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  1. I think right now it kinda works in our favor since with all these folks paying to essentially “skip the line(the wait)” since DE is cleaning up bugs and if for every 3 out of 10 people who do it(just an example and my own personal opinion folks) say those 3 people experience a bug that gives DE another thing to correct which will strengthen the platform hopefully. Y’all see where I’m going with it????
  2. At this rate my personally thoughts is that DE might let everybody else in last minute (which I highly doubt but hey anything is possible) or anybody who doesn’t want to spend $50 to get access right now is going to wait it out. I would really be heated if I spent $50 right now just for them to turn around in a few hours like “hey guys you know we got y’all here y’all go” which I still highly doubt 🤣🤣💀💀 companies don’t be caring fr about the customer 🥲
  3. Exactly we’ve seen it before it’s just very impulsive choice at the same time it’s a rational one because a lot of people have been waiting a long time for this. I rather wait it out just so I can save my $50 for something else or better maybe
  4. Didn’t somebody in this forum specifically just buy prime access and literally minutes later got access and merged accounts???
  5. And that’s the BIG F*********** PROBLEM that’s outrageous asf
  6. You definitely wanna read other peoples comments in different forums. As I understand it yes you can do that and it seems to be successful
  7. Ima be honest with you I don’t wanna wait at the same time I’m not trynna burn $50 unless it’s under the Christmas tree then I’ll burn that 🤣🤣💀. I definitely feel you fa sho we shouldn’t throwing a fit but man we done waited so long bro folks can’t help but to throw a fit cause wtf 😭😭. I’m tight about the situation however I know it’s coming in due time
  8. You know you ain’t 💩 right 🤣🤣🤣😹😹😹lol nah I’m playin with ya though you enjoy that while the rest of wait 💀💀💀 cause y’all burning that $50 faster than a MF
  9. LMAO 😹😹😹🤣🤣💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 you a funny one that was good I like that
  10. And what tf happened?.???👀👀👀 this a lil ridiculous for DE to basically allow anyone who pays for prime access to jump the line bro wtf. And when the drip gate opens for console nobody’s inventory should be missing a damn thing iron out all them bugs
  11. I ain’t gone lie, I’m tight ASF 🫠🫠 I get it things take time. Like plankton said “I CANT TAKE IT NO LONGER I NEED TO BE BIG”
  12. The lich trophies I have acquired before DE decided they wanted to add extra steps to the process *hard ass eye roll*. I was hunting a new lich every 2-3 days for like a few months straight so I definitely concerned for mine and everybody else’s liches those things aren’t all that hard at the same time nobody wants to spend all that time grinding again especially the emphermas (I don’t know how to spell the word exact but y’all know the lil elemental auras around the liches) I don’t care for them in my hunts but others do so it’s still important nonetheless.
  13. Thank you for the feedback and clarification I appreciate you greatly you’ve done an amazing work here champ
  14. I know you’ve read it a lot and you finna read it again thank you so much for sharing the REAL MF INFO WE NEEDED ANSWERS TO lmao. Ima just give you my scenario. PSN account is MR17( primary once I get access) and since DE decided to bless us with cross platform save I’ll be on the Series S with a brand new account which is of course the one getting linked or merged. My concern is that if I merge/link my account that everything may not transfer as it’s supposed to especially since my XBS account was made after Nov. 24th so I’m hoping I’m still in the clear to link my accounts at the least. Any clarification or feedback would help a great deal
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