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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. Almost all aura could be. A lot of auras are just for mod cap point others just for annoy us. Why I should choose a speed holster instead a steel charge when the SC gives me 60% melee bonus and 18 mod cap point overall after maxed? Nothnig. Those auras need some buff or better choice to use them because I am sure those stuffs could be useful in the focused buffs. Like phyisique aura could be give the same amount of mod cap like SC and when maxed +50% hp which is considerable to use if you not want vitality or vigor if you want to put into your frame something other. Speed boost mods like the aura should be buffed or merge into stamina mods because without it nobody will use them only if the peoples have more free slots.


    Same with sure shot and rifle amptitude mods. Why I should put them if those stuffs gives just max 15% status? Not base status which would be more sense or give plus 100-150% status which just doubles my status on a low status weapon.


    Age of quality could be to revisit the auras/mods/slots already.

  2. The auction house would ruin the mod trading because the prices will determined only platinum. On auction house so much people will play baiting game and sell stuffs for cheap to take stuffs from market then others will sell their high priced stuffs. Peoples will liciting the lower prices and then the market will be fked up.

  3. -Dark sword - a little more attack speed and status.

    -Ether Sword - more critical and status (+10/15%)

    -Heat Sword - fire proc on normal attacks

    -Jaw Sword - (dual counterpair)

    -Mire  - Slightly more slash damage to 30.2 from (24.5) and 10 toxic damage.

    -Pangolin Sword - more status and critical + attack speed.

    -Plasma Sword - more attack speed (really slow) (0.667) up to 0.9 and at least 30-50% status. (included the mod upgrade also)

    -Dark Dagger - more speed and status. - would be good a dual variant

    -Heat Dagger - more speed and status - would be good a dual variant

    -Dual Ether - more status from 10% to 25-30%

    -Dual Heat Swords - more attack speed + status + a mionor (5-8) fire damage proc. (not only jump attacks)

    -Dual Kama - maybe more critical and speed 

    -Kama - maybe more critical and speed


    All daggers need a little bit more speed because their strength is the speed/finishing.

  4. Good points what you OP said. Yep the game is getting worser but this game was a bad idea from the earliest time, when they added some useless mods and then they decided not to touch them, so everyone use the same rainbow mods. They make so much mistakes and they doesn't learn enough from these critics.


    Somehow they need change their direction and do a veeery huge visit in their systems because a lot of rage threads coming and veteran and long timer casuals will leave the game if they not try to kick their game in the right direction. I will play with this game when i have mood I never will stop it maybe but there is a lot of games what charming me and new games coming always.


    Killing Floor 2 is a good point, Bannerlord 2 (if they release it someday) would be nice and there is the No Man's sky so there are a lot of choice. My pc refreshing soon happen and then I am ready for the new stuffs and works again.


    With all my power.

  5. Chroma is one of the frames which can survive with a decent build. He can be used tank, supporter and you can do some role with him. Have 2 nice utility ability and 2 damage and cc ability. Useful frame.

  6. If they get an exclusive warframe my bet the chroma was too this is just come then from the fact they signed a pact with perfect world enterntainment so they have some right now to claim.


    They give the money so they can say what their community wish to see in game. Business is business.


    PS: If the information is right and you can justify this is going to be.

  7. If I were rich guy I could pay for dedicated servers. Other way we can crowdfund the dedicated server again another way who want lagless game then pay for a small subfee. I am not against to paying if I given chance to play one day normal this game without laggs. My pc is very good for this game and my net connection also and everything portforwarded which needs to play any online game but this pearl always want ruining my progression.


    TlDr: Less talking, more raiding!

  8. Personaly I think it's not wrong because you have a lot of work with multiple accounts. The time factor what you spend to levelling up your accounts and money factor which is not able to you to increase your account moneys. You have normally 1 card if you have 2 or some this mean the same it's your money and your time so totally useless punish peoples for it because they punish theirself with multiple accounts.

    This is not a web browser game where you collect materials and trade to your main account them. You haven't any advantage for keeping more just you spend more time with it.


    Simple as that.

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