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  1. Exactly like with all the buffs and indirect buffs he received they all benefit avalanche more than the rest of his kit, leaving freeze and ice wave behind and even Pablo said he’s no longer making frames with single target first abilities like fireball and freeze. In this day and age he’s just an ult bot I still love him and will continue to main him it’s just I would like have more situations where it’s beneficial to use freeze and ice wave. Also I didn’t bring up snow globe because it’s fine imo.
  2. DE really thought they did something when they added champions blessing like thanks for giving her ANOTHER low duration to manage. 😋
  3. I can definitely confirm it still stands I can actually hit enemies on higher elevation than me and I can hit enemies behind small cover, and it hits enemies through doorways but it still occasionally misses enemies directly in front of ember.
  4. i might not main protea but Shes my third most played and I personally enjoy the augment because i go high range and duration and normal str builds and grenade fan is really good at doing the stripping but the duration on temporal anchor is so bad sometimes you don't even have enough time to reposition for the implosion so all the damage stored gets wasted I just want the augment to give temporal anchor additional 100% duration but that's just me
  5. trinity casting blessing will give trinity and allies in range movement speed depending on the number of shields and health restored up to a cap of 40% not affected by mods.
  6. Currently grendel has a bug where he can eat the gas clouds that torid produces. Also, the gas clouds out right damage and kill you I will provide proof. https://photos.onedrive.com/photo/F223A6C494258A0B!1132?view=all
  7. I personally have no troubles with immolation and its DR I play a high efficiency ember and if youre struggling to keep your meter high then you need to spamming inferno a lot more often. right after casting fireblast my immolation meter instantly fills up because im using inferno with exothermic along with nourish replacing fireball to keep up energy which allows me to spam inferno on mass groups of enemies therefore my meter fills up insanely fast. im basically saying cast inferno more often
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