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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. This is not really mastery rank dependant it is personal behavior and how to handle the frustration. No person should be $&*^ here and arguing and beign rude to each other and if you argue with someone you can still be polite and correct. Be nice with each other and grow a tolerance meter to sense the realism around you. 

  2. 1 minute ago, KaeseSchnitte said:

    Or she could've deliberately insulted you on stage during an event which is meant to generate more publicity and thus more players... yeah sure.

    So you really are dead set on telling us that Rebecca really thinks we are all just losers? Why are you even here?

    Just though sharing an opinion. And I never insulted her or the devs they afraid because of mad persons whom sent letters to them. In this business it is common sadly because a lot of peoples cannot handle their emotions.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Airyllish said:

    The business model for this game is classified as "Pay to Skip" and Warframe wasn't the first, nor will it be the last. 

    You can get back on your high horse and ride out on the road you came in on if you are so aghast at basic business practises. We aren't stopping you and you clearly know where the door is, since you try so hard to point everybody else to it.

    After you.

    Leaving a game Just for a bad business model is pretty foolish. Your advice just bad and you not really get what I Wanted to say with my opinion

  4. Just now, KaeseSchnitte said:

    Let's put it this way: They sent Rebecca because she is the one with the most experience in talking in front of a crowd of strangers. If she is so nervous, then anyone else at the company would have been even more nervous.

    There could be someone whom not so nervous and could tell that without fear.

  5. 2 minutes ago, ArturiaFayth said:

    It would be the same with other companies and families, although families are usually a lot less annoying with those things.

    A family member would just tell you not to say those things again to their face  if they don't want to get problems with it. A company however, those usually deal the more annoying lectures as any negative publicity has the potential to lower sales and thereby lowering their income.

    Pretty much this.

  6. 3 minutes ago, KaeseSchnitte said:


    Not to mention that if they'd really only care for your money, they could follow the example of this guy. There are plenty of other ways to make more money easier, if that is all you care about.

    But not everybody know the same ways. They are devs their job to make a game their bosses care for the monetary part.


  7. 3 minutes ago, Berserkerkitten said:

    I don't like it when Free2Play games pretend their amount of registered accounts actually represent active, individual users. But heyho, she almost said losers instead of users, big deal. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

    In this term there is out a tons of game which more active. There is a lot of inactuve account. The real news which matter how many of us still playing. There are rough numbers.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Airyllish said:

    You... you don't seriously believe you're the only human being playing Warframe that understands the concept of "Warframe is a business and needs to make profit to continue to function" do you?

    Cause I hate to tell you, Moses, but you aren't the first prophet.

    The business model for this game is bad but viable because players like you feed It. Moses.

  9. She was right with the word L loser because we all are losers whom playing a moneygrab game. See I know the majority of players no have sense like this but the reality is they love our wallet as other developers do. They made this game for players whom like the futuristic games but they are clever enough to put It as free to play game instead the once you buy the playing right is yours. That not enough profitable while in the term of free to play they can get a whole lot money and instead of making what players ask just in few vital part they spend their time zo keep our Money in. Funny part Peoples Think they are different developers and the best out there and these peoples throwing at them the money like a social insurancy. See there are good devs and bad but DE is not special. They make bad decisions and good both but mostly so so decisions and they care for the money so they make the game more acceptable just to keep us pay for It. If they just sold once the game then okay there is no Real servers to keep It up because this current network experience is bad and not a mmo esque which needs so much money to keep online. They could be happy because they have many loyal and content Player whom paying so much to them. Peoples never learn what the ftp really means and throw out a lot of cash.


  10. They ruined their orders and they do popularity and monetary orders that is why they skipping Banshee all the time. Hopefully Banshee will be the next but I am sure they can change their mindset any time and skip this frame as long as they wish. Nova and Valkyr more popular that is a strong reason why they primed before Banshee. DE Money policy.

  11. This is already bad if you just enjoy the game only for the rewards and not for the game itself. There are greater problems what I thought. Sure good rewards and variety of rewards needed but without the rewards the game itself need to be fun otherwise there is no reason to play the game. The problem is the devs created a game which is not fun only fun when you get the highest gear and rewards and all the shinies. Instead of this concept they should have make a game which itself can be fun enough but sadly wf cannot reach this and just artifically expand the pain to get everything and play fun. Timewalls grindwalls and almost broken everything so there is no real reason to play a game like this. I am hooked because the design and the simply fact I can kill and play different styles. The devs avoid all real Solutions and clearly just care for the cashgrab.

  12. Funny argument by the op. A 0.50 cent worth syandara both cost 1 at max and peoples should buy the full pack no matter they own the frames already? Sorry but this is a bullcrap. The majority of peoples want better handle their economy and manage their money. We are talking about a free to play game and if someone want just a part if anything then why so hard separate It and just buy what you want? Prideish idiotism and cash grab its finest.

  13. 1 minute ago, ViS4GE said:

    They didn't want to fix anything, they wanted to introduce system that will be active for months to come and keep game alive.

    True but if they solve problems too that overall could icrease the lifespan of the game and maybe the new players will not rage after few day of playing. There is a tons of halfbaked content with lot of potential which can itself extend the game but they never really finish nothing.

  14. this is just a lottery and a bandaid which actually make them profit because encourage the platinum sales. Not worth the time and often causes pain and salt. If they wanted really fix the old weapons and mods then they would have take their time and buff them.

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