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Everything posted by Aruquae

  1. The quote in question @SneakyErvin And now that I’ve answered your questions, you can answer mine. Why are you against this, if the solution is simply the advice everyone has been giving to those who complained about CC? “Just shoot them, use your weapon. You can always use your damage abilities on enemies that aren’t Eximus. Just destroy the overguard, then it will work.”
  2. Mmm true true, guess deep down I do Yes, make it less targeting towards CC. Shouldn’t be a problem, the ones who use dps frames can take the advice they’ve been giving to those who use CC frames Compared to CC frames, you barely notice the change. Ahhhh well I said “damage abilities,” which nukers are known for having. Seemed fitting, I would think nukers would have damage abilities. The term “DPS frames” was also mentioned (such as Kullervo). Equinox works too, Saryn, Octavia. When I’m in a mission with Equinox (or when I use her), she will nuke everything indiscriminately, she does not give a poop about Eximus, same with Saryn and Octavia. This could actually make Octavia more engaging considering she’ll now have to focus on Eximus instead of them just… dying. Lavos and Dante also destroy Eximus without even noticing. Yes, I’ll even throw in my beloved Garuda, her period ball will also demolish any Eximus without a second. No DPS frame will ever even think about Eximus, which completely takes away the purpose of Eximus being a “priority.” Yes actually, pretty much. I did make a suggestion with them being immune to all abilities, but I figured we’ll deal with that after they’re immune to damage abilities. Tune in for more Yes, notice how the end result for all of them (if this was implemented) is the same. We use our weapons to target them, you would stop all CC, and dps abilities… to take out your weapon… and kill them. Making the Eximus the “priorities” they were supposed to be. You don’t get it? I’ll answer this in one sentence The difference between all of that and CC, is that one just can’t work. I’ll pull up a quote for ya
  3. Instead of fixing black, I think they should keep the black energy (to actually give you a black energy option), then grant us another option that would actually remove the visual effects (a toggle). A win win, so long as they don’t keep it like it’s current version
  4. Yes, if you bought tennogen after the merge, then you have to rebuy it on PC and vice versa.
  5. Hmmm last I checked there were complaints about “slow Ult, only one viable build, mandatory mods, slow animations,” her first two abilities deciding when they wanted to target an enemy, and a shield that didn’t shield. Are you referring to her passive? If so, then it’s subject to opinion. Of course, you could pull a me and still run her on 2hp for the fun of it.
  6. Bro, they actually merged your threads… Sneaky Both threads weren’t even that similar outside of both being about Dante Bruuuuuuuh
  7. Hmmm, I doubt they’re going to revert it completely Pretty sure it’ll be some “compensation buffs” if anything, but I’m pretty sure they won’t even do that. They were talking about fixing LoS, which is great, but they never mentioned anything towards Dante specifically. My guess is they’ll fix LoS and call it a day. On the plus side… some frames will be fixed outside of Dante
  8. Could be explained by a cloaking tech Or one of those gadgets that grow in size and shrink when transforming idk I want to be able to stick my arm into a console to hack or perform finishers. Go full Revenant (let’s see if anyone got that reference).
  9. PVE sounds fine, but I think they would have to fix PVP before implementing more features for PVP Currently they don’t know what to do with it
  10. Probably going to have to extend slash to true damage if that was the case. Slash procs are only there for the true damage, so if they dial down on slash, true damage wouldn’t be affected (as shown by murmur faction).
  11. Agreed, you would think DE would have better options than nuking if they’re against it, but it seems not. It’s like they only want room nuking with how they treat CC.
  12. Oh you’re new? You get used to the sheer amount of people complaining about certain nerfs I actually found Dante’s nerf to be better than some… other frame nerfs. Especially the LoS, it’s one of those “good idea on paper, but awful execution,” examples. Sure LoS could work, but they neglected the fact that LoShas always been broken, pretty much butchering the ability as a whole. Overguard nerfs? Nerfed the cap, but buffed the regen. It’s basically old topaz shards but with overguard (ahhh yes, now that was a terrible nerf).
  13. Hmmm we got Gyre too, who requires shock in order to get some basics form of crowd control before nuking (as in SP she needs to armor strip). A previous Yareli playstyle I mentioned that uses max range/efficiency and strength as a dump stat. Might sound odd, but it actually works (still viable even though it was before Yareli buffs). Nova can also suffer, but not as much considering she’s got some form of tanking. Nyx also suffers a bit if she’s being singled out, but it’s manageable. Some other frames I haven’t mentioned also run CC, but it’s not that noticeable. Certain abilities as mentioned above It’s less on the CC frames suffering from overguard (as you can “just shoot them”), and more so on nukers basically playing against Eximus as if they weren’t reworked. (Prebuffed Eximus so to say)
  14. Agreed, not everyone has the time for steel path endurance (or just simply doesn’t care to do it)
  15. Gotva? You can try it. Put load of crit on status chance, so decent status+good crit and multishot would be a great combo with the augment It’s a fixed chance of giving you orange crits (at base) whenever the shot (bullet) procs a status
  16. …I realize we’re arguing about something that isn’t the post. Our opinions on whether or not CC frames can function with Eximus would be besides the point of the post. Related yes, but not the topic at hand. You seem to think I want the overguard to change to compliment CC, but I don’t I am fine with how overguard is. I just find it too targeted towards CC. When overguard was first implemented, the Devs stated it was to make Eximus “more of a priority, compared to regular units.” And that’s what they are to CC frames. My post is to highlight Eximus overguard also making them immune to damage abilities, to make them more of a priority for dps nukers. So, now that you know what I’m talking about in this post, what do you think? Yay or nay?
  17. Woah, that’s a pretty fun and unique build Going to have to nerf that now, do not resist Jokes aside Yea I struggled with that too Just did two casting speed shards and 3 health regen shards, that paired with high strength for swift bite (in place of your efficiency) and it’s golden. Ever try the plague build for Lavos? Full duration and watch the world burn (quite literally)
  18. This entire post confused me, but I am glad someone saved you from your corrupted mindset Ha Ha Get it? Cause this post is about corrupted mods?
  19. Looks like your graphics drive was having a bad day Of course, the game could just be corrupted… hard to tell with Bugframe
  20. The amount of times I’m stuck soloing an interception… jumping around point to point just because an EXIMUS IS CONSTANTLY RINGING THE ALARM… is embarrassingly high Gpod point, I completely forgot interceptions exist (maybe my brain covered up the trauma)
  21. Great I’m like 5 years behind In that case I completely agree, they should return. Maybe return as a large sum of nightwave creds? I know some old nightwave rewards were in the cred offerings Also, STOP CHANGING CRED TO FRED SPELL CHECK
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