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Everything posted by Aruquae

  1. I love the reload sound the Tenet Cycron makes And the primary fire sounds like a high tech alien taking a piss
  2. Limbo and his rift gimmick I love the ability to shift through different planes See what I did there? Shift? Because dodge on keyboard is the shift key? Get it? Get it? I’m funny
  3. Mmmmm, ngl that’s a great idea Thinking of doing that too
  4. Ahhh but that's the thing Notice all the new content slowly removing CC with the more overguard units they add? Most noticeably since Whispers? If not it's fine. It's painful going into the new gamemodes with Limbo (but i'm a masochist, so that's why I do it), but of course.. probably just Limbo. You really start to nice how insignificant your CC is the higher the level (no, not talking about level cap). You also described everything new... along with everything a player can do depending on their power. (And at my statge, this level is the norm/also, not including level cap) The challenges for CC frames exist there... which means they will keep on existing in the newer patches. Steel Path gives a challenge while respecting CC (as there are a lot of eximus, but that's fine because there are a lot of normal mobs), but then the newer modes just decide to give everyone CC immunity... how the heck am I supposed to counter a direct counter? Not play the frame? Then what is the point of using the point the frame if I can't CC them... It's just me ranting at this point. I know i'm in the minority But that's the thing, normal steel path, (and things like that) is the breaking point in my eyes. Everything trivializes normal star chart, and all of the good items are in higher levels like Steel Path. It really wouldn't be a fair comparison (again, in my eyes)
  5. Worth noting Garuda's fourth is also LoS bugged... please DE... if you could save me from this... that would be great I'll keep on coping...
  6. Hope this gets fixed This bug, along with the other bug of your melee activating auto melee when you’re just clicking it, makes melee so very janky.
  7. Think of it this way… low range at base… and now it’s even lower Goodness he’s going to have to find a tightly packed group! Or he’s just going to build for max range in order for it to spread to any distance… which is absurd considering other frames can do the same thing at base range (damage at that range that is).
  8. Cool joke fellow tenno Now try playing that “idle game” in steel path. Just watch how fast that overguard gets shredded Baruuk and Octavia have been standing still for so long you forgot they existed
  9. Fluffy garlic bread maybe? Maybe even paired with pasta/meat sauce or Alfredo? Just an idea
  10. True, but then… what’s the point of me picking a CC frame? Wouldn’t it be to CC them…? I understand how Eximus are rare (well, not really… just rarer than normal mobs), so it wouldn’t be a problem. But for modes like the new deep Archimedean (where everyone now has overguard), and Eximus stronghold, is it fair for frames that can CC to just not be able to use their full kit? Does my post make sense? I think I lost myself there (hard to explain what seems so obvious to yourself, you know?)
  11. Beautiful A well deserved commemoration. It’s nice knowing there are still players like that out there
  12. I’ve returned with my wishlist I want Jade to be the frame that actually utilizes her HP for offensive utility (just Hildryn but HP). Could also have a channeling ability that drains constant HP,then maybe grants some HP on kill. Or even a lifesteal feature while she’s constantly in a state of draining HP Instead of energy she would use HP… I can dream
  13. Happens, it’s quite annoying Hopefully the Devs see this post
  14. Ahhh I see All roads of Gyre leads to pillage
  15. I wonder, how does your friend use Gyre to survive? I use a mixture of shield tanking, CC, and killing things before it kills me.
  16. There’s still time to change them to “ThatRandomTenno” Quick, we must keep the commemoration, they’ll still get pinged if on the forums (as you pinged them originally) If you really wanted to thank them, you can always private dm
  17. Might want to put this into the bug reports for Dante unbound You’re currently in the feedback section (which it is feedback, but there’s a dedicated subforum for bugs)
  18. Seems fair, but worth noting they made operators more geared towards utility and less towards damage They should definitely buff the amp so I can actually use it for what it was made for (dealing with overguard)
  19. I think it’s because one is intended, while the other wasn’t One was also seen as a crutch for all frames, while this is only a part of survival for a few frames. It also encourages big pool numbers of overguard as opposed to miniscule amount of shields
  20. But did you merge your accounts after that window? If so, then that’s the outcome
  21. It makes no sense… When growing up your voice changes, how do we (as the Tenno) have the exact same voice as when they were a deranged child?
  22. Nah, Dante wasn’t dead on arrival They just murdered him shortly after being born
  23. They’re going to fix LoS bug on “other frames” This is the best time to fix it… if not… then we’re screwed
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