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Everything posted by (PSN)Joylesstuna

  1. She makes the enemies attack each other does that count?
  2. So is iron skin straight up worse right now or is it's defense still the same but just looks like overguard now? Kinda a dumb question sorry I'm just confused if overguard has different damage reduction values.
  3. You aren't even addressing what I'm talking about. Clearly you just cope and troll.
  4. If a frame has one bad ability that's ok but that's not the case with frost. I also don't think he needs an entire rework and it's unfortunately obvious DE isn't focusing on fixing up frames.
  5. A. I'm not talking about you staying alive I'm talking about frosts bubble not breaking from enemies. Also you have a khora defending the objective that isn't showing anything relating to frost. But hey I'll try some more with him. B. I don't do level cap not sure where you get that idea.
  6. No, I want it to work on base sp objective missions, which it does not. Your coping is kinda funny though. It's fine you like frost but when you argue with everyone who knows he needs work, you kinda lose your legs.
  7. Don't worry I'm not suggesting you are. She just isn't very popular but just wanted people to know she isn't in the same situation as Inaros or hydroid.
  8. Oberon is close to being a great frame and your suggestions sound fair and valid.
  9. Why does it still get demolished in seconds in sp then? It isn't a great defense ability unfortunately on sp.
  10. I know I'm in the minority but I absolutely love nyx and she is my favorite frame. Her 2 and 3 are extremely good and her 4th isn't near as bad as some think. Being invincible (the augment is unfortunately required) should have drawbacks unlike revenant and ops suggestions sound fair. That said, it is definitely obsolete compared to other abilities and her 1 is straight up awful.
  11. I wasn't shaming anyone until they did. Learn to read. I was debating the usefulness of psf. If someone starts their argument shaming others it's fair game.
  12. Shaming people for using AOE weapons doesn't make you right. Maybe you should go count how many primaries are AOE have an aoe fire mode. You must love to do things like farming in the slowest, most inefficient way
  13. It's not a waste of slot because it goes in the exilus slot. You know the one where you don't have to replace something important in a build.......
  14. Great an excuse for predatory game mechanics. This is why the gaming industry is in an awful state.
  15. All the benefits you mentioned comes from mostly one ability, his 4th. Unfortunately his other abilities are pretty bad. We want improvements for him because he can be a great frame. Great you like him and think he's fine but unfortunately you are in the minority. Also stating half of his abilities are not good is the opposite of being fine.
  16. I don't exclusively use em but in a horde shooter, it's a good idea. Especially when DE pushes you towards em.
  17. This is absolutely bs. There are so many ways of knockdown and you will not see them all coming. A counter to a game mechanic is not a crutch. Keep gate keeping psf. Then you must not be playing on steel path.
  18. But then you are stuck with a focus school you don't want to use in some cases simply because a player cannot get psf. There is no comparison to psf when it comes to it not interfering with a build. It is an extremely important mod and down playing that will only keep DE from letting others get it. Psf is an incredibly important mod.
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