheesy or outta crap depend on the current state of the game. The reworks supposed to be make frames better to use and more fun instead of put you extra work to be successful. Yeah those persons whom butt hurt and get everything in game or hardcore player die because of boredom but the majority of playerbase enjoying the things as it is. Peoples cry about rework this rework that because can't stand if something work properly in a broken system in other hand cry if once the devs change something which was broken into useful but I still not seen any really useful reworks however the most of frames needs tweaks on stats and on abilities a little more but the devs keep making "balanced" which means they nerf to the ground stuffs for the call of balance. I played ash before rework and i played now too but not really seems solved any real problems just tried to bandaid something which worked at least. About Saryn I cannot say so much the one button press not fun but 4 button press is still boring. The frames overall need massive stat boosts and the enemy level need a limit where the stats not scaling up to more. Abilities not scaling well so basically you can just waste your mana if you haven't hardcore mod gear up on your frame because of effectiveness. In all level you need to be effective but in higher level you need to be more careful that mean it is a stronger level but if they nerf an ability or make somehow useless then those frames will suck on those levels because their abilities scaling bad. 


    Saryn for example not a fun to use only on lower levels when your spores can infect mobs and you can sit and see how those die. The core problem is there is a crap ai which not makes the enemies interesting to fight and only you need to care the overrun because these are just bulletsponges with better stats. For fun game they need to rework their major systems which not working since they updated the game with new content.

  4. If I need to suggest then the current rooster is fine. I started with Loki back in time and learned to move and avoid beign shot down but It was hard in the first few times. Loki is very mod dependant and his Stats weak so not a Good starter option. I can explain the other frames too now from a beginner perspective. Banshee not good because hard to master and squishy and the new players want more attravtive gameplay. Same with the Trinity because she is a full support and her skills not direct killer abilities. Nyx is better option but her skills a little bit confusing for new players. Ember nope because when she reach lvl 10 the she spam her ulti then others complain on kills. Rhino spam and facetank his foes and peoples can go far with him but he cant teach peoples to play safety instead rush on mobs and go suicide. The other frames are more advanced like Limbo, Hydroid, Oberon Each of them viable in certain missions and levels but these frames need tweaks to be viable in higher levels without the fear of beign oneshotted. This last is up on all frames except Valkyr whom can survive 3-4 of them. So there are great Ideas but They should fix major systems before fixing the beginner tutorials and introduce other frames as beginner.

  5. Instead of this they could balance their broken systems. The warframes, weapons which needs these buffs, and mods which are just junk in the current system. Totally halfbaked and they think this could help the whole game but I think this is just another bandaid. Focus on the major problems of this game once you finish then no or not so often need to touch again and you can use It as a fix point for the future things.


  6. 6 hours ago, Vlada91 said:

    Yes more options,more fun :smile: and they look like they are clones, they are all the same height and the same body type (like doll:laugh: Now they are Ninja-Dolls :crylaugh:

    In many games this is the problem. If there would have been an option (in future may be) to choose adult operator then maybe I finish the second dream because I know that is not much more differ from my headcanon but with these space kids they pissed me off. 




    <------------------------------- Look at the image. I am Oberon.

  7. If you ask me the riven mods an another bandaid solution like the primed and legendary mods. If they really wanted to help the weaker weapons then they look at the feedbacks and buff directly the weaker weapons and mods to be more competent to their op pairs but they instead added these to make salt. Everyone see differently this and there are some uses but the big picture is this. They have big plans but they seemingly hate the easier solutions and directly avoiding the real big subjects. We need instead more teen story and fancy cinematics. It is not a downfall that happend when they decided to come up from the closed beta.

  8. I didn't finished the SD to keep my own lore for myself but I see it can be a losing battle. As an old time player I used to like that state where we can Imagine anything about the tennos and warframes. With these quests They shaped totaloy different the game what supposed to be a mystery. They took the free vision from players who liked the warframes itself without any side notes and clear direction. This is why I personaly ignore it because not really fit for my headcanon this messed lore. Many players left the game because of it and still many like me still playing with his/her headcanon. If the operator could be mutable and totally ignorable as a sidekick or Just a side quest which not add too much for the experience then I would like to try these quests but after the spoilers and knowledge what will happen this is not a ground for me. For me the operator who controlled the ship in dark sectors and the frames will be my personal armors what I wear. For me the gameplay is more important than the aftercreated story.

  9. I don't see why lore breaking this skin for her because the original skin was the tortured skin but without the sign of torture. They created later the gersemi skin and many peoples thought that was the original but if you look closer the tortured and gersemi skin then there is huge differences in almost every part. Now they just created for the original skin a prime variant and my only argue here is why not then they reveal the valkyre original's skin before torture. The gersemi created for cat lovers because they knew peoples wanted it and it was a good sale idea aswell. 

    Other hand do not take it seriously what they say it is lore because they can erase it or create a new one if not fit to their goals. The goal here was to make profit so don't take it seriously try to enjoy your valkybansheee.

  10. If you can use frames nothing is boring just for your playstyle not fit. There are differences and many frame more again many less balanced for the current game but this not mean they are boring just not fit your playstyle. We are not the same so what you call boring is for others maybe fun no matter how shiny that ability and visually how cutting edge is or not. Banshee is not bad frame but a bit out to date and need some qol tweaks for her but overall almost evey frame needs to be balanced to be near to each other.

  11. 22 minutes ago, Wolfdoggie said:

    Because they need to argue with this copyright first before they can use the design they're planning.


    I need to argue with them for this copyright because it resembles my warframe : - Xenis.


    Edit : I doubt after her deny many times they will prime her any time soon. It was her time but they pushed the Valkyre because she is more popular than Banshee. Sad things.

  12. My questions are simplier.

    1. When you guys will take a massive look on those old time weapons and stats on frame and bring them up to date? I know you wanted to do something similar with the riven mods but these are just plain stats and I can't believe such a simple things like buff a weapon stats is so hard. Take your time pls and make more viable the older unused weapons and make full the list (Mean you need to make more dual swords, pangolin, jaw sword, skyla daggers etc) which long times ago awaits their dual or single handed variants.

    2. What do you wish to do with the unused resistance mods? Any chance those mods can be altered and added as warframe passive stat and these mods given their own slots?

    3. There is a plan or option for the tennogen devs to add new frame models and not just skins? I mean those whom want to show their warframe models and concepts with this addition can add a view only non and animated model which can be used as base materials or for new warframes. This could speed up the new warframe creation metholds and again others can write stories for them and make them ready to add into the game.

    4. Any option for a better game engine or you guys will polish your engine more?

  13. This system will burn the last players too. It is a clear answer from DE they are not wish to reduce the grind and balance instead the game just gimme more candy pls.

    The game is not decided yet if it want to be a mindless mob shooter with the great called uniquevity or a skill based tactical shooter where the cover and skills much more important than the mods what do you use.

    Warframes and weapons very dependant from the mod system and the answer more mods and one shot on each side (tenno - enemy) you down. Still the AI lacking and there is no real balance for old time weapons and enemies and not in warframes at all.


    Personally I would like to go on a skill tree based system instead of the current one because that can be limited in boosts and not give significantly great boost to you but you can choose from a lot and decide to boost some of them or every while in this system the slots reduce your options and in return give you the same mindfack boosted krap.


    Only the randomity and the mastery req which was good idea in this but the others are just make 100 thread like this. 

    Welcome to warframe 2016-17.

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